TN TN - Kathy Jones, 12, Nashville, 29 Nov 1969 #1

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I forgot to mention...

Immediately after Kathy was found, the police interviewed and even polygraphed Checker Cab drivers. The current POI was a cab driver.

This is in addition to Edward Warner Adcox who drove the rollerdrome bus. They put him in the cell with a "known felon" (arrested on fake charges) and he described to the "known felon" how he killed Kathy.

I take from this, the police believe that someone must've offered Kathy a ride. It would have to be someone she trusted since she was not known to hitchhike. Obviously, her trust was misplaced, but I think (just guessing) from the people they were known to have questioned for that this may be their line of thinking at the time.
In case someone is reading who knows something about what happened to Kathy Jones, please call:

Nashville Police Department's Crime Stoppers Division anonymously at (615) 74-CRIME [742-7463].

This includes if you know Kathy was at the Krispy Kreme or at the All Weather Rollerdrome on November 29, 1969. Or if you know where Kathy was seen walking or if she got into any type of vehicle. Even the smallest detail might be all the police need. My friend's murder case went to trial because an eyewitness saw someone driving her car. The police had everything else needed and now the murderer is in prison! The same thing could happen for Kathy.. justice.


I have to go a little while. Thank you so much for reading the thread!

And thank you very much to the people who have responded and given me many good ideas on how to help solve this case.
December - I live in Nashville and have never heard of this case. I am more than willing to help in any way that I can if there is something that needs to be physically done here. Please feel free to PM me for anything. I am the mother of 5 daughters and a crime victim's advocate. I would love nothing more than to see this crime solved!
Hi, I've popped in a few times and haven't seen any new posts. But, I see more people are reading. I really appreciate it.

I want Kathy's story to be known. I don't want to sensationalize it and I certainly do not want any attention for myself. I just want people to realize the crime is still unsolved. The police are still trying to solve it, and if anyone has any information that can help it is important to let someone know about it.

I believe Kathy was taken very quickly. Probably in her neighborhood before she got to either the Rollerdrome or Krispy Kreme. However, the Rollerdrome was in a huge building, so it is possible she made it there and was taken from it. (speculation)

I thought at first it was possible she was taken at the Krispy Kreme, but I have been in that store and it is really too small and too well lit for something like that to take place inside of it and no one notice. Not only that, there were large windows. So, anyone outside could see in which doubles the witnesses at least. So, I don't think she was taken at the Krispy Kreme although maybe she was near it when this took place. (speculation)

But, I believe it was very quickly done by someone who had a plan and perhaps had done exactly that before. So, even if there were witnesses it would be hard for them to discern what they were actually seeing. (speculation)

I also think Kathy was taken to a house probably nearby. Not in her neighborhood because those houses are too close together. But, maybe one of the older houses closer to downtown that were maybe in disrepair... A place not fully rented. But, there were enough people around that they needed to keep Kathy somewhat quiet which is why they stuffed her sock down her throat. (Although I have found there are several murderers who prefer to kill by suffocation, so she may have run into one of those.) (speculation)

Then, after she died, they may not have been done with her because they did not leave her body on the lot on Grandview until the next day. However, it is possible that these dates all have some significance to the murderer. (speculation... horrible speculaton, I'm sorry)

The Nashville police seem to be looking for one murderer. I theorize it was more than one. I could be wrong about that, of course. (speculation)

Although I have wondered if maybe Kathy died before she was supposed to. Maybe gasping for breath, she sucked the sock further down her throat than they meant for it to go and suffocated. The reason I speculate about this is the sock was cut in half. (speculation, horrible again, sorry..)
December - I live in Nashville and have never heard of this case. I am more than willing to help in any way that I can if there is something that needs to be physically done here. Please feel free to PM me for anything. I am the mother of 5 daughters and a crime victim's advocate. I would love nothing more than to see this crime solved!

Norest4thewicked, thank you so very much.

I am not surprised you never heard about the crime. The media just dropped it for whatever reason. Maybe they just couldn't find an angle on it.

However, I believe they did cover it back in 1969 from what people have said. I don't have these articles (for the most part).

There were some other disturbing murders and kidnappings of little girls during the late 60s in Nashville. Maybe that is why Kathy's case kind of got dropped... nothing new was happening and they were used to waiting for the next case to come along.

I am sincerely thankful for your offer.

Norest4thewicked, thank you so very much.

I am not surprised you never heard about the crime. The media just dropped it for whatever reason. Maybe they just couldn't find an angle on it.

However, I believe they did cover it back in 1969 from what people have said. I don't have these articles (for the most part).

There were some other disturbing murders and kidnappings of little girls during the late 60s in Nashville. Maybe that is why Kathy's case kind of got dropped... nothing new was happening and they were used to waiting for the next case to come along.

I am sincerely thankful for your offer.


The other murdered children in nashville during that timeframe, were there similarities to Kathy's murder? Did they have a similar "signature?" Did any LE ever develop a profile on the her murderer? He hated, he beat, rage. So much violence. Most likely someone who grew up abused themselves. Who was known in that area who fit the profile of an adult who had been severely abused as a child? Who was known for harming and mutilating animals?
Who had possibly harmed or raped their own siblings? Who preyed and beat up smaller and weaker things, with great violence?

There are always predictors. Someone knows. And someone is guilty for not speaking up. And here's a chance for them to speak up and relieve themselves of rhat burden. Even after all these years....
The other murdered children in nashville during that timeframe, were there similarities to Kathy's murder? Did they have a similar "signature?" Did any LE ever develop a profile on the her murderer? He hated, he beat, rage. So much violence. Most likely someone who grew up abused themselves. Who was known in that area who fit the profile of an adult who had been severely abused as a child? Who was known for harming and mutilating animals?
Who had possibly harmed or raped their own siblings? Who preyed and beat up smaller and weaker things, with great violence?

There are always predictors. Someone knows. And someone is guilty for not speaking up. And here's a chance for them to speak up and relieve themselves of rhat burden. Even after all these years....

I do not know of any like Kathy's. The police then and later said Kathy's murder was the worst child murder they'd ever seen.

Other girls were murdered, but none so violently as Kathy. It is possible that there were girls who were never found. Maybe that is why Kathy was left somewhere she was sure to be found before very long. And it was even on a street called "Grandview Avenue".

But, it might be that the murder did a few prior murders that were less violent. then he did Kathy's murder. Unless he immediately dropped dead afterwards, I guess he had to have left the area or the police would have a whole string of these vicious murders.

However, with it being Thanksgiving weekend, it is also possible that someone new blew into town and did this horrific crime. Maybe he had a local accomplice, but his portion of the crime was much more violent than the local's.

And, I agree, someone somewhere knows a person who did sick, twisted things. They may have told themselves that the person did not hurt humans or whatever else. Or maybe they just fearfully avoided the person and tried not to think about what he might be doing.

I will add to my questions to Mr. Postilgione...

Was a profile of developed for the murderer of Kathy? Then? Later?

As for the exact area... Woodbine was formed when a group of houses were built following WWII. There had been houses there, of course. But, the a new neighborhood had been introduced in the mid 40s and expanded as time went on so a person from a house that was already there might feel resentful of this "new" subdivision. (Speculation)
Hi December. I live in Nashville (40 min from) as well, and I had never heard of this murder either. Praying for closure for you and the rest of the family.

I'm with you...I wonder if after all of this time DNA could be collected from an exhumation. Semen, blood, saliva etc... I have no idea. Seems like something would have been on the clothes too.

Such a sad case. Not only a child losing her life so violently and painfully, but that the ones that loved her died without ever knowing who did it or being able to see justice served.

Hi December. I live in Nashville (40 min from) as well, and I had never heard of this murder either. Praying for closure for you and the rest of the family.

I'm with you...I wonder if after all of this time DNA could be collected from an exhumation. Semen, blood, saliva etc... I have no idea. Seems like something would have been on the clothes too.

Such a sad case. Not only a child losing her life so violently and painfully, but that the ones that loved her died without ever knowing who did it or being able to see justice served.


Renee110, thank you for your kind post.

I am hoping all of the items left with Kathy were preserved by the police. They've indicated that DNA might help solve the case, so they must have something. I'm just not sure why it's taking so long...
I just found an article, Pat Postilgione retired a few months ago. So, I have to find out who is in charge of the cold case unit now.
Hi December. I live in Nashville (40 min from) as well, and I had never heard of this murder either. Praying for closure for you and the rest of the family.

I'm with you...I wonder if after all of this time DNA could be collected from an exhumation. Semen, blood, saliva etc... I have no idea. Seems like something would have been on the clothes too.

Such a sad case. Not only a child losing her life so violently and painfully, but that the ones that loved her died without ever knowing who did it or being able to see justice served.


So lets just keep putting our brains against this and see what we can piece together collectively. Perhaps all these souls may rest easier in the afterlife if we do.

I think it was a local. I think he was in jail and bragged. Are there any prison officials who would still be living who might remember any details? I really think he was already in their custody at one point. You just need confirmation. That will have to cone frim someine still living that knows. And someone does. Please speak up!

What store or manufacturer did they trace the sock to?
What about the bindings on her hands?
Could another child on the way to the rink have heard or seen something but was too afraid to tell? Told not to tell? Blocked it out? Why do I think another child saw this? Were they forced to help or watch? I dont know what makes me think that, but it has a ring of probability to it.

Someone knows.
I just found an article, Pat Postilgione retired a few months ago. So, I have to find out who is in charge of the cold case unit now.

I am really upset about this. I know he read Kathy's file and worked on her case.
So lets just keep putting our brains against this and see what we can piece together collectively. Perhaps all these souls may rest easier in the afterlife if we do.

I think it was a local. I think he was in jail and bragged. Are there any prison officials who would still be living who might remember any details? I really think he was already in their custody at one point. You just need confirmation. That will have to cone frim someine still living that knows. And someone does. Please speak up!

What store or manufacturer did they trace the sock to?
What about the bindings on her hands?
Could another child on the way to the rink have heard or seen something but was too afraid to tell? Told not to tell? Blocked it out? Why do I think another child saw this? Were they forced to help or watch? I dont know what makes me think that, but it has a ring of probability to it.

Someone knows.

The sock was one of her own socks. So, her mother could've told them where she'd bought it. Also, Kathy was wearing the mate to that sock (and that is all she was wearing). I don't know if the police at the time took down all of this information, but if they asked then it could've been easily obtained because her mother would've known. Now, if they don't have that information, they not ever find out.

The bindings on her hands... it was plaid cloth. I don't know where it was from... I get the idea it was not part of Kathy's clothing. So, if they looked into it, then that might provide some useful information.

In 1977, Edward Warner Adcox was almost prosecuted for murdering Kathy. Judge Gale Robinson bound him over to the Grand Jury. But, then District Attorney Tom Shriver refused to take the case any further citing problems with witnesses.

Edward Warner Adcox drove the bus that took kids to the rollerdrome (it seems weird now, but the rollerdrome had its own bus and driver). The police knew a few things about Adcox, so they arrested him. I don't know what for, but I get the impression he was always doing something illegal so there was no problem with putting him in a jail cell for a few days.

They also arrested a 'known felon' on fake charges (the 'known felon' agreed to this). That guy was placed in the cell with Adcox. Pretty soon, Adcox gives that guy a complete description of how he murdered Kathy. The 'known felon' promptly tells police this information. So, the police question Adcox. I believe he confessed and recanted and who knows what else.

Sometime between 1969 and 1977, Adcox raped an 8 year old boy. He threatened the boy, claiming he'd killed Kathy Jones (I don't know for sure if he said her name or just described her as a girl going roller skating). The 8 year old boy knew exactly who he meant and knew he better get away from Adcox. What I've been told is the little boy managed to sneak and use a phone to call his parents. Anyway, the boy did escape with his life and his parents went to the police. Micky Miller of Nashville police confirmed in the media that Adcox raped the 8 year old boy.
Roses from angels, I didn't get the last few questions you asked in the last post.

Perhaps another child could be involved in the abduction? I could see a kid being used to help lure Kathy. Then, after that, the kid would be afraid of being charged and going to jail (the murder would reinforce this belief). This is speculation...

There could be kids who saw more than they ever told.
In case someone is reading who knows something about what happened to Kathy Jones, please call:

Nashville Police Department's Crime Stoppers Division anonymously at (615) 74-CRIME [742-7463].
Roses from angels, I didn't get the last few questions you asked in the last post.

Perhaps another child could be involved in the abduction? I could see a kid being used to help lure Kathy. Then, after that, the kid would be afraid of being charged and going to jail (the murder would reinforce this belief). This is speculation...

There could be kids who saw more than they ever told.

I was wondering if a child on the way to the rink or going home came upon the horrendohs scene and was afraid to talk.

What happened to this bus driver? Is he now dead? Certainly sounds like your Perp. Id be interested to know more about his chikdhood and teenage years.
I was wondering if a child on the way to the rink or going home came upon the horrendohs scene and was afraid to talk.

What happened to this bus driver? Is he now dead? Certainly sounds like your Perp. Id be interested to know more about his chikdhood and teenage years.

I don't think the crime could possibly have taken place out in full sight. It was a very involved crime. I know the Nashville Banner wrote their story like it all took place behind the Krispy Kreme. It's just not possible for it to have happened that way. This crime took a while to commit. Also, she was missing 36 hours.

Now, it is not impossible some child came upon the place where she was left before she was found and never said. I think it's perhaps unlikely, but it there is a slim possibility this happened.

A more likely scenario is a kid saw her being taken and didn't realize the significance of what they saw until later.

I don't know what happened to Adcox after he lucked out of a murder one charge in 1977. The police now say he's not the one who did it. They didn't explain why.

He'd be about 87 now if he was alive. But, I don't know how to find out. I've searched his name, but I'm not signed up on any of those sites that let you see vital records.
BTW, Micky Miller talked to the Nashville Scene in 1998. This is when he said Adcox raped the little boy. So, just to be clear, I don't know if any of that part was discussed in the media until after the boy was an adult. AFAIK, his name has never been released in the media.
I believe Adcox is deceased based on this online record. You might find some good leads from this:

Thanks for the information.

I didn't find him on findagrave, but I realize that just means he hasn't been entered. He could still be dead.

Of course, the police no longer think he killed Kathy. I just think he could have, but I haven't seen the police files.

P.S. I really appreciate you tracking that down.
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