Identified! TN - Knox Co, 'Shotgun Jane Doe' WhtFem 607UFTN, 21-30, Jun'87 - Tena Marie Gattrell

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I've been lurking here for a while, reading everyone's posts, and I have been thinking about SJD's previous injuries as shown on the autopsy diagram.
Rather than a car accident, could her injuries be consistent with gymnastics?- like falling from the uneven bars or balance beam during a routine as a teenager and injuring her clavicle , arms, and ankles-not necessarily all at once but separate injuries over the years. Maybe ice-skating or equestrian type events where she fell from a horse? Fleeing an abusive relationship? I'm not in the medical field.
I have been going through charleyproject and porchlightinternational looking for possible that have not been mentioned yet and have not been ruled out. I will post some of those in a day or so-I want to make sure they are not on the rule out list.
Those are all good thoughts rainwater.

In fact, I was thinking much like that when I was looking at Tammy Daniels as a possible match. She was a cheerleader, and there seems to be some suggestion that she may have been in an abusive relationship at one point in her life. Still haven't contacted the MP detective, just so on the fence about it because there are definitely some discrepancies.
natural brown, and not a blondish-brown (what my mom would have called "dishwater blonde") colored a little darker to further hide her identity for whatever reason? I am still working on the names I mentioned yesterday-hope to post those very soon. One of the people I was considering was on the rule out list.
BTW I was mentioning this case in general terms to my coworker today and she is intrigued and had a question: Why did the men give SJD a Dolphins shirt- June in TN is not bonechilling cold and what happened to SJD's original shirt that she was wearing at the truck stop? My coworker has an interesting theory: that SJD's shirt was distinctive enough to be easily recognizable/memorable on the truck stop cameras.
natural brown, and not a blondish-brown (what my mom would have called "dishwater blonde") colored a little darker to further hide her identity for whatever reason? I am still working on the names I mentioned yesterday-hope to post those very soon. One of the people I was considering was on the rule out list.
BTW I was mentioning this case in general terms to my coworker today and she is intrigued and had a question: Why did the men give SJD a Dolphins shirt- June in TN is not bonechilling cold and what happened to SJD's original shirt that she was wearing at the truck stop? My coworker has an interesting theory: that SJD's shirt was distinctive enough to be easily recognizable/memorable on the truck stop cameras.

IIRC she had on a tank top that was under the Dolphins shirt. We're not sure what happened to it.
I still think it's weird her pants matched the Dolphins shirt
BTW I was mentioning this case in general terms to my coworker today and she is intrigued and had a question: Why did the men give SJD a Dolphins shirt- June in TN is not bonechilling cold and what happened to SJD's original shirt that she was wearing at the truck stop? My coworker has an interesting theory: that SJD's shirt was distinctive enough to be easily recognizable/memorable on the truck stop cameras.

She wasn't picked up at a truck stop. She was picked up at a highway rest stop.
Thank you ,Carl ,for clarifying that it was a rest stop.

I know Melinda Creech and Mary Jo Burnette have both been mentioned earlier as possibles: I had thought about both of them also.
Here are a few that I did not see being mentioned. They are not on the ruleout list that I could find. The ruleout list now has 225 names. I hope I copied the links below correctly. I "m still kind of new at this.

Kimberly Ann Thompson : NAMUS MP 7146 and also listed at
Missing Dec 1, 1986 from Champaign, Illinois
This MP might fit the "Tina from Illinois" comment SJD had told the men earlier.

Sandra Faye Norman
missing July, 1984 from Florida She is listed on Doenetwork 1259 DFFL and

Both fit the age, height, hair and eye colors. No mention of spleens or metal pins, though.

I have 2 more names, one from KY and one from NV I know the isotope analysis of SJD's teeth showed she was from the Southeast, but the MP from NV is sticking with me for some reason. I will post those separately if that's OK.

Everyone Please feel free to comment on the above SJD suggestions.
Thank you ,Carl ,for clarifying that it was a rest stop.

I know Melinda Creech and Mary Jo Burnette have both been mentioned earlier as possibles: I had thought about both of them also.
Here are a few that I did not see being mentioned. They are not on the ruleout list that I could find. The ruleout list now has 225 names. I hope I copied the links below correctly. I "m still kind of new at this.

Kimberly Ann Thompson : NAMUS MP 7146 and also listed at
Missing Dec 1, 1986 from Champaign, Illinois
This MP might fit the "Tina from Illinois" comment SJD had told the men earlier.

Sandra Faye Norman
missing July, 1984 from Florida She is listed on Doenetwork 1259 DFFL and

Both fit the age, height, hair and eye colors. No mention of spleens or metal pins, though.

I have 2 more names, one from KY and one from NV I know the isotope analysis of SJD's teeth showed she was from the Southeast, but the MP from NV is sticking with me for some reason. I will post those separately if that's OK.

Everyone Please feel free to comment on the above SJD suggestions.

Pretty sure she has been ruled out; but I have to find the trail. I see she has dentals
Kimberly Ann Thompson : NAMUS MP 7146

Dental Status: Dental information / charting is available and will be entered later
I went back and looked at the thread and did not see that she has been ruled out. Her name did not appear in the NAMUS (UP 1567) 228 name ruleout list as of today. Thank you for posting the thread links.
"Six Teeth Treated" would seem to rule out Darlene Tucker. Shotgun Jane Doe had no dental work.
I found this MP from 1981...

Michele Reidenbach Missing Oct 6, 1981 from Pennsylvania
Age 16
110 lbs, height variously given as 5ft- 5 ft 4 inches, depending on the site. Michele would have grown by 1987
"Dark blonde" hair (??) -looks brown in photos
blue eyes- are we sure SJD eyes were brown, since the upper part of her face couldn't be reconstructed?

NAMUS Page for Michele
(NAMUS MP 2907)

Thread: -Please look at Post 46 in Michele's thread- When a classmate asked Michele if Michele was going to the senior prom, Michele apparently told the classmate "No. I won't be around."

Any and all opinions on Michele as SJD welcome.
I found this MP from 1981...

Michele Reidenbach Missing Oct 6, 1981 from Pennsylvania
Age 16
110 lbs, height variously given as 5ft- 5 ft 4 inches, depending on the site. Michele would have grown by 1987
"Dark blonde" hair (??) -looks brown in photos
blue eyes- are we sure SJD eyes were brown, since the upper part of her face couldn't be reconstructed?

NAMUS Page for Michele
(NAMUS MP 2907)

Thread: -Please look at Post 46 in Michele's thread- When a classmate asked Michele if Michele was going to the senior prom, Michele apparently told the classmate "No. I won't be around."

Any and all opinions on Michele as SJD welcome.

PA - Michele Reidenbach, 16, Zelienople, 22 Sept 1981

She should be easy enough to rule in/out has dentals & DNA at NamUs

With what I read about Michele; sounds like she was abducted while on a break at work. Even with the comment she wasn't gonna be at senior prom; that could mean anything.
EDIT - SJD has brown eyes; Michele has blue
Like the original poster in Michele's thread, I just found Michele's comment to be strange.
High school proms are usually held in April or May, towards the end of the school year. Michele disappeared in the first week of October, which means she had to have had the conversation with her classmate in September or the first few days in October. How many teenagers know six or seven months in advance they will "not be around" on prom night? Teens tend to live" in the moment" my teen thinks 2 hours is long term planning. I can think of only one or two reasons a teenage girl would already know she "wouldn't be around" six or seven months before the event was held.
I happened across this MP while I was looking for more possibles...
Miriam Cavallo missing 1983 from Los Angeles CA age 19
"Few details are available...." which could mean anything: runaway? substance abuse? took off with boyfriend? family doesn't know exactly what happened?

Her age in 1987 would put her in SJD age range. It says she went missing from Los Angeles, not that she is from there. Miriam is not on the
228 name ruleout for SJD.

Please ignore the headband she is wearing in the photo and look at her facial profile instead. Maybe it's just me, but I get a prickling feeling when I compare her photo with SJD. I showed the 2 side by sides to a friend of mine, and he thought SJD and Miriam resemble each other.

What are your opinions, please?
I happened across this MP while I was looking for more possibles...
Miriam Cavallo missing 1983 from Los Angeles CA age 19
"Few details are available...." which could mean anything: runaway? substance abuse? took off with boyfriend? family doesn't know exactly what happened?

Her age in 1987 would put her in SJD age range. It says she went missing from Los Angeles, not that she is from there. Miriam is not on the
228 name ruleout for SJD.

Please ignore the headband she is wearing in the photo and look at her facial profile instead. Maybe it's just me, but I get a prickling feeling when I compare her photo with SJD. I showed the 2 side by sides to a friend of mine, and he thought SJD and Miriam resemble each other.

What are your opinions, please?

Keep your eyes on her NamUs profile $10 says she's already being considered for SJD. The detective in charge has been pretty thorough with girls being listed on NamUs
DNA Status: Initial inquiry underway
I happened across this MP while I was looking for more possibles...
Miriam Cavallo missing 1983 from Los Angeles CA age 19
"Few details are available...." which could mean anything: runaway? substance abuse? took off with boyfriend? family doesn't know exactly what happened?

Her age in 1987 would put her in SJD age range. It says she went missing from Los Angeles, not that she is from there. Miriam is not on the
228 name ruleout for SJD.

Please ignore the headband she is wearing in the photo and look at her facial profile instead. Maybe it's just me, but I get a prickling feeling when I compare her photo with SJD. I showed the 2 side by sides to a friend of mine, and he thought SJD and Miriam resemble each other.

What are your opinions, please?
Miriam has fuller and wider lips than sjd, no?
Looking at SJD's lower lip, it seems pretty full, but it might just be my eyes.

Does DNA get collected from family members if and only if there is a likely or proposed match? Or do DNA collections occur from family members (when possible) for everyone who is listed as MP just so the DNA is on file and make it easier to match sometime in the undefined future? I'm not sure I'm constructing the above question correctly- I hope it's clear what I am asking. An analogy might be does someone buy extra food routinely, or do they only stock up if a blizzard is coming so they have the food on hand if and when they need it. TIA .
Looking at SJD's lower lip, it seems pretty full, but it might just be my eyes.

Does DNA get collected from family members if and only if there is a likely or proposed match? Or do DNA collections occur from family members (when possible) for everyone who is listed as MP just so the DNA is on file and make it easier to match sometime in the undefined future? I'm not sure I'm constructing the above question correctly- I hope it's clear what I am asking. An analogy might be does someone buy extra food routinely, or do they only stock up if a blizzard is coming so they have the food on hand if and when they need it. TIA .

Both. Neither. Crazy but true, lol. It depends on when they went missing and what the circumstances were...even where they went missing. Some of these old cases that happened in smaller jurisdictions this may be their only cold case missing person, or one of maybe four or five. OTOH, enough people go missing in NYC every year that they just don't have the manpower to go back and get family DNA from all of their missing. Nowadays I think it's more likely that familial DNA will be taken, but it's still not a guarantee.
Looking at SJD's lower lip, it seems pretty full, but it might just be my eyes.

Does DNA get collected from family members if and only if there is a likely or proposed match? Or do DNA collections occur from family members (when possible) for everyone who is listed as MP just so the DNA is on file and make it easier to match sometime in the undefined future? I'm not sure I'm constructing the above question correctly- I hope it's clear what I am asking. An analogy might be does someone buy extra food routinely, or do they only stock up if a blizzard is coming so they have the food on hand if and when they need it. TIA .

What I'm seeing at NamUs; is they're trying to get DNA for every MP case they have. They're on a mission to prove that NamUs works to solve MP & UP cases & that the federal funding can't stop. Todd Matthews does as many interviews as he can when matches are made via NamUs.

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