Identified! TN - Knox Co, 'Shotgun Jane Doe' WhtFem 607UFTN, 21-30, Jun'87 - Tena Marie Gattrell

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DNA Solves
First thing that screams at me, if he was a coroner and a medical examiner would he have his own practice to? I mean personally I wouldn't go to a coroner to get a physical or injections...JMOO. But yes that makes you wonder how much truth can be put in his report. Has there ever been another medical examiner take a second look at the report?
First thing that screams at me, if he was a coroner and a medical examiner would he have his own practice to? I mean personally I wouldn't go to a coroner to get a physical or injections...JMOO. But yes that makes you wonder how much truth can be put in his report. Has there ever been another medical examiner take a second look at the report?
Unsure, several techs and a few students but insure of ME.
Dropped off before they went to the rest stop.

The only person charges stuck to was Spivey. The men were charged with attempted robbery and murder. Murder being in the commission of a crime someone dies the other offenders are charged with murder. Judge Ray Lee Jenkins threw those charges out. Our girl has never had justice. The coroner at the time was Randall Pedigo. Google that name and tell me how much you put into the coroner's report.
So is there any interview with Spivey where she gives any indication of knowing her name age anything ? surely she was interviewed
No statements I have found regarding her ever being near our Jane Doe. Still digging though. I have a new bunch of request for court records in Knox and Greene Counties.

On the subject of the clothes someone asked why the men would say they gave her the shirt... Let's say that Percy Preston described the girl with the two men as wearing a dirty T shirt and Jean's. The men trying to protect their friend say oh that was Jane Doe, we just gave her a change of clothes. Spivey was not implicated for weeks until Brown rolled on her. In fact the one man at first claimed to be alone. Then he claimed not to know the name of the other man, then he gave up the name.

Police did the best they could with what they had. Today the case would have been solved and Jane identified in my opinion.
I'm just trying to pinpoint all the areas...I am 15 minutes from Bristol where the older gentleman left from. He was headed on 81 to Knoxville...Jane Doe was picked up in Greene county, maybe 20 minutes from Bristol if that far. So in that 20 mile stretch the 3 hitch hikers were picked up, took control of the car and dropped Spivey off before they picked up Jane Doe? And all of this was along 81. There isnt a whole lot of rest areas in the area, only 1 I can think of thats open today...unless they were getting off interstate completely. Then they drove another hour and half to two hours with Jane Doe in the car to Knox County. Going back to the post about being at that house 5 minutes before she raced to the house. Timeline just doesnt make sense to me.
No he picked up pitchers and went to Knoxville. They say around midnight they were diving back to Bristol promising to take Percy home. They threw Percy out at rest stop and picked up Jane. By their own admission they were on I81 twice. My thing is girl on first trip identified by Percy was Spivey. She did not make the return trip and they found our Jane Doe.
No he picked up pitchers and went to Knoxville. They say around midnight they were diving back to Bristol promising to take Percy home. They threw Percy out at rest stop and picked up Jane. By their own admission they were on I81 twice. My thing is girl on first trip identified by Percy was Spivey. She did not make the return trip and they found our Jane Doe.

So I tried to look back at all the reports that were said about when what happened and it left me with more questions then anything.

-Per Percy in the "early morning hours" he left Bristol, VA to head to Knoxville, TN.

-He states he picked up hitchhikers on I-75 rest one thing to take into consideration is that Bristol to Knoxville is I-81, however once you cross from Virginia into Tennessee the first exit you come to is a rest area and it is exit 75, so that may be where the I-75 came from.

-From Exit 75 to Knox county is roughly 113 miles, in that time I would say easily take over 2 hours to drive it. Which would still put them in Knoxville before lunch.

-They say they drive around Knoxville all day then drop off Spivey at her address on Dry Gap Rd in Knoxville.

-One one account they say that they are driving TO Bristol at around Midnight, which would be impossible given the 911 call times.

-They state that they picked up Jane Doe at 1:15am, so they had to of been coming BACK to Knoxville and a little ways outside Knoxville to pick her up. I haven't looked to see what rest areas there were around Knoxville.

-At 2:30am the 911 call was made regarding our JD.

1:30am a 911 call was made regarding a "disoriented man" at a rest area on I-81.

911 call was made 15 minutes after supposedly picking up Jane really makes me wonder if Percy was dropped off at the same rest area that Jane Doe was picked up from.

*EDIT* Unless they said they were heading back to Bristol and only made it a short way out of Knoxville...**

Did they ever say what rest area Percy was found at?
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There was only one rest stop on that stretch in the 80s. Maybe I havent been clear. They dropped Percy off at around 1:15 or 1:30 in the morning at the rest stop. The call from the porch in Knoxille was at 2:25. It takes 55 minutes to drive from the rest stop to the shooting. Giving an extra ten minutes for times not to be accurate and speeding we have a five to ten minute window for partying, offering clothes changing clothes etc. My theory is that near the house she jumped and tried to flee. We are planning a YouTube video giving details and tours of the scenes. One thing I will produce in the video is another document from the coroner. It shows abrasions consistant with road rash on her shoulder blades and the backs of her legs. To me consistent with a jump from a car.
There was only one rest stop on that stretch in the 80s. Maybe I havent been clear. They dropped Percy off at around 1:15 or 1:30 in the morning at the rest stop. The call from the porch in Knoxille was at 2:25. It takes 55 minutes to drive from the rest stop to the shooting. Giving an extra ten minutes for times not to be accurate and speeding we have a five to ten minute window for partying, offering clothes changing clothes etc. My theory is that near the house she jumped and tried to flee. We are planning a YouTube video giving details and tours of the scenes. One thing I will produce in the video is another document from the coroner. It shows abrasions consistant with road rash on her shoulder blades and the backs of her legs. To me consistent with a jump from a car.

Thank you for trying to clarify, sorry I am asking a lot of questions, I just have drove the stretch from Bristol to Knoxville more times then I can count in my life, and trying to wrap my head around the timeline. I also keep picturing 81 now, and not back in the 1980s when it wasn't as developed.
No issue I am not one that takes my theory and defends it at the risk of missing a good lead. I think many of us have gotten caught in that loop of then versus now. Some early reports stated as fact do mention I-75 by error. The actual report garnered from Percy never states he picked them up at a rest stop. He actually tells police he can't remember where he picked them up. I know there are online accounts of him picking them up at a rest stop, some say truck stop. There are media reports that make this claim. I can only say what original records of the time state. He also says he can't remember where or when they gained control of his car (how does that happen?). A recent reporter for the Knoxville News Sentinel states that Percy had Alzheimers. I find nothing that states that but it may be true. Getting on the interstate at the rest stop as it existed then, you would travel down I-81 to the "Y" with interstate I40. From there you would continue on to I640 that had recently been opened. The shooting happened just north of I640 and the Broadway exit. They did not travel from Bristol to Knoxville after they picked up Jane. Now Greene county recorded the time of the call about the disoriented man, but that was the call. What is unknown and could affect my theory was how long Percy wandered there before anyone saw him and called police. The hole in my theory is the unknown. There was about an hour difference in when Percy was found and the shooting. Heck, he could have been there an hour before anyone found him. We simply don't know, we can speculate both ways. I am going with the scenario laid out on paper until I find evidence otherwise. Then I'll add the new evidence in and as Holmes said, the most likely is the most probable.
No issue I am not one that takes my theory and defends it at the risk of missing a good lead. I think many of us have gotten caught in that loop of then versus now. Some early reports stated as fact do mention I-75 by error. The actual report garnered from Percy never states he picked them up at a rest stop. He actually tells police he can't remember where he picked them up. I know there are online accounts of him picking them up at a rest stop, some say truck stop. There are media reports that make this claim. I can only say what original records of the time state. He also says he can't remember where or when they gained control of his car (how does that happen?). A recent reporter for the Knoxville News Sentinel states that Percy had Alzheimers. I find nothing that states that but it may be true. Getting on the interstate at the rest stop as it existed then, you would travel down I-81 to the "Y" with interstate I40. From there you would continue on to I640 that had recently been opened. The shooting happened just north of I640 and the Broadway exit. They did not travel from Bristol to Knoxville after they picked up Jane. Now Greene county recorded the time of the call about the disoriented man, but that was the call. What is unknown and could affect my theory was how long Percy wandered there before anyone saw him and called police. The hole in my theory is the unknown. There was about an hour difference in when Percy was found and the shooting. Heck, he could have been there an hour before anyone found him. We simply don't know, we can speculate both ways. I am going with the scenario laid out on paper until I find evidence otherwise. Then I'll add the new evidence in and as Holmes said, the most likely is the most probable.

There were a lot of unknowns in Percy’s story. Was he upfront with what happened or was it after the fact of his car being found and questioned? If the two men did threaten Jane Doe with a knife, I wonder if Percy had been threatened when he was dropped off, something like if you say anything we’ll kill you?
I don’t believe SJD’s isotopes were accurate, like most tests, as they usually end up incorrect. I suspect she was probably from Tennessee IMO.
I don’t believe SJD’s isotopes were accurate, like most tests, as they usually end up incorrect. I suspect she was probably from Tennessee IMO.
It is hard to stick with it. There have actually been two isotope tests. Each test gave different states. I'm not a scientist but...
There were a lot of unknowns in Percy’s story. Was he upfront with what happened or was it after the fact of his car being found and questioned? If the two men did threaten Jane Doe with a knife, I wonder if Percy had been threatened when he was dropped off, something like if you say anything we’ll kill you?
We'll never know. I have no doubt we have never heard the entire story.
Yeehaw!!! :woohoo: I finally spoke with Det. Moyers, with Knox County Sheriffs Office, very friendly and accomodating fella! He says the men that Jane was with, one was an older (around 60) man(the vehicle belonged to him) and he had been driven by the younger man (in his late 20's) back to TN. from KY. and the vehicle was not at this home at the time of Janes shooting. The older man had a business not far from the home where Jane was shot. The building they(Jane and men) originally were at, was a place they (the men) would sometimes party at. The men picked Jane up at a Rest Area (just off exit 4)about 4-5 hours the evening before, to give her a ride, however she agreed to "party" with them, so the men took her with them to this building. At the time that they picked her up, the men said she appeared to be high(the Detective will get back to me on toxicology report) and later she started acting even more strange and took off, the younger man, caught up with her and talked her into coming back to the building, it was late, the younger man tells her that she could get arrested or SHOT roaming around this particular neighborhood, as it was off the beaten path and the folks around there all had guns and were VERY protective of their property. Jane remained at the building awhile and then just went berserk, the younger man says, for no "reason" and takes off again on foot, the younger goes after her again, Jane ends up at this house, the younger is arguing with her about coming back to the building, Janes wraps her arms around a post on the porch and tells him, she is not leaving the home, so he turns to head back to the building, Jane is screaming at him, Homeowner gets awakened, Homeowner calls 911 and arms themselves, at the same time yelling through the door that she (homeowner) is armed and calling the Sheriff, younger man yells back, CALL them, I can't do anything with her and continues to walk away, all this can be heard on the 911 tape, Homeowner then says Jane is trying to come through the door, kicking on the door, Homeowner tells Jane, Stop or I'll shoot, Jane doesn't stop and gets shot. The investigators came to the conclusion that Jane was having a "mental" episode before being picked up and during her time with these men.

Jane's clothes were dingy and believed to have been worn for days, the men had given her the Dolphins shirt and the pants she was wearing were well-worn and thin. This younger man had a lengthy criminal record, but nothing violent, mostly petty theft and misdemeanors. The younger man was originally charged with attempted burglary to get him to come back in and give an interview with Detectives, charges were dropped after he cooperated with the investigation. So, no trial for either men. The men do not recall if Jane ever told them her name......

Jane's body details; the Tattoo was homemade, black inked "BJ" (that kind of struck me-Barbara Jean???)and she had given birth at least once, one being a caesarean section, possibly emergency type caesarean, as pelvic bones showed the markings of attempted "normal" birthing. The anthropologist that examined Jane's bones, stated the injuries appeared to be from jumping off of a buildingor high structure, Vertebrae crushed, lower tibias (ankles) being damaged, clavicle (collarbone) fracture and fibula (calf bone) fracture, so Jane may have attempted suicide or had been an athlete (possibly gymnastics) of some sort... The metal plate inserted in fibula did NOT have a serial number on it!
Jane had good teeth and good dental hygiene, no cavities and fairly straight, she did grind her teeth some. Her dentals are available now and DNA is being processed. They have her fingerprints and ran them through AFIS, nothing. However, if Jane had a juvenile record and the Investigators had an idea of where she was from, they could try to match fingerprints that way as juveniles fingerprints are NOT entered into the system, unless tried and convicted as an adult criminal....
Detective Moyers welcomes all viable matches, as they have had few leads on this Jane. I asked Det. Moyers if there had been any festivals or concerts in the area, the week or two before Janes death, NO was the answer to that. Investigators believe Jane was hitch-hiking via truckers/travelers before arriving at the rest area and is not from TN.

Pearly; Barbara Jean looks so close to Jane, I say, SUBMIT her! Strange things happen all the time! If this Jane was on pain meds because of her injuries, that very well could be a reason she was "mental" and it's possible Barbara Jean was injured during an escape, hospitalized, became confused/amnesiatic and wondered around, I have imagined some crazy theories...... Moore Jr, could've told the "story" of Barabara Jeans murder, staged the roped cinder block in the lake, hoping that he would receive the reward money!

Pearly; Billie Jean Hall, Patricia Louise Kelly and June Carpenter Gilkerson have been ruled out, correct?
The tattoo was BH.


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Most of the isotope maps give such a wide range of locations that even if it's accurate, it's not very helpful.
No he picked up pitchers and went to Knoxville. They say around midnight they were diving back to Bristol promising to take Percy home. They threw Percy out at rest stop and picked up Jane. By their own admission they were on I81 twice. My thing is girl on first trip identified by Percy was Spivey. She did not make the return trip and they found our Jane Doe.
Hitchers not pitchers dang autocorrect.

We're able to edit our posts. Normally I will reread it after posting because auto-correct seems to always get me with at least one word, some times more.

On the post you just made, at the bottom of it you'll see C. Walter Brown, Yesterday at 11:05 AM Report.

Edit will be an option there. It will show C. Walter Brown, A moment ago Edit Report.

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