GUILTY TN - Lindsey Lowe charged in deaths of newborn twins, Hendersonville, 2011 *guilty*

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This story is so sad! I can't help but think there is more to the story...there has to be some reason that she didn't want her parents to know about the babies. Is it because of her mother's illness? Was she raped? I just feel like there is something missing...

I don't think there has to be any sinister reason for not telling her parents, other than thinking she'd bring shame to the family for an out of wedlock pregnancy. Even though she wasn't a teenager, she was still living at home so she probably had some dependency on her parents (most likely financial). Coming home and saying I'm pregnant, probably wouldn't have been received with a congratulatory dinner party. But, I assume the parents would have loved her and helped her (as most do).
I don't necessarily think there was a sinister reason for not telling her parents...but that she did have some reason in her mind to keep it from them. I guess I just can't wrap my head around how a mother could do this after feeling her babies move inside her and hearing them cry. :(
This story is so sad! I can't help but think there is more to the story...there has to be some reason that she didn't want her parents to know about the babies. Is it because of her mother's illness? Was she raped? I just feel like there is something missing...

As hard as it is for most of us to understand there are women who never bond with their children. Not even at birth.
MOMSTER was in attendence... REALLY?????
I'm disgusted!!!
Wow . . . such vitriol! I cannot explain why she would do this -- not confide in her parents or fiance (baby not his?), but until we have the facts, who are we to spill this hate!?

I feel sorry for those who condemn this woman before knowing all the facts. I understand the facts we are privy to are harsh & mind-boggling, but we are in America . . . innocent until proven guilty. But then again, there is FKC ! :banghead:

Yep innocent until proven guilty.. but she admitted to murdering those babies, to holding her hand over their mouths till she snuffed the life out of both of them.

I want to know why this momster is getting special treatment, when is the last time that anyone has read about someone confessing to a double murder and then being allowed to attend the funeral of the victims.....
I just saw this article about the private funeral that was held Sunday for these precious babies. They were given names. I am happy they were given that bit of respect after the awful birth and death. This still makes me cry when I think about it.

Private Funeral Held Sunday For Newborn Twins - | Nashville N .

I wonder whether they will make public the paternity test results, as I think that could be part of this. I honestly think that a lot of questions will be answered when it is discovered whether or not the babies belonged to her fiancee. I can't believe she attended their funeral. There is something so not right about this whole thing. Meaning of course, besides the two children that lost their lives.
So the twins were given names and one was apparently named for the grandfather. Wonder who the other child was named for? I am also shocked she was allowed to attend, but then again I am shocked she is out on bail or that someone could do such a thing to two precious babies.. IMO
From the same story, looks like her preliminary hearing scheduled today has been postponed till October 11.
This isn't the first time this scenerio has played out:

"Elizabeth next appeared in the court records in May of 1691, five years after the birth of Dorothy, when she was arrested and charged with the murder of two *advertiser censored* infants. On May 7, 1691 Elizabeth gave birth to twins sometime during the night in a trundle bed at the foot of her parents bed. She managed to somehow hide the birth from her parents, conceal the infants for three days in a trunk, sew them up in a bag and bury them in the backyard of the Emerson house.24"


Man, I'm getting tired of hearing about baby after baby....being born and trash (I know, I know) but it's true. I also believe that more people are pulling this crap, without as much fear as before..due to a certain trial. The chances of walking are higher than ever. (imo)

Man, I'm getting tired of hearing about baby after baby....being born and trash (I know, I know) but it's true. I also believe that more people are pulling this crap, without as much fear as before..due to a certain trial. The chances of walking are higher than ever. (imo)

You may, or may not have, noticed what year this happened - 1691 - over 300 years ago. The point I was trying to make is women have been murdering their newborns since history began. In the Emerson case I cited, this poor woman, and yes I have compassion for her, lived a life of hell in the Puritan ccolonies. She was very much afraid of what would happen if/when her twin babies were discovered, so - she solved that problem in the only way she could.

Granted, today we have, supposedly, a more enlightened view, but even so I wonder how far we have really come. I have pity for these women, and ALMOST all women who feel they have to murder their babies/children. I wish their were another way, but I feel their will always be fear, pain, turmoil, and judgment until we can all love ourselves and one another. And, no, I am NOT a bleeding heart, I just feel a lot of compassion for women driven to the brink.
You may, or may not have, noticed what year this happened - 1691 - over 300 years ago. The point I was trying to make is women have been murdering their newborns since history began. In the Emerson case I cited, this poor woman, and yes I have compassion for her, lived a life of hell in the Puritan ccolonies. She was very much afraid of what would happen if/when her twin babies were discovered, so - she solved that problem in the only way she could.

Granted, today we have, supposedly, a more enlightened view, but even so I wonder how far we have really come. I have pity for these women, and ALMOST all women who feel they have to murder their babies/children. I wish their were another way, but I feel their will always be fear, pain, turmoil, and judgment until we can all love ourselves and one another. And, no, I am NOT a bleeding heart, I just feel a lot of compassion for women driven to the brink.

Driven to the brink by what? Her parents still support her even after she accused of killing the infants. Put up a bond for her. If this was not a supportive family they would have let her rot in jail awaiting trial. What was she driven to the brink by?
Driven to the brink by what? Her parents still support her even after she accused of killing the infants. Put up a bond for her. If this was not a supportive family they would have let her rot in jail awaiting trial. What was she driven to the brink by?

Okay, let me TRY to explain - this is a cloudy issue, even to me. First off, pregnancy does make the woman hormonal, and we don't know the effects of these hormones on each and every woman. Secondly, we do not know the circumstanes surrounding the pregnancy; this could be a KEY issue. Thirdly, we do not know this young woman's mental state, at all. Did she have a mental illness, schizophrenia? (sp), was she in the throws of depression? Did she feel the pregnancy/birth would kill her already sick mother? Was she afraid of censure by the church?

I guess the point I'm trying to make is we just don't KNOW what caused her to do this. Don't get me wrong, I DO believe in EVIL, I believe there is more and more every day as the population grows. I simply cannot fathom a woman carrying these children with the thought in mind to kill them after she goes through labor (which ain't no fun). Why? Why not abort? Against church doctrine? Against someone's wishes who won't get stuck raising the babies?

I come from a generation where out-of-wedlock pregnancy could RUIN your life. If you did abort, it was risky and no doubt you suffered guilt. If you told your parents, you had a good chance of being kicked out or hidden away in a home for unwed mothers where your child would be taken at birth and adopted out. Then, you could spend the rest of your life wondering, worrying, longing for the baby that was torn from your waiting arms. How often do we see these stories on TV? I've known people this happened to. Talk about pain and suffering.

What about the religious beliefs? I surely don't know what her church taught, but I do know if they would have looked down on her, they sure wouldn't advertise that in public. Oh, no, and the same for the supportive parents. Of course they all come across that way in public. In private, who knows, I sure don't.

The one thing I do know is I can empathize with her. Whatever drove her to do this had to be looming large in her mind. Believe it or not, just read blogs, some posts, newspaper comments - we haven't come as far as some would like to think.

I wish I was more like you, trident. I just dont see it that way no matter how understanding and sympathetic I try to be.
I think that I have a measure of empathy for this woman, not because I understand, but rather because I really want to understand. I understand how for some women, the simple realization that they are pregnant is enough to send them over the brink. My own sister was that way. She discovered that she was pregnant, and immediately started trying to make herself miscarry. Name a drug, she took it. She threw herself down the stairs and broke her wrist, she intentionally crashed her car. I think she would have tried to hide the pregnancy if she weren't all of 98 pounds soaking wet. She did initially try to have her daughter at home, but the pain got to be too much for her and she ended up having baby girl at the hospital. If she had had the baby at home, I have no doubt that she would have killed the baby. She never even looked into adoption or abortion, instead choosing to carry and keep a child that she obviously didn't want and wasn't bonded with. Why? No one knows. I know that in our family, the reason for her sheer hatred towards her own child was because she knew the child would be mixed race, and that is not allowed in some parts of my family. What this woman's motivation was, I don't know. I may never know, but I do know that for some women, such as my sister, the combo of hormones, stress and fear can cause a woman that once stopped interstate traffic to rescue an injured cat into a woman that is at the very least capable of killing her own offspring. No, I don't understand, but I really, really want to.
I think that I have a measure of empathy for this woman, not because I understand, but rather because I really want to understand. I understand how for some women, the simple realization that they are pregnant is enough to send them over the brink. My own sister was that way. She discovered that she was pregnant, and immediately started trying to make herself miscarry. Name a drug, she took it. She threw herself down the stairs and broke her wrist, she intentionally crashed her car. I think she would have tried to hide the pregnancy if she weren't all of 98 pounds soaking wet. She did initially try to have her daughter at home, but the pain got to be too much for her and she ended up having baby girl at the hospital. If she had had the baby at home, I have no doubt that she would have killed the baby. She never even looked into adoption or abortion, instead choosing to carry and keep a child that she obviously didn't want and wasn't bonded with. Why? No one knows. I know that in our family, the reason for her sheer hatred towards her own child was because she knew the child would be mixed race, and that is not allowed in some parts of my family. What this woman's motivation was, I don't know. I may never know, but I do know that for some women, such as my sister, the combo of hormones, stress and fear can cause a woman that once stopped interstate traffic to rescue an injured cat into a woman that is at the very least capable of killing her own offspring. No, I don't understand, but I really, really want to.

THANK YOU. You managed to make real, put flesh on what I was trying to get across.
OMG as the mother of twin boys, this kills me.. I'd love to get my hands on her.
I hope she spends the rest of her life in prison.
I resent her being called a "young mother" i was thinking 14,15 yrs old.
I had 3 kids UNDER the age of 2 (newborn twins and a 20 month old ) at the age of 21.

I don't buy that she hid a twin pregnancy either, maybe they were micro preemies, i gave birth at 32 weeks and was soooo huge I could barely wipe my own behind, and could NOT even tiw my own shoes and my babies were only 3 lbs each.

I'm 25. I have 5 children and am fighting for custody of a 6th. This woman was not some terrified teenager that was afraid that her mommy and daddy wouldn't love her anymore. She's 25. She obviously has semi-supportive parents or she wouldn't still be living with them at the age of 25. This woman is a murderer. Plain and simple. She didn't want the responsibility of raising kids, so she killed them. I hope she fries. And I hope the media quits referring to her as a young mother. She isn't. She was a murderous mother of average age.


Something needs to be done to stop this. The Defense will go for "mental" and get her off. Any woman over the age of 18 who kills should be automatically "spade", yes spade like a dog. I know it wont happen in the US. but we must stop the mollycoddling and now. As old as I am I would have taken those babies rather than have them die! They LEFT HER GO To THE FUNERAL!!!! I couldnt go with my first my daughter.I almost died.I wasnt allowed to see her and this B&#@h goes to the funeral. I want to scream and throw up. I was 18 when she was born.We were sick over losing her....I can in a way understand a scared 15,16 year old from a bad home not thinking straight but a 25 year old????

Okay, let me TRY to explain - this is a cloudy issue, even to me. First off, pregnancy does make the woman hormonal, and we don't know the effects of these hormones on each and every woman. Secondly, we do not know the circumstanes surrounding the pregnancy; this could be a KEY issue. Thirdly, we do not know this young woman's mental state, at all. Did she have a mental illness, schizophrenia? (sp), was she in the throws of depression? Did she feel the pregnancy/birth would kill her already sick mother? Was she afraid of censure by the church?

I guess the point I'm trying to make is we just don't KNOW what caused her to do this. Don't get me wrong, I DO believe in EVIL, I believe there is more and more every day as the population grows. I simply cannot fathom a woman carrying these children with the thought in mind to kill them after she goes through labor (which ain't no fun). Why? Why not abort? Against church doctrine? Against someone's wishes who won't get stuck raising the babies?

I come from a generation where out-of-wedlock pregnancy could RUIN your life. If you did abort, it was risky and no doubt you suffered guilt. If you told your parents, you had a good chance of being kicked out or hidden away in a home for unwed mothers where your child would be taken at birth and adopted out. Then, you could spend the rest of your life wondering, worrying, longing for the baby that was torn from your waiting arms. How often do we see these stories on TV? I've known people this happened to. Talk about pain and suffering.

What about the religious beliefs? I surely don't know what her church taught, but I do know if they would have looked down on her, they sure wouldn't advertise that in public. Oh, no, and the same for the supportive parents. Of course they all come across that way in public. In private, who knows, I sure don't.

The one thing I do know is I can empathize with her. Whatever drove her to do this had to be looming large in her mind. Believe it or not, just read blogs, some posts, newspaper comments - we haven't come as far as some would like to think.



She wasnt worried about her mother, this is more likely to kill her than two grandsons. I think she was "cattin' around" and didnt want her "fiance" to know. IMO..PS. I'm from the same generation as you, we had one in our family
the parents raised the boy..

She wasnt worried about her mother, this is more likely to kill her than two grandsons. I think she was "cattin' around" and didnt want her "fiance" to know. IMO..PS. I'm from the same generation as you, we had one in our family
the parents raised the boy..

YOU "think" she was cattin' around? I THINK there might be more to it than that, but thanks for the other side of the coin, all sides should be held up to the light of morning.

Once again I go back to 1691, and I wonder, sadly, how much things have changed. I have good reason to believe they have changed - not much.

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