Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #11

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And I wonder what are their reasons for holding back info, if that is the case.


Likely many reasons.....Small town, everyone knows everyone or knows someone who knows someone type of thing. Minors - parents don't want their kids to be involved or their names tied to this - especially when íts national news. Unless my kid could provide insight or information to bring ET home safely or locate her I wouldn't let my kids get involve. JMO
We all have opinions and this is mine.

When they are found if she has been treated fairly, not beaten or hurt, I think she will refuse to testify against him. Say what you want, but I think she was in on this plan to disappear. Why would she tell her girlfriend about someone was going to hide them?

It may be at the last minute she came to her senses and changed her mind. But planned on meeting him that day to spend the day with him and tell him. Of course as adults, we know by this point in time, TC was in too deep to back out!
ET was still living in her fantasy world when she realized what she had agreed to do and wanted out of her plans.

I believe LE will go light on TC. This will be their bargaining chip to get her back! To me, this is unfair as it sets a precedent for the next case similar to this.
Her safe return is of the highest priority! Giving him a light sentence by dropping the severe charges is NOT the way to serve justice.

ET will need long term counseling. It appears she has been let down by everyone in her life. The school system has a major legal problem by not contacting her parent immediately upon the report of the two kissing. Therefore, I hold the school 100% liable for allowing the relationship to continue on their property. Hopefully, her father will sue the school board and all involved at the local school. This is a case that deserves a suit!

My opinions only.
But he has been charged with aggravated kidnapping.


Just don't be disappointed when that gets plea bargained. Right there the DA is hinting that the charges could be reduced.
He's got plenty to live for. He cannot leave his children and grandchildren with a legacy of abducting a 15 year old, holding her against her will and then taking his life. He's got children, grandchildren and a woman who gave him 31 years of her life, and friends and a community who he needs to make atonement to. He's got a child with him that he owes the chance for full life. He's got lots to live for and plenty of opportunity to do the right thing after all the wrong things he's done.

TC's actions have proven that he's WAY to selfish to think of others - it's ALL about him, his wants and his needs. BARF!
With all due respect, if TC is reading here, then he has undoubtedly seen the links including Jill's early plea (to release ET and come home) and the link to ET's dad's agonizing plea for her release. If neither of those has influenced him, nothing we post here will. IMHO.

I think he's seen those two things whether he reads here or not. Regardless, there hasn't been a siting since March 15 which is discouraging, but I choose to hope that he will not make more terrible decisions that could endanger Elizabeth or have a worse impact on her than the choices he has already made.
Just don't be disappointed when that gets plea bargained.
I'm not sure what it would be plea bargained for. What is he going to give them?

They said the emails were clear, it was grooming.

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The school's fault lies not just in the events that took place from the reporting of the kiss on-wards, IMO. Though I can't produce cold, hard evidence towards this theory, I suspect there was a culture of "oh that's just Tad!" whenever some eyebrow-raising behavior was witnessed by the adults. I mean, the fact that the students called him "Tad" as well (per Destany Parrish) tells me that he was given way too much free reign with way too little oversight. Part of this is because his wife most likely had a stellar reputation as a person and as an employee with the school district and the assumption was that he was just as trustworthy as she. TC didn't come in to the job as a stranger off the street, there were personal bonds already established between the Cummins and his colleagues and superiors and a blind spot was in place from Day 1.
I wish I could have stated it as well. Even if a teacher questioned in her mind about Tad's 'doings', she/he might have felt they were unable to prove it, or that nobody would have agreed, or there could even have been the fear of losing their jobs if they went against the status quo.
I think getting something like aggravated kidnapping of a minor down to really nothing, is more the exception than the rule.

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I have learned CPR and I have witnessed EMTs performing it on at least two occasions, in that exact situation. I have never seen them use boards in bed. In both cases they moved the victim to the floor. I can't find any information on performing CPR in a chair. I have no idea how that would work. Watch the video of TC teaching it. He was teaching it on the floor, not in a bed.

American Red Cross Adult First Aid/CPR/AED


I said I would move them from the chair to the floor.

And again two nurses or a nurse and an aid don't usually move patients to the floor
when the bed converts or they have a board. Even without the board we start and use the board when it arrives from another coworker.

My point was I didn't think the bed was used for cpr for teaching purposes. I am a ADON and cpr is done in a bed on a regular basis. Nowhere did I say that he was teaching it that way. I specifically said he wouldn't be.

I also said that in cpr for students like his I know he wasn't teaching it in a bed- I teach cpr at all levels including emts. Emts wouldn't do it the same as his students- it's a different level. I didn't read the link, but I'm sure it's there somewhere.

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