Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #12

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"Don’t terminate your social network sites as you can use these sites to provide disinformation."

Sound familiar?
Yes, I hadn't taken that very seriously, but now consider that he might have tried to throw LE off the track. Also the family seems to think he follows social media so that is probably more than I realized. Charging phone in the car?
I do hope, however, he decides to do what is best for her, and 'repent' of this whole mess and bring her home. She does have people who love her.
So now they have reached their destination, how is it. I assume he has expressed his passions for her. Is there anger mixed in as well at losing his career and reputation? Is she safe. She liked fixing herself up (hair and makeup). Is she happy? Free to leave?

There can never be true happiness when it is engineered at the expense of so many others; Cummins wife and children/grandchildren and aging parents) the co-workers and supervisors he deceived, the students he conned etc. Certainly no happiness knowing the agony that Elizabeth's father, siblings and friends are enduring.

There can't be happiness for a child who was kidnapped and manipulated into trusting by fear and intimidation a man who has nothing to offer but guilt and threats. I'm convinced ET is desperate to get back home and put this behind her. I am convinced she had no intention to be gone this long or to even go with him at all after she changed her mind. I believe he lied to her and told her they would just talk and once he had her in his control, she was fully a captive and still is.

I also believe that he heaps guilt on her about how he has 'sacrificed' so much for her and she owes him. That is a very powerful thing to deal with at any age and she is still a child. Cummins sacrificed nothing. It is my conviction that he had no emotional ties to any of his family, possibly ever. He never could have done what he has done if he ever cared about them even in the slightest.

No matter how long it takes, ET has to be found and returned home so that she can go back to school (NOT Maury School District) and go to college and really make a life and meaninful future for herself. There is no life or future for her with a 50 year old, pathologically lying, narcissistic, souless heap of human waste like Cummins....:jail:

Every day that passes without new sightings or hope makes me angrier that this situation continues. It never had to happen if the school had done their due diligence. :furious::furious::furious:
There can never be true happiness when it is engineered at the expense of so many others; Cummins wife and children/grandchildren and aging parents) the co-workers and supervisors he deceived, the students he conned etc. Certainly no happiness knowing the agony that Elizabeth's father, siblings and friends are enduring.

There can't be happiness for a child who was kidnapped and manipulated into trusting by fear and intimidation a man who has nothing to offer but guilt and threats. I'm convinced ET is desperate to get back home and put this behind her. I am convinced she had no intention to be gone this long or to even go with him at all after she changed her mind. I believe he lied to her and told her they would just talk and once he had her in his control, she was fully a captive and still is.

I also believe that he heaps guilt on her about how he has 'sacrificed' so much for her and she owes him. That is a very powerful thing to deal with at any age and she is still a child. Cummins sacrificed nothing. It is my conviction that he had no emotional ties to any of his family, possibly ever. He never could have done what he has done if he ever cared about them even in the slightest.

No matter how long it takes, ET has to be found and returned home so that she can go back to school (NOT Maury School District) and go to college and really make a life and meaninful future for herself. There is no life or future for her with a 50 year old, pathologically lying, narcissistic, souless heap of human waste like Cummins....:jail:

Every day that passes without new sightings or hope makes me angrier that this situation continues. It never had to happen if the school had done their due diligence. :furious::furious::furious:


On the subject of how he clearly doesn't care about his family, I keep thinking that even this "pathologically lying, narcissistic, souless heap of human waste" (could not have said this better myself!) must have a soft spot for his grandchildren. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part but I suspect the grandchildren were the sole factor that gave him second thoughts (if he had second thoughts at all).

On the subject of how he clearly doesn't care about his family, I keep thinking that even this "pathologically lying, narcissistic, souless heap of human waste" (could not have said this better myself!) must have a soft spot for his grandchildren. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part but I suspect the grandchildren were the sole factor that gave him second thoughts (if he had second thoughts at all).

You're more optimistic than me.;)

I can't scrape up any redeeming value whatsoever for Tad Cummins. Well on second thought his one redeeming value is that I think he is egocentric and stupid enough to make a mistake that will lead LE to him. :behindbar
There can never be true happiness when it is engineered at the expense of so many others; Cummins wife and children/grandchildren and aging parents) the co-workers and supervisors he deceived, the students he conned etc. Certainly no happiness knowing the agony that Elizabeth's father, siblings and friends are enduring.

There can't be happiness for a child who was kidnapped and manipulated into trusting by fear and intimidation a man who has nothing to offer but guilt and threats. I'm convinced ET is desperate to get back home and put this behind her. I am convinced she had no intention to be gone this long or to even go with him at all after she changed her mind. I believe he lied to her and told her they would just talk and once he had her in his control, she was fully a captive and still is.

I also believe that he heaps guilt on her about how he has 'sacrificed' so much for her and she owes him. That is a very powerful thing to deal with at any age and she is still a child. Cummins sacrificed nothing. It is my conviction that he had no emotional ties to any of his family, possibly ever. He never could have done what he has done if he ever cared about them even in the slightest.

No matter how long it takes, ET has to be found and returned home so that she can go back to school (NOT Maury School District) and go to college and really make a life and meaninful future for herself. There is no life or future for her with a 50 year old, pathologically lying, narcissistic, souless heap of human waste like Cummins....:jail:

Every day that passes without new sightings or hope makes me angrier that this situation continues. It never had to happen if the school had done their due diligence. :furious::furious::furious:
I'm starting to get worried as well. A big guy like that and a small girl. That could very well be a disaster in MANY ways. I don't believe he loves her so another potential for a (what do they call it).... perfect storm.

On the subject of how he clearly doesn't care about his family, I keep thinking that even this "pathologically lying, narcissistic, souless heap of human waste" (could not have said this better myself!) must have a soft spot for his grandchildren. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part but I suspect the grandchildren were the sole factor that gave him second thoughts (if he had second thoughts at all).
Some people don't care that much about their grandchildren. When you're older they (narcissists) are interested in getting money. My ex narcissist bf 'loved me', then soon dumped me for a woman with money. They took off for FLA. No qualms about leaving gkids. I, on the other hand, would never move far from them. I actually feel bad for his wife. She left what I heard was a close family.

You summed it up nicely, pegs. I check in every day in the hope that I will see good news about Elizabeth. Like Mountain Kat posted waaaay back, I don't think TC is as much as a survivalist as he imagines himself to be.

The thing is, we would have a better idea of where they might be with just a little more information. Did he own any camping gear, for example, like a tent, propane heater, an air mattress, comfy sleeping bags, or did he buy any of that stuff with his credit cards before leaving. He could have picked things up along the way, but note that the Oklahoma news said only that they picked up a few food items. We know he googled what size mattress can fit in a Nissan Rogue. Was his plan to sleep in the car for a day? A week? Did he prepay for more comfortable accommodations, like a cabin, for a month or so? Is he paying cash for a motel? Could he have rented a furnished apartment?

The pictures of he and his wife vacationing suggest to me that TC is accustomed more to staying in hotels. But we have no information about his camping experience and skills. Still, I am guessing that he might like to stay somewhere other than in his car, particularly after nearly a month on the run.

You summed it up nicely, pegs. I check in every day in the hope that I will see good news about Elizabeth. Like Mountain Kat posted waaaay back, I don't think TC is as much as a survivalist as he imagines himself to be.

The thing is, we would have a better idea of where they might be with just a little more information. Did he own any camping gear, for example, like a tent, propane heater, an air mattress, comfy sleeping bags, or did he buy any of that stuff with his credit cards before leaving. He could have picked things up along the way, but note that the Oklahoma news said only that they picked up a few food items. We know he googled what size mattress can fit in a Nissan Rogue. Was his plan to sleep in the car for a day? A week? Did he prepay for more comfortable accommodations, like a cabin, for a month or so? Is he paying cash for a motel? Could he have rented a furnished apartment?

The pictures of he and his wife vacationing suggest to me that TC is accustomed more to staying in hotels. But we have no information about his camping experience and skills. Still, I am guessing that he might like to stay somewhere other than in his car, particularly after nearly a month on the run.

It sounds like TC had read about camping but wasn't an active outdoorsman. I wish someone would tell us about whether he camped with his family as a child.

In any case, I have posted some links a few times in these threads to some very affordable, furnished places they could get through AirBnB, Home Away, VRBO in various areas from Decatur to New Orleans to Florida to Mexico.

I have booked through these sites probably a dozen or more times and rarely have to even meet the owner face to face (maybe that happened one time). Usually, they just give you a code to get the key when you get there.

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I do have a lot of sympathy for his wife. I sincerely hope that she uses her unique position of also being a victim of Tad Cummins to be an example to the deluded members of that community that still think Tad Cummins is Mr. Wonderful and are blaming the victim, Elizabeth. JC has the power to be a proactive force in changing those perceptions and beliefs.

Only by breaking though that persistent ignorance and guilt of the pro-Tad'ers will the full truth be told about Tad Cummins. IMO he has victimized and terrorized into silence so many more and those people will not come forward if they fear being victimized again by the community.
So now that they have reached their destination, how is it? I assume he has expressed his passions for her. Is there anger mixed in, as well, at losing his career and reputation? Is she safe? She liked fixing herself up (hair and makeup). Is she happy? Free to leave?

IMO I think she is miserable right now. He has her there against her will. I don't think she wanted to go with him at all. I'm thinking maybe he told her they were going to go somewhere for the day, like a hotel with a pool (reason for her to bring bathing suit). She most definitely would have brought her meds with her, and epipen, why wouldn't she if she was planning a long trip?

As far as TC is concerned, he was under investigation for the kissing incident, under a lot of stress, we don't really know how it was affecting his marriage, at least I can't recall hearing anything about it. I'm hoping I'm wrong about this but I am really starting to come to the conclusion that this was his last hurrah, all or nothing type of thing, and if he was scared enough to run from the kissing allegations, imagine how scared he is now. God I hope I'm wrong.
It sounds like TC had read about camping but wasn't an active outdoorsman. I wish someone would tell us about whether he camped with his family as a child.

In any case, I have posted some links a few times in these threads to some very affordable, furnished places they could get through AirBnB, Home Away, VRBO in various areas from Decatur to New Orleans to Florida to Mexico.

I have booked through these sites probably a dozen or more times and rarely have to even meet the owner face to face (maybe that happened one time). Usually, they just give you a code to get the key when you get there.

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Yes, I remember you posting about affordable, furnished places. Now that they have been gone for almost a month, I am leaning toward the idea that he had booked something in advance. That way, they could stock up on groceries and not have to buy gas for a while.

There's a reason they and the vehicle haven't been seen and one possibility is simply that they are not going anywhere.
I do have a lot of sympathy for his wife. I sincerely hope that she uses her unique position of also being a victim of Tad Cummins to be an example to the deluded members of that community that still think Tad Cummins is Mr. Wonderful and are blaming the victim, Elizabeth. JC has the power to be a proactive force in changing those perceptions and beliefs.

Only by breaking though that persistent ignorance and guilt of the pro-Tad'ers will the full truth be told about Tad Cummins. IMO he has victimized and terrorized into silence so many more and those people will not come forward if they fear being victimized again by the community.

Unfortunately, I don't think she's "there" yet and it may be a matter of therapy and time before she is IMO.

You summed it up nicely, pegs. I check in every day in the hope that I will see good news about Elizabeth. Like Mountain Kat posted waaaay back, I don't think TC is as much as a survivalist as he imagines himself to be.

The thing is, we would have a better idea of where they might be with just a little more information. Did he own any camping gear, for example, like a tent, propane heater, an air mattress, comfy sleeping bags, or did he buy any of that stuff with his credit cards before leaving. He could have picked things up along the way, but note that the Oklahoma news said only that they picked up a few food items. We know he googled what size mattress can fit in a Nissan Rogue. Was his plan to sleep in the car for a day? A week? Did he prepay for more comfortable accommodations, like a cabin, for a month or so? Is he paying cash for a motel? Could he have rented a furnished apartment?

The pictures of he and his wife vacationing suggest to me that TC is accustomed more to staying in hotels. But we have no information about his camping experience and skills. Still, I am guessing that he might like to stay somewhere other than in his car, particularly after nearly a month on the run.
No word on his actually getting that mattress. I think, no.
I do have a lot of sympathy for his wife. I sincerely hope that she uses her unique position of also being a victim of Tad Cummins to be an example to the deluded members of that community that still think Tad Cummins is Mr. Wonderful and are blaming the victim, Elizabeth. JC has the power to be a proactive force in changing those perceptions and beliefs.

Only by breaking though that persistent ignorance and guilt of the pro-Tad'ers will the full truth be told about Tad Cummins. IMO he has victimized and terrorized into silence so many more and those people will not come forward if they fear being victimized again by the community.

I also have great sympathy for JC. She was living a lie and did not know TC's dark side. She must be overwhelmed by the emotional and financial stress.
I also have great sympathy for JC. She was living a lie and did not know TC's dark side. She must be overwhelmed by the emotional and financial stress.
I imagine she got blindsided. But will she realize the truth that he wasn't what she thought he was? That's why I try to tell people about psychopaths because they are not what they appear to be. I don't know if thats what he is, but he definitely had an unknown least unknown to her.
I believe some of the teachers had big question marks going on in their heads about him, but were unable to do anything about it with the powers that be.
Assuming that they are camping at least part of the time, and also assuming that they do not always have a heat source, where would the most comfortable camping spots be? Here's a US weather map of current conditions.

Texas is the winner, IMHO.

Southern New Mexico, southern Arizona, and Louisiana are the runners up, assuming they did not backtrack from Oklahoma and are not still in Oklahoma.

View attachment 114639

Well with 60º low temperatures all the way up into Minnesota, they could be camping almost anywhere.
Every day that passes without new sightings or hope makes me angrier that this situation continues. It never had to happen if the school had done their due diligence. :furious::furious::furious:

RSBM ... It never would have happened had ET's mother built her up, kept her physically and emotionally protected, and instilled in her the self-confidence to spot a con man like Tad Cummins and tell him to go *advertiser censored** himself.

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Sadly, I think they are long gone in another country by now with help through his prior mission connections. Don't know why but he was well liked by many people that I'm sure would help him in a pinch, it was better planned out then most people think. Hopefully someday they slip up and get recognized. I'm sure their appearance has completely changed. Not much more to add to this thread. I think we have gone over every possibility. Hopefully sooner than later they are found.
Sadly, I think they are long gone in another country by now with help through his prior mission connections. Don't know why but he was well liked by many people that I'm sure would help him in a pinch, it was better planned out then most people think. Hopefully someday they slip up and get recognized. I'm sure their appearance has completely changed. Not much more to add to this thread. I think we have gone over every possibility. Hopefully sooner than later they are found.

It's unlikely that other acquaintances would help him take off with a 15 year old girl unless they were criminals themselves; and it doesn't sound like they were running in those kind of circles. You might theorize that other people were impressed with him so they would help him. But I don't think so. Even though some adults were impressed by him, they would not be so impressed as to participate in his crime. And IF he's a psychopath, he could easily get others to think he is oh, so wonderful, but it's just a facade, just a lie, and he would be hiding his dark side. Now teens? They might be a different story, but their connections would be very limited.
I could be wrong so it's JMO

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