Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #15 *Arrest*

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Exactly. I think he should take the money and do with it however he sees fit. If he doesn't feel right about keeping it, I'd be happy to suggest several reputable SAR groups, shelters for homeless teens, The Polly Klass Foundation, etc. etc. LOTS of ways that money could be put to good use. :)

Those are wonderful causes if he doesn't want the check ❤️
Agree. They did their 2 week vote. Now 2 days is impossible since they clearly said how the 2 were spending those weeks together.

Btw. They wouldn't garner all of that on a short 2 day stay. So I believe the members when stating close to the 2 weeks probationary mark.

Because Tad was nervous for the first couple of days per 1 persons statement.

Was this info in the link you posted up thread? I missed reading any statements by the commune members.
Teacher and 'kidnapped' student, 15, live in clothing-optional commune

This article states 10 days.

And after just ten days on the ranch the pair was kicked off the property and fled to a campsite in nearby Cecilville.
Two days later - after a tip off from a campsite caretaker - Cummins was taken into custody by a SWAT team who found him and Thomas holed up in an unfinished cabin next to a creek.

Cummins and the teen arrived at a Cecilville-area gas station last week, apparently on their way to visit a commune, Barry told CNN.

(So they couldn't have stayed at BBR for 2 weeks.)

Thanks that sounds more accurate. Do they do drugs in communes? Could be the guy was high or something when he said that. I think the guy interviewed with the little guitar might have been smoking a joint.
We are talking by the commune and not the cabin. You originally replied to my 2 week commune stay and you said it was 2 days.

So you mixed up the commune stay with the cabin stay. Jmo

Because they clearly left the commune and then headed to that last place. So there is a typo or something in the article. Jmo

No, I wasn't confused. If they showed up at the gas station, ran into Barry and asked how to get to the commune "last week" (as Barry stated in my link), then they couldn't have been at the commune for 2 weeks.
Teacher and 'kidnapped' student, 15, live in clothing-optional commune

This article states 10 days.

Aarrgghh Two, ten, fourteen I guess at this point it really doesn't matter. I wouldn't have lasted one day in that disgusting place. The surrounding area was beautiful but that place was gross.
No, I wasn't confused. If they showed up at the gas station, ran into Barry and asked how to get to the commune "last week" (as Barry stated in my link), then they couldn't have been at the commune for 2 weeks.

Go to the daily mail article for the entire statements they made. Jmo. It is all there in the commune members statements.

Example. Setting himself nearly on fire. Only doing dishes a couple of times. Them spending most of the time in the attic. Them not wanting to work. Tad being nervous the first couple of days but then said they will live there forever. Tad wanting a private quarters. But it wasn't even 2 weeks before he started demanding things and getting lazy. Etc etc.

So it is basically obvious that they were at the commune for more than 2 days. Jmo
I find this distasteful, almost abhorrent actually. And the stated reason for this circus is obviously specious. Please! Pfffttt.
I think they just want to have their very public, *Feel Good* moment, and maybe put some pressure on the guy not to take the reward, have him meet the family and so on, since they have now, pretty much stated, if he doesn't take the money it goes to the family, now it's as if, accepting the reward money means the Thomas don't get it.

I hope he blows them off and quietly cashes the check. And I think they should have waited to hear what his answer was, before making there "invitation" public! Uhhgg!

I totally agree, and IMHO Griffin Barry deserves the check. LE admitted that they'd be no closer to finding them had he not called in the tip. Send him the check and forget about celebritizing this good, honest man.
"EXCLUSIVE: Teacher on the run with his student, 15, spent 10 days at clothing-optional Californian commune."


"The commune outlines “traditional guidelines” they say must be followed by anyone who stays or visits the ranch for longer than one week."

"Residents are required to have a Circle at least once a week to raise any concerns, money issues, resolve conflicts, share ideas, or “just to check in and see how we feel.”

When someone says they were here "last week" then came back "this week"

That can totally mean 10 days I do not see a conflict between the two.
And to clarify more what I'm reading...

They saw Barry, he gave them 40.00 and directions to the BBR.
They stayed 10 days at BBR.
They went back to Barry and he let them stay in the cabin.

This is my understanding of the account.
Aarrgghh Two, ten, fourteen I guess at this point it really doesn't matter. I wouldn't have lasted one day in that disgusting place. The surrounding area was beautiful but that place was gross.

And this is the joy of eye witness evidence. He said a week, this guy says two days, that one says two weeks. She was tall, he was thin, she had blue eyes, the truck was silver, it was gray it was light blue. Somewhere betwixt and between are the facts, but it's all sifted through the eyes of the witness and this is why eye witness evidence is good, but not imperfect.
As to the whole other discussion about oils and other such stuff. Here's the issue, if you walk into your child's room and you find a bong, some cigarette papers and a scale you can be fairly sure what's going on. Even though those cigarette papers can be great at dabbing oil off your face to rid it of shine. Or for goodness sakes they have scales in grocery stores and they're not used for marijuana. Or that bong could be an art project, I've seen them used for that! If you've got a 50 year old who's already been witnessed to kissing a child, and he's now kidnapped her and is living in a cabin 2500 miles from her home in a remote area with no phone, electricity or running water, not to mention beds and he's removed the plates from his car, dyed his hair and he's filling prescriptions for medications that CAN be used for slack performance, I think we can all agree that while there are various sundry uses for the items in question it's probably fairly gosh darn likely the coconut oil wasn't being used for a healthier alternative to lard. Can we all agree to that?
For those that are on electronic devices that cannot view DailyMail....

much more at link... trying to stay within 10% rule and take out some...

"But Cummins' conservative Christian beliefs, lazy work ethic and powder-keg temper soon led to conflict with commune residents and the couple's life on the run began to fall apart. And after just ten days on the ranch the pair was kicked off the property and fled to a campsite in nearby Cecilville.

Two days later - after a tip off from a campsite caretaker - Cummins was taken into custody by a SWAT team who found him and Thomas holed up in an unfinished cabin next to a creek. ...Long time commune resident Sophia, an openly gay performance artist, told that the couple seemed 'odd' from the moment they arrived and didn't fit in with the ethos of the community...
'From the beginning we could tell we didn't really want them here, something was off, something was weird, strange,' she said... The ranch is located in a hard-to-get-to rural area. Cummins initially implied that he hoped to live there permanently when he arrived - but the group were put off by the 'lazy' couple, who didn't pull their weight in the commune

Fellow resident April Showers, a 24-year-old transwoman from Pennsylvania, gave the couple a tour of the property when they first arrived. 'When they showed up they seemed really scared and apprehensive, his [Cummins] hands were shaking,' she said. 'But they soon settled down and he said, "This looks like home forever." They were clearly hoping to stick around for a long while.'
At the Summer Solstice Gathering in 2013, there were over 40 residents, the highest population in decades, but numbers have since dwindled and only a handful of people - around five - still live there today.

April said the commune has seen 'outlaws, felons, runaways and even a KKK member' come through the ranch in the past. But there was something particularly odd about Cummins and his young 'wife' and the age gap didn't sit well with any of the residents.
Cummins and Thomas would sometimes stay in their attic room all day,
For those that are on electronic devices that cannot view DailyMail....

much more at link... trying to stay within 10% rule and take out some...

"But Cummins' conservative Christian beliefs, lazy work ethic and powder-keg temper soon led to conflict with commune residents and the couple's life on the run began to fall apart. And after just ten days on the ranch the pair was kicked off the property and fled to a campsite in nearby Cecilville.

Two days later - after a tip off from a campsite caretaker - Cummins was taken into custody by a SWAT team who found him and Thomas holed up in an unfinished cabin next to a creek. ...Long time commune resident Sophia, an openly gay performance artist, told that the couple seemed 'odd' from the moment they arrived and didn't fit in with the ethos of the community...
'From the beginning we could tell we didn't really want them here, something was off, something was weird, strange,' she said... The ranch is located in a hard-to-get-to rural area. Cummins initially implied that he hoped to live there permanently when he arrived - but the group were put off by the 'lazy' couple, who didn't pull their weight in the commune

Fellow resident April Showers, a 24-year-old transwoman from Pennsylvania, gave the couple a tour of the property when they first arrived. 'When they showed up they seemed really scared and apprehensive, his [Cummins] hands were shaking,' she said. 'But they soon settled down and he said, "This looks like home forever." They were clearly hoping to stick around for a long while.'
At the Summer Solstice Gathering in 2013, there were over 40 residents, the highest population in decades, but numbers have since dwindled and only a handful of people - around five - still live there today.

April said the commune has seen 'outlaws, felons, runaways and even a KKK member' come through the ranch in the past. But there was something particularly odd about Cummins and his young 'wife' and the age gap didn't sit well with any of the residents.
Cummins and Thomas would sometimes stay in their attic room all day,


so 10 days on the ranch (some would round to 2 weeks)
2 days at the cabin.

ETA - who's on first?
I have no idea how long they stayed at the commune, but like I posted upthread, I got the impression from the video that the commune members were telling the Daily Mail reporter what he wanted to hear. It seemed like they were playing to the camera, so to speak, JMHO.

In time, we will find out what the truth is.

In the meantime, I think this trash rag is going to make the situation worse for ET and her family and I despise them for that. This is the last thing Elizabeth needs. She was sheltered, abused, and her 'homeschooling' was done by her abusive mother. Once her dad, who seems like a decent guy, got custody and put her in a regular school, she becomes the victim of a predatory 'teacher' who should never have been teaching in the first place. To steal a line from a blues song, 'if it wasn't for bad luck, she wouldn't have any luck at all.'
10 business days is 2 weeks. Lol

Come on folks. Yes. They crashed at the commune for 2 weeks.

Next. Lol
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