Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #2

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heck, he shouldnt had been a teacher to begin with. he didnt have the requirements and had help by his wife to get that job.

And I'm sure that's a decision that the school district would do anything to take back.

I don't have any kids yet, but I don't know that I would be comfortable sending them to school in that district.
heck, he shouldnt had been a teacher to begin with. he didnt have the requirements and had help by his wife to get that job.

I was right there with you! Couldn't believe he was allowed to teach with just an associates degree. My daughter has her masters and has decided NOW (after having 4 children) that it would be prudent for her to be teacher, but she CAN'T without going back to school and getting her teaching certificate. So I did some research yesterday and it turns out he actually did have the requirements to be a vocational type teacher. (Sorry, longggg work day and my brain is exhausted. I can't think of the correct term for what I'm trying to say). I followed up with my neighbor who is a high school principal in Nashville to be sure I understood what I had found researching correctly, and she confirmed.
I wonder if the Turquose place has been contacted? Could have rented a condo for the month, fairly cheap. After all, it was he favorite place to go.
Hot tubs on every balcony. Sounds right in line with his sick perv self
I honestly believe that there are communities of all sizes that have problems like this - some more than others. I live in the suburbs of Little Rock and it's the perfect example of medium town versus big city and the fairness of LE in both communities.

As one example of a case where I live, there is a double murder case coming up on its 30 year anniversary - Don Henry and Kevin Ives. It's never been solved and probably never will be. The widely believed rumor around here is LE is protecting people in positions of power. There is debate about how high up those positions of power are, but I've always believed that there are definitely people with local positions of power (at the time) that got protection.

Then, more recently, in 1999 there was the case of Carson Prince in Little Rock. She was found on the side of the freeway with massive head trauma after her abductor threw her from a truck going over 70 MPH on the freeway. Carson's dad is a former mayor of Little Rock and her mom is a deputy DA, yet they couldn't get local and State law enforcement to properly handle their daughter's murder despite there being numerous 911 calls during the execution of the crime and many witnesses that came forward after the fact. This family only received justice for their daughter because the most unlikely thing ever happened - the killer turned himself in over 5 years later.

And then even more recently, in October 2015 Ebby Steppach disappeared from Little Rock. Turns out there were so many potential leads that Ebby most likely would have been found and home safe with her family right now. However, LRPD didn't bother to properly question potential suspects and also didn't bother to obtain surveillance footage from several sources. Ebby still hasn't been found and possibly may not ever be found because of how badly LRPD screwed up this case. This case will both break your heart and piss you off more than most cases.

Not to take away from ET or anyone else, but if you have time please listen to the podcast for Ebby on The Vanished that aired last week. Also, take time to visit Ebby's WS page. Thanks to LRPD letting all the evidence get away this girl and her family need more help than most.

AR - Ebby Steppach, 18, Little Rock, 24 October 2015

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Great post! I am from Little Rock as well. :seeya:

"She didn't think she was going to be gone that long, I guess, because she did expect to be home by dinner that night," James Thomas said.
Did ET take any luggage with her? Could she have thought she and TC were running away to get married, and then returning by dinner time. Is that what TC led her to believe? Maybe she was also expecting a honeymoon, thus the tropical pics on IG, sometime in the future.
And I'm sure that's a decision that the school district would do anything to take back.

I don't have any kids yet, but I don't know that I would be comfortable sending them to school in that district.

I just don't see how this school district isn't going to get slammed with a massive law suit.

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The fact that no one has seen them since the day they left tells me they might not have been on the road long at all. I wonder if they're actually a lot closer to home than we've been thinking...I would certainly hope that TC didn't have any outside help but I guess it's possible. Maybe he knows someone who owns property in a relatively secluded area and they're laying low for now.
In fact (and I know this won't be a popular opinion) I ache for TC's wife (and fam) as much as I do for ET. I've watched many of our friends/family over the years go through divorces, in complete shock and misery upon discovering that their spouse was having an affair, Add to that THIS, what TC has done! He not only left his wife, but also their children (grown) and grandchildren FOREVER! FOR A CHILD! (Sick ....ARGH)!!! Completely wrote them out of his life. ON. PURPOSE. It just breaks my heart to think of the hell they are experiencing and I in no way feel JC was complicit in ANY way. Just my opinion.....

Was thinking this earlier too. Poor people. And he'll be in jail after they find him, too.
Did ET take any luggage with her? Could she have thought she and TC were running away to get married, and then returning by dinner time. Is that what TC led her to believe? Maybe she was also expecting a honeymoon, thus the tropical pics on IG, sometime in the future.

That would have made for some interesting dinner conversation. "What did I do today? Oh, not much. Had breakfast at Shoney's. Got married to a man more than three times my age. He has a wife and kids, but he said not to worry about that."

I'm not actually trying to make fun of the situation, honest. But it's just so sad to think of what he must have been filling her head with when she was already in a vulnerable state of mind.
Every time I see his face on TV and in the news, it creeps me out. I really hope Mary Catherine Elizabeth is found safe.

You can tell he thinks he's really something. He's a nasty piece of work. (And with a name like Tad, well that deserves prison time, too.)
Was thinking this earlier too. Poor people. And he'll be in jail after they find him, too.

I agree and posted a comment about this earlier. His family might not victimized, but they're still victims nonetheless. That is unless they still try to defend him and choose to stand by him after he's hopefully apprehend and prosecuted.

Some criminals don't deserve the support of their family, but in this type of case if the family chooses to stand by the criminal it's the same as saying what the criminal did is okay.

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Phoned my friend on Spring break in Gatlinburg. There going to look around tomorrow and see if there's flyers out in the Great Smokey Mountain Park. Not too far away right across the NC border are the Indian reservations also.

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Regarding this whole him googling teenage marriage topic, are there any ways they could have gotten married there or in a nearby state that same day they were last seen? Like someplace within driving distance that they could have done it before her turning up missing was an issue? I see some states say age 15 with parental consent but what does that mean exactly? A piece of paper signed by a parent or the parent has to be present? If it was a piece of paper that could have easily been forged obviously. Just wondering. Obviously would not be a legal marriage considering he is married.
I don't think TC has married her. I think he wants to continue the charade of being married....if he were to try to actually marry her there would be eyebrows raised and lets face it: he doesnt want that attention. I believe they think they are soulmates and being together is enough.

I think they will be found not far from where they went missing from. I think all the beach photos are just part of the fantasy TC wants her to believe in. Just like he was in the CIA - its just a load of crap that he used to lure her. TC posted on instagram a book he had just bought about surviving in the wilderness. I think they will be found holed up in the wilderness.
I hope she survives this. I can't for the life of me understand how a beautiful little girl like this could be manipulated into finding a gross old dude attractive. It's baffling.

I feel for his family. They appear to think he's lost his mind. So they might stand by him if he surfaces, not because they support his horrific criminal act but because they think this is not who he is at core but that he's just cracked.
Regarding this whole him googling teenage marriage topic, are there any ways they could have gotten married there or in a nearby state that same day they were last seen? Like someplace within driving distance that they could have done it before her turning up missing was an issue? I see some states say age 15 with parental consent but what does that mean exactly? A piece of paper signed by a parent or the parent has to be present? If it was a piece of paper that could have easily been forged obviously. Just wondering. Obviously would not be a legal marriage considering he is married.

I believe that there is a parental consent form that has to be filled out and notarized, but depending on the state they would still have to get judicial consent.
I don't know too much about the case except he is her teacher (forensics?), was caught kissing her and fled with her. She went "willingly", thinks she is in love with the dirty old man and hasn't been seen in a week.

Her father is devastated and she seems to come from a nice family. Brother pled for her to come home. She missed her confirmation.

Are there any details someone like me without a lot of info about the case should know, that might be important?

I guess they may be headed for the panhandle area? How does he think they can live undetected? I hope he doesn't decide to kill them both (himself and her) when he realizes there is no way he can live out his fantasy for long with her.

He needs to let her go. She has a right to be free. To be young. And to live.
I don't know too much about the case except he is her teacher (forensics), was caught kissing her and fled with her. She went "willingly", thinks she is in love with the dirty old man and hasn't been seen in a week.

Her father is devastated and she seems to come from a nice family. Brother pled for her to come home. She missed her confirmation.

Are the any details someone like me without a lot of info about the case should know that might be important?

I guess they may be headed for the panhandle area? How does he think they can live undetected? I hope he doesn't decide kill them both (himself and her) when he realizes there is no way he can live out his fantasy for long with her.

He needs to let her go. She has a right to be free. To be young. And to live.

He's been fired from the school, so he has nothing left to lose, and that's what scares me the most. She comes from a troubled background with abuse allegations and this is the first year she's attended public school - she was homeschooled up until this past September. It made her an easy target for him to brainwash, and I think his and her Instagram accounts make it pretty clear that he has her convinced that they're in love and destined to be together.

He's a sick man, and my heart breaks for his poor wife, kids, and grandkids...they were nothing more than collateral damage to him. They need to find him and get his butt in jail where it belongs.
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