Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #2

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You know... This case has really gotten under my skin. I almost wish she were MY child, so I could make her feel so special and loved... and meant for greater things!

Because that's the immunity, against predators like <mod snip>. There is no substitute, for someone who finds your life important and spectacular. Such a lovely child. With so much potential, seems to have been lost in a sea of indifference and ineptitude.

<mod snip> is not her Hero. I hope she finds the strength and clarity, to be her own Hero. Seems like her only chance.
I get your point. It's because "intercourse" implies consent. And a minor lacks the capacity to give consent to having sex with a person who has more power and maturity than she does. I always hate when reporters describe child rape as "was caught having sex with" the 8 year old, for example. Or describing a child molestation situation as a "relationship". Gross.

Yes, thank you, Gitana! That's exactly my point. Perhaps I'm lacking your eloquence. :)

If she had FB, it's not active that I know of. His FB was a joint account with his wife (make of that what you will) which is also not accessible anymore.

Gag me with a spoon. He obsessively uses the hashtags #strong #unbreakable #love and it grosses me out to no end. WTH did he think his wife wouldn't eventually figure it out? i mean really? What a pig.
ET's father (AT), posted publicly, a confirmation that ET is indeed, left handed. Someone had asked him, if she was, as that might be another way of identifying it is her - if she is sighted. Approx 10% of population, is said to be left handed (for what that's worth).
I think it is you who is minimizing what happened to her, before she ran away. As far as her being raped, that may or may not be true. We don't know. So could we avoid talking about that, until we have some evidence, one way or the other.

You misunderstood me also, and I clarified my point in another post. None of the circumstances surrounding her kidnapping make her less of a victim is what I tried to convey, and when I first posted that several hours ago, I had seen some blatant victim-blaming before I made these comments.
It's all fun and games in the beginning and it's edgy when you are doing something forbidden and don't want to get caught. And I mean this for both of them.

It stops being exciting in all relationships once the original thrill of it all has worn off and the day to day grind sets in. When reality rears its ugly head with these two, and it will, their fantasy will come crashing down. Then what?

What's exciting for TC NOW is a relationship with a 15 year old. That 15 year old will eventually turn 16, 17, 18, 19....I think you get my drift. The thrill of a forbidden relationship with a teenager will eventually disappear purely due to time PERIOD. Then he will be looking for a new fantasy and ET will be dropped like a hot potato.

There is NOTHING, and I emphasize NOTHING, good about any of this for ET short term or long term. He will go to jail and she will be left burned and devastated.

I wish there was a way to get through to ET to make her understand what is happening. Unfortunately, I fear she is going to have to figure it out for herself.


I don't see an old dude like this getting tired of the reality of taking advantage of s young, impressionable, naive and adorable girl. It likely excites him. Many predators keep their victims for long periods.

And occasionally, the victims are convinced or threatened into helping keep the secret and staying with the predator for years.
ET's father (AT), posted publicly, a confirmation that ET is indeed, left handed. Someone had asked him, if she was, as that might be another way of identifying it is her - if she is sighted. Approx 10% of population, is said to be left handed (for what that's worth).
Only 10% of the population is left handed. Her looks my have changed, but her handedness will not!!

*I'm a lefty too! If she is out eating she will be using left hand!
I noticed that TC has "jeep owner" listed as a part of his bio. on his Instagram. Has anything been reported about him having a jeep? I apologize. I don't normally jump into a case thread without doing some background reading, but as I shared earlier, I just found out about this case yesterday.

I know the chances are slim that it was them, but I am kicking myself for not making a more careful observation.

I am going to go google jeep images!

Edit to add: I am not going to keep posting about this as I do not want to cause confusion. But, I would like to know if he has really owned a jeep in the past or in the present!
Political commentary: I am reading his "following" list and i dislike him even more now...
What ifs, could be a lot of possibilities. I would guess, if the student hadn't told, TC and ET would have continued doing, whatever it was that they were doing. He would still be a teacher, and she would still be his student, and we wouldn't be having this conversation now. Would that be a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know. I don't see any good things in this case, or any possible good outcomes.
At least this way...I hope the student knows no matter what happens in the end she did the right thing.
Almost time for a new thread... and they still are missing.

Gahhh !!!! So many levels of revulsion I'm feeling about TC.
And guess what ? If they're found and even IF he does some jail time--- My .02 is that he'll ALWAYS be dangerous to kids or teens.

Call me pessimistic. But some people cannot be 'cured' ; imo.
Sometimes I think there should be lifelong imprisonment or even the DP for adults who abuse children.
Ranting again. But I'm sick of these tragedies unfolding in front of our eyes.
Are our children not safe even at school ??
Interesting. I wonder what info led them to believe Vegas?

I think it's interesting that they are publicizing that they're going to Vegas. Why? What message is being sent here?

Quoting myself here...

I received a call back from an agent. So, it sounded like they will be looking into it.

Fabulous!! This is a scary case. What is the slogan? See something, say something! And you did. Who knows, it could help save a child.
While I am not going to give TC the credit of calling him a mastermind, I know the level of organization and planning needed to run a classroom and to manage students on trips. My guess is he read everything he could get his hands on and broke this plan down to the tiniest details...and has mapped out an above average plan to evade detection. Not just because he is educated and has some financial resources but because the stakes are high. He literally has nothing to come back to if this doesn't work. He either gets it right or reality is, he will spend the rest of his life in jail. As a result, I believe he plotted this with precision.

He isn't going to use his debit card. He's way too far in for that.

I still believe that he will make mistakes in part due to the self delusion going on. If I were LE, I would want to read any survivalist book he has read and watch any show about living off the grid that he has watched. Using recommendations from these specific sources combined with what they know about his previous travels and hobbies, this might help them choose some possible locations to focus in on.

If I were the people in her life, I would be posting to her Instagram constantly in case she was to see it. Put the idea in her head that if things go south, she should try to subtly leave or call for help not confront him. The girl could have moments of weakness late at night or if she is alone when he goes to scout the area and she may check those profiles from a different account then.

Lastly, I fear it may take a while. If she had a difficult life and was being harassed at school, life on the run might still somehow be better--in her mind--than some of what she's experienced.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Great post. I know with one gal who likely suffered some sort of mental health episode, who disappeared, websleuthers encouraged her friends and family to create a FB page and then to post birthday wishes and really nice messages of support and non-judgment on Facebook. The next day, she turned up in front of a police station.
Great post. I know with one gal who likely suffered some sort of mental health episode, who disappeared, websleuthers encouraged her friends and family to create a FB page and then to post birthday wishes and really nice messages of support and non-judgment on Facebook. The next day, she turned up in front of a police station.

G, do you know if a FB group/community has been formed by ET's parents/friends/family?
I noticed that TC has "jeep owner" listed as a part of his bio. on his Instagram. Has anything been reported about him having a jeep? I apologize. I don't normally jump into a case thread without doing some background reading, but as I shared earlier, I just found out about this case yesterday.

I know the chances are slim that it was them, but I am kicking myself for not making a more careful observation.

I am going to go google jeep images!

Edit to add: I am not going to keep posting about this as I do not want to cause confusion. But, I would like to know if he has really owned a jeep in the past or in the present!
He does own a jeep. There is a picture of it on his IG with a wreath on it. However, that is not what he is driving right now....He' driving a:

silver Nissan Rogue with Tennessee license plate of 976ZPT
At least this way...I hope the student knows no matter what happens in the end she did the right thing.

Poor thing.

In all honest, few of us can compare. And I'm not known for for my modesty! ;)

Aww. That's really nice to say! I guess most lawyers are pretty good with words. But ask me about anything related to math? Forget it! I was actually in the learning disabled class in high school for math. Can't do it. During the bar exam I had three digital clocks on the table because I still have trouble telling time on a regular clock. I have no idea what "quarter past" means when someone says it unless i think about it real hard!!
Poor thing.

Aww. That's really nice to say! I guess most lawyers are pretty good with words. But ask me about anything related to math? Forget it! I was actually in the learning disabled class in high school for math. Can't do it. During the bar exam I had three digital clocks on the table because I still have trouble telling time on a regular clock. I have no idea what "quarter past" means when someone says it unless i think about it real hard!!

Thanks for this! I am absolutely a math *advertiser censored*. I once had a fourth grade teacher tell my daughter, " you don't want to be counting on your fingers at 50 like your mom". Outch! :( That sucked. But I do have gifted areas, and that particulate teacher was abusive, and I'm not. So everything is relative. ;)
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