Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #2

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New tweet from with TC's name saying arrest warrant issued and the hashtags is #VegasBound #LasVegas from Team Leader of Alabama Rangers.
Also, if they were still in that car with the same plates they'd have to avoid all highways due to licences plate readers. I think that even switching license plates would be so risky. I think unless they are tucked away in the wilderness with the car well hid, then they probably ditched the car. But that makes me wonder why if the car has been abandoned, why has it not been found?

Switching plates could work, if the plates are currently registered. But he would have to find valid registered plates. But if the car is sitting abandoned someplace, it could sit there for months, before anyone notices. If he wanted to dispose of the car permanently, he could have driven it into a lake, where it won't be found for years. My bet is that it's tucked away in the wilderness some place. Either that or someone is helping them hide.
He could also have stolen Dealer Tags along the way and be using those.
It's all fun and games in the beginning and it's edgy when you are doing something forbidden and don't want to get caught. And I mean this for both of them.

It stops being exciting in all relationships once the original thrill of it all has worn off and the day to day grind sets in. When reality rears its ugly head with these two, and it will, their fantasy will come crashing down. Then what?

What's exciting for TC NOW is a relationship with a 15 year old. That 15 year old will eventually turn 16, 17, 18, 19....I think you get my drift. The thrill of a forbidden relationship with a teenager will eventually disappear purely due to time PERIOD. Then he will be looking for a new fantasy and ET will be dropped like a hot potato.

There is NOTHING, and I emphasize NOTHING, good about any of this for ET short term or long term. He will go to jail and she will be left burned and devastated.

I wish there was a way to get through to ET to make her understand what is happening. Unfortunately, I fear she is going to have to figure it out for herself.

A little boat excursion to Florida or the Gulf: Someone up there, mentioned a cruise (I apologize, I can't find your post). Very interesting thought. I am snooping around, seeing if there are little 'excursions' for tourists, that leave from New Orleans, to say... Mexico or wherever.

Yes, cruises depart from New Orleans and Mobile, AL. But, they are strict about seeing proper verification of citizenship. They would have to have photo id's and proof of citizenship, such as a passport, to embark.
There was an instagram post where she says his shirts become her shirts. Not kidding. #love

That is really the only post that references something that might have actually happened vs something that was just a fantasy.


Edited to add: I *just* saw this post - and well, it can be taken to mean several things. :notgood:

_.babygirl2001._"the time comes for the flowers to bloom, the fruit of love starts to grow, soon when the fruit gets too heavy, it shall fall from the tree, fertilizing a new part of the ground away from the tree, and starting a new life." #love #together

Isn't it odd, how some of her posts can be so 'flowery', with this faux shakespearean vibe. And at other times, it seems as though she is a bit 'thin', on basic vocabulary (e.g. the words, super attendant comes to mind, when she is trying to have this smack-down, with another person on IG). Sometimes, I get the sense that she is copying something, and those are not her words. I think this might be an attempt to sound very sophisticated, and worldly.

edit note: yea, the shirt thing creeps me out. I am on the fence, at how to interpret that. But, yea - I totally see your point.
There was an instagram post where she says his shirts become her shirts. Not kidding. #love

That is really the only post that references something that might have actually happened vs something that was just a fantasy.


Edited to add: I *just* saw this post - and well, it can be taken to mean several things. :notgood:

_.babygirl2001._"the time comes for the flowers to bloom, the fruit of love starts to grow, soon when the fruit gets too heavy, it shall fall from the tree, fertilizing a new part of the ground away from the tree, and starting a new life." #love #together
I feel ill reading that!
New tweet from with TC's name saying arrest warrant issued and the hashtags is #VegasBound #LasVegas from Team Leader of Alabama Rangers.

Interesting. I wonder what info led them to believe Vegas?
I called the 1-800 tip line and reported what I saw. There are so many cameras at the Wal-mart! If they check it out it should be easy to determine if it was them. This was about 10 -15 miles from where I65 connects to I10.

Probably no connection but I swear it looked just like them!

Quoting myself here...

I received a call back from an agent. So, it sounded like they will be looking into it.
Not sure if anyone else noticed, but has she always had the description of " Wife��" on her instagram?
Yes people steal plates all the time but it's not that easy. The stolen plate would have to be from the same make and model and about the same year, it would also have to be not reported stolen. So it's not as simple as the crime TV shows make it out to be.
In this day and age, with the technology that le has, you can't just throw some random plate on a car and drive by police with no worries.

It wouldn't necessarily have to be from the same make and model, unless a cop stopped them and checked all the details. And in that case it wouldn't matter if it was from the same make and model. The cop could check the VIN number, and determine if it's the right car or not. But they don't normally go that far, unless they have some suspicion.
That's why I don't believe he went north, east or south. The area is too congested, too many plate readers and tolls.

I'm for certain he is either holed up in some cabin/abandoned home in the foothills of Tennessee or out west in Texas or Arizona where the alerts aren't news and plate readers aren't a thing.

It would be pretty unlikely they could have driven to Arizona without getting their plates read, multiple times along the way. More likely they are still in Tennessee, in an area that TC is familiar with.
Looks to me like TC's Twitter is the complete opposite of his Instagram (i.e. no lovesick teenager-type memes, more professional-minded, etc.) I'm also noticing that while TC and his wife follow each other on Twitter, that does not seem to be the case on Instagram that I can detect. On the one hand, I'm amazed that he set up that account under his real name but on the other, I wouldn't be surprised if the arrogant s.o.b. got a thrill out of carrying out an illicit relationship right under his wife's nose without her knowledge.
While I am not going to give TC the credit of calling him a mastermind, I know the level of organization and planning needed to run a classroom and to manage students on trips. My guess is he read everything he could get his hands on and broke this plan down to the tiniest details...and has mapped out an above average plan to evade detection. Not just because he is educated and has some financial resources but because the stakes are high. He literally has nothing to come back to if this doesn't work. He either gets it right or reality is, he will spend the rest of his life in jail. As a result, I believe he plotted this with precision.

He isn't going to use his debit card. He's way too far in for that.

I still believe that he will make mistakes in part due to the self delusion going on. If I were LE, I would want to read any survivalist book he has read and watch any show about living off the grid that he has watched. Using recommendations from these specific sources combined with what they know about his previous travels and hobbies, this might help them choose some possible locations to focus in on.

If I were the people in her life, I would be posting to her Instagram constantly in case she was to see it. Put the idea in her head that if things go south, she should try to subtly leave or call for help not confront him. The girl could have moments of weakness late at night or if she is alone when he goes to scout the area and she may check those profiles from a different account then.

Lastly, I fear it may take a while. If she had a difficult life and was being harassed at school, life on the run might still somehow be better--in her mind--than some of what she's experienced.

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