Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #4

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"Maury County Rep. tells kidnapping suspect Tad Cummins to ‘man up’":

Thanks for the link. I haven't found any other news articles today.

"The owner of a Maury County clinic, Chandler Anderson, is also offering a $5,000 reward to anyone who helps Thomas return home safely."

I hope the additional reward money will help bring attention to the case and inspire people to be observant.
Mom24, your post is so on point, but I also feel nauseous. It actually makes me feel physically ill. This is so disgusting and sad. And what's more is, I'm sure this is going on elsewhere. :(

Just keep remembering kids bounce back. The faster she's found, the quicker she can get back to being a child.
I've already stated my opinions on that.
I just hope he can take care of her until either she decides to go home or they get caught.

Posts which appeared to be "just opinions" were skipped when you were reading the threads, you've decided despite much information to the contrary that she kissed him first (as if that justifies anything even if it went down that way), and then when others ask what the deal is, you counter with it just being your opinion or you've already answered that or you refuse to answer.

I think I understand the intentions here. Super cool, productive, based in reality, and so appropriate for this victim-friendly site :eyeroll:
He's married, so he wouldn't be able to get married in any state.

It can be done. If he doesn't admit to being married in another state and they don't have a wait time requirement he can slip through the cracks and marry. Even easier if he's got false ID.
I was just noticing a trend in your comments on the case and thought you MUST be playing devil's advocate :

SBM / BOLD BY ME - i read as "she instigated this kidnapping"

she caused it to get out of hand and kissed him

sorry, I read this as TC is the good guy trying to help her


messed up" seems like a poor choice of words. along with stupid teacher you could also add predator and kidnapper...

I was just asking if you were posing these comments that seem to be focused solely on TC's plight in this situation in an attempt to spark conversation and see things from a different point of view in the hopes that it would generate some different ideas of where they could have gone.

I also just got a weird feeling when reading some of these posts and then noticed they were all made by you and wanted your clarification.

Please feel free to ignore this post as it is all my opinion and was just a weird feeling that I wanted to get out.
I thought I was a rather patient person. You are demonstrating a much higher level of it than I can muster today. Thank you for setting a good example yet still getting your point across :)
Just keep remembering kids bounce back. The faster she's found, the quicker she can get back to being a child.

I don't know what she can go "back" to. She just has to some how find her way forward - going back, she was in agony (apparently, her facebook is one of the saddest I've ever read) and she certainly wouldn't want to go back to that.

I hope her school and family are lining up very good therapists for her, to help her plant her feet firmly on the ground and believe in her future and her capabilities, and her value.
It can be done. If he doesn't admit to being married in another state and they don't have a wait time requirement he can slip through the cracks and marry. Even easier if he's got false ID.

Maybe I'm missing the point. Why would he marry her, if it was not legally binding and couldn't possibly be used as a legal defense. "Um, I'm sorry sir, you were already married and so you aren't married to this girl. In fact, now you've committed an additional crime of bigamy".
It can be done. If he doesn't admit to being married in another state and they don't have a wait time requirement he can slip through the cracks and marry. Even easier if he's got false ID.

What's even easier if he explains to ET something like they are already married in God's eyes so don't need to get married, or some other jibberish he's saying to justify kidnapping a teen and abandoning his wife.

He's married, so he wouldn't be able to get married in any state.

He might get married but staying married once they are found is a whole 'nother matter. I can totally see him lying big time to convince somebody to marry them.
So I haven't followed this case as closely as most. He's in his 50's - has he been teaching most of his adult life?

Have there been other instances of sexual misconduct that have surfaced - or is this apparently a first - does anyone know?
Ever have those teachers pay a student to come into their room and spend time with them and be "good"? Ever have those teachers give a back rub? Ever have those teachers tell all but one "special" student to leave the room so they could be alone? Ever have a teacher hold hands with anyone? How about a teacher taking a student alone in their car outside of school hours? I'll bet not. I know the whole "Lolita" thing is titillating, but we're talking Grandpa and she's surrounded by young handsome boys her age. We're also talking about a man who read her life story and told other students about it, all about the abuse and how "troubled" she was. We're also talking about a man who was told, reprimanded in fact, to stay away from her and flagrantly disregarded that directive. Popular teachers don't groom, manipulate and further fantasies with students. They don't abduct them, leave their family and community in shambles and call it "love" and they certainly don't do this at 50 years old. If he wanted out, he leaves his family and runs off with his secretary, a fully functioning adult he doesn't pay for a "good girl".

I don't know why you directed this post at me , I'll take a guess that you assume I think he's a good teacher.No, I think he is a teacher that made some bad decisions that led to him totally messing up his life.
Maybe I'm missing the point. Why would he marry her, if it was not legally binding and could possibly used as a legal defense. "Um, I'm sorry sir, you were already married and so you aren't married to this girl. In fact, now you've committed an additional crime of bigamy".

We know it's not legal, and TC knows it's not legal, but we don't know what he's been telling ET. He could have made up all sorts of lies, telling her that he wasn't married anymore once he left his wife and that he was totally free to marry her. She's only 15, and he has her thinking he's a secret agent and who knows what else. She might think they can get legally married and that once they do, she won't be able to leave him.
I agree that she will need years and therapy to help sort through all of this. She's had a rough 15 years of life so far but let's hope that this is a wake up call to those who may have let her down in the past. When she's found, she will need much love and support to get past this. I am confident that she will be found alive and am also confident that he will not harm her when confronted by police. I do believe he may attempt to harm himself but I don't think he'll harm her. I've been wrong before and have no proof, those are just my opinions though
Maybe I'm missing the point. Why would he marry her, if it was not legally binding and couldn't possibly used as a legal defense. "Um, I'm sorry sir, you were already married and so you aren't married to this girl. In fact, now you've committed an additional crime of bigamy".

Maybe in her eyes, if they were married then she would think being with him was legal and she was doing her "wife" duties by sleeping with him.
I agree that she will need years and therapy to help sort through all of this. She's had a rough 15 years of life so far but let's hope that this is a wake up call to those who may have let her down in the past. When she's found, she will need much love and support to get past this. I am confident that she will be found alive and am also confident that he will not harm her when confronted by police. I do believe he may attempt to harm himself but I don't think he'll harm her. I've been wrong before and have no proof, those are just my opinions though

I agree - I think this will end with her being found and brought back home, and with him killing himself.
What's even easier if he explains to ET something like they are already married in God's eyes so don't need to get married, or some other jibberish he's saying to justify kidnapping a teen and abandoning his wife.

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe he'll say something like this" this is a spiritual Union and we're married in Gods eyes so therefore we can move this relationship to the next level" or something sick like that.
She's grown up going to church so she may have wanted to save herself for marriage. Sadly this creeper will probably find a way to steal that from her too if he hasn't already. Imo
I don't know what she can go "back" to. She just has to some how find her way forward - going back, she was in agony (apparently, her facebook is one of the saddest I've ever read) and she certainly wouldn't want to go back to that.

I hope her school and family are lining up very good therapists for her, to help her plant her feet firmly on the ground and believe in her future and her capabilities, and her value.

Sounds like this was all beginning for her. Personally I wouldn't put much stock in anything that school offers. My guess is she'll be transferred to another school When a child is first taken out an abusive home it's not unusual for them to be depressed and anxious. While we look at what she was going through with her mother as horrendous, for her it was normal. What is normal for the rest of us feels abnormal to her. She can't get her bearings and as bad as her previous situation was, she understood it, knew what to expect. It's not uncommon for children to just want to go back to the abusive parent because they know that, it's normal, they know when to expect the abuse. So yes, she'll need lots of caring people around, people who won't abuse that dependency she may form with them and twist it like TC did. People who will teach her how to depend on herself and her good intuition. But it's amazing how resilient children are and how quickly they will bounce back because deep down inside, the hope is still there and the desire to believe magic might just be real. She's strong, and she's survived so much and she'll get through this. She's already been robbed of so much by TC, he needs to stop taking from her.
I agree that she will need years and therapy to help sort through all of this. She's had a rough 15 years of life so far but let's hope that this is a wake up call to those who may have let her down in the past. When she's found, she will need much love and support to get past this. I am confident that she will be found alive and am also confident that he will not harm her when confronted by police. I do believe he may attempt to harm himself but I don't think he'll harm her. I've been wrong before and have no proof, those are just my opinions though

I agree that she will be found alive and that he will not murder her. I know that he has guns, but I don't think he is capable of murder.
Maybe I'm missing the point. Why would he marry her, if it was not legally binding and couldn't possibly be used as a legal defense. "Um, I'm sorry sir, you were already married and so you aren't married to this girl. In fact, now you've committed an additional crime of bigamy".

Oh I see! I don't think he was using this as a legal defense. I think he's doing it to feed the fantasy, keep her with him. She's busy planning the wedding of her dreams she won't notice what she's lost. It's the beauty and the beast fantasy that he sold her.
So I haven't followed this case as closely as most. He's in his 50's - has he been teaching most of his adult life?

Have there been other instances of sexual misconduct that have surfaced - or is this apparently a first - does anyone know?
Idk about other sexual abuse cases but he's clearly has a lack of boundaries and according to some he's been doing inappropriate things as being alone with females as far back as 2011 and interestingly enough she was vulnerable as her parents were divorcing at the time

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