Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #8

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I am sure FBI and TBI know ALL usernames of ET and TC in all electronic venues they use. They are perhaps watching closely. It makes sense if they are also watching closely the potential destinations of any message from the two. They could create new accounts but they have to send to known accounts if they attempt electronic communication.

The one thing I am curious is "would it be possible to monitor burned phones traffics so that LE know which burned phones are excessively watching the news about ET's amber alert?" I am 99.99% sure TC watches the news about the Amber Alert. If he cannot go to restaurants and other public places to watch TV, he has a TV where he is hidden and/or he has phone or tablet able to go to the Internet. IMO.

I'm a paralegal and subpoena cell phone records all of the time. Burner phone information is non existent unless they registered their phone to pay for minutes online. Also, the cell phone carriers track data usage but not specific websites visited. That's what concerns me about a AirBnB rental. Book one on a phone and there isn't a way to track that if not paid with a personal credit card. I hope that FBI has more tools.
Personally, I applaud TC's wife for coming forward and pleading for him to return ET. I think she handled the situation the best way she possibly could by trying to persuade him that it's not too late to turn this thing around.

I mean honestly, are people upset that she didn't hit the mike and tell him what a rotten SOB he is? How would THAT have helped the situation?

JC is in a horrible position right now, and it's all TC's fault. He's shown complete disregard for her feelings. She's not going through the same pain as ET's family, but she's still going through pain. The husband that she thought she knew so well is dead to her at this point, replaced by some awful creature who decided to kidnap a student. Kind of like the parents of the two school shooters from Columbine...they had to both mourn the loss of their sons and deal with the hate directed at them because of what their kids did. I really see JC as another victim here.
Does TC like to drink? Or is he a "straight and sober" kind of man? Random but just curious
I got the idea people were a bit angry that it seemed like she was talking about how bad it was for her.

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I personally think she has every right to be feel bad. She was horribly betrayed and lied to. He took her car and IIRC left her his Jeep when she doesn't drive a standard transmission. He likely took money from their joint accounts. He took out a loan. Depending on the state, she may be liable for repayment even if her name isn't on the documents (community assets and liabilities). She could be facing financial ruin. Her reputation has been damaged, either via being the jilted wife or the (IMO) whisperings that she had to have known something was amiss. Her children and grandchildren must be hurting - that's not easy for any mother to watch. So, yeah, when a reporter asks how she's feeling about all this, I'm going to give her a pass for expressing an honest emotion that probably most of us would feel if we were in her shoes.

(My sympathies lie first with ET and her family. ET is in danger; JC is not. I get it, but IMHO, Tad's wife is a victim too.)
I personally think she has every right to be feel bad. She was horribly betrayed and lied to. He took her car and IIRC left her his Jeep when she doesn't drive a standard transmission. He likely took money from their joint accounts. He took out a loan. Depending on the state, she may be liable for repayment even if her name isn't on the documents (community assets and liabilities). She could be facing financial ruin. Her reputation has been damaged, either via being the jilted wife or the (IMO) whisperings that she had to have known something was amiss. Her children and grandchildren must be hurting - that's not easy for any mother to watch. So, yeah, when a reporter asks how she's feeling about all this, I'm going to give her a pass for expressing an honest emotion that probably most of us would feel if we were in her shoes.

(My sympathies lie first with ET and her family. ET is in danger; JC is not. I get it, but IMHO, Tad's wife is a victim too.)
Yes she would feel bad and is a victim, but I thought it was her saying something like "no one knows how hard this is for me" or something to that affect.

I didn't read the article, just what people were saying.

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Personally, I applaud TC's wife for coming forward and pleading for him to return ET. I think she handled the situation the best way she possibly could by trying to persuade him that it's not too late to turn this thing around.

I mean honestly, are people upset that she didn't hit the mike and tell him what a rotten SOB he is? How would THAT have helped the situation?

Thank you.

Certainly our focus is on the safe return and well being of ET. From what I recall of JC's first statement, that was her first concern as well.

That said, I feel very bad for her. The life she thought she had is now over.

I can not and will not place an ounce of blame on her for her husband's foolery and criminal actions.

American pie movies used the term too

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80's girl here, too. The only "meister" I remember is Jager. :wink:

Kidding aside, not in the 80's but wasn't there a Saturday Night Live character that would come up with goofy nicknames in a skit: "Rob." "Roborama". "The Robmeister?" "Mr. Roboto". (Domo arigato -- I digress).

Curious as to why the OP was asking.... (I smell something sleuthy). :wink: I have three sons, ages 15-21. I haven't heard them use 'meister' though.

Edited to add: ah, I see The OP clarified. Tadmeister.
Yes! IMO someone is referring to himself in third person.
Someone who used the term in the 80's.
I just wanted to bounce that off of someone besides myself.
It sounds like a older narcissist, who can do no wrong and thinks he is "cool" sticking up for the "Tadmeister" - not another teen.

ETA: maybe that is what "Tad" on the soap opera "All My Children" called himself back in the day.
Yes she would feel bad and is a victim, but I thought it was her saying something like "no one knows how hard this is for me" or something to that affect.

I didn't read the article, just what people were saying.

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Yes this is basically what she said. I am concerned with a 15 YO girls safety, not some 50 YO women who is in shock over what her narcisstic husband has done to her. Her "reputation and financial ruin" pale in comparision to the real issue and that is to get ET home safely.
Personally I believe there are more victims in this case than anything ​else. See I think TC and those covering for him are the only evil doers here. The rest deserve our thoughts and prayers. Jmo

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Snipped by me

Investigators believe she was kidnapped by her teacher, 50-year-old Tad Cummins, and that she is in serious danger.

The reward for Thomas' safe return has now doubled to $10,000.

"He's never wrong. You're not going to convince Tad that he's wrong about anything," said Chandler Anderson, a former colleague of Cummins.

More at link

( Sent from WSMV )

💘 💘Love always wins 💘 💘

When he turns up, I'm sure he will have a story.
Teen Hannah Anderson of CA was kidnapped and taken to the woods by her captor. She did get through it. Let's certainly hope ET and TC get spotted sooner than later.
Personally I believe there are more victims in this case than anything ​else. See I think TC and those covering for him are the only evil doers here. The rest deserve our thoughts and prayers. Jmo

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With all if the bullying and name calling do you think ANY
girl/woman who was a victim of his would come forward?

Not in that town!
Maybe if they don't live there anymore.
I do agree he has done this before.
I don't think anyone was blaming her, I think it was the wording that bothered everyone, that "no one knows the pain.."

I doubt she meant it in a bad way and it sucks for their family because as far as we know, they are victims also. I just thought people were upset by the lack of awareness of that statement but not so much blaming her.

She is in a bad position, because of the situation it really is hard for her to get sympathy and support, but from everything we know right now, TC's wife is a completely innocent victim in this.

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When he turns up, I'm sure he will have a story.
It just seems to describe him very well. Nothing is ever his fault I think he's narcissistic too

💘 💘Love always wins 💘 💘
Yes she would feel bad and is a victim, but I thought it was her saying something like "no one knows how hard this is for me" or something to that affect.

I didn't read the article, just what people were saying.

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I don't imagine many people DO understand how hard this is for her. I know I damned sure don't. I can not even begin to imagine the pain of learning that the man I loved and thought I knew for 30+ years would do something so horrific to a child. And then to feel morally compelled to go before my community and plead with this man to please come to his senses and do the right thing? I can not even fathom the shame I would feel at having to expose myself emotionally like that.

Criticize this woman? Not me. Nope.
An Epi-Pen is an extreme---and extremely expensive---way to control a simple asthma attack. My sweet husband could have three major asthma attacks in a day. The Epi-Pen releases enough epinephrine that you'll be feeling it for up to a couple hours. It stresses the heart, too. Usually an asthmatic uses a steroid inhaler to soothe, and a rescue (albuteral) inhaler for a bad attack.
Let's ask Kat!
Kat, if you are reading this, could you let us know if Elizabeth's inhaler is an OTC one, or does she have a prescription inhaler?
IIRC Kat told us the epi-pen was given because of her wheat and tomato allergies.

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This is what scares me. Unless he has the right meds (and those are not a guarantee) he won't be able to handle it himself. Anaphylaxis is not something I would feel TC would have the training or medical support to deal with at all. My daughter has an epi and severe temp change allergy, cold uticaria. It is really scary to see those hives turn into huge connected and growing welts. If the airway is involved, time is crucial and it is an emergency. If the epi fails, time is even more limited and it is 911, paramedics and a hospital ASAP for skilled intervention. TC is no doctor and a full fledged anaphylaxtic attack is not your run of the mill respiratory therapy duties. This really, really worries me.

Teachers are trained in life saving procedures including using epipens and epipens are now mandated to be stocked in schools in some states, regardless of any known allergies. Michigan is such a state. I don't know if TN is.

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I am sure FBI and TBI know ALL usernames of ET and TC in all electronic venues they use. They are perhaps watching closely. It makes sense if they are also watching closely the potential destinations of any message from the two. They could create new accounts but they have to send to known accounts if they attempt electronic communication.

The one thing I am curious is "would it be possible to monitor burned phones traffics so that LE know which burned phones are excessively watching the news about ET's amber alert?" I am 99.99% sure TC watches the news about the Amber Alert. If he cannot go to restaurants and other public places to watch TV, he has a TV where he is hidden and/or he has phone or tablet able to go to the Internet. IMO.

If they have fake accounts with different pics and names that they set up after leaving and have not friended anyone from home, then police do not have all their current names though...just previous ones. Imho.

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