Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #17 *ARREST*

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Cummins and ET spent several days in Siskiyou County, California, in a small, shabby cabin that was unfit to house two people. Aside from a dirty mattress, there was no furniture in the cabin, and no heat, running water, or electricity.

Although there were a few packages of food found lying around, cabin caretaker Barry Griffin said, “One time I had given him food that night and [she] was like, ‘Thank you.’ She got excited over some food.”

ET had to eat wildflowers to survive. She’d lost a significant amount of weight by the time she returned home and looked as if she hadn’t showered in weeks. One of the first things ET asked for when she was rescued was a shower.

“I was so shocked when I saw her first. “I didn’t know it but she was even smaller than she was used to be being. She [had] lost a lot [of weight].”


Cabin caretaker Griffin Barry accepts $10K reward

A hero AND a cutie pie. Does it get any better than that? ;)
I honestly wonder if Jill is afraid to admit she knew something was gone for fear of a lawsuit. I believe she did know and just chose to ignore it.
She admitted wondering if something were going on, even asking TC about the allegations. But don't forget the enormous pull of a perceived "solid" marriage of 30+ years. I think if she knew something was going on and wasn't admitting it for fear of whatever, she'd not have been posting those photos of her and TC with all the hearts and "I love us" frames. I don't think she was fearing a lawsuit, because I don't think had an inkling that it could possibly be true. JMO, but I get the sense she's a "what you see is what you get" kind of person, responsively honest though perhaps not strategic.
A few things from tonight's inside edition I *havent* seen mentioned yet:
-When JC made initial plea for TC to turn himself in, she says she refused to read the script LE asked her to because they wanted her to say things like 'I love you, I forgive you, please come back to me' & she didn't want to say that because it wasn't at all her message.
-JC agrees that MCET was exploited and perhaps even brainwashed.
-JC hopes to be ex-wife within the next 60 days (imo I do *not* think she'll go back on that)
-JC in regards to her daughters standing by her decision, but also standing by TC so he knows not everyone is against him: I have to let them have a relationship with him & I have to understand that. But they know that he did wrong, too & they're standing by me 100% (imo saying this made her very emotional)
-doesn't trust TC anymore, will never have what they had again, would never take him bank. Hates what he did.

JMO, I do still feel for JC and I think she has poorly worded some things, yes, and that makes it's easy to 'cherry pick' and bring out the torches, but I truly believe she means well and is just so hurt that she's just saying how she feels, how SHE is directly effected by it. Her head is probably spinning so fast that right now, it's too raw, too soon, for her to be able to perceive how it has effected others. I was cheated on in a past relationship. No it was not with someone under age, but she knew me, so I held them both accountable for *hurting MY feelings*. No this is not MCETs fault at all, but I understand how JC is hurting right now. I am sure I have an unpopular opinion, so flame away [emoji51][emoji53]

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No, I agree with you. I hear mixed messages in what she said. I can imagine her understanding exactly what her husband did while still feeling "slightly" betrayed by someone she knew well. She doesn't have the luxury of an outside perspective...she is living through it all, and is just describing her feelings.

I agree with those of you who say she should not be giving interviews until she has better control over her feelings. I think she should be honest about her feelings, but I hate that ET will be able to hear what she said. ET may have felt close to her, too, and does not need to hear all this. What a mess TC has created. So much pain.
She admitted wondering if something were going on, even asking TC about the allegations. But don't forget the enormous pull of a perceived "solid" marriage of 30+ years. I think if she knew something was going on and wasn't admitting it for fear of whatever, she'd not have been posting those photos of her and TC with all the hearts and "I love us" frames. I don't think she was fearing a lawsuit, because I don't think had an inkling that it could possibly be true. JMO, but I get the sense she's a "what you see is what you get" kind of person, responsively honest though perhaps not strategic.

She could have been in denial and was overcompensating <modsnip>

Denial is a common defense mechanism and JC is showing a lot of them right now:

We have to remember that JC is a victim as well even if she saw signs beforehand. I hope she's getting some help to deal with all of this. :(
No, I agree with you. I hear mixed messages in what she said. I can imagine her understanding exactly what her husband did while still feeling "slightly" betrayed by someone she knew well. She doesn't have the luxury of an outside perspective...she is living through it all, and is just describing her feelings.

I agree with those of you who say she should not be giving interviews until she has better control over her feelings. I think she should be honest about her feelings, but I hate that ET will be able to hear what she said. ET may have felt close to her, too, and does not need to hear all this. What a mess TC has created. So much pain.

I think she should be honest with her feelings in therapy. Not only are her statements harmful for ET, but also herself. She will not be able to get away from what she's said now. She will be hounded even more. It's become more "juicy" for the media. It's clear (IMO) that she's not fully accepting the gravity of what's happened. Doing these interviews is a really bad idea for her mental health as well.

Thank you for sharing your story. This mirrors much of my own experience growing up. And even after I was an adult and in therapy, I went every single week and sat in complete silence for four years. The code of silence is real and it takes a lot to break through it. I feel fortunate that I had a very patient therapist and that somehow I realized I had to keep going even if I couldn't talk about it.

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My dad worked long hours and my mom was a we got older we got to where we hit back..once she figured out she would loose the fight it was over...she would go to the next younger one ..10 kids and 3 younger then myself...I moved 3 miles down the road.. she hated it sisters came to my house when she got "in her mood "as we called it.she threatened to call the law on me as they were minors but I knew she wouldn't because I had pictures to prove what she was did to us ...I still to this day(mom and dad both deceased) am quick to to jump in and defend anyone who is smaller younger or extremely older..the passed 3 years before mom and the kids were all out of the house ..I didn't see her again until her funeral.
No regrets for fighting back.
Dad said if he filed for divorce she would fight for custody and we were young mothers usually win no matter what..she never touched us when he was home..and he was gone evenings 1 week a month we called it
" hell week"..
so families have all kinds of kids got by with more then they should have..but knew right from wrong. No hitting here!!

[emoji237]Always My Own Opinion[emoji4]
Hence her head is still spinning. She needs some time and distance to be able also process. In her first interview she said TC was a grown man and ET didn't have a choice.

She is now calling it an affair.

She isn't thinking straight, IMO.

OR... She is being coached by someone's defense attorney.

She could have been in denial and was overcompensating <modsnip> Denial is a common defense mechanism and JC is showing a lot of them right now: have to remember that JC is a victim as well and I hope she's getting some help.
I totally agree that JC is a victim, too, and, as such, I hope we can cut her some slack. I'm familiar with the defense mechanism of denial (again, I've been in counseling and have therapist professionals in the family)--but honestly, I don't see it in this case. She may view the whole episode differently than some of us--but that doesn't automatically prove she's in "denial" just because her take on things has a different, perhaps more complicated slant than ours looking in. It's quite possible she got a different vibe from it all because she's spent time with the two people involved. I cannot rule that out, as an outside observer. She also flat out stated he did "wrong" and is filing for divorce from him, expressing certainty that she can never trust him again. She has expressed this staunch opinion even while her daughters have taken a milder, more forgiving stance. She has good boundaries, separating her daughters' relationship with him and attitudes towards him from her own, without being persuaded to change or deny her own feelings or go through the motions of forgiveness for their sake. So her feelings are her own, and she is looking at this seriously. She is not defending anyone's actions, she's angry at him, and not willing to go along with saying "I love you" on the phone with him just because TC wants to hear it. Nor will she say it because LE handed her some 'script.' That's why I say she's honest--I believe she's a true-to-herself person, and whether or not you agree with her mixed characterizations of this event, she's letting everyone know how SHE really feels about--as opposed to what others might want her to feel or express. I don't think she's as easy to push around as some others are feeling. JMO.
OR... She is being coached by someone's defense attorney.IMHO
Honestly, right now I don't think she gives a r**'* *advertiser censored** about his defense. She's divorcing him; wants him out of her life. Why should she care if he gets off easy? So she can fare worse in the divorce settlement? So she can be forced to see her grandchildren having his presence in their lives? I'm not getting that vibe from her. JMO, IMHO.
Oh gosh, everyone....I've been here a long time. I don't say a lot until I have something I feel very strongly about. Please, please, don't make Jill a villain. She is deeply....soul ripping out hurt. She isn't using the right words now...and she feels the need to vent. Give her a break. Please and thanks from the bottom of my heart.
I think she should be honest with her feelings in therapy. Not only are her statements harmful for ET, but also herself. She will not be able to get away from what she's said now. She will be hounded even more. It's become more "juicy" for the media. It's clear (IMO) that she's not fully accepting the gravity of what's happened. Doing these interviews is a really bad idea for her mental health as well.

Yes, I agree.
A hero AND a cutie pie. Does it get any better than that? ;)
Im so happy he was so deserving of the money. He is a real cute humble guy. I see more good things heading his way. Who knows we may see alot more of him on tv in the future.

Woohoo Griffen. Way to go!!! &#128077;
Cummins and ET spent several days in Siskiyou County, California, in a small, shabby cabin that was unfit to house two people. Aside from a dirty mattress, there was no furniture in the cabin, and no heat, running water, or electricity.

Although there were a few packages of food found lying around, cabin caretaker Barry Griffin said, &#8220;One time I had given him food that night and [she] was like, &#8216;Thank you.&#8217; She got excited over some food.&#8221;

ET had to eat wildflowers to survive. She&#8217;d lost a significant amount of weight by the time she returned home and looked as if she hadn&#8217;t showered in weeks. One of the first things ET asked for when she was rescued was a shower.

&#8220;I was so shocked when I saw her first. &#8220;I didn&#8217;t know it but she was even smaller than she was used to be being. She [had] lost a lot [of weight].&#8221;

I am spitting mad.
I think she should be honest with her feelings in therapy. Not only are her statements harmful for ET, but also herself. She will not be able to get away from what she's said now. She will be hounded even more. It's become more "juicy" for the media. It's clear (IMO) that she's not fully accepting the gravity of what's happened. Doing these interviews is a really bad idea for her mental health as well.


I want to add that I hold the media responsible for airing interviews like this where the rape culture is so obvious. Imo they should have edited that out. To let those statements by JC go unchallenged is unforgivable.

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I totally agree that JC is a victim, too, and, as such, I hope we can cut her some slack. I'm familiar with the defense mechanism of denial (again, I've been in counseling and have therapist professionals in the family)--but honestly, I don't see it in this case. She may view the whole episode differently than some of us--but that doesn't automatically prove she's in "denial" just because her take on things has a different, perhaps more complicated slant than ours looking in. It's quite possible she got a different vibe from it all because she's spent time with the two people involved. I cannot rule that out, as an outside observer. She also flat out stated he did "wrong" and is filing for divorce from him, expressing certainty that she can never trust him again. She has expressed this staunch opinion even while her daughters have taken a milder, more forgiving stance. She has good boundaries, separating her daughters' relationship with him and attitudes towards him from her own, without being persuaded to change or deny her own feelings or go through the motions of forgiveness for their sake. So her feelings are her own, and she is looking at this seriously. She is not defending anyone's actions, she's angry at him, and not willing to go along with saying "I love you" on the phone with him just because TC wants to hear it. Nor will she say it because LE handed her some 'script.' That's why I say she's honest--I believe she's a true-to-herself person, and whether or not you agree with her mixed characterizations of this event, she's letting everyone know how SHE really feels about--as opposed to what others might want her to feel or express. I don't think she's as easy to push around as some others are feeling. JMO.

I was mostly referring to the lovey-dovey photos posted on Facebook *before* her husband did this. I was saying she may have been in denial that her husband was spending too much time with and focusing too much on this young girl.

I think she's got some displacement going on right now.

"Displacement is the redirecting of thoughts feelings and impulses directed at one person or object, but taken out upon another person or object."

She is likely angry at Tad and heart broken (rightfully so on both counts) and she is wrongfully placing (some) blame on his victim. I know she's probably going to regret that sooner or later but unfortunately it's out in the media and people can rip her apart for it.
I honestly wonder if Jill is afraid to admit she knew something was gone for fear of a lawsuit. I believe she did know and just chose to ignore it.

This is what I'm thinking. She has admitted that she had a talk with Tad Cummins about his fixation with Elizabeth. If she felt she had to do that then that's a huge admission IMO. I have always wondered how much she knew about Tad the grooming. Now I have serious doubts that she was as oblivious as she acts. If her marriage was "wonderful" then why the talk? She said she told him he was her teacher and to distance. She knew it was wrong!

I am starting to wonder about her media involvement too. She seems to be enjoying some of the mileage she's getting from playing the poor betrayed wife. Maybe she should think on how she betrayed "her 3rd daughter" by not protecting her from that creep.

Honestly, with every media spot that woman does, my blood boils more. I feel betrayed by her! I wanted to believe that she was this country bumpkin who was totally conned by a master manipulater and had no idea. But there were nagging inconsistencies. I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Now I strongly suspect the divorce is just an attempt to protect their joint assets because of the lawsuits and she is lying about leaving Tad Cummins.

Another thought, since he is in the slammer, this is probably the most attention he'd paid her in a long time. There are really insecure women out that that actually see a spouse in jail as a benefit because they always know where they are, they believe they won't or can't be unfaithful (Tad's new FB will be TadandBubba soon enough). With Tad in jail and breaking records calling and trying to talk to her, she may start to enjoy her power over him and in a twisted way this will prompt her to stay with him.

Yeah her recent media appearances have really changed my mind on Jill Cummins. There was something squirrely about that gal right from the beginning IMO.
I was mostly referring to the lovey-dovey photos posted on Facebook *before* her husband did this. I was saying she may have been in denial that her husband was spending too much time with and focusing too much on this young girl.I think she's got some displacement going on right now."Displacement is the redirecting of thoughts feelings and impulses directed at one person or object, but taken out upon another person or object."She is likely angry at Tad and heart broken (rightfully so on both counts) and she is wrongfully placing (some) blame on his victim. I know she's probably going to regret that sooner or later but unfortunately it's out in the media and people can rip her apart for it.
Perhaps, though I see her more as "fooled" or left out of the loop by him, rather than in denial about something wrong in their relationship. By her own account, she thought it was the "perfect Christian marriage." That's not necessarily denial - TC just wasn't being upfront with her about the fracture HE was obviously feeling. "Denial" is saying to your therapist all is peachy and you are a happy Christian wife (even though your husband is beating you 3x a week due to his alcoholism which, when you finally, a year later, get around to admitting to your therapist, is ALL your fault, NOT his...) I get the feeling it was more that she was oblivious to what was going on in his life and their relationship because he was utterly persuasive in hiding it from her. I also don't view her upset with ET as equivalent to victim-blaming, but see it more as another fractured prior relationship that she's trying to understand right now. I don't see her anger as displaced from one to the other--I think she's angry to varying degrees at both of them, and mostly at him ("she's a child!"). JMO, and I appreciate your thoughts.
I think JC is in denial and has been for a long time. There's an elephant in the room we're not talking about - why did she share a Facebook page with her husband? My guess is that she did not trust him on Facebook for some reason. Was he talking to other women? Or was he overly friendly with young girls on Facebook? Who knows but there's definitely a reason for their sharing a page. In my experience, there are 2 main reasons that a couple might share a social media page: one of them is not that interested in social media (doesn't appear to be the case here) or there is a lack of trust (which I believe is the case here).

I think JC has finally confirmed her fears and she doesn't want to admit it. She's acting like a scorned wife who just found out her husband has a mistress, not one who's found out about a horrible crime her husband committed. She's not seeing the truth yet but I think she will sooner rather than later.
ITA. She isnt in a good place. It's as if she believes TC would have not pursued ET if she had not encouraged it. She has a huge blind spot though and cant see how he manipulated, pursued and overpowered ET emotionally and mentally. If not ET, there would have been a victim eventually.

Also, I dont get adults thinking kids are their friends/peers. Especially in a church or school setting where they are there to learn. I mean, kids betray trust..they lie, sneak, etc. Some more than others. We shouldnt expect them to show the loyalty and character of an adult. Some kids need lessons in trust and loyalty before they get it. ET did not betray JC.. her husband did.

I hope JC is getting or will get therapy so she can see this situation clearly. She obviously has had a good mental workover by her husband.

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A few things from tonight's inside edition I *havent* seen mentioned yet:
-When JC made initial plea for TC to turn himself in, she says she refused to read the script LE asked her to because they wanted her to say things like 'I love you, I forgive you, please come back to me' & she didn't want to say that because it wasn't at all her message.
-JC agrees that MCET was exploited and perhaps even brainwashed.
-JC hopes to be ex-wife within the next 60 days (imo I do *not* think she'll go back on that)
-JC in regards to her daughters standing by her decision, but also standing by TC so he knows not everyone is against him: I have to let them have a relationship with him & I have to understand that. But they know that he did wrong, too & they're standing by me 100% (imo saying this made her very emotional)
-doesn't trust TC anymore, will never have what they had again, would never take him bank. Hates what he did.

JMO, I do still feel for JC and I think she has poorly worded some things, yes, and that makes it's easy to 'cherry pick' and bring out the torches, but I truly believe she means well and is just so hurt that she's just saying how she feels, how SHE is directly effected by it. Her head is probably spinning so fast that right now, it's too raw, too soon, for her to be able to perceive how it has effected others. I was cheated on in a past relationship. No it was not with someone under age, but she knew me, so I held them both accountable for *hurting MY feelings*. No this is not MCETs fault at all, but I understand how JC is hurting right now. I am sure I have an unpopular opinion, so flame away [emoji51][emoji53]

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It's possible to feel things that our brain knows isnt true. Im hoping this is where JC is right now. I cant imagine getting my mind around my DH being a child predator. She might have to get some distance from the pain of his betrayal before she can even deal with that. Life is probably a blur for her right now..I hope someone close to her will step up and urge her to stop commenting and giving interviews. The backlash from her statements is going to make things harder IMO. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Not everyone here is too narrow minded to consider all opinions.

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