Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #17 *ARREST*

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Hence her head is still spinning. She needs some time and distance to be able also process. In her first interview she said TC was a grown man and ET didn't have a choice.

She is now calling it an affair.

She isn't thinking straight, IMO.

And who could blame her, really? I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess, not a single one of us posting about this has ever experienced first hand, what JC has. She's clearly not a polished, public speaker, and for whatever reason in her own head, and likely her heart, this feels like an affair. I hope she does eventually come to understand that's not what it was, but after her world has been blown to crap in every way possible, I'm going to give her a pass.

Although I do agree, she needs to stay out of the media now.

He used it for marital relations, while illegally on the run...and not available for marital relations? If it were for "marital relations" he wouldn't need to take it with him. Any prosecutor worth a darn would tear that argument apart, IMO.
Maybe so but I dont think it's unusual to pick up regularly filled prescriptions in advance of need. My hubby has a stock of a couple of meds he takes on an as needed basis. Im just saying IMO the defense can explain this away easier than some of the other evidence.
I personally have no idea if he was using it regularly with his wife...if he was and picked the meds up before leaving the lawyer could say he used them for relations with his wiife whether that us teue or not. Just MOO

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I got a flash of that when she made the comment about ET knowing what they'd had, as if somehow ET - a child who had never exchanged any vows with her - had betrayed her. :mad:

This is pretty common behavior when a woman is cheated on by her husband/lover --- tendency to blame "the other woman", regardless of who that is or what the circumstances were. I can't in good conscience chew JC a new one on this any more than I can do the same to MET. I just can't.
Maybe so but I dont think it's unusual to pick up regularly filled prescriptions in advance of need. My hubby has a stock of a couple of meds he takes on an as needed basis. Im just saying IMO the defense can explain this away easier than some of the other evidence. I personally have no idea if he was using it regularly with his wife...if he was and picked the meds up before leaving the lawyer could say he used them for relations with his wiife whether that us teue or not. Just MOOSent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
As I recall, (it's in earlier threads), media reported within a week or so after his disappearance that he was likely going to be needing a refill of his "blood pressure" meds, and pharmacists were put on the alert. (Cialis treats blood pressure as well.) So, for whatever purpose(s) he used it, his wife was aware of its eventually needing a refill, leading me to believe it was a regular prescription of his prior to the abduction.
Maybe so but I dont think it's unusual to pick up regularly filled prescriptions in advance of need. My hubby has a stock of a couple of meds he takes on an as needed basis. Im just saying IMO the defense can explain this away easier than some of the other evidence.
I personally have no idea if he was using it regularly with his wife...if he was and picked the meds up before leaving the lawyer could say he used them for relations with his wiife whether that us teue or not. Just MOO

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I think there is no doubt the defense will try to use anything they can to help the case. Sure his prescription may have been filled 15 times before 3/10, but I'm thinking the timing of 3 days before he left and everything else that transpired after will be hard to overcome.

Does that make sense?

Otherwise I agree that defense will probably say it was "normal" for the existing relationship between JC/TC.
"I feel slightly betrayed by her because she knew me," she added. "I don't really want to talk to her. It's not the right time. Maybe one day."

That's ok, Jill. The fifteen year old who "betrayed" you is currently being treated at a mental health facility because some deranged predator groomed, abducted, and raped her. So she's not exactly taking calls at the moment anyway. But sure, maybe one day!
I think JC is in denial and has been for a long time. There's an elephant in the room we're not talking about - why did she share a Facebook page with her husband? My guess is that she did not trust him on Facebook for some reason. Was he talking to other women? Or was he overly friendly with young girls on Facebook? Who knows but there's definitely a reason for their sharing a page. In my experience, there are 2 main reasons that a couple might share a social media page: one of them is not that interested in social media (doesn't appear to be the case here) or there is a lack of trust (which I believe is the case here).

I think JC has finally confirmed her fears and she doesn't want to admit it. She's acting like a scorned wife who just found out her husband has a mistress, not one who's found out about a horrible crime her husband committed. She's not seeing the truth yet but I think she will sooner rather than later.
Well there went any sympathy I had mustered up for Jill Cummins.

She has the nerve to say that she is upset with Elizabeth because Elizabeth knew what Jill and Tad had??!! Wow! Just mind-blowing.
Jill is drinking the Tad Cummins Kool-aid and I think she is getting pressure from her daughters too. I am just sickened to think that a 15 year old that THEY BOTH invited into their home is being blamed.

I was also right when I suspected that Jill was aware that Tad was behaving inappropriately. IMO she has moved into the aiding and abetting realm.

So angry at that pathetic woman now.
I have felt this way since I heard she knew her husband's victim was missing and waited until the next day to report him missing as well.
She wasn't caught off guard, she knew it was inappropriate behavior on her husband's part prior to not believing that a "kiss" happened.
Her anger is displaced.
Knowing that he was too close to this teen and still allowing her to come around she was what? Their chaperone?

I googled "taking a boat to Mexico" and people must've have tried it and succeeded years ago but as of (most likely 9/11) there is the US Coast Guard and the Mexican "coast guard" that patrol the waters so that does not occur.

If TC googled that he would have known that that is next to impossible and would have been easier to take the Rogue across the border.

Now I'm thinking that maybe the boat idea was a last minute decision by TC? What a whacko if true. Common sense should have kicked in and said, "What will you do when you reach Mexican soil in a boat". Idiot.

Meh... not so difficult... It's not at all uncommon for illegals to arrive on southern California beaches by boat.

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Maybe so but I dont think it's unusual to pick up regularly filled prescriptions in advance of need. My hubby has a stock of a couple of meds he takes on an as needed basis. Im just saying IMO the defense can explain this away easier than some of the other evidence.
I personally have no idea if he was using it regularly with his wife...if he was and picked the meds up before leaving the lawyer could say he used them for relations with his wiife whether that us teue or not. Just MOO

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She knew he and she didn’t use them all or she wouldn't have disclosed the fact that he had them filled and took them with him.
It was probably the first thing she looked for after hearing ET was missing.

Maybe so but I dont think it's unusual to pick up regularly filled prescriptions in advance of need. My hubby has a stock of a couple of meds he takes on an as needed basis. Im just saying IMO the defense can explain this away easier than some of the other evidence.
I personally have no idea if he was using it regularly with his wife...if he was and picked the meds up before leaving the lawyer could say he used them for relations with his wiife whether that us teue or not. Just MOO

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If he picked up these prescriptions for marital relations, he would have no need to take these with him...on the run from charges of sexual contact with a minor...the very victim minor he had with him. IMO, that is something a defense attorney can't even dent. And ten you have have his admission to his wife regarding the pills, which she repeated on national television.

JMO, but they cannot it explain it away without looking like idiots.
I think JC is in denial and has been for a long time. There's an elephant in the room we're not talking about - why did she share a Facebook page with her husband? My guess is that she did not trust him on Facebook for some reason. Was he talking to other women? Or was he overly friendly with young girls on Facebook? Who knows but there's definitely a reason for their sharing a page. In my experience, there are only 2 reasons that a couple might share a social media page: one of them is not that interested in social media (doesn't appear to be the case here) or there is a lack of trust (which I believe is the case here).

I think JC has finally confirmed her fears and she doesn't want to admit it. She's acting like a scorned wife who just found out her husband has a mistress, not one who's found out about a horrible crime her husband committed. She's not seeing the truth yet but I think she will sooner rather than later.

I agree. One of my cousins shares a Facebook page with her husband. The 'joke' between all the rest of us cousins, is I wonder which one of them cheated.

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I think JC is in denial and has been for a long time. There's an elephant in the room we're not talking about - why did she share a Facebook page with her husband? My guess is that she did not trust him on Facebook for some reason. Was he talking to other women? Or was he overly friendly with young girls on Facebook? Who knows but there's definitely a reason for their sharing a page. In my experience, there are only 2 reasons that a couple might share a social media page: one of them is not that interested in social media (doesn't appear to be the case here) or there is a lack of trust (which I believe is the case here).

I think JC has finally confirmed her fears and she doesn't want to admit it. She's acting like a scorned wife who just found out her husband has a mistress, not one who's found out about a horrible crime her husband committed. She's not seeing the truth yet but I think she will sooner rather than later.

It could be it he had a joint fb before the "midlife crisis" and then got his own on instagram. No point having his own on fb as well. They were "happily married" back then before he met ET. When did they join fb? When did he join instagram? There is an obvious shift on instagram you can almost depict when the midlife crisis hit. And I'm not saying all this was, was a midlife crisis but I think it's a part of it all his actions. The timing of events in this case explain the actions he took imo. I hope he goes to jail for a long time, I hope his kids will be ok. I hope Jill will be ok. But most of all I hope ET can recover from this horrendous torture he put her thru. And I hope her family minus the mother recover from this as well.
Never did I think there was a romantic thing between the two of them. There were no signs of that.

No, no, no. It was not a "romantic thing" between them. It was sexual predator and his victim "thing".

I feel slightly betrayed by her because she knew me," she added.

You feel betrayed by a 15 year old girl who was groomed by your husband?!

They're wonderful, wonderful girls and their daddy would be proud of them for them stepping up and being there when he wasn't.

I seriously doubt Tad Cummins is proud of anyone but himself. Also, their father didn't die, JC. He kidnapped a 15 year old girl, his student, and took her to the other side of the country for the purpose of sexual activity.

A lot of women go through their husbands having affairs and they don't have the support of the nation but I do and that's a blessing in this.

It wasn't an affair for Pete's sake!! Please stop talking to the press and talk to a therapist, instead.

I'm done with JC unless she comes to a realization that ET is a victim and shares no blame. I see JC being swayed by TC from afar and I believe he will influence her further when he is returned to TN.
I wish JC had been asked about the other girls being groomed.

But she added: "Never did I think there was a romantic thing between the two of them. There were no signs of that."

"I feel slightly betrayed by her because she knew me," she added. "I don't really want to talk to her. It's not the right time. Maybe one day."

Nothing "romantic " about the grooming, abduction, and rape of a troubled teen.

Frankly, if I were her, I'd be much more concerned about other possible victims... you know... ones closer to home.

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I wish JC had been asked about the other girls being groomed.

Sounds like she doesn't even believe ET was groomed.

I haven't watched her interview yet but from reading above, she's shifting a bit.
Sounds like she doesn't even believe ET was groomed.

I haven't watched her interview yet but from reading above, she's shifting a bit.

I believe she's justifying what TC did as a "relationship" and an "affair" NOT what it really was. Someone needs to talk to her and really school her on what was going.
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