Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #17 *ARREST*

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She is an adult though that made her own choice to be with Tad Cummins. Elizabeth is a child and didn't have those choices in her brainwashed, traumatized state. Now Jill Cummins is chosing to engage with the media and is making very questionable comments that smack of victim blaming.

And since she is choosing to do that she has to know that there will be people who will question her choice of words and her obvious dislike/distrust of Elizabeth. As long as she keeps speaking to the media and makes comments that reflect badly on Elizabeth I will find her not credible or believable. opinion is still that we shouldnt be bashing her. She has a reason for sharing her feelings about this case...popular or not. People expect her to not make comments because they might hurt ET. IMO, JC is a victim too and comments criticizing her are harmful and unnecessary.

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Anyone know "when" TC's first hearing date might be?


Nothing I can see yet about that. There was a report (after his arraignment in Sacremento this week) which I can't find a link to right now, that said his repatriation to TN would take several weeks. It was also specified that the date of his repatriation will not be published for security reasons.
Agree. It is nothing unusual either for teens to be having intimate relationships, that has been going on forever. They seem to be starting even younger these days. I think i was around 16 when i had my first boyfriend. I was 19 when i first got married and pregnant. Most mothers put their daughter on the pill by age 16 as a precaution nowadays, or at least i know of some that have. I am in no way saying it is okay what TC did. He used ET's vulnerabities against her, and triple shame on him for that.
But i wonder what we would be saying if ET had runaway with a 18 yr. old instead? I think the whole issue here boils down to her going off with a man old enough to be her grandfather. It's really very disgusting IMO. Even her friends on IG were telling her it was messed up.
For me, it's not just that he's old enough to be her father (grandfather is a stretch), but that he was in a position of trust and authority over her. Even if he wasn't a 22yo recent grad, that would still make it creepy.
Uh oh, I've been on JC's side but I got an uncomfortable feeling when JC said mcet knew what they had, and what SHE was destroying. A big 'oh boy!'

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EXPLOITING A TROUBLED TEEN/Commenting on my own post. teehee.
As much as i like JC, I disagree with her above comment. It SHOULD be 'TC knew what they had, and what HE was destroying'. Anyways, how could anyone really know what someone else has?!!!! Maybe they didn't have as much as JC thought. This wasn't TC's first time down this road. When LE said that TC claims he has a unknown skill, I think it might be manipulation. No wonder TC never stated what it was. 'Unknown' skill. IMO.
Anyhoo....I think most of us are in agreement here that adults, and obviously teachers, need to be responsible to draw the lines with young people. And jumping off that: Yes, it a crime to exploit troubled teens for sex, ego, or power boosting.
But I think JC has undoubtedly helped the case. It was said she helped LE a lot. So kudos there.
Stay tuned til I again comment on my own posts. :)

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For me, it's not just that he's old enough to be her father (grandfather is a stretch), but that he was in a position of trust and authority over Even if he wasn't a 22yo recent grad, that would still make it creepy.

Bolded & underlined by me: THIS, 100 times over, over & over again & again.
If it were me, the elephant would be the only thing in the room, because the husband would be out on the front lawn, with his belongings.

Lol! I'd much rather have the elephant than TC, anyway. opinion is still that we shouldnt be bashing her. She has a reason for sharing her feelings about this case...popular or not. People expect her to not make comments because they might hurt ET. IMO, JC is a victim too and comments criticizing her are harmful and unnecessary.

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Unfortunately, JC opened herself to criticism when she did a public interview for inside edition. (IMO it's essentially a tabloid.) I'm not defending it as right, but she is adult and her words can be talked about here. <modsnip>

JMO and I'm speaking in general terms, not specifically about anyone.
Maybe IMO she is an enabler too as well as a victim. This whole lot seems like a cesspool with pretty wrapping to cover it up. If anything seems like benign neglect. Maybe she didn't want to ackkowledge what was happening right in front of her. Doesn't make her any less a victum. But if you leave your doors unlocked and a thief comes in and steals your stuff, your a victim but you still should have locked your door and watched over it. She's trying to deflect blame everywhere.

I agere with this post, completely.

JC can be a victim AND still hold some responsibility for what she says. Neither is mutually exclusive.
Was JC paid for her interview with Inside Edition?

Most likely, yes. The IE two-part interviews was also an "exclusive" which probably means that JC engaged in negotiations with other media outlets but accepted the gig with IE for bigger bucks. :moo:

ETA: I hope media outlets don't start bugging ET to do an interview, but I'm sure someone will want that "exclusive", as well. :rolleyes: Wonder how long it will take for Lifetime to want to turn the TC/ET saga into a made-for-TV movie? Stay tuned... opinion is still that we shouldnt be bashing her. She has a reason for sharing her feelings about this case...popular or not. People expect her to not make comments because they might hurt ET. IMO, JC is a victim too and comments criticizing her are harmful and unnecessary.

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I don't think the comments are doing more than disagreeing with JC blaming ET in any way for the end of her marriage. Cummins' family and ETs family have all been hurt, and it may be tremendous hurt, but there is really only one victim in all this, ET. She was the most vulnerable, and she had her mind fxxxxx for over a year before she was taken by him. She was targeted and taken. She will have the hardest time of anyone recovering from all this.

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I really don't understand why the rules of this forum are being thrown out the window where Jill Cummins is concerned. If members were bashing anyone in the Thomas family for anything they said in an interview, our mods would step in and put a stop to that in an instant. But another innocent family member in this case is just fair game for outrageous speculation and insult ? Who's next ? The Cummins' daughters ? Afterall, let's not forget that they had the nerve to go on TV and say that they still loved their father and forgive him.


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On tapatalk, so no alert buttons here (that I have figured out anyway). I would definitely not call myself a Jc supporter if that is what you mean. I do however feel that she, too, and many other members of her family (obviously NOT including TC), are victims right along with ET & members of her family.

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After her last comments, no more. She is an adult blaming a child victim. What happened to treat others as you would like to treated? Why isn't she putting the blame on TC, where it belongs. She may be shocked, but what happened to common sense at that age.

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Well I'm not sure I'd call it passive-aggressive. In my case, I am openly disappointed in the statements that JC has put forth in the media that are essentially victim blaming Tad Cummins victim.

JC is an adult and if she chooses to put herself in the media and speaks freely then she is going to be subject to possible criticism.

I feel she has made some very poor choices in the information she has put out. From the very beginning ET and her family have had to fight against the perception that she was a willing participant and this abduction was about love. So for JC to make allusions to it being an affair, and the comment that ET should have known what JC and TC had together strongly suggests that JC is not fully convinced that ET was not victimized.

I resent JC's poor choices in how she presents the situation to the media. She is putting adult attributes on an impressionable child that was being groomed by Tad Cummins. This was no "affair."

Additionally, I am disappointed that she acknowledges the inappropriate behavior TC was putting on ET and yet didn't steps to help ET. So that makes her thinly veiled public character smearing even more distasteful.

I agree with this post so much! You put into words better than I ever could have.

JC is a 50 year old woman. Yes she has been hurt and her life totally destroyed. BUT she is a 50 year old woman.....she is supposed to have discretion and be thinking about anything she says before she says it, even if her head is "spinning." If she does not have to ability to do an interview without making questionable remarks about ET, she needs to hush. This is not helping how people perceive her at all.
Okay folks.

Yes, JC is considered a victim. We do not bash or attack victims on Websleuths.

However, she chose to speak to the media. And what she has said in these interviews is fair game for discussion.

If you have a negative opinion regarding some of her statements, you are free to express that. But please just do so in a civil and respectful manner.

Limit any criticism you may have have to her public statements - not her as a person.

Thanks :)
For me, it's not just that he's old enough to be her father (grandfather is a stretch), but that he was in a position of trust and authority over her. Even if he wasn't a 22yo recent grad, that would still make it creepy.

I just wanted to state that TC being the age of ET's grandfather is not out of bounds. Remember that he has a grandchild that's 12, the one who was in the classroom when he kissed ET. 12 and 15 is not a big gap. He's easily old enough to be her gpa.

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Well I'm not sure I'd call it passive-aggressive. In my case, I am openly disappointed in the statements that JC has put forth in the media that are essentially victim blaming Tad Cummins victim.

JC is an adult and if she chooses to put herself in the media and speaks freely then she is going to be subject to possible criticism.

I feel she has made some very poor choices in the information she has put out. From the very beginning ET and her family have had to fight against the perception that she was a willing participant and this abduction was about love. So for JC to make allusions to it being an affair, and the comment that ET should have known what JC and TC had together strongly suggests that JC is not fully convinced that ET was not victimized.

I resent JC's poor choices in how she presents the situation to the media. She is putting adult attributes on an impressionable child that was being groomed by Tad Cummins. This was no "affair."

Additionally, I am disappointed that she acknowledges the inappropriate behavior TC was putting on ET and yet didn't steps to help ET. So that makes her thinly veiled public character smearing even more distasteful.

I love reading your posts :loveyou:
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