Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #17 *ARREST*

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Seeing that greasy pic of TC in articles I clicked on first thing this am..5am..makes me want to grab some pnted to
I really don't understand why the rules of this forum are being thrown out the window where Jill Cummins is concerned. If members were bashing anyone in the Thomas family for anything they said in an interview, our mods would step in and put a stop to that in an instant. But another innocent family member in this case is just fair game for outrageous speculation and insult ? Who's next ? The Cummins' daughters ? Afterall, let's not forget that they had the nerve to go on TV and say that they still loved their father and forgive him.
I really don't understand why the rules of this forum are being thrown out the window where Jill Cummins is concerned. If members were bashing anyone in the Thomas family for anything they said in an interview, our mods would step in and put a stop to that in an instant. But another innocent family member in this case is just fair game for outrageous speculation and insult ? Who's next ? The Cummins' daughters ? Afterall, let's not forget that they had the nerve to go on TV and say that they still loved their father and forgive him.

I don't understand it either. JC is 100% a victim in this case. Her life has been blown to crap, in a very public, shameful, humiliating way and simply because she is incapable at this point of articulating the situation, she's being thrown under the bus. Repeatedly.

She feels betrayed because she was betrayed. I think in time she'll come to realize just how much of a victim ET also is, but that's not where her head & heart are right now. I just don't get the lack of compassion for her.
I really don't understand why the rules of this forum are being thrown out the window where Jill Cummins is concerned. If members were bashing anyone in the Thomas family for anything they said in an interview, our mods would step in and put a stop to that in an instant. But another innocent family member in this case is just fair game for outrageous speculation and insult ? Who's next ? The Cummins' daughters ? Afterall, let's not forget that they had the nerve to go on TV and say that they still loved their father and forgive him.

People are bashing both ET and her family. They are just being passive aggressive about it.
People are bashing both ET and her family. They are just being passive aggressive about it.

People can and will say whatever, wherever. Here at WS, we're supposed to be a victim-friendly forum. That's what sets us apart.
People can and will say whatever, wherever. Here at WS, we're supposed to be a victim-friendly forum. That's what sets us apart.

Being passive aggress to ET and her family is not being victim friendly.
Being passive aggress to ET and her family is not being victim friendly.

Well I'm not sure I'd call it passive-aggressive. In my case, I am openly disappointed in the statements that JC has put forth in the media that are essentially victim blaming Tad Cummins victim.

JC is an adult and if she chooses to put herself in the media and speaks freely then she is going to be subject to possible criticism.

I feel she has made some very poor choices in the information she has put out. From the very beginning ET and her family have had to fight against the perception that she was a willing participant and this abduction was about love. So for JC to make allusions to it being an affair, and the comment that ET should have known what JC and TC had together strongly suggests that JC is not fully convinced that ET was not victimized.

I resent JC's poor choices in how she presents the situation to the media. She is putting adult attributes on an impressionable child that was being groomed by Tad Cummins. This was no "affair."

Additionally, I am disappointed that she acknowledges the inappropriate behavior TC was putting on ET and yet didn't steps to help ET. So that makes her thinly veiled public character smearing even more distasteful.
People can and will say whatever, wherever. Here at WS, we're supposed to be a victim-friendly forum. That's what sets us apart.

The rules do state that we can discuss things that family members say in the media but I believe we've gone a bit too far. I'm going to report my posts regarding JC just in case and maybe the mods will step in and read through the last few pages to check what others have said as well.
I don't understand it either. JC is 100% a victim in this case. Her life has been blown to crap, in a very public, shameful, humiliating way and simply because she is incapable at this point of articulating the situation, she's being thrown under the bus. Repeatedly.

She feels betrayed because she was betrayed. I think in time she'll come to realize just how much of a victim ET also is, but that's not where her head & heart are right now. I just don't get the lack of compassion for her.

Maybe IMO she is an enabler too as well as a victim. This whole lot seems like a cesspool with pretty wrapping to cover it up. If anything seems like benign neglect. Maybe she didn't want to ackkowledge what was happening right in front of her. Doesn't make her any less a victum. But if you leave your doors unlocked and a thief comes in and steals your stuff, your a victim but you still should have locked your door and watched over it. She's trying to deflect blame everywhere.
There was a study done that 1/3 marriages end in divorce because of time spent on Facebook. More than likely its other SM too but because Facebook is so huge I think they started there with the studies:).

ETA - link

Highly unlikely to be true. Since Facebook has only been around since 2005, and the divorce rate today is almost exactly the same as it was in 2005, I don't think it's logical to conclude that Facebook (or other social media) is causing divorces. Also since The Washington Times is owned by a religious cult, I wouldn't give a lot of credibility to anything they publish.
Anyone know "when" TC's first hearing date might be?

I am torn about JC. On the one hand, she is dealing with something so horrible right now and is arguably a victim herself. On the other hand, in the weeks leading up to the kidnapping, her husband was suspended from his job for kissing one of his students. There would certainly be a huge elephant in the room if it were my husband.

If it were me, the elephant would be the only thing in the room, because the husband would be out on the front lawn, with his belongings.
She is an adult though that made her own choice to be with Tad Cummins. Elizabeth is a child and didn't have those choices in her brainwashed, traumatized state. Now Jill Cummins is chosing to engage with the media and is making very questionable comments that smack of victim blaming.

And since she is choosing to do that she has to know that there will be people who will question her choice of words and her obvious dislike/distrust of Elizabeth. As long as she keeps speaking to the media and makes comments that reflect badly on Elizabeth I will find her not credible or believable.

But JC has been with TC since she, too, was a child. Only slightly older than ET. Our brains are not fully developed until around the age of 24. This is why adolescents and young adults are impressionable, impulsive and often engage in risky behaviors.

Yes, TC was also young when they were first together but I believe he was a manipulator even back then. But let me put things this way:

If ET had not been rescued and had spent years (JC spent 31 years with TC) with her abductor, believing her life with him was a perfect love match and a good solid relationship, and THEN he dumped her off somewhere and left with yet ANOTHER victim, would we be tearing her apart if she said some of things JC has said?

I don't think so. We would understand that she was a victim of TC's brainwashing and manipulation and cut her some slack.

JC is a victim per WS TOS, and she is a victim to me, as well, despite my initial sideeye and then my dismay over her recent interview. But I remembered that TC has been manipulating her since she was barely older than ET. MOO.

Flame away.
I will be shocked out of my shoes if she divorces him.


She *has* to go through with the divorce. She'll be ruined financially otherwise, because you know he'll be sued. Not to mention the cost of a defense attorney.
WTH? This can't be true? Can it?

I doubt it. I can't find that information in the link article or any other source. So if that was reported, it seems to have now been removed.
People can and will say whatever, wherever. Here at WS, we're supposed to be a victim-friendly forum. That's what sets us apart.

This. 100 times, this. JC IS a victim in all of this as well. You have every right to disagree but please do so in a respectful manner.

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I don't see (or hear) that at the link. It must have been removed. I think it was sloppy reporting. Chandler Anderson who put up the reward money used to work with TC.
Yes, they changed it to say je recognized him from the Amber Alert he saw.

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