Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #17 *ARREST*

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I wonder what the TC supporters are saying now. Given what JC has disclosed publicly. Not that I really want to know. A point I ponder as I hope they have shut up or have seen the light??? For ET's sake.
Kudos to JC. I am sure she processing and going thru all the stages of grief. Given her marriage/life has come to an abrupt end as she knew it. I don't doubt TC is trying to woo/groom his wife/family back into his den. I pray once her anger settles she sticks to it. If this gets to Trial TC and Defense are going to want her in their corner. Oh and of course TC is going to want somebody to fund his canteen account while in Prison lol.

The fact that she accepted the phone call, and (IMO) seems to think this was some sort of affair...I think it shows she is still vulnerable to him. I would be shocked if she didn't answer that phone several times. I hope she has people around her to add stability through this. She's got a lot to work out and he's not going to give up.

I wonder what the TC supporters are saying now. Given what JC has disclosed publicly. Not that I really want to know. A point I ponder as I hope they have shut up or have seen the light??? For ET's sake.

I kind of wish people on all sides, whether casually acquainted or close to the situation...would shut up. JMO
The fact that she accepted the phone call, and (IMO) seems to think this was some sort of affair...I think it shows she is still vulnerable to him. I would be shocked if she didn't answer that phone several times. I hope she has people around her to add stability through this. She's got a lot to work out and he's not going to give up.


I think she might have found her strength and her voice, wanted to tell him that she'd take him back when hell froze over, and that the divorce papers were on their way. Buh-bye!

I, too, hope that she has a strong, solid support group and hopefully a really good therapist. She needs people to constantly remind her that she deserves better than this.


The fact that she accepted the phone call, and (IMO) seems to think this was some sort of affair...I think it shows she is still vulnerable to him. I would be shocked if she didn't answer that phone several times. I hope she has people around her to add stability through this. She's got a lot to work out and he's not going to give up.


You may be right. Yet I think if it was me I would want to hear the words from him. Despite the way JC phrased the question. I know I would have vented the exact things JC vented to TC. I hope as well she sticks to her convictions and that she herself is getting some Therapy.
You know that TC will take all the energy he was spending grooming ET and will direct it towards his wife. He's slammed the door on the teen and now circled in on his next victim. Talking to his sister was the first step, JC answering that call was the crack he's looking for. What a manipulative ******. JC should get a restraining order against him so that he can't contact her in any way, shape or form. She's way too vulnerable right now.
Yes, and I bet if ET called or contacted him he would "love her and want her to wait on him" too. I'm sure he doesn't know that all of this is coming out! Probably a good thing for everyone to be talking to him because once lawyered up he'll be quiet. Wonder how many calls this guy gets a day?

I really hope that ET has no idea all of this going on. I find it humiliating! It's like she's collateral damage he can't separate himself from fast enough.

Oh trust me, if he hasn't already, he's trying to find a way to contact ET too. Either through her friends or over the internet.
Thank you! There is no reason to pick apart her words to death. Her world crumbled weeks ago realizing her life was essentially a lie.

She too has experienced extreme trauma.. It will take years for her to come to terms with TC's lies and deceit. We often hear of spouses leaving for another woman/man but she knows this is in a whole other dimension. This is sexual assault on a minor. We all know what TC did and are sickened by it. Imagine how JC feels.....

Based on my experience with something similar after being married for 23 years (nothing illegal but close to equally bizarre) she needs her friends and family to close rank. She is still in the shock phase.... no where close to beginning to heal.

Let's give her a break. She might have known TC was acting strange or distant but I would bet anything she absolutely had no idea what was really going on. I'm sure TC told her the initial kiss was either not true or blown out of proportion. He most likely has been lying to her for years and is really good at it.

The fallout of TC's actions will reach well beyond JC. It is touching every single area of her life. She is obviously very embarrassed but beyond that she is likely feeling shame which is the worst part of it.

It was probably way to early to speak out but I'm sure she wanted it on the record that she is not speaking with him nor will she take him back. She is trying to distance herself as best she can.

Unless I hear otherwise, I place none of TC's crime on her shoulders. I chose to be sympathetic to JC. I know a little about what she is experiencing.


Personally want to thank you for this post, (and to bump it). Imo JC, is a victim of TC. Her wording, imo, does not mean she does not know what he did is horrible. I feel very sorry for her and the rest of her family, right along with ET and her family.

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You may be right. Yet I think if it was me I would want to hear the words from him. Despite the way JC phrased the question. I know I would have vented the exact things JC vented to TC. I hope as well she sticks to her convictions and that she herself is getting some Therapy.

I just think it's despicable he keeps calling her. What a manipulative idiot. Obviously (again IMO) he thinks he can still control her. I feel bad for their whole family. I imagine they are thinking back over their lives and can see things they never realized.
Oh trust me, if he hasn't already, he's trying to find a way to contact ET too. Either through her friends or over the internet.

This is my naivety about the prison system talking...but would he be allowed internet usage? It seems like someone charged with sexual offenses should be barred from it.
I wonder what the TC supporters are saying now. Given what JC has disclosed publicly. Not that I really want to know. A point I ponder as I hope they have shut up or have seen the light??? For ET's sake.

Maybe some bizarre thinking trying to justify that she seduced him
Oh trust me, if he hasn't already, he's trying to find a way to contact ET too. Either through her friends or over the internet.

He's saying whatever he needs to say to who will listen. He's looking for help from the one that can help him the most right now.
I just think it's despicable he keeps calling her. What a manipulative idiot. Obviously (again IMO) he thinks he can still control her. I feel bad for their whole family. I imagine they are thinking back over their lives and can see things they never realized.

Agree. The best thing she could do right now is change her number. JC said what she needed to say. Now it's time for some self care.
Oh trust me, if he hasn't already, he's trying to find a way to contact ET too. Either through her friends or over the internet.

That could be witness tampering.
Not flaming, I thought this would come up at some point & I just want to give you all the perspective of a kid who grew up in similar dynamics.

My dad worked long hours & had no clue what was going on in our house. Since we were toddlers (at least) we were manipulated into believing that he was "worse" than she was, that we should be thankful it was only her meting out the violent punishments & that we should also be grateful that she was "kind" enough to keep our "misbehaviour" secret from him so that he didn't get angry & punish us far worse.

We actively worked to hide the abuse from him because she had us convinced that he condoned it. He didn't.

I was an older teen before it began to dawn on me that my supposedly threatening & violent father had NEVER so much as raised a hand to me in anger much less whipped me with the leather belts he had hanging in his cupboard (I only knew about the belts because my mother would drag me into their room by the hair to threaten me & show me what I was in for if I didn't pull myself together & stop crying before he got home). The belief that he was "the bad one" had been so ingrained that realising it was all lies felt like the earth had just tipped off it's axis.

Despite that huge realisation though, the years of conditioning to keep secrets were impossible to overcome.

Sometimes she even claimed he had instructed her to punish us in particular ways if we did xy or z, so there was no point going crying to him - he'd told her to do it anyway. She had him playing a game of good cop/bad cop with us, but he alone had no idea the game existed. In doing so she placed herself in the position of the "nicer" parent while she simultaneously handed out all the violent punishments & daily psychological abuse.

He only found out what was going on when she completely lost it in front of him one day. I was 18 by then, but even decades after that I was never able to tell him the full extent of what would happen when he was at work, because that rule of silence was just so ingrained - it stopped me telling the school counsellors the truth too. Back then it was like I'd been rendered mute, but at the same time it felt like everyone should be able to tell just by looking at me - like every assault & insult was scrawled across my skin for all to read. & after so many years, the incidents all flowed into each other so I could barely formulate it all into recognisable thoughts for myself, much less express it verbally to others. On top of all that there's also the implanted belief that you're just a bad child who forces people to treat you harshly - so throw some guilt & shame into that mix for good measure. Shame is a great silencer.

Short version : My dad never had a clue because our abuser manipulated us so successfully that we actively & voluntarily worked to hide the truth from him & anyone else who might've helped us. By the time I was 7 or 8 we were so conditioned that we didn't even have to be told to lie & hide the truth, it was just an automatic reaction.

So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't assume that this dad knew but sat by & did nothing. It absolutely IS possible for one parent to be completely unaware the other is abusing their kids. As someone who's been through similar (albeit far milder) circumstances re abuse from a female parent & the inappropriate attentions of a teacher, I have nothing but respect & admiration for this dad & the way he's trying to help his daughter & her siblings through all of this. It sure as hell can't be easy :(

Ugh, I'm so very, very sorry you went through this.
Early in on this crime when the TC supporters were vocal it took me back to an earlier time. A time when a rape victims prior sexual history was disclosed in Court and right down to what a Victim was wearing. Sad to realize some still hold such archaic opinions.
Agree. The best thing she could do right now is change her number. JC said what she needed to say. Now it's time for some self care.

I commend her for taking that call. She needed to hear it from him, even if she knows it she needs to hear it from him. That's how she'll best be able to move on. And trust me, after 31 years of marriage responding with "I love you too" is just habit. For her NOT to say that was something she had to forcibly do. But I agree, there's nothing more to be gained by speaking with him again. She's heard it, she owes him nothing and has no further obligation to him in any way.
Now he's throwing the 'love ball' to JC. I thought he considered mcet his wife, and would risk everything for her. But now, he's tossing his love back to his wife. Meh!!!
It's all a big con game....whatever benefits him.

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That could be witness tampering.

Yes it would be, but I'm not thinking TC really cares about what's legal or what's not. :) I think when the doors start shutting he's going to go through his list, and ET will be on it. He's been told to stay away from her before and thumbed his nose. Just saying is all.
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