Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #17 *ARREST*

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I'll hold your gloves LOL
Waiting in your corner with a towel around my neck. (Rocky theme soug in the background LOL)

JC got blind sided. I was mega confused after I dated someone who was probably a psychopath. After the fact I googled a couple things about him. Bingo. Lots online about it. It really helped explain so much. Everything actually. My ex bf even had someone on the back burner. They got together the very next week. Her family (my ex bf's new wife) believed right from the start he was a con, but she wouldn't listen. Took off to fla with him. Left everyone behind FOR HIM. !!!! She married him almost immediately, as well. Yikes. I do try to post online a little 'beware' of that type personality. Anyways, whether tc is or not,
I hope JC can work her way through this, and realize the huge danger he put MCET through, and now BOOM he's done with her (mcet). Now if that isn't self centered, I don't know what is.

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JC did nothing wrong. She was deceived, betrayed, robbed and abandoned by her husband of 30 years with whom she has children and grandchildren. If she hasn't expressed her sympathy for MCET yet, it is most likely because she is experiencing her own, all-consuming trauma.

Don't expect so much of her. Her whole life was taken from her too and she has children and grandchildren who are no doubt reeling as they all try to wrap their heads around what he did.

Not to mention the embarrassment of being his wife and having people look at her with the stink eye everywhere she goes and speculating that she knew he was a pedophile preying on young girls he taught at school.

I have more sympathy for her than MCET, but that is just me. MCET was a willing participant, JC was not. And, no, I am not saying that MCET is not a victim of this creep, but she knew that running away from her family with a married man and hiding from LE was not right and she did it anyway.

But we don't know that ET was a willing participant. There is more evidence that she was not. She was brainwashed, intimidated and groomed for a long period of time to obey and follow Tad Cummins directions. That is not a willing participant, that is a person who is being controlled and victimized.
Exactly. He's not sorry he did it, he's sorry he got caught.
The length of time even proves that for him.

As for her not being able to call home, I don't think he allowed her to. If there was a phone he was using, I believe he told her excuses so she couldn't use it or want to use it. She believed him. Why wouldn't she?

Yes, keeping a phone away from her says a lot to me. He knew she would want to call home. If you take a phone away from someone (like knocking it out of their hand) it's a crime. I don't know if his keeping a phone away from her would be considered illegal. It should be because she couldn't call for help.

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But we don't know that ET was a willing participant. There is more evidence that she was not. She was brainwashed, intimidated and groomed for a long period of time to obey and follow Tad Cummins directions. That is not a willing participant, that is a person who is being controlled and victimized.

From what i have read in msm ET was ordered by school admin. to not have any contact with TC while they were investigating him, and to go see the school counsellor for her anxiety problems, and not TC for that. TC & ET also had social media to contact each other too i believe it was IG messaging?
Yes, keeping a phone away from her says a lot to me. He knew she would want to call home. If you take a phone away from someone (like knocking it out of their hand) it's a crime. I don't know if his keeping a phone away from her would be considered illegal. It should be because she couldn't call for help.

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Not sure when the phones were ditched if that's what happened and exactly when that happened? But i imagine TC told ET they had to get rid of them so no one would be able to locate their whereabouts?
Here is the Timeline per the school:

Jan. 24, 2017: Culleoka Unit School administration was notified by a student concerning an allegation of contact witnessed between Cummins and a student. The complaint stated, “It wasn’t like a makeout kiss, just a peck on the lips.” Culleoka Unit School administration gathered all information that day from the student who was said to have witnessed the alleged inappropriate contact.

Jan. 25, 2017: Maury County Schools Chief of Staff, Dr. Amanda Hargrove, was contacted by Culleoka Unit School administration, and Dr. Hargrove immediately began an investigation.

Jan. 26 to Jan. 30, 2017: As per school board policy 5.500 and 6.305, Dr. Hargrove and staff investigated the allegations by interviewing all pertinent parties, including students, staff, and administration.

Jan. 27, 2017: The student named in the alleged concern was removed from Cummins’ class and schedule by Culleoka Unit School administration.

Jan. 31, 2017: Maury County Schools administration was notified by law enforcement that Cummins was the subject of a criminal investigation. The district turned over all known information and documentation to law enforcement about the recent allegations against Cummins at Culleoka Unit School, which were also still under investigation by Maury County Schools.

Feb. 3, 2017: Late afternoon, Maury County Schools received an allegation that Cummins had been in contact with the same student, despite explicit directives from his supervisor not to interact.

Feb. 6, 2017: At 8 a.m., Dr. Hargrove met with Cummins and suspended him from his duties at Culleoka Unit School.
Marking my spot.

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And from the same link:
The Thomas family’s attorney also believes the two had been communicating with one another through Instagram, something the school board discourages.

In a document titled Employee Use of Social Media and Personal Websites, it states, “The Board discourages employees from socializing with students on social networking websites. The same relationship, exchange, interaction, information, or behavior that would be unacceptable in a non-technological medium is unacceptable when done through the use of technology.” Click here to read the whole social media policy.

A attorney also said they noticed the 15-year-old added a ring emoji with the caption “Wife” to her Instagram account around the time of her disappearance.
Thoughts on MCET testifying, whether she went willingly (I prefer intentionally which does not imply will) and TC trial.
The lawyer stated on a NG podcast that he thought MCET could recover and become a great witness (paraphrase)
So the outcomes are
1) she does not testify (still need to inlcude this) - there is stil enough to convict - boom TC is done
2) MCET does testify, she states that she asked TC to take her home.,"friend" refused, either because she would be late for work (her statement) or not enough gas (per CB video). Either way she says she wanted to go home. TC abducted her to AL and beyond. boom - TC is done
3) MCET does testify, says TC pulled gun and said get in car, abducts her to AL and beyond- boom TC is done.
4) MCET testifies and she lets him off the hook, loves him and wanted to be with him. Hard to write these words. Pros will not let this one happen.

DAHfense says she was not under force or threat. There were only two people there, MCET and TC. A jury will believe her.

3 of 4 he goes down IMO. There is very little way out for him

Really, there is no way out. This is the US gov't vs. TC. Federal law makes it a felony punishable by a minimum of 10 years to transport a minor across state lines with the intent to engage in unlawful sexual activity. He was arrested in CA, 8 or 9 states away, that proves the transportation across state lines part. The criminal complaint cites several points in support of the intent to engage in unlawful sexual activity part. He is toast, IMHO.

This exactly has been my gut feeling all along. I truly believe that TC had planned to kill her and possibly himself. It is a miracle and an answer to so many prayers that ET was found alive. I can't even begin to express my disgust for TC and how he has utterly destroyed two families. May justice be swift and without mercy.


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I didn't think that his plan was to kill her and possibly himself. But I was wrong about Mexico, California, and the commune, so I could absolutely be wrong about that, too. He had two loaded guns. :scared: He was running out of money and options. Who knows what he might have done?

Friday, Griffin Barry will receive his well-deserved check for the reward money. I hope they treat him like royalty when he returns to Tennessee.
I've been following this case from day one, and even went as far as adding "Tad Cummins" to my google daily alerts (and wanted to barf as I typed in his name). I've read a TON of msm & sm on this just like the rest of you have, and have come away feeling... torn, twisted, crying, yelling at my computer screen, shouting YES!!!!!!! out loud when ET was located, and all of the above.

At the end of the day it comes down to this...

TC, for whatever twisted reason in his own head, one day decided to entertain certain thoughts. Once he did that, many, many people became the victims of the crap he was planning/thinking/considering.

His wife, kids, grandkids, and all who considered him friend.
ET, her siblings, dad, friends.

Both ET and JC equally deserve our compassion, prayers, thoughts, etc. Neither of them asked to have their lives and their worlds turned upside down in a way that will require years of support, therapy and understanding and neither of them deserves to be criticized for what they did or didn't do, have or haven't said (publicly or otherwise) whether wittingly or not.

This left a trail of pain in his wake that no one was prepared for.

I just needed to say that.

Thank you, Mom. The only thing I would add to this, from my point of view, is that Jill Cummins is one of the unsung heroes of this case. To stand before her community, and expose her very personal and private pain for everyone to see in order to try to help bring ET home safely , was an act of selflessness and courage that I find remarkable. She didn't have to do that, she made a conscious choice to do that.

I find it morally deplorable, and incredibly disappointing, that anyone here would feel the need to say even one word about this woman that might cause her any more pain than she has already suffered.

And I just needed to say THAT.
And since I'm on a roll here, can I just say that I find it disturbing to read a post here on this forum that blames another young girl for not doing enough to keep Elizabeth safe. Elizabeth's friend is also a teenager...and as we all know, teenagers don't always make the best decisions, but not one damned thing that happened is her fault. There is only one person to blame in all this, and that person is Tad Cummins.

(End of rant.)
Thank you, Mom. The only thing I would add to this, from my point of view, is that Jill Cummins is one of the unsung heroes of this case. To stand before her community, and expose her very personal and private pain for everyone to see in order to try to help bring ET home safely , was an act of selflessness and courage that I find remarkable. She didn't have to do that, she made a conscious choice to do that.

I find it morally deplorable, and incredibly disappointing, that anyone here would feel the need to say even one word about this woman that might cause her any more pain than she has already suffered.

And I just needed to say THAT.

I totally agree. My heart and prayers go out to her too. She is now alone and also left to pick up the pieces of this dreadful mess TC has put her through. She will now have to figure a way to navigate all of this and pick up some of those pieces and try and move on. I think she is courageous to get out there in the media, it would be so awful for her knowing what that ratbag has done. And from what i know JC works at that school, & that would be so very difficult to go back to if she has to knowing what she knows now. All IMO.
The "betrayal" that JC refers to in this interview as well as her GMA interview portray a person who feels as though her partner was involved in an affair ("did you sleep with her?"). I have said in the past and will say again that there is an obvious disconnect on the part of JC as to the actual crimes at hand. I can only hope that this deep denial is addressed with proper, long-term therapy. (And perhaps granting interviews this early on in that process isn't ideal.)

I have never once gotten the impression that JC feels that her husband was "involved in an affair". In fact, she has very clearly said ET is a child who can't make this kind of "choice" .

As for her speaking of his "betrayal"...why shouldn't she call it that ? Betrayal has to do with destroying someone's trust, and there are many ways that can happen. If my husband committed rape, molested a child, abused an animal, or even stole something from a neighbor, I would call it a betrayal. I trust my husband to be the man I have always known him to be, the man I have respected and honored and built a life with for the past 16 years. Anything he did to shatter my trust in him would be a betrayal to me.

Thoughts on MCET testifying, whether she went willingly (I prefer intentionally which does not imply will) and TC trial.
The lawyer stated on a NG podcast that he thought MCET could recover and become a great witness (paraphrase)
So the outcomes are
1) she does not testify (still need to inlcude this) - there is stil enough to convict - boom TC is done
2) MCET does testify, she states that she asked TC to take her home.,"friend" refused, either because she would be late for work (her statement) or not enough gas (per CB video). Either way she says she wanted to go home. TC abducted her to AL and beyond. boom - TC is done
3) MCET does testify, says TC pulled gun and said get in car, abducts her to AL and beyond- boom TC is done.
4) MCET testifies and she lets him off the hook, loves him and wanted to be with him. Hard to write these words. Pros will not let this one happen.

DAHfense says she was not under force or threat. There were only two people there, MCET and TC. A jury will believe her.

3 of 4 he goes down IMO. There is very little way out for him

I know TC is being charged with a different crime but I wanted to point out that he would also be guilty of kidnapping based on the United States federal law:

§1201. Kidnapping
(a) Whoever unlawfully seizes, confines, inveigles, decoys, kidnaps, abducts, or carries away and holds for ransom or reward or otherwise any person, except in the case of a minor by the parent thereof, when-
(1) the person is willfully transported in interstate or foreign commerce, regardless of whether the person was alive when transported across a State boundary, or the offender travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses the mail or any means, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce in committing or in furtherance of the commission of the offense;
*snip irrelevant parts*
shall be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life and, if the death of any person results, shall be punished by death or life imprisonment.

Inveigles: persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery.

Literally what TC did and easily proven, IMO.

Interstate commerce simply means trade or transport between states. He transported her between states and that is easily proven as well.

I think regardless of whether ET will testify and regardless of what she says if she does testify, he's going to be convicted. There's too much evidence and he's painted himself into a corner by talking too much now that he's been captured.

ETA: I just found this as well:
(b) With respect to subsection (a)(1), above, the failure to release the victim within twenty-four hours after he shall have been unlawfully seized, confined, inveigled, decoyed, kidnapped, abducted, or carried away shall create a rebuttable presumption that such person has been transported in interstate or foreign commerce. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the fact that the presumption under this section has not yet taken effect does not preclude a Federal investigation of a possible violation of this section before the 24-hour period has ended.

Rebuttable Presumption:

So unless someone comes forward with evidence proving otherwise, it is assumed to be true. I'm not sure what evidence they could possibly have that would prove he didn't take her over state lines, lol.
I wonder if JC asked TC if there were other girls and about ET's "wife" post on IG? I know we are all horrified by what we know that TC researched and did, I imagine that JC knows so much more now.
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