GUILTY TN - Rev. Matthew Winkler, 31, shot to death, Selmer, 23 March 2006

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A woman who killed her minister husband with a shotgun can begin supervised visits with her three young daughters on Sept. 29, a judge ruled Wednesday.

Judge Ron Harmon said he will draw up rules and locations for the visits within a few days and Mary Winkler can phone her children every other day.

The visits will be supervised because of worries about Winkler's mental health, the judge said, and physical security for the children will also be provided if needed.,2933,297395,00.html
Why this lady is even out of prison is beyond me...those poor children.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A woman who killed her minister husband with a shotgun can begin supervised visits with her three young daughters on Sept. 29, a judge ruled Wednesday.

Judge Ron Harmon said he will draw up rules and locations for the visits within a few days and Mary Winkler can phone her children every other day.

The visits will be supervised because of worries about Winkler's mental health, the judge said, and physical security for the children will also be provided if needed.,2933,297395,00.html
Why this lady is even out of prison is beyond me...those poor children.

At least these children remain in the home of their grandparents and the Judge did say he has concerns about MWs mental health. He also said he would provide physical security for these children while in the presence of their mother. So imo he is taking this case very seriously and will be going at this very slowly to ensure the children's best interest are protected.

Whether you are a guy or a gal and run into a potential date that told you "we can't seriously date until I get out of prison for murdering my husband and, oh by the way, I will be in a mental hospital until such and such date" would you even go there? This guy has serious issues.

I agree but I think it goes hand and hand. To date a murderer and think it is perfectly normal has to be someone who has issues of their own.

Reminds me of all these women that marry men on death row or send them sexy love connection letters. They too have deep seeded issues of their own imo.

But I believe that Mary is very manipulative and always uses people to her best advantage. Who knows... the farmhouse that she will be renting for $150 per month may belong to him.

I agree but I think it goes hand and hand. To date a murderer and think it is perfectly normal has to be someone who has issues of their own.

Reminds me of all these women that marry men on death row or send them sexy love connection letters. They too have deep seeded issues of their own imo.

But I believe that Mary is very manipulative and always uses people to her best advantage. Who knows... the farmhouse that she will be renting for $150 per month may belong to him.


Hi Ocean, thanks so much for the web site~very interesting read.I agree to date and think of something more serious with someone who murdered their husband~well there would have to be problems on his end.I feel mary will evenutually get her just rewards,just do not want her having custody of or being alone with the girls.....She may feel as my mother did "you look just like your father and you act just like him!!" WHACK!
Prayers for the Winkler Sr.s..
Whether you are a guy or a gal and run into a potential date that told you "we can't seriously date until I get out of prison for murdering my husband and, oh by the way, I will be in a mental hospital until such and such date" would you even go there? This guy has serious issues.

To answer your question, NO! I'd be running away so quick, it'd look like my butt was on fire and my hair was catching fire!!!! LOL:p
The tides are turning against Mary. The more she speaks her lies the more she ruffles feathers.


Thanks Ocean. I have felt the way those folks feel now. I think she got away with cold-blooded murder. I don't want to hear how she did 7 months, so she was adequately punished. She can't even keep her stories straight. She's changed them at least three times by my count. I sincerely hope that Matthew's parents are able to use her appearance on Oprah to help their civil case.
Thanks Ocean. I have felt the way those folks feel now. I think she got away with cold-blooded murder. I don't want to hear how she did 7 months, so she was adequately punished. She can't even keep her stories straight. She's changed them at least three times by my count. I sincerely hope that Matthew's parents are able to use her appearance on Oprah to help their civil case.

Her lies continue.

Oh and guess what else she told in the custody hearing? NOW she said that she told Diane Winkler about the abuse and that Diane told her she had to tell Matthew "no more" and that Diane told her she had suffered abuse too when she was a young wife and mother. (paraphrasing) I will try to find the link but I think it was the JacksonSun.

BUT THERE AGAIN Mary cannot keep her lies straight! She testified under oath in her criminal trial that she told NO ONE about the abuse.:banghead:
She is trying to cause dissension between Diane and Dan now. I am sure now that this explains the photo of them taken while in the hearing that we have seen. They probably were both livid that this forked tongue killer could utter such lies and nonsense.

The more she talks the more she lies and like all pathological liars they cant keep their lies straight.

To answer your question, NO! I'd be running away so quick, it'd look like my butt was on fire and my hair was catching fire!!!! LOL:p

Well heck I even feel sorry for his children. One is in HS and the other is 13 years old. Can you imagine how they have been ridiculed about daddy's special girlfriend?

I watched an episode of "Snapped" on Oxygen channel last night. It was about Dixie Schlessinger who shot her husband in the back of his head with a shotgun while he was sleeping. Sounds alot like Winkler, except that Dixie was actually abused - there were lots of witnesses to her being beaten by her husband over and over again. Poor Dixie got 40 yrs. and I think she actually was a victim - though murder is never the right answer.

Mary is a lying XXXX, IMO, who was lucky and cunning enough to get away with cold-blooded murder. She had choices. She makes me :sick:
They played the episode of Oprah where Mary was on & I watched it again and all I can say is guilty as sin!!! Just the way she acted was annoying and obviously she is full of crap. The whole ''stripper shoe'' thing just cracked me up. I thought the shoes were cute by the way!.. Mary might have gotten away with murder this time but believe me in one way or another she will pay for what she did.
Sorry Chico! I just never thought that sl*t was an obscenity! :silenced:
Well saying she's a lying murderer is acceptable but with all the fussy ado about the heels and the wig well, the other just doesn't seem to apply. ;)
I followed the case but stopped somewhat before the trial. Did LE find *advertiser censored* and other dubuous stuff on Matthew's computer. I don't recall that as having been proven true, but that is the information going around within other circles, not WS. What about his controlling or split personality?
I watched an episode of "Snapped" on Oxygen channel last night. It was about Dixie Schlessinger who shot her husband in the back of his head with a shotgun while he was sleeping. Sounds alot like Winkler, except that Dixie was actually abused - there were lots of witnesses to her being beaten by her husband over and over again. Poor Dixie got 40 yrs. and I think she actually was a victim - though murder is never the right answer.

Mary is a lying XXXX, IMO, who was lucky and cunning enough to get away with cold-blooded murder. She had choices. She makes me :sick:

I got the name wrong on this. It was Dixie Shanahan! Very interesting program that repeats Oct. 17.
I followed the case but stopped somewhat before the trial. Did LE find *advertiser censored* and other dubuous stuff on Matthew's computer. I don't recall that as having been proven true, but that is the information going around within other circles, not WS. What about his controlling or split personality?

The only one that shows they may have a split personality is Mary Winkler imo. I would love to know what personality disorder she truly suffers from. She seems to be an habitual liar and cannot remember the last lie she told. I have never seen a defendant change their story so many times as this woman has done.

They did find on the three computers that they had had for about 10 years about 240 thumbnail images that were retrieved from the deleted file. For all we know they may have been spam emails. I sure get them every now and then and I have never watched *advertiser censored* in my life. I delete them immediately into the delete file.

I saw nothing in Matthew's profile that showed him controlling, quite the opposite.

1. Mary went to college in another town.
2. Mary had worked at times throughout their marriage.
3. Mary made the decision to get the new van even though Matthew was worried they couldn't afford it.
4. Mary went to her family's home twice the year before Matthew died. She went with the children leaving Matthew home going all the way across the state 10 hours away from him. She was gone several days each time.
5. Mary had full control over the finances. In the trial they couldn't even find a check that he had ever signed.
6. Mary was the one that deposited the scam checks that were made out to her only. Mary had the scam letter in her van when arrested.
7. Mary was the one that deposited, moved and check kited all checks and she is the one that made withdrawals.
8. Mary called the bank 16 times on her personal cell phone two days before Matthew was murdered.
9. Mary is the one on the day before Matthew's death went around and withdrew $100 each from 5 accounts.
10. Mary is the one that took this money with her on her flee trip.
11. Mary was not isolated but often seen out and about at eating places, video stores, church, Wally World and at the salon getting her hair fixed and cut.

Not one person ever saw Matthew abuse his wife or children. In fact much more has been written about him and the softness he showed to many others including his little girls. Mary however had been chastised by the Elders when she was in McMinnville about the way she treated her children when they were at church.

Mary calmly identified the *advertiser censored* photos even though she tried to pretend she never looked at them.

Not one allegation she has said has any facts to back any of it up. Not one thing.

Her lies continue.

Oh and guess what else she told in the custody hearing? NOW she said that she told Diane Winkler about the abuse and that Diane told her she had to tell Matthew "no more" and that Diane told her she had suffered abuse too when she was a young wife and mother. (paraphrasing) I will try to find the link but I think it was the JacksonSun.

BUT THERE AGAIN Mary cannot keep her lies straight! She testified under oath in her criminal trial that she told NO ONE about the abuse.:banghead:
She is trying to cause dissension between Diane and Dan now. I am sure now that this explains the photo of them taken while in the hearing that we have seen. They probably were both livid that this forked tongue killer could utter such lies and nonsense.

The more she talks the more she lies and like all pathological liars they cant keep their lies straight.


It's almost like she thinks she hasn't caused enough damage to Matthew's family. She just keeps going. Someday though, she will pay!:hand:

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