GUILTY TN - Rev. Matthew Winkler, 31, shot to death, Selmer, 23 March 2006

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I grew up in a very conservative Pentecostal family, and I can see where having a husband want her to wear hooker shoes and a wig during sex might have made Mary very uncomfortable and upset. However, if she's going to claim her religious background as grounds for being upset over kinky sex, she's going to have to explain to me why her religious background did not preclude financial fraud and check-kiting -- never mind cold-blooded murder. Those sins are a whole lot weightier than a little off-beat nookie, IMHO.

I also think she is a disturbed woman and that the police are lucky they found her when they did, because she meant to do no good with that shotgun she took with her on the road. I'd almost bet she planned to take the kids away and kill them and either lost her nerve or hadn't yet planned out her course of action when the cops caught up with her.

Was anyone else completely creeped out by her demeanor? That vacant smirk on her face and her total calm? Not to mention her mustache?[/quote]

I know it's not nice but that cracked me up!
Welcome to WS, JuJuBe (love the name). Good post. I believe what Mary did was comparable to what Mark Hacking did. They each killed their spouse out of fear of being "found out". Too bad Mary got off so easy.:(

LOL Well I have to agree with JuJu. That darn smirky smile of hers is downright creepy and do you notice she does it when the "sex" questions are asked?:p

I have been thinking about the *advertiser censored* again. We all know that she tried to paint Matthew as some depraved *advertiser censored* addict but the computer expert said the entire time these thumbnails were viewed was ONE HOUR. You know what I think or even care? tee hee I think Mary got spam email and she opened them up out of curiosity of wanting to see how other women looked. Mary was the one home all the time and we know it was Mary that was a big risk taker doing the scam and check kiting. I think she peeked at them and he never even knew they were in the deleted file.

So does it make sense that a guy addicted to *advertiser censored* would have no magazines, no videos and no visits to several internet *advertiser censored* sites and in 10 years only about 180 thumbnails? And LE found all three computers they had since they first got married.

I think Mary just moved on and jumped right in the sack with the next guy that came along. Does that sound like she is suffering from being sexually abused?:waitasec: I will continue to believe Mary killed Matthew two hours before he was expected at the bank. She couldn't let that happen or let him know all she had done to betray him and the shame she would bring on him, his family and ministry. She just couldn't face it so she took him out and solved her impending problem at the moment. Like all killers they don't think one inch in front of their noses. They just see an obstacle and premeditate to remove it.

I think her delayed contrived story was done when she knew if she didn't say she was abused she was going to do 51 years in prison and most likely die there.

That is why the story began to change 8 months later and as long as Mary talks it still evolves because she cant keep her lies straight. The Winkler lawyers have got to be loving Mary running her mouth. lol

That WAS a good read, and it hit on a subject that I've wondered about ever since the trial: if Mary was so badly abused and controlled by Matthew, why was she in charge of the family finances?

My grandfathter was a minister so I'm looking at it from that angle...and I'm pretty sure that in the Winkler family, although there would have been a lot of talk about the husband being the Spiritual Head of the Household, they followed the necessity dictated by Matthew's profession: Ministers are really freaking busy people.

If Matthew Winkler's life was like my grandfather's, he had committees and counseling and parishioner visits and sermons to write every week, not to mention all the nuts and bolts of operating a church. He didn't have time to do the family finances and he sure as hell didn't have time to control his wife to the point where she was afraid to leave the house. If the electric bill was going to get paid and the baby was going to get diapers, Mary had to write the checks and make the trips to the store. It's just that simple.

Being a preacher's wife means living under a microscope, and her check-kiting would have been a HUGE issue, just like the article said. Matthew could have lost his pulpit and had a hard time finding another one. Their livelihood and everything their family supposedly stood for was at stake. She was in over her head and couldn't face the consequences, so she shot him and yes, I think she meant to kill the kids as well. Whether she would have killed herself I can't say, but thank God she got pulled over when she did. Faced with arrest, she came up with the story about how Matthew was an abusive pervert and she "just snapped".

And since none of us were in the Winkler's bedroom, it's entirely possible that SHE bought the wig and shoes to spice up their love life and they were just convenient props in her story. Because who would believe a shy little preacher's wife wanted to dress up like a hooker and have her husband tell her she was a bad girl? The fact that she always wore that stupid smirk when talking about sex on the stand made me really think that she turned that one around and used it to her advantage.

She makes me mad. :razz:
Mary Winkler has been granted supervised visitation with her daughters. My heart aches for these children.
SNIP:In a phone interview Tuesday, Neese said Dan and Diane Winkler have retained new legal representation from the Stites Harbison law firm in Nashville.

A message left for the Winklers' new attorney, Gregory Smith, was not immediately returned Tuesday night.
Gregory Smith is a Member of the Firm's Family Law Service Group. His practice focuses primarily on divorce, custody litigation, support disputes and neglect cases in courts in Nashville and surrounding counties. He has helped clients find and recover children abducted by former spouses, obtained help for children with disabilities and resolved difficult property and financial issues related to their domestic disputes. Greg is listed in The Best Lawyers in America® in Family Law.
SNIP:The American Lawyer recognized the firm as one of the leading law firms in America, as selected by 400 in-house counsel, and International Corporate Law selected the firm as the leading firm in Kentucky based upon a survey of 200 major corporations and financial institutions. Global Research rated the firm among the 50 best overall law firms in America. Corporate Counsel Magazine selected Stites & Harbison as a 2007 Go-To Law Firm® for litigation and financial services. Less than one-half of one percent of all law firms in the U.S. and abroad receive the Go-To Law Firm® honor. A 2007 survey of top law firm managing partners conducted by Edge International, an international legal consulting firm, identified Stites & Harbison Chairman Kennedy Helm III as one of the Top 10 managing partners most admired for excellence in leadership by his peers. In 2002, BTI Consulting Group, Inc., recognized the firm nationally for outstanding client service.
SNIP:Former or deceased Members of the firm include a United States Attorney General, a Chief Judge of the Kentucky Court of Appeals (now Supreme Court), numerous federal and state trial court and appellate judges, a Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General of Kentucky and a Master Commissioner of the United States Supreme Court.

Who thinks the next step the Winklers will make is to the Tennessee Supreme Court?

They have now hired the best that Tennessee has to offer.

IMO, they are going to fight this all the way trying to protect these children from further mental harm.

I wish them well and lots of good luck.

Someone in the comments section of the article mentioned Mary killing Matthew for the money and wanting to get her hands on the fund. Does anyone know what fund this is?
She's a cold blooded murderer. I never saw her as mousey.

Me neither Jeana. I saw her as a treacherous woman who knew how to appear to be a certain way when it behooved her. Just like she appeared to be a loving, faithful and TRUSTING wife to a preacher, just like she pretended to be the meek little mother to three children and appeared like the chameleon she is imo in court to better her advantage of getting away with cold blooded murder. But the real Mary was much different imo she had secrets behind Matthew's back that he was never ever going to know about. She was a cold, calculating woman who selfishly brought the world down for so many that never deserved it including Matthew. She lied, rearranged and changed her stories after her very first statement .....with her slick lawyers guiding her all the way. She says she told no one of the abuse when she was in her criminal case because she needed that sympathy factor that she had no one yet in the custody case she tells a completely different story and now it changed to saying something disparaging trying to hurt the Winkler grandparents. She is chilling and makes my skin crawl.

This fund was not affiliated with Mary or any of Mary's friends, family members or church supporters. Why didnt they start their own fund? This fund was initiated because at that time using commonsense and logic people knew that supporting three young children through to the age of maturity would be a great weight on the Winkler Family. I have given to the Winkler fund several times and each and every time I did it was to help the WINKLERS with the children. Since Mary now wants that fund in her hands, who never created her own fund and probably never has sent a dime for support of them, I have not given a dime and have no intentions of padding the pocket of a murderer. I did send one check made payable to Dan and Diane Winkler asking that they use it to buy the girls something they want or go out and have a nice dinner with them.

The thought that she is having fun with the victim's three precious children is nauseating. Maybe they can talk about old times like when she shot their daddy in the back as he lay sleeping and then laying on the floor dying, asking Mary, "why?"

To me this case is one of the worst miscarriages of justice I have witnessed in 25 years.

Those jurors should hang their head in shame. Not one thing she alleged was ever proven. He was just victimized again and again because he had been silenced and had no voice. I hope one day Patricia will set the record straight and I do think she will. I think the love and loss of her father is profound.

Jeana you sure have this one right. I have always felt the same way.I pray she doesn't get custody.Nore

It is chilling to think about Nore...

Say one of the children has a terrible nightmare about the boogeywoman killing their father and wake up screaming and terrified from the vivid memories. How in the world is this woman going to rush into the room and quieten their fears and make them think all is well when they are looking right into the boogeywoman's eyes that is in their thoughts and nightmares?

And they will never fully let their guard down imo. If she were to abuse them either physically or emotionally they would never breathe a word knowing what their mother is capable of doing.

The Winkler's have social security death benefits for the children, probably around 1,200 per month, but I'm glad there is a fund to help out in raising the children since that doesn't go very far and isn't even the amount that foster parents get for raising children.
One thing for sure she is lying when she says they just picked up whre they left off. There's no way you can do that...especially not with the older girl. She would remember the most. May God give those girls peace and lots of love in their years to come because they won't be easy years for them.
I neevr agreed with the jury's verdict. From day one, I saw a woman terrified to face the consequences of her actions. The verdict literally shocked me! This is one case that to me ranks pretty much in there with the OJ verdict.
The Winkler's have social security death benefits for the children, probably around 1,200 per month, but I'm glad there is a fund to help out in raising the children since that doesn't go very far and isn't even the amount that foster parents get for raising children.

And I have never understood that disparity in the amounts.

And no one knows it any better than Mary that if she can get them back it will be she who is collecting social security benefit checks.

Just seems eerie and sinister that a woman can murder their husband and then yet get the social security check that is given to the children because of the father's untimely loss of life due to being murdered by the now wanting to be full caregiver.


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