Found Deceased TN - Robert Qucsai III, 42, Cummings Falls State Park, 3 Feb 2021

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I checked SM and MSM today and found nothing new about Bob's disappearance. There was one news article from Feb. 19 not previously shared on this thread but I don't think it offers any truly new information apart from listing details on the search teams involved:

"TDEC Communications Director Eric Ward said Tennessee State Parks utilized search teams in the air, on the ground and underwater. In addition, aviation and underwater technology were deployed to search the area, as well as K-9 units from multiple counties.

Ward said search resources were used from the Appalachian Search and Rescue Team, Hamilton County Cave and Cliff, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, and Tennessee Highway Patrol.

At this time, Ward said they believe the individual is no longer on park property, but are continuing to work with agency partners to share any information that could help locate the individual."

Cummins Falls Hiker Not Located After Two Weeks

Still hoping for a good outcome.
Yes, you have not missed anything. There have been no clues in social media or mainstream media. If he wanted to disappear, he is very good at it.
This may have already been posted but I found it odd he went missing a day before the ruling that suspended him from practicing law in Ohio, after he failed to respond to a notice from the month prior regarding the matter.

Yes, it has been posted before, and it may go to his state of mind, but on the other hand, maybe not. The reason I say it that way is that he had already decided he would be a lawyer no longer. He went to Jamaica. The courts wanted to talk to him Paraphrasing, the father said, "well, he's in Jamaica, and if he hasn't contacted you, then you are not going to hear from him." So, does "I don't want to be an attorney" mean "I don't want to exist"? There's been no contributions from friends or family about his state of mind, his ambitions, his mental health, his medical health, etc. While in Jamaica, I think it was on his Instagram acct, that Bob said he could not have moved himself into his new apartment without the help of his new Jamaican friends, and there's a video of him soaking in water getting some treatment for pain in his leg. Did he have some other medical issue or addiction issue? I later saw that the pain was gout. The digital record shows he liked marijuana and supported legalization, he liked reggae, dancing, hiking, nature photography, and had sought and received comfort from those who offered stress counseling. I'm not sure any of this adds up to anything at all. There are some things that stand out. His hiking had been mostly local. Tennessee was 5 hours away. Why Tennessee? He has a few facebook friends in that area. Did he tell them he was coming? Not a hike but a rendezvous? The park was characterized as 'rugged', but as others have pointed out, some parts are rather open. You'd see a body if it was there. One doesn't have control after suicide. Land on the rocks, and there you are. Sit under a tree, even a tree miles away from where you went missing, and eventually someone finds your remains. There are Internet guides on getting lost. Basically, they say you must shed all connection with your current identity. Those who fail do so by trying to reconnect with their past. You must never connect with the old. If the park recorded Bob's entrance and noted his dress, then it must have every other vehicle and its occupants recorded as well. So, TN Park department, who gave him a ride out of the park? It's a finite list of who entered the park on Feb. 3rd. Is this a "planned disappearance", not a mystery? "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist." Is Bob Keyser Soze? (Now I feel like watching "The Usual Suspects" again, lol.)
I agree. I don't think the loss of the law license was catastrophic, or would in itself be a reason for a planned disappearance. It could maybe have tipped the scale if there were other unknown personal crises manifesting themselves. The TN trip was unusual after a pattern of mostly local hikes, but it was still consistent with the many hikes to waterfalls Bob had been doing before then. Based on what we know, there's no clear reason for a planned disappearance. But there's also no compelling evidence for an accident or medical issue, or for self-harm. This is a puzzle.

“The rangers are certain it wasn’t suicide,” Carl Qucsai said. “He made a big deposit the day of in the bank for his trip. This was just a stop off.”

In the car were Qucsai’s wallet, identification and credit cards. “The only thing he had on him was a car key, a cellphone and a hiking bag. He was an avid hiker and loved taking pictures of waterfalls,” Qucsai said.

I think the quote may be a bit garbled. But this seems to suggest he was planning a more significant trip, maybe going back to Jamaica? Plus I don't quite get it that the rangers are sure that making a bank deposit rules out suicide.
“The rangers are certain it wasn’t suicide,” Carl Qucsai said. “He made a big deposit the day of in the bank for his trip. This was just a stop off.”

In the car were Qucsai’s wallet, identification and credit cards. “The only thing he had on him was a car key, a cellphone and a hiking bag. He was an avid hiker and loved taking pictures of waterfalls,” Qucsai said.

I think the quote may be a bit garbled. But this seems to suggest he was planning a more significant trip, maybe going back to Jamaica? Plus I don't quite get it that the rangers are sure that making a bank deposit rules out suicide.

I agree. I wouldn’t assume a big deposit doesn’t point to suicide at all. If he wanted his designee/estate to have access to this money, this would be the exact thing one would do.
Let's change the story. "Man missing while hiking". "Man wants you to think he disappeared in a park while hiking". So, why? Did he visit pages on how to disappear on the Internet? Did he take out insurance policies recently? Does someone benefit financially if he goes missing and is declared dead? I don't believe he can be in the park. For three days they searched. Dogs, men, men on horseback, drones, Appalachian rescue teams, nothing. If you are squeamish, stop reading. The layout of the stream is such that after the pool of water from the falls, it gets shallow. The approach to the falls is by descending to the gorge and then walking up towards the falls, crossing the flat-river rocks a couple of times. So, a body bloats and the carcass would swell and get stuck on the rocks. Lot's of people all over that swimming hole in the summer. Well, like the story of Lazarus, "Lord, by this time he stinketh". So, "what if this is a man trying to outsmart us" story?
I still think losing the law license in itself was not enough incentive for a planned disappearance. He'd lost interest in the work already. He seemed to be working as a public defender. What if he failed to show up for the wrong defendant's hearing? Like, for a gang member, or for some other character looking for someone to blame for their sentence or fines. That might be enough incentive. I agree with you @OldProtozoan, I don't think he can be at the park.
He just quit. That's my summation of the complaint against him. He was challenged to respond to why the Court had to assign his cases to others. They wanted a response or they'd suspend his license to practice law in any capacity. So, he had amble time to respond and chose not to. Perhaps there was no excuse, no "positive spin" to put on it, and he knew it, and seemingly did not care. His father said at one point, "if you didn't get a response, you're not going to get one". I do not think anyone was harmed by his quitting the legal profession. The courts would have reassigned his cases, deadlines would be extended, etc. Yes, he was working as a public defender, but he seemed to care for his clients. Somewhere I came across a page of which he had taken a photo. It was just a few notes he had taken during a conference where the speaker had disparingly referred to the people the public defender's office defended. Bob's response seemingly was to disregard whatever else the gentleman said because he disagreed with the opening remarks. (My interpretation.) The court system would not like what Bob did, and the fact he would not give them any response. I think we've all fantasized that we could quit our jobs and cause our employer great inconvenience. I think Bob accomplished this. So, one scenario would be that he secretly was bothered by this change in life and hid it from those who knew him best, and that is why his disappearance coincides with the date of the court document. The "Bob the Attorney" is done. So, if "Bob the human" is still out there, how is he surviving? One curious thing his brother said in that latest story was that Bob made a deposit in preparation for his trip. This suggests funds not in the banking system. I'm all digital, so if I'm not accessing accounts, I'm not here. Perhaps Bob was not that way, or had made plans to lave "Bob the Attorney" behind. If leaving the Bob identity behind, you wouldn't need anything Bob related. I wish there money missing, or an insurance policy. That would show some premeditation to the disappearance. I often feel like Spock when trying to assess people, that is "highly illogical, Captain". I want things to make sense, lol.
I thought I'd dust this off since it's coming up on the one year anniversary of Bob being reported missing. I don't know Bob, but have been following since I saw the missing person report show up in some hiking groups last year. I've noticed a couple things lately that have piqued my interest and wanted to share.

A few weeks ago (around January 7 or 8) there was a comment on a Facebook group called "Bringing Home Bob Qucsai" from a lady that engaged with Bob's brother, Carl. She had asked if anyone had control over Bob's Facebook account because she had changed her profile picture and Bob "liked" it. She even posted a screenshot of the likes received on the picture and there was one from Bob. Carl said that he had control, but (if I'm remembering correctly) said he hadn't been on it in quite awhile and would have a look. That conversation has since been deleted and I don't know what has become of it. I wish I would have saved her screenshot or at least taken a screenshot of the exchange.

Yesterday I saw a post on that same FB group about search efforts taking place at Cummins Falls and it reminded me about the "like" exchange I previously mentioned. So, I went digging and started looking through Bob's social media presence again. I noticed that there has been activity on his Alltrails account within the last couple weeks. I don't know if it means anything, but it might.

I have always had this feeling that Bob shed his attorney skin and has been living life on his terms. Without more info it's really hard to say. I have questions. Did the TBI check flight records to see if Bob left the country least the Nashville airport since it was close? His brother, Carl, had mentioned that Cummings Falls was just a stop off and that Bob was on his way to Mississippi...after making a large monetary deposit that day. What were his plans in MS? Was MS a destination to meet up with friends or was it just a general direction that would get him on his way to the border to live an anonymous life somewhere else? If any of these scenarios are even remotely close, how did he leave Cummings Falls. So many questions.

Bob had plans at, or was at least interested in Cummings Falls. That is clear from his Alltrails account. But, I don't know if he ever completed the trail to the falls. He had been so diligent (it seems) to add, record, document, and review his hikes. For Cummings Falls it looks like he only saved the map to his profile, but never recorded or completed the hike. Carl had made the statement that he and his father had talked to Bob at about 4:30 the day he went missing and that he was "in the middle of the park" and had sent them a beautiful picture. If Bob had the cell signal to do that then he could've easily documented that hike like he had been doing so thoroughly on previous hikes. many questions.

Here's a link and screenshot from Bob's Alltrails account.


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Ho @jrangerj, welcome to Websleuths. Those are some interesting observations, especially the Alltrails info. I'm not sure what someone would gain by hacking an AllTrails account just to record the hikes. It might be a prankster, but maybe there's a more interesting explanation.
After looking at AllTrails, I suspect there's a more mundane explanation. This recent account activity is marking three trails as "completed", but there does not seem to be any corresponding newly recorded hikes. At Grant Park for example, his last "activity" was a hike recorded in January 2021. I suspect these are newly designated trail segments that someone has added to AllTrails and anyone with hikes previously recorded there matching that particular segment is retroactively added to the "completed" lists. Maybe someone with deeper knowledge of AllTrails can verify this.

I've got no explanation for the Facebook activity.
Carl had made the statement that he and his father had talked to Bob at about 4:30 the day he went missing and that he was "in the middle of the park" and had sent them a beautiful picture. If Bob had the cell signal to do that then he could've easily documented that hike

I thought it was mentioned previously that there was no phone signal in the park?

So perhaps Bob didn't talk while he was in the park....he just said he was there..
I thought it was mentioned previously that there was no phone signal in the park?

So perhaps Bob didn't talk while he was in the park....he just said he was there..
Most fitness apps use GPS signals to record hikes or other activities. This doesn't require a cell signal until you finish and want to upload the activity.

That said, the park isn't that large or that isolated. I wouldn't be surprised if cell signal is weak within the river gorge itself below the falls but I'd be surprised if the parking area didn't have it.
Most fitness apps use GPS signals to record hikes or other activities. This doesn't require a cell signal until you finish and want to upload the activity.

That said, the park isn't that large or that isolated. I wouldn't be surprised if cell signal is weak within the river gorge itself below the falls but I'd be surprised if the parking area didn't have it.

OK, sure, but I wasn't talking about the fitness apps that use GPS. You see, it was mentioned his father talked to him and he said he was in the park.

But earlier on it was also mentioned no phone signal.

So, I was wondering if he was actually in the park, or had gone elsewhere and just told his father he was.
He wasn't a fugitive, so delibarately leaving his car at the park to start a new life elsewhere seems unlikely to me. IMO the simplest explanation is that he's still in the park but hasn't been found yet. Suicide seems more probable than an accident. If he did leave the park, it wasn't to start anew and he's not far away.
After looking at AllTrails, I suspect there's a more mundane explanation. This recent account activity is marking three trails as "completed", but there does not seem to be any corresponding newly recorded hikes. At Grant Park for example, his last "activity" was a hike recorded in January 2021. I suspect these are newly designated trail segments that someone has added to AllTrails and anyone with hikes previously recorded there matching that particular segment is retroactively added to the "completed" lists. Maybe someone with deeper knowledge of AllTrails can verify this.

I've got no explanation for the Facebook activity.

Trails can be marked as "completed" in Alltrails without recording the trail. They can be manually added if desired. I can't say with certainty that what you're suggesting with a trail retroactively being marked as completed if a new segment is added does or does not happen, but my guess is that it doesn't.

I thought it was mentioned previously that there was no phone signal in the park?

So perhaps Bob didn't talk while he was in the park....he just said he was there..

Yeah, I had remembered seeing the comment about poor service in the park and that's what made me think about the statement his brother had given on the time he had spoken with Bob. And, what was the picture Bob had sent to Carl and his father?

The timeframe is very narrow also. If Carl had spoken to Bob at 4:30 and then park rangers called at 6:30 to inquire about the car that just leaves 2 hours unaccounted for.

According to reports, Bob was "seen" arriving at the park at 1:30. According to his brother, he spoke to Bob at 4:30 in the middle of the park. Alltrails lists the trail to the falls as 3 miles out and back. After looking at some of Bob's trail recordings a 30min/mile split seemed easily attainable for his pace. That's 1-1/2 hours with some leisure time to take in the falls and take pictures. Now we're at 3:00-ish. By looking at Bob's other trail reviews, he wasn't opposed to getting off trail so it is plausible that he could've left the trail and got turned around in the woods, but it wasn't until 4:30 that he had spoken to his brother. If Bob had been wondering around in the woods for 3 hours and unaware of where the trail was I would think some of that might be conveyed in the phone call at 4:30. Plus, Bob had already saved the Cummins Falls map to his Alltrails he had a map.

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