TN - RV Explosion, Nashville, 25 Dec 2020

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I’ve just yet to see anything that I would consider “abnormal” or suspicious about this man. Loving his pets as family? Plenty of people do that. The abundance of cameras at his home? A lot of people are protective of their property, and for good reason with theft and such. As I mention before, the home maintenance isn’t odd behavior since a lot of people are DIY types, and a friend described him as a “techie”.

I really want to agree with @StarryStarryNight above and thinking that we will find out something soon but agree too, it may be a big IF.
No, Quit Claims are totally legal. Many have done Quit Claims in divorces where one spouse sign a QC over to the other soon to be ex-spouse. It just means they are giving up all legal rights to the property. Families also do them. Once a QC is done the liability is on the new owner after then since it's totally their property. Most states I'm aware of have QCs, and have had them for many many decades. They are filed legally at the county tax office.

So QCs are not a scam of any kind. Many are done when both parties are still living. Any liens or mortgages on the properties will transfer over to the new owner/s. It's transferred as is at the time. It's not like a warranty deed where the seller is certifying it has no debt against the properties even if the properties may be debt free.


What I find strange is why would he sell the two properties to a woman who has connections that are unknown at this time.
The late Sen. Daniel Patick Moynihan, in a classic 1993 essay entitled "Defining Deviancy Down," asserted that redefining norms about deviant behavior can result in desensitization to what would once have been considered shocking.

I think we see his point painfully clearly when listening to those who, in effect, might be called apologists for the Nashville bomber -- who they see as having given fair warning of his intentions and thus saved lives in the process.

Such a view is truly, in a Moynihanian sense, "defining deviancy down."

I couldn't disagree more. What I have seen are folks that are pointing out that it doesn't appear (at least at this point) that his intention was human casualty, other than possibly his own. What I have seen are people giving a fair and accurate account of what he did and didn't do (so much as we're able to put those facts out there, at this early stage of the investigation).

Even when we vehemently disagree with someone's position or what they've done, giving an honest account of their position or actions, is vital. (Especially on a fact-based forum at this one).

It could have been much worse, and it wasn't, and that's something to be thankful for.
That doesn't mean anyone is this guy's apologist or anyone's redefined the norms of deviant behavior. It means folks are being fair and accurate.

What I find strange is why would he sell the two properties to a woman who has connections that are unknown at this time.

Connections that are only unknown the public, at this time.
I have no doubt LE know exactly what the connection is.
I'm suspect the reasoning (or some of it, anyway) for why he did what he did, all of it, will be made known to the public, eventually.

I don’t have the mainstream social media either and never have. I don’t get how his home maintenance habits can somehow indicate anything either as my obsessions, other that WS, is gardening and I am often doing something there.
I’ve personally known people who were “obsessed”, whether it’s politics, electric cars, sports, etc and one can’t get within a mile of these folks without them letting their views be known. I just think if this man was that bent over anything (like the 5G) he would have made it well known to those around him.
We might find out that he did indeed make it known.
I just humbly think we may be chasing rabbits with trying to make sense of his property sales or the warning. The man set off a military like blast in the middle of a huge city with homes close by, the fact that no innocent people were killed is a miracle, not the norm. I don’t mean this to be critical of anyone’s opinion as I’ve openly mused at the same things. I think we all are lost on the “why” and that’s understandable.
Connections that are only unknown the public, at this time.
I have no doubt LE know exactly what the connection is.
I'm suspect the reasoning (or some of it, anyway) for why he did what he did, all of it, will be made known to the public, eventually.


I agree. I do not want to speculate at this time.

I know people who have committed suicide have given away items for free.
Nashville explosion: Questions remain as investigation enters Day 3
Dec 27 2020
''FBI Special Agent Jason Pack told The Tennessean agents visited Fridrich & Clark Realty's Green Hills office Saturday evening as well — following up on leads in the case.

Owner Steve Fridrich said the company reported to the FBI that W had previously worked for the company. He confirmed speaking with agents Saturday.

“We are one of the nearly 500 people who so far have contacted them with tips," he said. ''

''Fridrich said W was hired four or five years ago as a contract laborer for computer consulting for the company. Then this month, W informed the company in an email that he'd no longer be working for them, Fridrich said.

No reason was given.

“He seemed very personable to us – this is quite out of character I think," he said. ''
Per Officer Luellen @ NPD officers press conference the song broadcast by the RV was Downtown by Petulia Clarke.
A favorite song of mine, the lyrics seem to make sense with regards to this case, imo, speculation.

Petula Clark
When you're alone and life is making you lonely
You can always go - downtown


(Full lyrics can be found at source: Musixmatch')
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I don't give this guy any kind of a pass just because no one was killed. People don't build bombs and blow things up with the primary motivation being preserving life. Timothy McVeigh was determined to make a statement by blowing up a federal building. He considered the loss of life, including children, "collateral damage". This guy could have figured, hey, I gave a warning, if people don't take it seriously, not my problem.

The late Sen. Daniel Patick Moynihan, in a classic 1993 essay entitled "Defining Deviancy Down," asserted that redefining norms about deviant behavior can result in desensitization to what would once have been considered shocking.

I think we see his point painfully clearly when listening to those who, in effect, might be called apologists for the Nashville bomber -- who they see as having given fair warning of his intentions and thus saved lives in the process.

Such a view is truly, in a Moynihanian sense, "defining deviancy down."

I think you're just misunderstanding what your fellow posters are trying to do.

Many are trying to understand the POIs motives. Trying to get into the bomber's head. So they're pointing out that from a profiling standpoint, his warning message is significant.

There are always certain things a criminal only does because it's necessary to accomplish the crime. Why did the purse snatcher break the car window? Well, the car was locked and it was his only way in, unless you had a dummy key or a crowbar or something. So that modus operandi can be important. Someone who had a crowbar might indicate a level of planning. Whereas someone who just busts a window could be planned, but also just spontaneous.

All that is different from signature. What things were not necessary to the commission of the crime that the suspect did anyway? It might be mailing a manifesto. In a different kind of case it might be taking souvenirs from a crime scene.

In this case, do you need to let off a warning siren? Maybe, maybe not. If you only cared about blowing up a building, then no. In that case, it's part of the signature, it says that the warning siren was important to the bomber. Maybe to minimize loss of life.

If the intent of the warning siren however was to get civilians out while perhaps drawing first responders in, then I'd say it was part of the MO and not the signature. It was something the bomber felt was necessary to get the chess pieces lined up the way he wanted them.

So where you see people minimizing the bomber's actions, I see people simply trying to sort out what transpired and why.
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What I find strange is why would he sell the two properties to a woman who has connections that are unknown at this time.
As far as we know, he transferred the properties to her for free, which is even more curious than selling them. What's the connection between him and this woman? She claims she didn't know about his recent property transfer, but there was another one a couple years prior, which obviously she had to know about.
I’ve just yet to see anything that I would consider “abnormal” or suspicious about this man. Loving his pets as family? Plenty of people do that. The abundance of cameras at his home? A lot of people are protective of their property, and for good reason with theft and such. As I mention before, the home maintenance isn’t odd behavior since a lot of people are DIY types, and a friend described him as a “techie”.

I really want to agree with @StarryStarryNight above and thinking that we will find out something soon but agree too, it may be a big IF.
We only know what has been reported. Which wasn't a lot.
No, Quit Claims are totally legal. Many have done Quit Claims in divorces where one spouse sign a QC over to the other soon to be ex-spouse. It just means they are giving up all legal rights to the property. Families also do them. Once a QC is done the liability is on the new owner after then since it's totally their property. Most states I'm aware of have QCs, and have had them for many many decades. They are filed legally at the county tax office.

So QCs are not a scam of any kind. Many are done when both parties are still living. Any liens or mortgages on the properties will transfer over to the new owner/s. It's transferred as is at the time. It's not like a warranty deed where the seller is certifying it has no debt against the properties even if the properties may be debt free.


But would a quick claim deed incur income taxes as to a gift? Vs flowing through an inheritance at death which at that value would Escape taxation?
If he cared and had this planned why tie the persons name to it?

I definitely think the person has their own money and obviously a place to live.

My thoughts are again on that sparkly new Nashville Yards that's on hold very close by, and now they have to rebuild what was already their big revenue nightlife, and

Maybe he wanted to "help" or maybe "bust stones"?

Neighbors are always the best. He was nice. He waved. He was always fiddling with his antenna and power washing. Well that settles it.

Also I've wondered.....this guy comes from this area his whole life. How long have all the neighbors lived there? How were all the new futuristic projects going to effect those homes? Some people do not like gentrification. Corporations taking over where they "come from".
I dont think that Nashville Yards has anything to do with it. It's almost a mile away from the bombing site and he could have chosen other places much closer to it.

I think in the end, this is all going to have to do with AT&T. I don't think it's a coincidence it was parked outside an AT&T transmission building as we now see all the problems they are having because of the blast.
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