Found Deceased TN - Sarah Vinick, 26, got into unknown pickup truck, Cordova, 5 Nov 2019 *Arrest*

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this is such a sad story. It boggles my mind why anyone would willingly do hard drugs. It's not like it isn't know what it does and the kind of people who do it.
People do drugs for all kinds of reasons, but the biggest one I've seen is to cope with life when they can't figure out any other way. My dad is currently dying due to his alcoholism all because his lifelong anxiety has gone untreated. So, why not self-medicate?
I understand it from that point very well.
Of course there's those who just think it's "fun"
this is such a sad story. It boggles my mind why anyone would willingly do hard drugs. It's not like it isn't know what it does and the kind of people who do it.

Meh. Judgmental attitudes like this are one of the reasons so many people who are struggling with addiction live in shame instead of seeking help. The “kind of people” who do hard drugs range from seemingly normal teens to suburban soccer moms, and everything in between. No one WANTS to be addicted to hard drugs.
Meh. Judgmental attitudes like this are one of the reasons so many people who are struggling with addiction live in shame instead of seeking help. The “kind of people” who do hard drugs range from seemingly normal teens to suburban soccer moms, and everything in between. No one WANTS to be addicted to hard drugs.
Living in shame is one thing but allowing others to die from overdoses out of fear of legal repercussions from having done the drugs with them is a killer we see time and time again. In a lot of cases I do believe victims are long dead by the time the witness recovers enough to be culpable (though we can't say for sure even in those cases since proper forensics can't be done) but in this case I think Sarah probably has a chance to be resuscitated as I believe the part about witness frantically driving her to a hospital but that's the point where it starts seeming fabricated. I think he, while intoxicated, made a judgement call that she was beyond help somewhere along the way and constructed the rest of the story.

People should be able to drop others off at emergency rooms and to then record a statement with assurance of anonymity.
Living in shame is one thing but allowing others to die from overdoses out of fear of legal repercussions from having done the drugs with them is a killer we see time and time again. In a lot of cases I do believe victims are long dead by the time the witness recovers enough to be culpable (though we can't say for sure even in those cases since proper forensics can't be done) but in this case I think Sarah probably has a chance to be resuscitated as I believe the part about witness frantically driving her to a hospital but that's the point where it starts seeming fabricated. I think he, while intoxicated, made a judgement call that she was beyond help somewhere along the way and constructed the rest of the story.

People should be able to drop others off at emergency rooms and to then record a statement with assurance of anonymity.

the person I was replying to was criticizing drug users in general from what I understood. Sarah was a drug user, so I found it a little insensitive and out of touch.

I don’t disagree with you, but my previous comment was in no way intended to imply that it’s okay to leave someone for dead if they are overdosing under any circumstances. The exact opposite actually. In April, my sister died of an overdose. There was narcan in the house, but her husband didn’t administer it because he was scared of getting in trouble and getting the kids taken away. As if her dying in the kitchen was going to make him look much better? So believe me, I will never excuse anyone for leaving someone for dead out of fear of getting in trouble. Unfortunately, people in general tend to panic in these situations. Then add drugs into the mix, and all judgement and rationale tends to go out the window.
the person I was replying to was criticizing drug users in general from what I understood. Sarah was a drug user, so I found it a little insensitive and out of touch.

I don’t disagree with you, but my previous comment was in no way intended to imply that it’s okay to leave someone for dead if they are overdosing under any circumstances. The exact opposite actually. In April, my sister died of an overdose. There was narcan in the house, but her husband didn’t administer it because he was scared of getting in trouble and getting the kids taken away. As if her dying in the kitchen was going to make him look much better? So believe me, I will never excuse anyone for leaving someone for dead out of fear of getting in trouble. Unfortunately, people in general tend to panic in these situations. Then add drugs into the mix, and all judgement and rationale tends to go out the window.
Oh, I had several heated arguments last year on multiple topics with that particular user you were replying to but they don't seem to post anymore, I think to the benefit of the board as a whole. I was just jumping off your post to make a point I regularly try to make in threads on these types of cases.

I wish that people would just take the ODing person's phone, walk or drive one minute away, call 911 and tell them there's an OD at such and such location.
I wish that people would just take the ODing person's phone, walk or drive one minute away, call 911 and tell them there's an OD at such and such location.
Yeah, these people weren't that nice.
The only guy charged, who bailed out, isn't even charged with desecration of a corpse, he was charged with tampering with evidence, it was quoted by the sheriff in my previous link upthread that her body is the evidence he tampered with.
"Smith is charged with placing Vinick's body (evidence) at the bridge, Dickerson said."
What the?
I can't find anything about his case, maybe his charges were dropped?

Body found on creek bank ID’d
Based upon facts at the scene and confidential information, Dickerson said, Vinick’s body may have been lowered from the Coldwater Creek bridge and into the water with aid of a rope or possibly a weed-eater cord.
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People do drugs for all kinds of reasons, but the biggest one I've seen is to cope with life when they can't figure out any other way. My dad is currently dying due to his alcoholism all because his lifelong anxiety has gone untreated. So, why not self-medicate?
I understand it from that point very well.
Of course there's those who just think it's "fun"

Hi kelsie, sorry your dad is not well.
Sending you both love and a hug.
@kelsie and @bears10, I am so sorry for the losses of your loved ones to the pernicious disease of addiction. Your insights on this thread (and many others) have been incredibly informative and always remind us to remember the victims’ humanity rather than depersonalizing them as it’s often too easy to do. Keeping you both in my thoughts.
when u work in service industry (especially on Beale street in the summer time) u literally are there 24/7 u basically get to know your coworkers as well as you would know a roommate (because u basically live at work)
With that in mind, She was on track to get her life together, the club/party scene is a very very difficult place to get clean, you literally get offered drugs/alcohol 10x more than just any serving or hosting position in a restaurant....
When Sarah first went missing it was on EVERY news station
there was constant updates and messages from the family urging the public if they knew anything to speak up,
They found her body on xmas eve and they reported there was signs of sexual assault, She was beaten severely, and found with no clothes the middle of winter...... in rural Mississippi... that was also broadcasted,
When i saw it i started scrolling fb and trying to find more info when i came across a a facebook status by another (ex)coworker(Matthew Revis) of mine who claimed his gf (who worked at coyote ugly) Beat Sarah to death and disposed of her body in Coldwater Creek,
I immediately screen shotted the post and sent it to 528-cash (memphis tips hotline)
now when it came out that it was a overdose i think the P.I the family hired went on the news once and thats the last i heard about it
Every couple months i find myself trying to figure more out,
the guy arrested for it was known to visit beale street alot (and if u never been to beale its basically like bourbon but with no shake junts)
every one working. down there knows everyone, especially regulars
ive never seen that guy (the one arrested) again
**** Matt Revis is known for being a liar I do still have the screen shot buried in my google photos i will post it as soon as i find it***
fast forward to a year later his gf chritstina sent me these text (i completely forgot about this)
they are not relevant to the case but this is the type of person/couple they are
*mind u i havent spoken to them in over a year when i received this text
They found her body on xmas eve and they reported there was signs of sexual assault, She was beaten severely, and found with no clothes the middle of winter...... in rural Mississippi... that was also broadcasted,
I'm not going to even touch the rest of your post(s) but this particular section deserves quoting and addressing. Can you find any links to the mainstream news reporting of these facts in the case? Do you at least know what outlet broadcast that story?
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ooo scratch all that matt revis bs he is a human being and a liar
but imma dumb *advertiser censored* lol
i just looked at her fb page and founded out alot
Sarah Anne Vinick

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