AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #25

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I'm not sure if this has been discussed before, but I am wondering what happened to the outfit Summer was wearing when she first arrived to H's house. H said CW had changed SW into her bathing suit while at his house. There was nothing said about having left the outfit at his house, and if so, did she pick it up afterward? CW says she changed SW into dry clothes after the swim.. obviously before the ride to take H home. Where did she remove her bathing suit and change SW into the outfit? Did H mention this change of clothing during his interview? Why did CW say SW's new outfit was the only thing she had to put on her? Why couldn't she wear the same clothing she wore when she started out that day?

The only outfit that I had was her brand-new one we got for her to go to kindergarten,” Bly said. “It was a suit, of course, pants and a sweater. I got it probably about a week before. It was still in Mom’s truck. It was the only change of clothes because we did not plan to go swimming that day.

“So, I just figured we’ll change her out and put her in these. That way she’ll be warm. She won’t freeze to death on the way home,” Bly said.

Wells nightmare worsens as boys removed
For me, the reason that the planting flowers/cacti story seems odd, is that it doesn't appear that the Wells family takes a lot of effort or concern into yardwork. Of all the days, this is the day they decide to do that? It is one of many inconsistencies that doesn't sit right with me.
But the boys also apparently saw her last. So our options seem to be:
1) CW and DW know something and had to report it immediately because someone would find out (but not the boys, because why keep them in the dark about what happened but then tell them to lie about seeing her)
2) CW and DW don't know anything about it and reported it immediately because that's just what you do
3) It was planned ahead of time, so all of the pieces were already in play the way they were supposed to be

If it were an accident that they were trying to cover up, you'd think they'd take a little more than a couple hours trying to figure out what to do.
JMO but the boys supposedly were told to keep an eye out for Summer, so they naturally assumed she was downstairs. Maybe they didn't actually see her go downstairs. Maybe someone came in through the basement door, loaded her in "her car" and took her somewhere. JMO
I've given the "family bed" a lot of thought. Do we know that Summer slept between DW and CW or could she have even slept on the outside of the bed next to DW? Really concerns me either way but the way he stated that she bonded with him and wanted to be near him, it would not surprise me if she was sleeping beside him and he was sleeping in the middle. JMO
IMO he said in an interview, but I don't remember which one. I think it was the one where he said "Summer just wanted to be with me".

According to DW, Summer slept between DW and CB every night. Starting at timestamp 21:25 in the Aug 4 TIR video (bbm):

DW: yeah and we tried and tried to make her sleep in her own bed and she coming to me with big tears in her eyes and say but daddy i want to sleep with you i want to be with you i couldn't say no i just couldn't
CM: and how long has she been doing that
DW: for five years every night
CM: wow
DW: all her life
CM: every night
DW: yes sir
CM: wow that's a bond
DW: yes
CM: yeah wow and that shows so walk me through it what time do you get up and what do what do you remember last about seeing summer
DW: all i remember is when i woke up was her feet and her foot under me kind of you know i remember being there and i covered her up a little bit or whatever and left and she sleeps right between me and mom every night you know but you know i just went to work normal day [...]
<modsnip - no link>

This whole timeline/scenario would have been a lot more believable if CW was not trying to be mother of the year by walking her 5-year-old daughter to the door on her own property she often ran freely about, and then was only otherwise occupied for 2-5 minutes. She locked herself into a timeline that <modsnip - opinion stated as fact>. If CW had said, "my mom and I were planting flowers and chatting and Summer went inside.... a half hour later I went in...." -- that would be a tad more believable! I wonder why she chose such a ridiculous timeline.
It feels a bit insulting to me to be expected to believe any of it.
It is odd that the gardening story is the only event that was detailed that day. I think it would be strange for SW to stay in her new school outfit to garden and play plus it was too hot to wear long pants and a jacket.

I have almost come to believe that SW did not make it home that day.
Or if she did someone knew what time to be there, they were told ahead of time.

CW could have just walked to the porch area and told the boys to watch her without the boys even looking up from the TV or the video game.
Or maybe the boys weren't home, they went to work with DW.

I think DW was not at work all day. He could have left work and took the boys home then returned to work. So the boys may not have been home when CW & CH returned from errands.
Or it was a bad day with his coworker, since his days are mixed up, and DW took him to his vehicle that was left on his property. Then returned to the job site to clean up.

From the very beginning DW said 'she is not around here, she is far away."

<modsnip> I've also wondered a bit about CW et al being followed after they dropped off H.
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The timeline falls apart with dramatically different stories H and CW told to CM about what happened at the swimming hole. JMO

Yes, and John Kelly seemed worried about that, and did not seem to have jumped to the conclusion that I've seen others jump to, a la "he's a 15-y-o kid, he was boasting/self-aggrandizing/being dramatic, thus we really can't trust his words." (This is assuming that JK watched interviews, and didn't just take someone's written word/synopsis. I'm more comfortable if a behavioralist actually, well, watches someone's behavior before they make assumptions.)

It feels a bit insulting to me to be expected to believe any of it.

Maybe this was top-of-the-mind for Candus because "letting the kids run around unsupervised/being inattentive" has been a criticism of CPS to/about her in the past.

I'm also not wholly ruling out the possibility that Candus doesn't know what happened in a chunk of time in the mid-afternoon in order to opine on it, because she was passed out on substances (the "piece of candy", etc.) at the time.
If they could pry their eyes away from their games. Reportedly, Summer went down in the basement to play. The boys most likely didn't even look up when CW told them to keep an eye on their little sister. JMO

but C said the boys came out to the truck, helped bring groceries in and they were in the house for a while before the flowers were planted. According to C.
I'm not sure if this has been discussed before, but I am wondering what happened to the outfit Summer was wearing when she first arrived to H's house. H said CW had changed SW into her bathing suit while at his house. There was nothing said about having left the outfit at his house, and if so, did she pick it up afterward? CW says she changed SW into dry clothes after the swim.. obviously before the ride to take H home. Where did she remove her bathing suit and change SW into the outfit? Did H mention this change of clothing during his interview? Why did CW say SW's new outfit was the only thing she had to put on her? Why couldn't she wear the same clothing she wore when she started out that day?

The only outfit that I had was her brand-new one we got for her to go to kindergarten,” Bly said. “It was a suit, of course, pants and a sweater. I got it probably about a week before. It was still in Mom’s truck. It was the only change of clothes because we did not plan to go swimming that day.

“So, I just figured we’ll change her out and put her in these. That way she’ll be warm. She won’t freeze to death on the way home,” Bly said.

Wells nightmare worsens as boys removed
Great point. I believe inconsistencies matter. I think CW told CM that Summer had her bathing suit on already and H told CM that Summer changed into the bathing suit at his house. I don’t think A verified because H said she was sleeping in the back room or bathroom if I recall correctly.
Agreed, if even if someone lost track of time and there was a kidnapping or she wandered off ... I'm still surprised that 911 was called so soon.
No one would have expected anything, until she didn't show up for school and even then some people could have claimed Summer was home schooled.
Once the missing call came in the clock started ticking.
I'm curious if one of the boys called it in, and prompted a scurrying around ?
Was she going to school? Registration announcement only ment paperwork was in the process phase.

I believe this story's answer is very close to the vest like a pocker game. Some are under the opinion that this is a revenge ploy. DW thinks it is the drug addict's revenge. It all reminds me of some petty <modsnip> people I have encountered <modsnip>. If they don't understnd your manner, they want to get a gang of people together and help humiliate you. They try to intimidate a person because their own life is out of sink. The type of people that will drag a person down.

CW has a husband, a home on private property, 4 beautiful children. She is not perfect, she would admit, but I bet her life suits her. She recovered from hard drugs, and now she was working on the smaller stuff.

I wonder if some jealous female did something very very stupid. Without mentioning names, we read about who has been at her house. Who? Haters. It is all online. Some people did too much talking. Now if you noticed, some are hiding, not posting. What is in the dark is coming out into the light.

I don't know what happened to Summer Moon. However, if I were going to chose someone for my baseball team, it would be the Wells. I wouldn't bet against them too quickly. They seem to have more authentic emotions.

When Summer Moon is found, ALIVE, look at anyone trying collect the reward.

One other thing that John Kelly said, if the person spent some time, with the wells over time or enough time at the house to become familiar with the family and the dogs then it is possible that Summer Moon was persuaded to go with "them" that day, because they were consider a friend.
People were listening to the conversation on CW's end on speaker. Who was listening on DW's end, speaker phone?

More preparation before Summer Moon would arrive. That person could have made certain DW was "set-up" not to be home. They could have carried some treats for hungry dogs, and guided them away from the property. Our D Pincher was known to run off our property. When we spotted the dog, she wanted to play. We had to carry some treats and get her close enough to put the collar on and take her home. She looked frightening but was a friendly sweet animal. Dogs and cats follow food.

John Kelly also said, if that was the case of a familiar person, then they were planning the event. I bet the person could be zeroed in on by finding out who started the talk online. The visciousness in the backstabbing, slandering towards the Wells. Someone not kin or family.
Who was mad at them. The possibilities are in the interviews.

If you watch Chris M. and listen while he interviews, you can tell when his radar goes up after some suspect is said. It happens in all of his interviews, the body language. It is not an accusing demeanor, more of an attention to the detail.
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If you watch Chris M. and listen while he interviews, you can tell when his radar goes up after some suspect is said. It happens in all of his interviews, the body language. It is not an accusing demeanor, more of an attention to the detail.

Or he's completely faking and letting DW believe he actually thinks someone else is responsible so that DW latches on to that and digs the hole deeper and provides fale info. about that person that can't and won't be corrobated.
but C said the boys came out to the truck, helped bring groceries in and they were in the house for a while before the flowers were planted. According to C.

I remember CW stating that in the interview with CM. I'm just having a hard time believing much of anything CW or DW has stated now.

I think bits and pieces may be the truth but not everything.
Was she going to school? Registration announcement only ment paperwork was in the process phase.

I believe this story's answer is very close to the vest like a pocker game. Some are under the opinion that this is a revenge ploy. DW thinks it is the drug addict's revenge. It all reminds me of some petty <modsnip> people I have encountered <modsnip>. If they don't understnd your manner, they want to get a gang of people together and help humiliate you. They try to intimidate a person because their own life is out of sink. The type of people that will drag a person down.

CW has a husband, a home on private property, 4 beautiful children. She is not perfect, she would admit, but I bet her life suits her. She recovered from hard drugs, and now she was working on the smaller stuff.

I wonder if some jealous female did something very very stupid. Without mentioning names, we read about who has been at her house. Who? Haters. It is all online. Some people did too much talking. Now if you noticed, some are hiding, not posting. What is in the dark is coming out into the light.

I don't know what happened to Summer Moon. However, if I were going to chose someone for my baseball team, it would be the Wells. I wouldn't bet against them too quickly. They seem to have more authentic emotions.

When Summer Moon is found, ALIVE, look at anyone trying collect the reward.

One other thing that John Kelly said, if the person spent some time, with the wells over time or enough time at the house to become familiar with the family and the dogs then it is possible that Summer Moon was persuaded to go with "them" that day, because they were consider a friend.
People were listening to the conversation on CW's end on speaker. Who was listening on DW's end, speaker phone?

More preparation before Summer Moon would arrive. That person could have made certain DW was "set-up" not to be home. They could have carried some treats for hungry dogs, and guided them away from the property. Our D Pincher was known to run off our property. When we spotted the dog, she wanted to play. We had to carry some treats and get her close enough to put the collar on and take her home. She looked frightening but was a friendly sweet animal. Dogs and cats follow food.

John Kelly also said, if that was the case of a familiar person, then they were planning the event. I bet the person could be zeroed in on by finding out who started the talk online. The visciousness in the backstabbing, slandering towards the Wells. Someone not kin or family.
Who was mad at them. The possibilities are in the interviews.

If you watch Chris M. and listen while he interviews, you can tell when his radar goes up after some suspect is said. It happens in all of his interviews, the body language. It is not an accusing demeanor, more of an attention to the detail.

The only Wells I would let be on my team at this point are Summer and her 3 brothers (the minors).
The problem with CW's versions of events is she has 2 enormous mountains to navigate around, her explaining her daughters absence and knowing CPS is already breathing down her neck.

She failed her drug test on the day, DW admitted she failed weed <modsnip> which was why she said they tried to get her to do a poly that day....but she couldn't.
No explanation was given and it is obvious why she had to come back and do it a few days later. IMO
When she had dried out a bit.

That's just my speculation though with the information provided.

I tend to feel Steve J from TIR is likely on the money.

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I don't necessarily agree with that last bit, but I have always thought it was extremely bizarre that she already had new school clothes months before school started. Kids at that age can have huge growth spurts and might not fit into the same size even 2 months apart. Furthermore, it's still HOT when school starts, so an outfit for autumn weather makes no sense, unless Summer just had to have it (which is very possible).

That is why I often wonder if the photo of Summer resting on the milk jugs was taken on a previous day and H has been asked to lie about it. (Remember she phoned H about something) I agree that those clothes may not have been her new school clothes. Also why did CW have them with her in the car that day? It wasn't as if she had just purchased them.
I know I've mentioned JonBenet in previous threads, but I just cannot stop comparing and contrasting these two cases. Beyond the lifestyle differences, JR & PR lawyered up and were going to leave town, almost immediately. CW & DW have no legal representation (besides the CPS case), are staying put and, at least one of them, will talk to anyone about anything on a very public forum.

IF they were involved, I cannot imagine CW & DW being able to pull it off like the Ramseys did (whatever happened there...if I could learn one thing before I die, it's what happened in that house that evening).

Can they keep this up if they weren't being truthful and expect not to be caught?

This is all MOO. I want to believe they had nothing to do with Summer's disappearance so badly!!

For me right now, DW is like the Burke Ramsey of this case. Definitely a weird dude, but is he a murder-y weirdo? Not sure, but it's definitely 50/50 in my mind right now. Same as BR.
When I watched the John Kelly video (only through 2 of the 4) what stood out to me was that he said there are allegations of communications of a sexual nature between H and CW. I honestly don’t know what to make of that. It was a new piece of the dynamic of the day Summer went missing for me but I don’t know if it fits or how much faith to put on that since it sounded like he said some of that came from SM.
I believe, IMO, that if someone looks, around the beginning of Summer going missing, that piece may be able to be verified.

Where is SUMMER ?????
Great point. I believe inconsistencies matter. I think CW told CM that Summer had her bathing suit on already and H told CM that Summer changed into the bathing suit at his house. I don’t think A verified because H said she was sleeping in the back room or bathroom if I recall correctly.

Which begs the whole question about why Summer was sitting on a pillow so she wouldn't get the seat wet , and where did they put the bathing suit, was that put into a plastic bag ? Was it left in Grandma's car ? Was it brought in and washed ? If it was at the house, why did SAR have such a hard time finding an item with only Summer's scent on it ?

If we are inclined to believe Hunter's account (which I am, for the most part) when Summer arrived at his house, she was wearing a pink or purple top and shorts. She then changed into her bathing suit in the bathroom. Hunter says C took these clothes with her when they left. IF that's true, then why did C choose to put Summer in a hot suit after swimming, rather than put her back into the shorts and t shirt she was swearing when they arrived at A's ? And where are all these other clothes ?
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