AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #27

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I don’t think he clarified that she started in her own bed and waited to execute her transfer. He said she slept with them every night for 5 years.. her whole life. So I really don’t think for the past 5 years she’s been starting in her bed and sneaking to theirs every night.
Or so he says. My children both co slept during breast feeding initially. By baby number two she was out of the room early on in her life. No one looks crosseyed at parents co-sleeping. IMO people wonder why a female child sleeps between her parents at such a young age knowing that DW has a history of SA. Maybe CW didn’t know Don’s history? We don’t know but Summer is missing and has a pedophile male parent. CBW also has an admitted sexual predator uncle. There is a CF of history regarding this family and their criminal and familiar history. It’s not rocket science. IMO
@MyBelle, i watched almost all of CM's video (i got up to the mystery of the shed).

His video shows highway traffic. His video shows the easement recently cut by the power company that does provide a clear view of Summer's swing from locations not owned by the Wells. (A WSer in the area had already made this observation.)

CM also thought he was in middle Tennessee . Rogersville is in East Tennessee, kind of in the northeastern corner of the state. It is literally closer to Kentucky and North Carolina than Middle Tennessee.

CM used to live in Spring Hill which is in middle Tennessee.

I am a native Tennessean and live here. I don't live in the country.

But, many times I have been places that seemed much more isolated than the Wells property. Not as close to any highway or interstate or airport. And yet i would not say it was "very, very isolated". People would have laughed in my face if i didn't offend them.

CM is painting a picture for you with his words at the introduction, but he does show you the truth.
I don't recall any mention of a shed. All CM discussed was probability considering the environment and steep terrain. He said he didn't see a 5-yo just wandering off.

All CM's video showed was the pile of firewood at the end of their driveway and the chain across the bottom of the steep driveway. Yes, CM's video shows highway traffic until he turned onto Ben Hill Rd. CM noted a sign that said 'Dead End' and he drove slowly. "Isolated and rugged" are his words. CM also termed it "dangerous terrain" for a 5-yo to try to navigate on foot. He said it was a very difficult driveway and he had no idea how far up the hill the house was located. He said in his experience, a high risk offender would not take such a high risk. He discussed possibilities and the victim/risk continuum.

Begins near the 1:00 mark:
I agree kitty

But to me it exposes CW's tendency to say out loud what she thinks is the best received version. Its not fully truthful.

Its not rocket science to see why that's an issue.

I see a broken woman, devastated.
My heart goes out to her.

To my eyes she is a victim here.

I see the discrepancies, I do.
But I do not believe they are relevant.

If she left A's house with an alive sleeping Summer and if A is correct that the journey home is 45 minutes duration and if it's accurate that she dropped H off at 2.30pm and spent 10-15 minutes chatting then it is not unreasonable to assume she got home at 3.30pm.

Her outing timeline stops are not relevant IMO if Summer was seen alive and sleeping at 2.30pm- 2.40pm.

I can understand her walking Summer to the porch because I have a sense that Summer was a live wire, she'd had her nap, she'd had candy.....
Did she go to the basement? We do not know, only her siblings may have noticed.
She could quite as easily have left by the door she entered while Mum's back was turned.

The only event that causes me concern is that she, herself expressed a desire to return to the main house. I wonder why? Bored? Possibly. But she had candy and a source for candy, her grandmother. We know she loved candy from her dad's interviews if they are accurate.

Did somebody beckon to her? Did she see somebody familiar who indicated she was to return to main house?

Or did she go to basement? Why would she? Lovely sunny day, refreshed after her nap, boys all glued to computer games...
Maybe she did go to basement and collected a toy or something and let herself out the basement door?
Or was called out?

Recall the landscape had changed because of the tree trimming . That would have been fascinating to a 5 year old.

I'm not connecting her disappearance with her father's history.
Because there is no evidence that any connection exists.
There is no evidence that Summer was a victim of SA.

So, this remains a missing person case, a missing child.
There is a photo of SW sitting on a bed playing with dolls (Barbies or similar). I think one of the boys can be seen in the background.

Anyway, the bed she was on reminded me of the bed CB showed CM in the house video (not the bunk bed, but the mattress beside it). Idk if it is the same bed in the same location because there's sheets and blankets and pillows on the bed. Also, the room seems better lit, but that could be time of day.

I am bad at re-finding photos. Has anyone else seen this? I didn't sleuth anyone's SM.
Okay but think about this. It happened a long time ago, yes. And she only just came forward given the circumstances. And he only stopped because she finally spoke up to her parents. Now others are coming to light.. do we know how long ago their experiences were? Are there others that haven’t come forward? I really can’t fathom people thinking because it was so long ago it’s not relevant anymore.
DW admitted, SW sleeps next to him every night. Is all of that proof he abused SW? No. But it sets off major alarms.

For me, it does not.
I'm not looking for an echo chamber here but I'm very realistic about what are facts and what is speculation.
It may look black and white but it may not be at all.
Thing is that if DW had an alibi for the day Summer went missing, he simply cannot be the one to have taken her and why would he? He loved his child, he says. He probably did!

Full disclosure- I am NOT a fan of statement analysis. I do not accept it as a viable science.

I'm reading cases for very many years. Enough not to be drawn towards analysing every word or word sequence a bereaved family utters while they grieve.
Just leave them alone.

TBI, HCSO, CARD and FBI are the experts here.
They have an abundance of interview techniques and ways to get to the truth.
I don’t think he clarified that she started in her own bed and waited to execute her transfer. He said she slept with them every night for 5 years.. her whole life. So I really don’t think for the past 5 years she’s been starting in her bed and sneaking to theirs every night.
Did he not say something to the effect of 'no matter how much we tried to get her to stay in her own bed, she kept climbing into ours' ?
Does that not imply that a bed was allocated to Summer? One of the bunk beds, specifically?
@MyBelle, they just talked about the shed that could be seen in the distance. CM is thinking about looking in it. CB says it is messy. there was a long discussion about it in a prior thread

Yes, they live on a dead end road up a long driveway. But, the highway is not that far. This is my point. You can see it from their house. You could walk to it from their house. That is not isolated.

CM's is giving you reasons why he doesn't think a stranger would bother with the place. And maybe he is right.

But, a stranger to the Wells family might not be a stranger to the location.

I don't know what happened to SW. And at first i did think she was out in the middle of nowhere. However, very improbable things occasionally happen.

Then i saw that if a person got her out on the road they could be to the highway and then on I-40 or I-75.

I actually looked at where she was. So, it became less improbable to me. I can see how she could be abducted.

However, i am not pushing an abduction theory. I have a condo on the fence of indecision.
@MyBelle, i watched almost all of CM's video (i got up to the mystery of the shed).

His video shows highway traffic. His video shows the easement recently cut by the power company that does provide a clear view of Summer's swing from locations not owned by the Wells. (A WSer in the area had already made this observation.)

CM also thought he was in middle Tennessee . Rogersville is in East Tennessee, kind of in the northeastern corner of the state. It is literally closer to Kentucky and North Carolina than Middle Tennessee.

CM used to live in Spring Hill which is in middle Tennessee.

I am a native Tennessean and live here. I don't live in the country.

But, many times I have been places that seemed much more isolated than the Wells property. Not as close to any highway or interstate or airport. And yet i would not say it was "very, very isolated". People would have laughed in my face if i didn't offend them.

CM is painting a picture for you with his words at the introduction, but he does show you the truth.
@TN Hiker rode down Beech Creek Road but did not go onto Ben Hill Road, they gave their first hand account, I have reposted two of their posts but there are more on thread #8.
Beech Hill Road is a fairly busy road by all accounts from locals, it goes from Rogersville to Kingston.

Thread #8, page 30, July 8, @TN Hiker

"To clarify, I could not see the actual house from the road.

While driving West on Beech Creek, I could see lawn chairs (and possibly part of GMa's camper) on the edge of the top of the hill.

While driving East on Beech Creek, I could see the edge of the yard and the top of Summer's "swing" tree by looking up the utility line clearing."

Thread #8, page 25, July 8, @TN Hiker:

"Yes the Shack is on the Wells property, at the bottom of the hill (where the utility line clearing is located). There is a dirt/gravel drive to access the Shack from Beech Creek Rd. No gate to prevent access. Based on what I observed last weekend, you could park a vehicle in that area without it being seen from the road."
I understand J's [name edited by me] experience happened about 40 years ago, is that correct?
I also understand that Summer or the Wells family home is not known to her.
There exists ZERO evidence that Summer was a victim of SA.
Unsubstantiated rumours or innuendo will not help find her.
I wish this could be posted on every page so that we can move past this and concentrate on Summer.
For me, it does not.
I'm not looking for an echo chamber here but I'm very realistic about what are facts and what is speculation.
It may look black and white but it may not be at all.
Thing is that if DW had an alibi for the day Summer went missing, he simply cannot be the one to have taken her and why would he? He loved his child, he says. He probably did!

Full disclosure- I am NOT a fan of statement analysis. I do not accept it as a viable science.

I'm reading cases for very many years. Enough not to be drawn towards analysing every word or word sequence a bereaved family utters while they grieve.
Just leave them alone.

TBI, HCSO, CARD and FBI are the experts here.
They have an abundance of interview techniques and ways to get to the truth.
Yet here we are more than two months later and the whereabouts of Summer remains unknown. I think statement analysis is a valuable law enforcement tool. And in this case, quite a few people have voluntarily provided plenty of statements to analyze. Combine that with the data and this case may be solved.

We don't know the hour SW went missing so it's impossible to know if DW had an alibi. What is missing is any motive for either parent to intentionally harm the child. JMO
Yet here we are more than two months later and the whereabouts of Summer remains unknown. I think statement analysis is a valuable law enforcement tool. And in this case, quite a few people have voluntarily provided plenty of statements to analyze. Combine that with the data and this case may be solved.

We don't know the hour SW went missing so it's impossible to know if DW had an alibi. What is missing is any motive for either parent to intentionally harm the child. JMO
And has LE said anything about anyone having an alibi or being cleared? Last I heard everyone is still a suspect. Maybe DWs SA history has nothing to do with it but at this point we don’t whether it does or does not. It very well could. The most disturbing part to me is that 40 years later he blames the victim and calls it consensual (she was five.)
I have been going back and reviewing some of the videos over the past 2 months from this case.
Leslie, A's friend is standing out to me. I'm not saying she's a POI, I just don't understand why she is involved.

She was not a friend of CW or the family. She wasn't at A's house the day SW came up missing. As far as I know she has never been to the Well's home.
She only had negative things to say about CW and DW.

She has been interviewed a couple of times, maybe more IDK.
Why was she interviewed?
Could she know more?

Unmasked 7/2/21

TIR with CM 7/23/21
(470) The day SUMMER WELLS vanished, part 3 – The Interview Room with Chris McDonough - YouTube

I picked up on that too. In fact, Leslie met them for the first time CW and CH at Allie's birthday party. The boys were punished by gramma, CH and CW for rough housing in the pool. Leslie said that she didn't like the choice of punishment or the fact that they laugh, she said, at the boys. As you know, the two wet boys were told to lie face down on hot concrete driveway. Leslie showed contempt for their choice of punishment and flipped the pool so the kids couldn't swim anymore. She punished every kid at the party to spite the adults. As you heard her explain, she then proceeded to keep her distance from the Wells for all time, starting at that first meeting. (IMO: I personally think that Leslie killed a fly with a sledge hammer on that day.)

It looks like a scenario where Allie is being influenced by gramma, Allie's daughter, gramma's daughter, who is Allie's mother.
Did you notice the daughter, Allie's mother kept coming up. Sometimes people think it is okay to control another individual's action, in the name of love and friendship. It appears Hunter is also at someone's mercy.

In the Part 2 interview CM did with with CW, she broke down and cried saying she felt like everyone is against her. The interviews sure support that statement.

It is odd that H spent several hours with the Wells in recreation, a slushy and a swim, visiting. After the 7 pm phone call and after the FBI, and TBI, interview in micro detail, H started using the word suspicious, describing CW: and then blocked CW from his social media platform. IMO, since Leslie knows a part of many stories and events without being present, there is a good chance coercion may have been used on her part, undo influence. Allie was all over the place while answering the questions as CM asked them of her.

What is impressive about Chris McDonough's skill in all of the interviews; so far, is how clean he communicates. I have watched him in several scenarios of the Summer Moon case where he looks like he's backed himself into a corner with a question that doesn't get answered. Or the person answering the questions says something revealing or startling. He reacts, but in a way that keeps the rhythm steady like a metronome. He knows when, to ask a question, to allow the person being interviewed to detour on a tangent. Like a tennis match, he sets up deep in the back court returning serve and volleys then he moves close to the net and returns a ball moving at 100 miles an hour. Takes his time and returns, places the ball perfectly. In the interview he doesn't agree with anyone, he doesn't offend, and he allows the person being interviewed to have and own their opinion, it's theirs.

Chris McDonough's
A) Interview Room
B) Channel Unmasked
Another curiosity... Wouldn't it have taken less time if CB had told Summer to wait a minute while she fixed grandmother's brace then they'd go back to the house together? Instead she walked Summer to the house, told the boys to watch her then walked back to the trailer, adjusted CH's brace then walked back to the house. Seems like a waste of time and steps for a busy mom. IMO.
True. Which makes me wonder if there was a bigger reason for her to go back to Grandma's trailer. Don, H and A, have all said that Candus likes to vape THC and drink a bit, starting around sunset. It makes me think that maybe she went back to the trailer to get her party started, trying to have a good time, as she described it previously----and during that time Summer went missing?
I understand Jeannie's experience happened about 40 years ago, is that correct?
I also understand that Summer or the Wells family home is not known to her.
There exists ZERO evidence that Summer was a victim of SA.
Unsubstantiated rumours or innuendo will not help find her.
Have you ever wondered why sex offenders have to register for the rest of their lives--so LE can always track them?

It is because they have as strong recidivism rate:

What is the strongest predictor of sex offender recidivism?
The strongest predictors of sexual recidivism are factors related to sexual criminality, such as a demonstrated sexual interest in children, a history of prior sexual offenses, the age of onset of sexual offending behavior and having committed a variety of sexual offenses.

Recidivism of Adult Felons

So the fact that Don began acting out at a young age, had a sexual interest in young children, had a history of several accusers, makes him a strong candidate to reoffend.
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What's your gut instinct on this Abbey? I know you do an awful lot of research.

Would you be looking locally, nationally or internationally?
I've yet to state my theory and I didn't vote in the poll.
After doing a lot of research, my theory is that someone who was unknown to the locals (this person is known to LE) and was in the area at just the right place/time (wrong for Summer!), saw a once in a lifetime opportunity, took her and headed out toward home (possibly to a nearby state). Her little body is probably somewhere between her home and his.

I still leave open the possibility that the independent, energetic little rascal got further away than they thought she could (maybe that mountain that DW showed us), found someplace to curled up to get out of the elements and succumbed.

It hurts me to type these words. It's just as painful to me to think that she was out there alone when darkness fell, so scared, and had no idea what to do. She was probably calling out to her daddy to be her hero and come rescue her. :(

As always, MOO.
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Interesting thought but I haven't seen any evidence that DW is controlling CB. Maybe the kids but not her. IMO.
We haven’t heard any concrete facts about DW’s controlling behavior (that I recall). I think it was implied when H, in his interview with CM, said that DW calls her every couple of hours to check up. We don’t know if it is true.

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