Agreed. Based on LEs statements, it doesn't appear as though the timeline has been nailed down. Hence the "circumstances surrounding her disappearance remain unclear" comments.
If they arrived home at 2:30 and the call to DW was made somewhere around 5:30-6:30, at minimum we are looking at 3 hours of potentially unknown activity.
According to DW, the "planting flowers" story was conveyed to him when CW called to advise Summer was missing. Perhaps they were actually planting flowers. Fine, I am able to accept that. However, the part where CW went to check on Summer after 2 minutes is highly unlikely. It simply isn't normal behavior. Why would a parent check on a child (who they just watched walk into their own home) after 2 minutes?
I imagine the "2 minutes" comment was a different way to say "a time period which didn't feel that long". In reality, that time period could very well have been an hour or more. We don't know.
We have all seen parents paying very little attention to their children while scrolling along on their phones for extended periods of time. Heck, people do it while they're walking and eating and driving and (insert any activity here).
I have faith LE can fill in some of that 3 hour window though, especially if they conducted any type of forensic analysis of her cellphone. Which, we all know, they would do at the first opportunity.
Timeline. Timeline. Timeline.
Will we get one? Probably not. LE is holding their cards close to the vest.