AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #3

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This is probably a bit of stretch, i'm probably clutching at straws now at this point, but the thought just occured to me, so I thought i'd share it...

Could this potentially be a Shannon Matthews type incident?
(Her Mum pretended she had been abducted, when actually she hidden at a relatives for over a month. She got the idea after seeing how much reward money was put up when Madeline McCann went missing, it was meant to be that the relative would release Shannon and then claim the reward money and it would be split between them.)

If it was, it could/would mean dear little Summer might still be alive.

An angle that never occurred to me, thanks for sharing, I think at this point ANYTHING is possible!
That reminds me: DW also said he believed Summer was abducted due to someone tracking her on social media.

Wells said he believes she may have been taken by human traffickers who became aware of her on social media.
Summer Wells' father believes she may have been taken by human traffickers

I don't quite understand that. I don't understand his mindset.

The video posted on social media and also by MSM, per request of her father, of Summer dancing in the rain has a barrel right beside her that read in large white letters:
"For Sale".

Could someone, perhaps a pervert, that saw the video have thought that instead of buying the barrel they'd freely take Summer?

How difficult would it be to track down Summer's home address for someone who could not resist pedophilic temptations?
The video posted on social media and also by MSM, per request of her father, of Summer dancing in the rain has a barrel right beside her that read in large white letters:
"For Sale".

Could someone, perhaps a pervert, that saw the video have thought that instead of buying the barrel they'd freely take Summer?

How difficult would it be to track down Summer's home address for someone who could not resist pedophilic temptations?
if their location was tagged anywhere on SM it wouldn't make it too difficult. what would be the difficult part would be to take her
This is probably a bit of stretch, i'm probably clutching at straws now at this point, but the thought just occured to me, so I thought i'd share it...

Could this potentially be a Shannon Matthews type incident?
(Her Mum pretended she had been abducted, when actually she hidden at a relatives for over a month. She got the idea after seeing how much reward money was put up when Madeline McCann went missing, it was meant to be that the relative would release Shannon and then claim the reward money and it would be split between them.)

If it was, it could/would mean dear little Summer might still be alive.

that scenario has been nagging at me for a while now. But so far it doesn’t seem to be playing out in that direction. There may be other reasons to hide her or another person who wished to hide her. I think at this point nothing is impossible as far as her disappearance.

I listened to some of this when it first came out, but just now listened to all of it. DW interviewed.
He talks a lot. Lots of religious references. Daniel and the fiery furnace. He says something about maybe she (I assume he means Summer) will learn a lot from the searches and that will bring her back home.
He talks a lot more.
Listen to the whole thing.
I am very troubled by what he says. I have a very bad feeling after listening to this.

Summer Wells' father believes she may have been taken by human traffickers

Perhaps I can speak to some of this -- he believes she's been taken away. He could not "feel" her there, in the area, when he got home that night. Some people (and dogs and other animals) just have a "presence" you can feel. Maybe you have to be tuned in to that sort of thing.

Sometimes people are connected. We read about it. One night, I felt I was having a heart attack, and my son called in trouble.

My house burned and two of my pets died. I had eaten lunch and watched my "soap" at work that day while they were dying and I never "felt" anything. I still have trouble believing I didn't "know". But I didn't.

Maybe when he got home that night and couldn't "feel" her, he quickly concluded she was no longer around. Someone had taken her off too far.

If you work with the thought that he truly believes she has been abducted by sex trafficers, what he says makes sense.

His own faith is being tested -- like Daniel being thrown into the lion's den. Daniel survived because God shut the mouths of the lions.

DW also compares Summer's trial to Daniel being taken away a captive in a strange land. In the Bible (and it's been many years since I read this story), Daniel's country was invaded and prisoners taken to Babylon where they were slaves. He hopes that Summer's ordeal and all she's going through will be useful to her when she does escape or get out and continues to serve God.

He appears to be trying to make some sense of this. DW is a rambling talker but that's what I got from that.
my guess , unless this is an abduction. that they are still searching, gathering evidence, building a case , i think it could be weeks or months before L.E. give us any substantial statements . just my guess. im hoping for a miracle though and she comes back home.

I've been thinking about & rethinking things this man says all week and honestly, I don't think it should take this much effort because I don't think this family are criminal geniuses but so much of what he says bothers me.

I get that someone from the local church that is supporting them probably made reference to Daniel and the furnace but I do not understand the correlation. For those unaware, the story goes in a simplified form that under threat of death to worship a false idol Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were unwilling to falter no matter what and that God saved them from death for their loyalty.

I cannot imagine why anyone would use this story as inspiration in regard to a missing child please help me understand because all I get from that is that he doesn't understand the story, is trying to obfuscate & endear to religious people, or his life is being threatened to stick to the story.

When I heard him reference the fiery furnace I interpreted him to mean this situation is his own fiery furnace and that God can deliver his children through such dire circumstances. The indication is that he is keeping faith that God can do anything, including keep Summer safe and bring her home. Anyway, that is MOO and interpretation of what I heard based on my own knowledge of scripture.

Edited to add: If we go on what we know, if he is a relatively new Christian. JMO, but on one of my trains of thought, he could be leaning heavily on all that he has learned recently in this time of great emotional stress as many of us do. It is new for him and fresh on his mind. Just throwing out there my probable "why" he is talking so much and referencing scripture a lot. There is of course another possible reason, but I digress.

My hope is that he is sincere in his belief and his words. The jury is still out on what happened to little Summer.
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In relation to a couple posts upthread, as far as if parent/caretaker is involved in a child’s “disappearance “ why would they report child missing so soon after the “event”?
Well I can think of couple of reasons such as,
the person(s) anticipating one or some of the other family members of household wondering where said child is i.e., other non-involved parent/caretaker comes home from work and/or if both caretakers involved, sibling(s) notice child suddenly isn’t around- hey, where’s so and so? how come he/she isn’t here for dinner? bedtime? etc., I suppose the person(s) could say he/she is at Grandma’s visiting and staying overnight but what about the next day when child still isn’t home. Not many preschool aged children go on sleepovers to a friend’s house, more likely they’d be away at a relative’s home but again, how to explain why the child isn’t home later that night, next day etc.
Some family members might be even more suspicious a lot sooner if it’s not a consistent pattern/extremely out of the ordinary that the child spends time visiting anyone anywhere overnight, or for a few days, etc.
Another reason I can think of is if a family has involvement with CPS, and there’s an upcoming CPS visit/check in etc., would obviously require child to be produced.

It isn’t easy to explain a very young preschool child’s sudden absence for any considerable length of time, especially when there are other kiddos in the household, extended family lives close by and are close with child, and/or if any CPS involvement with the family.

All situations are different, all caretaker perpetrators are different and reasons why they do what they do. Some try to get away with explaining their child’s absence for awhile by moving away from the area for instance (Taylor Williams), which I think is probably more rare- not reporting child missing and moving from area is easier to get away with if someone(s) has just one child such as in Taylor’s “Mother’” case, or if missing child has siblings that are very young and perpetrator has very little to no contact with extended family. IMO, most caretaker perpetrators report same day/night or within a couple days after the “event” as they know you can’t hide a young child for very long, and especially in an accidental death scenario, might just want to get it over with as soon as possible due to factors such as guilt, stress, anxiety etc. Most parents call 911 if an accident occurred, however if accident occurred while child was unsupervised and too late to save the child, calling 911 might not be an option.

I obviously don’t know if Summer’s parent(s) are involved or not. I do think there are some red flags as opined in a previous post. DW has done some media interviews yes, and some of his statements seem weird to me but I don’t know him personally. With LE being so tight-lipped is indication they know more than they’re saying, imo. I am one who tends to pay attention to LE’s actions in cases like this to get a feel for where the investigation is leading.
As far as caretaker/parent(s) doing interviews in the media in the early days doesn’t mean they had no involvement either. In the heartbreaking case of AJ Freund, I remember AJ’s “Father” did media interviews in the early days, and the monster eventually led LE to little AJ’s body. Awful, sad, heartbreaking case, aren’t they all though.
Still holding out hope for a miracle for sweet Summer, may she be located safe soon.

All of the above is IMHOO
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the father said for the first year the kid did not even go near the mom, since when do babies go anywhere, they only learn to walk at 9 months at the very earliest, dont crawl until 6 months. the are pretty much carried around or a person goes to where the baby is laying. he probably just remembers it that way i guess. the mom seems to hold the kid a lot, i doubt she waited a year until she started doing that. i think the guy is stressed and just remembered.
How does TBI know the two cases are not related since Rose was never found?

It seems the TBI may be implying they're fully aware of how it came to be that Summer Moon vanished because, supposedly, no one knows the reason why Rose went missing.

How rare is it that your sister would become a missing person and years later your beautiful daughter is reported missing?

We surely wanted Summer found way before today. The lack of locating her must be difficult for not only Sheriff Lawson and other law enforcement officers but the multitude of searches who, from the reports on the treacherous terrain, risked their own physical health in order to find this sweet baby girl.

BBM - this has been bugging me! How could TBI know they weren't connected? Is there someone in both of the missing girls lives involved > possibly a jealous person...back to sitting on my hands!
Why would the two cases be related? It's certainly unusual for a family to have two people go missing, but CW's sister lived in a different state, she was an adult, she went missing many years before Summer was even born. Presumably the only people involved in both their lives are CW, DW, and CW's mother.
the father said for the first year the kid did not even go near the mom, since when do babies go anywhere, they only learn to walk at 9 months at the very earliest, dont crawl until 6 months. the are pretty much carried around or a person goes to where the baby is laying. he probably just remembers it that way i guess. the mom seems to hold the kid a lot, i doubt she waited a year until she started doing that. i think the guy is stressed and just remembered.
Maybe what he meant was that Summer wouldn't settle with her.
Why would the two cases be related? It's certainly unusual for a family to have two people go missing, but CW's sister lived in a different state, she was an adult, she went missing many years before Summer was even born. Presumably the only people involved in both their lives are CW, DW, and CW's mother.
exactly i don't see how they could be related in any way. she went missing when she was presumably alone and driving her car. theres much less known about her disappearance than summers so perhaps they are but i'd be incredibly surprised
Why would the two cases be related? It's certainly unusual for a family to have two people go missing, but CW's sister lived in a different state, she was an adult, she went missing many years before Summer was even born. Presumably the only people involved in both their lives are CW, DW, and CW's mother.
I'm not sure DW was around then. Was he?
Having one tragedy doesn’t mean a family is “one and done” and guaranteed to never have another. TBI has said there’s no evidence connecting these two disappearances. The only common denominator is the same family IMO, and there’s not much of anything with Rose’s case. Had the family not used the name Candus in every generation, we might not have any awareness of Rose.
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