TN - Tyre Nichols, beaten to death by 5 Memphis Police Officers, Jan 2023 *officers charged*

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Do I think that there are some who enter the police force under the guise of wanting control or wanting to appear macho, sure I do but I also believe that there are those that outnumber that type of individual as wanting to make a difference in their community and have a calling to serve. MOO. The same can be said for teachers that become abusive, those in the faith communities that betray their beliefs, politicians that abuse their power, CFO's in financial institutions that take advantage of those that put their trust in them. It's frankly everywhere. But it's not every teacher, every priest or pastor, every politician or every financial CFO. These particular individuals, based upon the video's and audios I've seen disgust me and they do a dis-honer to every honorable officer out there serving in uniform.
I could believe this to be true IF other officers had intervened. I don’t know too many teachers who would turn a blind eye to a coworker grooming their students. Out of all the people there that night, there wasn’t even one whistleblower? To me that sounds like the whole bunch is bad. There need to me more firings, no way supervisors weren’t aware that they had a group of thugs terrorizing the citizens that are paying them to protect them.
Not only Memphis. It erodes trust in LE institutes, all over the country. It is a huge damage that has been done and is difficult to undo.

It seems to me that we are at a tipping point, where any interactions with LEO can go negative in a nanosecond, no matter what the race is of the officers. Or the victims.

This guy appeared to be compliant, until he was getting beaten and he tried to run away.
I could believe this to be true IF other officers had intervened. I don’t know too many teachers who would turn a blind eye to a coworker grooming their students. Out of all the people there that night, there wasn’t even one whistleblower? To me that sounds like the whole bunch is bad. There need to me more firings, no way supervisors weren’t aware that they had a group of thugs terrorizing the citizens that are paying them to protect them.

After the horrific beating, what absolutely appalled me were the officers and medics hanging out, roaming around, oblivious to Tyre’s need for immediate medical attention. The inhumanity of all of them was sickening. They would have treated a dog they had run over better than Tyre. I realize that it’s hard to be the one to stand up to a group of bullies, but have a heart! They all need to be fired and charged if possible with something.

Another surprise to me was that I didn’t see any neighbors come out of their houses to see what was going on. No one recorded the beating with their phone. Had it not been for that pole camera, it would not have been nearly as clear what happened. The courageous young lady who recorded the murder of George Floyd ensured those convictions.
I know why no one "sees" anything or "says" anything. Whistle-blowers are not heralded as "people who saw something wrong and said something". Instead, 99.9% of the time, they are bullied, tormented, isolated and generally terminated for some byzantine reason.

It is unfortunately best to just focus on your own work, see nothing, say nothing. Or say something, and destroy your career, lose your friends, and in the end, it doesn't really matter.

I know why no one "sees" anything or "says" anything. Whistle-blowers are not heralded as "people who saw something wrong and said something". Instead, 99.9% of the time, they are bullied, tormented, isolated and generally terminated for some byzantine reason.

It is unfortunately best to just focus on your own work, see nothing, say nothing. Or say something, and destroy your career, lose your friends, and in the end, it doesn't really matter.

I agree. It shouldn't be that way, but it is.
I don't see how the family could bear to view the video, so that's just a delaying tactic, imo. Most certainly, the family's attorney will view it. Memphis knows the release of that video will cause a nation-wide protest against police brutality. All the past victims, like George Floyd, Eric garner, Sandra Bland, Michael brown, Laquan Mac Donald, Tamar Rice and too many more, will be remembered with fury because black people keep dying of police brutality.
Huh? The family has viewed the video, they viewed it before the rest of us had access to it and did an interview about it Friday morning. Tyre’s mom only saw a small portion of it, and decided she couldn’t watch the rest of it but his dad watched all of it. Their attorneys have all seen it, and have given press conferences and interviews discussing it with MSM. IMO, don’t think that it’s entirely accurate to suggest that Memphis thinks releasing this video is going to lead to nationwide fury, as in violence, as they have been very proactive in taking many steps to ensure that only peaceful protest would ensue in the aftermath of releasing the video… and I am proud of them for releasing the video, they should release the video, they should do it in the name of transparency, they should do it in the name of justice, and they should do it so the world can see what these brutal men did to sweet Tyre and will have to face the consequences for their actions. I think the Memphis Police Department had nothing but good intentions behind releasing this video, I don’t think that it was to cause “fury” and nationwide unrest… I think it was quite the opposite… I think that was their biggest fear, and they did a great job of quelling it as best as they possibly could by the steps that they took in arresting the officers and charging the officers prior to releasing the video and encouraging peaceful protest prior to the video, and continuing to do so since then. I was worried things would get out of control and while yes there have been some skirmishes here and there across the country, this is nothing like the aftermath of George Floyd or what happened during the LA riots… I honestly believe in my heart, and it could just be me and maybe I’m wrong, but I think the most powerful thing that has been done or said to prevent further violence in the wake of this despicable video being released, was Tyre’s mother. How can Tyre’s mother’s words at his memorial about peaceful protests not ring in the ears of everyone who heard them… and be the driving factor to prevent further violence? We hear this gut-wrenching, heartbreaking plea from a mother suffering from inconceivable grief, beg the crowd to “ exercise their first amendment rights by protesting peacefully” … she said, “If you’re really here for Tyre and me, the you will protest peacefully” … and she went on to say that anything less than that, “was not what [her] son stood for.” Violence would just add insult to injury. I hate that she has to be going through everything she’s going through right now, and have to stand in front of a microphone and spell that out for America, but if I’m being honest, her words have stuck with me and I just simply cannot fathom how anyone who heard her ask for that, would dishonor her wishes. I think things have remained largely peaceful because people are heeding Tyre’s mom’s words… violence would only bring her, her family, and countless others more hurt and pain. Bless her. ♥️
I did see a part of video were the guy is washing out another’s eye that has pepper spray. Did they spray each other trying to spray Tyre? And the lazer gun? I haven’t seen any names released of the 5.? are they in jail? Still out on street? I know they were fired but should be locked up.
Yeah, that’s what a bunch of bumbling idiots these guys are… elite unit? Really? The guys did it in the first video, and then they did it to each other again during the second incident. Initially, I thought that the officers in first video weren’t able to engage in pursuit after Tyre (because in my mind I was thinking if they were able to catch up with him then and there, Tyre may have survived because things wouldn’t have escalated as badly as they did and a bunch of other cops wouldn’t have showed up to beat the crap out of him), but after re-watching the video again when I found one with subtitles, I realized that those two dudes sprayed each other with their pepper spray and that was the main reason why they couldn’t run after him… those officers weren’t huffing and puffing because they were flagrantly out of shape (maybe they are partially that too, though, I have no idea), but because they pepper sprayed EACH OTHER - not only effectively rendering the other temporarily blind, but also making it so they couldn’t breathe. Srsly? These guys are the supposed crème de la crème of the police force? You gotta be kidding me.

There is a lot going on in these videos, a whole lot… That all needs to be unpacked and massive reform is obviously needed, everywhere… but this group, I swear, in addition to all of the hate, and disregard for human life, and super aggressive gang mentality, I also witnessed a bunch of completely incompetent and inept police officers utterly incapable of doing their damn jobs, as a trained and experienced and professional police officer could and would… in my mind, as things progressed, they became more and more frustrated, with no one to blame but themselves and their own ineptitude frankly, that by the time they caught up with Tyre, they were just pissed and rather than act with any compassion or professionalism or de-escalation tactics, they decided to punish him, and take that aggression out on him… Like I said, in addition to a bunch of other backwards things that should have NEVER occurred in those moments… These men are worthless as far as I’m concerned, and I will jump for joy and yell “Justice for Tyre!” the day their sentences are read aloud, and are hauled off to prison for this barbarism. I hear that cops don’t really fare very well in prison… not too popular among the inmates, I’m told…

Good. Then they’ll have plenty of time to think about and learn to regret what they’ve done.
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They sprayed and sprayed. It looked like Tyre was trying to put his hands over his eyes, reflexive movement which I think they assumed was resistance to placing his hands behind his back for cuffs. So more beating resulted. MOO from watching the video.
I concluded the same. I take issue with anyone who insists that he was resisting arrest and attempts to justify these officers actions in some way… MOO. There’s a difference between resisting arrest, and literally fearing and fighting for your life… the mammalian bring kicks into fight/flight/freeze and that’s it… he was crying out for his mother for God’s sake… if it was me, I would be doing the same thing, his hands are literally the only thing he has at his disposal to try to protect his face from being bashed in… it’s unthinkable… it’s sickening… and here’s the other thing, we don’t even know what kind of mental state Tyre was in at that point, meaning, we don’t know how badly he had been beaten and how much that was affecting his ability to even be able to think clearly or remain fully conscious at times, head trauma is a really serious thing, he may have been literally utterly incapable of even understanding what the officers were saying because they had already injured him so badly. And yes, head trauma can cause reflexive movements as well, which I feared was occurring because I saw what looked like A LOT of it, even more so during the times where he was flat on the ground, AND propped up against the squad car, very clearly and obviously going in and out of consciousness, because his legs seemed to continue to flail involuntarily. So gruesome, so terrible, and Tyre deserved NONE of it.
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It seems to me that we are at a tipping point, where any interactions with LEO can go negative in a nanosecond, no matter what the race is of the officers. Or the victims.

This guy appeared to be compliant, until he was getting beaten and he tried to run away.

Yes, it is transracial and transcultural, and i think LEOs beind scared themselves plays a huge role. Memphis case, no doubt, is extreme. However, both sides being scared of each other doesnt help to provide protection or maintain order. I personally think that the only way to go is dramatically improve education and training of police units. Also, one might ask why a routine act, traffic stop, should ends in fatalities. What element of training is so counterproductive. JMO.
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I wish those officers had been charged with first degree murder, apparently with second degree murder (what they are charged with) is not subject to a death penalty sentence.
Nope, not in Tennessee, I’m from originally from Tennessee and what was even crazier to me is when I learned that the second degree murder charge comes with a sentence of 15 years to 60 years… when even in more liberal states, we usually see a 2nd degree charge allow for up to the possibility of life… but in Tennessee, apparently 60 years is the max… it really is shocking to me, because Tennessee is pretty darn tough on crime and for sure a death penalty friendly state. I think that’s why so many other charges have been issued to all of them though… trying to get murder 1 in Tennessee for this would be extremely difficult, so I think they’re being really smart actually… They’re charging them to the fullest extent of everything that they feel confident they can get to stick… so, if they can get guilty verdicts on ALL charges for these scumbags, with everything combined, they could very well go away for most of, maybe if not all, of the rest of their natural lives… I like that the DA is thinking like this… All the other charges are just as legitimate… He’s trying to put them away for as long as possible by stacking them, and I commend him for his actions… As the investigation progresses, I hope there will be even more charges that can be applied, but at this point I suppose that remains to be seen.
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I wondered what was significant about him that caused him to be held for the highest amount of bond…. I guess that answers that

Haley has a prior history, but i wouldn't be surprised if this situation is less of a "rotten apple" and more of "pack mentality". Freddie Gray's case comes to mind. I expect to hear that these five policemen are very different as people, with different life and career histories, but as a group, they instigated one another.
It seems to me that we are at a tipping point, where any interactions with LEO can go negative in a nanosecond, no matter what the race is of the officers. Or the victims.

This guy appeared to be compliant, until he was getting beaten and he tried to run away.
Honestly, you’re so right. We are at a tipping point. We’re also at two sides of opposite extremes… We have this disgusting situation play out over and over and over again and there is righteous indignation towards it… Absolutely righteous. But then there’s the total opposite side, that represents a truly wonderful selfless individuals who swore an oath to serve and protect their communities and they take that seriously and they put their lives on the line every single day to live that out, and they do put away the real bad guys, and we need them, and they should be appreciated and supported. It’s just so hard. The whole thing. Both sides. My God, why can we not figure this out? As a country, why in the heck can we not get our collective *advertiser censored* together and make it so that atrocities like Tyre’s are no longer acceptable and NEVER happen again, instead of over and over and over again, while at the same time, somehow finding a way to support the police officers out there, the majority of them, who are the good guys. The good guys who had they seen this happen, would have stepped in. We need police in our society, to protect all of us, no matter where we come from, where we live, our socioeconomic class, the color of our skin, we need these people… but how can we ensure what is needed on both sides? How can we make sure this violent madness ends, and that police can also be trusted? The two concepts just seem be dialectical to the nth degree… I just don’t know how we fix this honestly. We’ve been trying to fix this forever. I just feel sad for everyone tonight. I hate the severe discord between everyone. For whatever reason I have been thinking about Rodney King today, and the first press conference that he gave… The first time he spoke after he had been brutally beaten, and by all accounts he was also a peaceful person, and I just remember him facing the crowd, and looking out at everybody, and his voice breaking, and tears start to fall, as he said the words, “Can we please just all get along now? Please?” - my heart broke. And I feel like it’s 30+ years later, and we’re still in the same place… and what’s most confounding to me is that I feel like the vast majority of people want solutions for this, but somehow, we can’t seem to get it done. When will enough be enough? What’s the solution? I shudder to think that this will not be the last time. :(
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I know why no one "sees" anything or "says" anything. Whistle-blowers are not heralded as "people who saw something wrong and said something". Instead, 99.9% of the time, they are bullied, tormented, isolated and generally terminated for some byzantine reason.

It is unfortunately best to just focus on your own work, see nothing, say nothing. Or say something, and destroy your career, lose your friends, and in the end, it doesn't really matter.

Personally, I would do the latter. I truly would. I‘d blow up my own life if it came down to that choice because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself, in my own skin, if I didn’t intervene.
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Personally, I would do the latter. I truly would. I blow up my own life if it came down to that choice because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself, in my own skin, if I didn’t intervene.

I’m with you. At the end of the day, I have to live with myself and if I just stood there in order to save my job while someone is being killed…who am I?
I’m with you. At the end of the day, I have to live with myself and if I just stood there in order to save my job while someone is being killed…who am I?
Easy to say, but none of us really know what we would have done. Sometimes I freeze when my intervention is needed, not meaning to, it's just something my brain does.

I was at a bus stop the other day and this old lady was yelling at a Muslim woman for no reason, I intervened because she was weaker than me physically in case she decided to attack. If it was a burly man I would have thought twice.
One of five Memphis police officers accused of killing Tyre Nichols allegedly beat up an inmate nearly eight years ago, according to a lawsuit filed by the victim.

Cordarlrius Sledge, 34, was serving a three-year sentence for aggravated assault when he was allegedly beaten in the Shelby County Division of Corrections by ex-Memphis police officer Demetrius Haley, 30, and another officer on May 16, 2015. Haley was a correction officer at the Shelby County Corrections Department at the time.

"I could be dead. As it is, my body still hurts from the beating. It’s gonna hurt for life," Sledge told the New York Post.

Police Director Cerelyn "CJ" Davis acted a day after the harrowing video emerged, saying she listened to Nichols' relatives, community leaders and uninvolved officers in making the decision. Her announcement came as the nation and the city struggled to come to grips with the violence of the officers, who are also Black. The video renewed doubts about why fatal encounters with law enforcement keep happening despite repeated calls for change.

Protestors marching though downtown Memphis cheered when they heard the unit had been dissolved. One protestor said over a bullhorn that "the unit that killed Tyre has been permanently disbanded."

Referring to "the heinous actions of a few" that dishonored the unit, Davis contradicted an earlier statement that she would keep the unit. She said it was imperative that the department "take proactive steps in the healing process."

"It is in the best interest of all to permanently deactivate the Scorpion unit," she said in a statement. She said the officers currently assigned to it agreed "unreservedly."
Is there a chance there was prior history between Tyre and at least one of the arresting thugs?

Maybe it’s possible… to be honest I had the same thought so I searched to see if there was any alleged criminal history for Tyre just to try to see if there was any that he crossed paths with who may have had some sort of weird vendetta or something. I was unable to find anything… but I suppose that would not shed light on any sort of prior connection or interaction he had had with any of the thugs just out and about in the neighborhood, meaning, something that wouldn’t be documented. For all we know, one of these cops could’ve just picked him out of a crowd and assumed that he was doing something wrong one day and just had it out for him for no real legitimate reason as a result. I mean this is total speculation but I guess this is human nature… To try to make some sort of sense out of something so senseless? There could be absolutely nothing here to uncover, but if you learn anything else related to this, let me know, and I’ll do the same. :)

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