To all who believe Caylee is ALIVE, explain this?

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She could be afraid of a different crime being discovered that she was involved in, although she knows Caylee is alive.
Someone could have taken Caylee because she witnessed something, or to silence Casey because she did.
We don't know why.

I've thought that at times, too. But, what crime could she have possibly committed or witnessed that would have her looking worse in the world's eyes than harming her own child? Casey was obviously very big on keeping up appearances. If she had killed anyone else in the world, except maybe the Pope, it would not seem as bad as killing her own sweet baby girl. I mean, seriously, people are protesting her release from jail outside her home. How much worse can it get? If there was another dead body in that car, and Caylee is still very much alive and well, Casey would look like a big hero, even if there is some other crime she committed. And as far as her keeping quiet because someone else has Caylee and is holding her hostage, I just don't buy that. I feel she would've cracked by now. Casey cares mostly about Casey, and the life she's been leading recently hasn't been too grand. If she could get this whole ordeal over with by naming some real captors, I'm sure she would. Everything I've seen about her points to a person who cares mostly for herself.

Or, Casey could simply have a thinking disorder, whether from trauma/shock, or a physical cause. Why would anyone say I work in a place, when she hadn't worked there for more than a year, knowing they were driving straight there. Some people think if something traumatic has happened to Casey/Caylee, Casey might be unable to let herself remember anything beyond this safe time when she used to drop Caylee off safely at a babysitter, like she's blacking out a certain span of time. I still am not sure about any of these theories. But enough doubt remains for me to believe that Caylee could very well be alive and hope that she is.

I hope she's alive, too. And, I agree. I think Casey does have a thinking disorder. But, I also think she is so used to lying that it has become a way of life for her. She has probably lied to G & C for most of her life, and has probably gotten away with it, because they never tried to call her on her lies. I think she wasn't expecting LE to call her bluff at Universal. I think she went along with it for as long as she could before she finally was backed in a corner with no where to turn but to the truth, which was that she doesn't work there anymore. So, she had to come clean, at least about that. I also agree that it is possible that she mentally blocked out what happened to Caylee. I would imagine that it was probably horrible, especially dealing with her tiny decomposing body. How could that not be horrific!
Sorry, but that is a ridiculous comparison. The first was said by a president who had sex with an intern in the Oval Office, and knew that his world was going to come crumbling down around him if he told the truth. He risked the lie, hoping to not get caught. I could see a comparison with CASEY there, but a comparison with law enforcement? C'mon! And your second quote is from a politician hoping for victory in an election. Again, explain the comparison to law enforcement, because I don't think it's there. Is law enforcement afraid of being caught in a lie and impeached? Is law enforcement trying to get elected?

Seriously, if you won't believe a direct statement from law enforcement, you won't believe anything in this case.

Your posts are starting to sound more and more trollish all the time, IMO. I can't continue a debate with someone who compares Sgt. John Allen with Bill Clinton, sorry.

Im sorry that my point went over your head. whooosh. It was to point out that prominent people lie on TV all the time and not to believe everything you hear. And nothing at all to the integrity of the players or participants in this case.

Trollish? Wow. Sorry an educated opinion threatens you, I never thought of just throwing out insults instead of a debate. Brilliant.
Not intentionally twisted, just a lot of spin on it. Many people in the media were assuming Casey was a murderer from virtually the first couple days of the case, simply because of the investigators going to Universal and finding out that Casey didn't work there anymore. The rhetoric started as early as that with the strong suggestions and sometime outright statements that she must be a lying sociopath and therefore must have killed her child. Every leak since then has been described by many in the media as proof of this. Though that isn't established at all. We won't have any idea what the body of evidence is or what it means until we see it in court.

There is no way of knowing if Casey, or someone else, murdered Caylee--that's where I am stymied.
I read the posts from the "Caylee is Alive" thread and I feel like I'm on another planet to these posters.

I ask them to explain to me -

Why, if Caylee was abducted by ZG and her sister Samantha, there has not been ONE SINGLE person come forward to verify the fact that these people exist. Surely they have friends and family. Someone has to know of them. Where are they?

Put yourself in her shoes, if your baby was missing, kidnapped by ???....would you act this way?

Why didn't Casey ask TonE to get gas for her car if it had run out? Why didn't she go back even the next day and pick it up?

Why didn't she confide in someone....I mean anyone, her brother, mother, father. Just someone. Think about it. Who could bear the pain on their own, your baby has been kidnapped. You would be screaming to someone for help.

Why did Casey go out partying, having a great time with her friends after the kidnapping. Is this realistic, think about it. Would you, could you?

Why was Casey having such a great time leaving myspace and facebook messages to all her friends, after ZG kidnapped her baby girl?

Why did all of Casey's friends not notice anything different in her behaviour? She didn't seem upset, stressed, worried, why?

Would you feel like stealing money from your friend and going on a shopping trip, when your baby was missing?

Seriously, would you be thinking of having a tattoo if your child had been kidnapped? Wouldn't you be obsessed with finding her, getting her back.

Is this the behaviour of a mother whose child has been kidnapped, or of a mother who has finally got the freedom to be a free 'party girl' again?

I mean, this is only about her behaviour. I haven't even mentioned the evidence. I just cannot for the life of me, understand how anybody could possibly not see the truth. Actions speak louder than words.

I keep thinking of the saying 'out of sight, out of mine' relating to Casey!

I completely agree.
Regarding Casey's "lying", would you really call the things she told police "lies". To me, they didn't make enough sense to be lies. She was either totally confused, in shock, or something like that, OR she was giving cryptic answers that she wanted her family to follow up on privately, or she was hoping by leading the police to these particular locations they would stumble on the truth because she's afraid to tell who it really is, or she was trying to buy time because she thought Caylee was going to be returned...I'm not sure yet.
I believe everything Casey said to police after she said that last time she seen caylee was on some steps is totally all made up. Why would she make it up? The police kept asking questions and she had no answers so she just let it fly as it came out! I believe the last time she did see Caylee may have been on some steps, which ones, dont know, Caylee alive or dead, dont know, someone else driving off with Caylee dead or alive, dont know. If she was dead, was she brought to this location from the Anthony's backyard? Dont know.
All I'm saying is everything that has been released...Caylee missing, no one in Casey's circle having seen her since the beginning of June, ZG doesn't exist in the form that Casey has told LE, no money indicating she was sold, Casey's attitude of being disconnected from the situation, forensic results, etc.. all points IMO to supporting the theory of Caylee being deceased. I would just like to see something that could change my mind. Those ppl that think Caylee is alive try to debunk all of this but have yet to produce any facts that could sway me to their way of thinking. You want us non-believers to give you facts on why we think she is deceased all we ask is the same consideration for your side of the debate.

All you have is a theory, and we respect that theory. I agree it is possible that Caylee could have died in an accident or something like that, I know that is one possibility. But there's no proof yet that Caylee is dead (thank heavens). Those of us who are still open-minded, pending evidence, have stated many other possible theories on these threads, including theories regarding Caylee still being alive. Like you, we only have theories at this point, because the evidence is still out.
Originally Posted by TURBOTHINK
There is also the police report where that woman's house or office was broken into and her computer was stolen. If Casey was into something illegal like stealing for drugs or even connected with people who were, it would be very easy to get all of that information off that woman's computer.

I have always found it strange that long before Caylee disappeared the SAME woman was the victim of a robbery.
However, it isn't the same woman who also has the ZG name that visited Sawgrass. We need to keep those things straight.
I have said that until we have the formal evidence in hand this is all theory. But in saying that, the information given by the LE and the 400 pg documents lead me in that direction.

It can lead you wherever you want to go -- nothing in the 400 pages says anything about evidence related to the death of the little girl. Just that her mom is a psychotic liar. :P

Again you show no proof for your statements. Your experience is not proof and not having Caylee in hand is not proof she is alive. All I'm asking is that someone provide compelling evidence that would give credence to the theory of her being alive. Or give proof or something reasonable that what has been leaked is false.

There is no need for me to show proof, since nothing leaked is fact; and I'm not saying she's alive. I'm saying there's no proof for anything other than she is missing. You can't assume alive or dead, because there is no official evidence that states one way or the other.

This discussion is a moot point because there is no official evidence one way or the other; only feelings, beliefs, and assumptions based on heresay.
Gametheory, I agree totally. No one spends appx 6 hrs a day, 5 days a week with their attorney to defend child neglect and fraud charges. Frankly I am still shocked Casey is allotted all that time, FRANKLY IT TICKS ME OFF....
I am sick of listening to "AnthonySpin", they are entitled to believe what they want to believe, but COME ON! How could they live in the same house and NO ONE ask WHERE THE HELL IS CAYLEE!!
Man, I am aggravated already, thanks Casey.....
sorry for the mini rant folks, and of course this is all just MY opinion.

I agree...I understand being able to see your attorney..but if your on home means your suppose to spend most of your time AT HOME..not at your attorneys office from 10-4 which is like a business work day, all day long!
Somebody was on their thread with a "tip" and when it was asked about calling in the tip to the police, etc., the poster said they weren't supposed to get involved or something to that effect. They say they have tips but then say don't go over there. They say they have leads, but they say we can't talk about it. It's one big circle that just keeps the A's on a goose chase. This should be very obvious: The LE is not looking for a LIVE Caylee as they have evidence of a DEAD Caylee.

Yes, I realize this. I was merely suggesting using some of the information that they do have and willing to share to help put together to locate Caylee dead or alive. Anything has got to be better than bickering and bashing.
I have said that until we have the formal evidence in hand this is all theory. But in saying that, the information given by the LE and the 400 pg documents lead me in that direction.
Again you show no proof for your statements. Your experience is not proof and not having Caylee in hand is not proof she is alive. All I'm asking is that someone provide compelling evidence that would give credence to the theory of her being alive. Or give proof or something reasonable that what has been leaked is false.

Please recall that almost all of those 400 pages of "information" are just statements from various players in this case. A very large number of those statements are contradictory of one another, AND any number of those people have their own reasons to be less than truthful with their statements to protect themselves for various reasons. NONE of them have been sworn to an oath in a courtroom, and NONE of them has been cross examined. More than a few of them have already begun to "remember things differently" than what is in those statements. Once again, not EVIDENCE, the 400 pages are part of the investigation, not proven, many not double checked and much of it already retracted.
Somebody was on their thread with a "tip" and when it was asked about calling in the tip to the police, etc., the poster said they weren't supposed to get involved or something to that effect. They say they have tips but then say don't go over there. They say they have leads, but they say we can't talk about it. It's one big circle that just keeps the A's on a goose chase. This should be very obvious: The LE is not looking for a LIVE Caylee as they have evidence of a DEAD Caylee.

Could you post a link to the post/poster you're talking about, because I am pretty you're wrong in your synopsis.
I would LOVE for Caylee to be alive and in the hands of someone who is caring for her. As an adopted child, I can't tell you the number of times my mom has said she would have dyed her hair and run away to Mexico if anyone had tried to take me back before the adoption was finalized. To that end, if Casey gave her daughter to someone who "adopted" her, then I can see that they would never be persuaded with money, and they would likely run far away with her.

But, I am also realistic. Unless she was adopted out, I can not imagine anyone else still holding Caylee in light of everything we know. It is true that the general public may not "know" about this case the same way we do here at WS, but the person holding Caylee would know exactly who they had. No matter what, I can not see them continuing to hold a little girl so Casey's story can be played out.

I will admit that I first believed Caylee dead when I heard the words "She's been missing for 31 days" (and she had not been reported missing previously). My judgment may well have been jaded by those comments alone. But as I set out to prove to myself that there was a CHANCE she was alive, I became more and more convinced that she was dead. This isn't a matter of possible leaks/lies by LE; it has been attributed to Casey's own words, her parents' words and actions, and the actual evidence that has been released (not the leaks, but the actual documents).

Given that, I am willing to support any search, for a child alive or dead, to finally bring Caylee home. My gut reaction about why the As are not searching in PR or anywhere else they have tips is because they know it would be incriminating to Casey. The final nail in the coffin of my opinion of the A family is that they spent $50,000 to get Casey released from jail instead of spending that money as Cindy once promised: (paraphrased) I will knock on every door, do everything I possibly can, until I find my granddaughter.
Again, an un named somebody provided a tip and LE didnt follow up.

How do we know what LE is doing on this case on a day to day basis?
This should be very obvious: The LE is not looking for a LIVE Caylee as they have evidence of a DEAD Caylee.

I 100% agree with this statement. However, we are not LE, and we are therefore not privy to the information that they have. So, since we don't have evidence -- we must only assume that she is a missing child. That's all we know for certain.

  • Doesn't means she's alive.
  • Doesn't mean she's dead.
  • Doesn't mean there was a rotting body.
  • Doesn't mean there was chloroform.
  • Doesn't mean Casey did it.
Just that there is only ONE THING we know for sure, and that is that Caylee is not at home. Assume all you want after the facts; but you know what happens when you assume things?
Yes, I realize this. I was merely suggesting using some of the information that they do have and willing to share to help put together to locate Caylee dead or alive. Anything has got to be better than bickering and bashing.

Oh, I know that you know, I just used your quote. :blowkiss: They don't have anything useful to share. I agree ~ time to look for Caylee. Wish we could search the area some more...:mad:
That's another rumor that has been passed around so much that some people take it as a fact, (a) that Casey has been a "liar" all her life and (b) that this is because the Anthonys never held her accountable. These are parents who possibly were having her pay them rent while she lived there with her baby. There is no evidence that they were too permissive or that they were too easy on her. People are only assuming this could be true, creating a picture in their own mind to explain all the unanswered questions. Just speculation. Actually, habitual lying or compulsive lying sometimes develops in children who grow up with constant fear of punishment, quite the opposite.
Baez admits there are leaks coming from areas of LE. He admits there is evidence being leaked. Do people understand what "leaks" are? After concluding certain tests and obtaining definitive answers, they can be given out to the public in several ways.

It doesn't make it any less true or definitive because it is out in the media. Journalists DO have sources they cannot divulge which are accurate as to information. The FBI and LE in this case are not going to allow certain information to get out, but they do want to use other points to apply pressure to people or to help gain further information. These points are called "leaks" and are out for specific reasons.
Please recall that almost all of those 400 pages of "information" are just statements from various players in this case. A very large number of those statements are contradictory of one another, AND any number of those people have their own reasons to be less than truthful with their statements to protect themselves for various reasons. NONE of them have been sworn to an oath in a courtroom, and NONE of them has been cross examined. More than a few of them have already begun to "remember things differently" than what is in those statements. Once again, not EVIDENCE, the 400 pages are part of the investigation, not proven, many not double checked and much of it already retracted.

great post
I have said that until we have the formal evidence in hand this is all theory. But in saying that, the information given by the LE and the 400 pg documents lead me in that direction.
Again you show no proof for your statements. Your experience is not proof and not having Caylee in hand is not proof she is alive. All I'm asking is that someone provide compelling evidence that would give credence to the theory of her being alive. Or give proof or something reasonable that what has been leaked is false.

please review all the answers to this question that you keep repeating.
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