Today is the day (10/14/08) the Grand Jury Meets!

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Can you imagine the tension in the air at the Anthony house right now? Cindy must be ready to chew her arm off. I'm not sure if Casey has the ability to be remorseful, but I'm betting she's concerned about her freedom right about now. They both know where she is headed and I hope it is eatiing them up.
I also hope they leave GA with a bit of sanity. I can't imagine how he's going to feel or what he will be met with when he returns to the house after today.,0,6776908.story

"George Anthony is there to testify against his daughter
9:37 a.m. Outside the courthouse, George Anthony's attorney Mark NeJame told reporters that his client is there to testify against Casey Anthony for consideration of homicide charges "concerning his beloved granddaughter Caylee Marie." "George is getting ready to do the unimaginable," NeJame said. Then George Anthony said that he loves his daughter, wife, and son and asked for prayers for Caylee and his family. "This is going to be very hard for me to do," George Anthony said."

OMG! Bless you George, your little Caylee deserved better than she got. May you find some peace with yourself. Hopefully George has moved out of that house, I can't imagine how hard it would be to stay there after this...cindy will make his life Hell.

After reading that report it almost sounds as if George is getting ready to 'Spill The Beans"

I wonder if he knows something that unquestionably points to Casey's guilt & he has decided to tell LE

Earlier, I thought he was only doing this because he was issued a subpoena by the District Attorney's office

The above report sounds like it's something else
I completely agree. Cindy told him not to tell LE about Casey borrowing Cindy's car on July 25, and behind closed doors, he did the right thing and told them. He has morals. He also said several times in his LE interview "I have to tell you guys I didn't like that smell." He knew what it meant, and behind closed doors again, he let LE know he knew what it meant.

Personally, I don't think George is a bad guy. I think he's emotionally and verbally abused by Cindy. He's her punching bag. And I really hope he has a suitcase packed, and when he walks out of that grand jury room, he keeps on walking.

how does a grown man who throws his father through a window (i know i read he did this in OH) become verbally and mentally abused by a woman??
I pray George tells the truth and they find her little body soon. Casey willl never think she has done anything wrong. JMO

Pic of George and attorney, this morning 10/14/2008
{compliments of WESH.COM}
I think because he is the most likely of the Anthony family to actually, ABSOLUTELY, tell the truth.

Right. But what I am asking is, why was he chosen, is it because he wanted to testify against her and tell the truth or is it because he contradicts the others and he is being forced to repeat things he said in his sworn statement - so basically he is being forced to testify against her but doesn't believe she did anything wrong.
I pray George tells the truth and they find her little body soon. Casey willl never think she has done anything wrong. JMO

Didn't Tim Miller encourage the Anthony family to take Nejame's advice? Maybe Nejame is encouraging George to be honest to protect himself and do the right thing. I don't trust lawyers.
Eyewitness News learned NeJame attempted to get preferential treatment and avoid the security line visitors are required to go through at the courthouse. He was denied and the two of them were forced to stand in line.

An emotional George Anthony did make a short statement before entering the courthouse and asked that people stop at 11:00am and pray for his granddaughter, Caylee. It was unclear the significance of the time.
I cannot imagine what GA is going through. I never want to be in that situation.
Right. But what I am asking is, why was he chosen, is it because he wanted to testify against her and tell the truth or is it because he contradicts the others and he is being forced to repeat things he said in his sworn statement - so basically he is being forced to testify against her but doesn't believe she did anything wrong.

I posted my thoughts on this a few pages back. I believe GA was asked to testify to the gas cans/trunk incident. He has said KC did not want him anywhere near the car trunk.
decision meaning what though.. the decision to indict?

Normally we would not know who is being considered for indictment in the GJ.
The intense media scrutiny in this case has unveiled that portion of the secrecy.
The indictment remains a secret till the subject/defendant is in custody on the theory that this lessens the chances of flight from the jurisdiction.

Welcome to WS!:blowkiss: The more the merrier.:)
Can GA take the 5th or does he have to answer all the questions?

Does Baez get to be in there the whole time?

Baez is not allowed in the court room

Also, I'm not sure if GA can take the 5th - I think there are different rules during a GJ

The reason I say this is because I remember a case here in Boston were a Police Officer was Jailed & held in contempt because he refused to answer questions before a GJ - I think he took the 5th but the Judge forced him to answer the questions anyway

He refused & was Jailed
CA must be pulling her hair out right about now.

I'm glad she wasn't called to testify in front of the Grand Jury, she would have lied anyway.

That's exactly why they didn't call her. Ya know it's oh so true, children are a product of their enviroment. CA is identical to CA. Which is which? See NO difference !!
Also the news guy on NG last night made mention that a few other Anthonys' should be charged with obstruction or something to that effect. :behindbar So maybe that too is why she wasn't called. The State doesn't want her to spew any more of her garbage. It's beyond disgusting.
Thanks to all who are keeping us updated from floor 23 GJ rm.
Justice for Caylee will be swift now !! :blowkiss:
From the Orlando Sentinel


From your lips to God's ear George :crossfingers:
Didn't Tim Miller encourage the Anthony family to take Nejame's advice? Maybe Nejame is encouraging George to be honest to protect himself and do the right thing. I don't trust lawyers.

Not sure if TM encourage George, but if he did, it's probably good advice. Will be more interesting down the road if, say George continues to have Nejame as his criminal defense attorney, and Cindy eventually retains a different attorney. Just waiting to see how things fall out. About not trusting lawyers, you got me there. :rolleyes: It would be foolish for George to hop into the grand jury room without spending some time with an attorney who had refreshed his memory about his obligations, responsibilities, and possible consequences due to his testimony.
Casey Anthony remained out of jail on home confinement Tuesday, but it could be her last day of freedom. She is a suspect in the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee. Caylee's body has never been found.

Channel 9 reported that chloroform was found in the trunk of Casey's car and jurors will hear how investigators found that potentially deadly chemical in the same spot where Caylee's body had been at one point.

Sure appears they are leaving no doubt that Caylee is gone.
I hope George was told to tell the truth or face the consiquences for lying to a grand jury.:behindbar
Didn't Tim Miller encourage the Anthony family to take Nejame's advice? Maybe Nejame is encouraging George to be honest to protect himself and do the right thing. I don't trust lawyers.

lawyers??? :cry:
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