Today is the day (10/14/08) the Grand Jury Meets!

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"George Anthony is there to testify against his daughter
9:37 a.m. Outside the courthouse, George Anthony's attorney Mark NeJame told reporters that his client is there to testify against Casey Anthony for consideration of homicide charges "concerning his beloved granddaughter Caylee Marie." "George is getting ready to do the unimaginable," NeJame said. Then George Anthony said that he loves his daughter, wife, and son and asked for prayers for Caylee and his family. "This is going to be very hard for me to do," George Anthony said."

OMG! Bless you George, your little Caylee deserved better than she got. May you find some peace with yourself. Hopefully George has moved out of that house, I can't imagine how hard it would be to stay there after this...cindy will make his life Hell.
George Anthony is there to testify against his daughter
9:37 a.m. Outside the courthouse, George Anthony's attorney Mark NeJame told reporters that his client is there to testify against Casey Anthony for consideration of homicide charges "concerning his beloved granddaughter Caylee Marie." "George is getting ready to do the unimaginable," NeJame said. Then George Anthony said that he loves his daughter, wife, and son and asked for prayers for Caylee and his family. "This is going to be very hard for me to do," George Anthony said.

George Anthony is called first to testify
Do we know why George was chosen to testify? Is it because he was the last to see Caylee?

I think because he is the most likely of the Anthony family to actually, ABSOLUTELY, tell the truth.
I believe GA may turn out to be our knight in shining armor. I also believe that after all is said and done, he will be on the fast track to divorce. CA is not going to let this man have a moments peace after today.
Wish the webcam was outside the A's house... I would bet we could see CA and KC throwing all of GA's personal belongings on the lawn!!
Do we know why George was chosen to testify? Is it because he was the last to see Caylee?

I am thinking it has to do with the gas cans/trunk. GA said KC did not want him near the trunk.
I can't find where anyone is talking about this.. but does anyone know if we find out anything about more evidence like the dna testing on the shovel today? Is all the testing etc. secret with this GJ?
George Anthony is there to testify against his daughter
9:37 a.m. Outside the courthouse, George Anthony's attorney Mark NeJame told reporters that his client is there to testify against Casey Anthony for consideration of homicide charges "concerning his beloved granddaughter Caylee Marie." "George is getting ready to do the unimaginable," NeJame said. Then George Anthony said that he loves his daughter, wife, and son and asked for prayers for Caylee and his family. "This is going to be very hard for me to do," George Anthony said

He is the only one that I slightly feel sorry for in this whole affair.

WOW!!! He is doing the right thing.
I believe GA may turn out to be our knight in shining armor. I also believe that after all is said and done, he will be on the fast track to divorce. CA is not going to let this man have a moments peace after today.
Yes George is going to do this for Caylee.
After listening to his LE interview, I have all faith in him.

And a divorce could be the best thing too, then poor George can exhale!
I can't find where anyone is talking about this.. but does anyone know if we find out anything about more evidence like the dna testing on the shovel today? Is all the testing etc. secret with this GJ?

EVERYTHING in the GJ room is secret until a decision is made.
Just wanted to pass this article along since it pertains to GJ secrecy laws here in Florida..

High Court's Ruling Limits Law on Grand Jury Secrecy

In an opinion by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, the Court upheld a ruling by a Federal appeals court last year that invalidated a portion of Florida's grand jury secrecy law. Fifteen other states in the South, the Midwest and the West have similar secrecy provisions,which under the Court's ruling today are now also invalid.

Interesting link. Thanks!!!:blowkiss:

From the link:The Court addressed only one aspect of grand jury secrecy: a permanent ban, extending beyond the expiration of a grand jury's term, preventing witnesses from ever disclosing their own testimony.

The only part of secrecy the Supreme Ct took away is the permanency. Other than that, the Florida statutes still leave the GJ cloaked in tremendous secrecy and it remains a crime, per the statutes which I am not going to post again since even I am sick of me doing it:):rolleyes: to roll out the door and start blabbing...
OK, gotta ask you guys if you're like me and feel a little scared? We've been waiting all this time for this to happen and now I have this sick feeling that they aren't going to give a True Bill. I'm normally an optimist, but from the beginning everything seems to have worked for, rather than against Casey.
1. she managed to go a month before LE found out Caylee was missing.
2. Her lies misled the police and left them with nothing but a cold trail.
3. she didn't "break" in jail and give up the info.
4. LP got her out thinking she would talk, that backfired and she remained silent.
5. Hurricane destroyed potental evidence.
6. they managed to bail her out again and been allowed to spend all days lounging at JB's.
7.TM gave up search.
8. Judge rules in favor of her motions.
Just seems like she's had all the luck from the beginning and it makes me nervous. Also when everyone, like NG, say repeatedly that she is going to be indicted, blah, blah, blah, it's like it goes against the gods to assume this will happen. I'm scared.

What appeared to be luck was really just the process of law working and this will show how it really works.
I am so sad for George.... honestly, he is in a horrible position. But Thank God that hopefully someone in that family is doing the right thing for that baby girl.
Maybe that is why! I do not think Cindy would tell the truth! Why confuse the GJ with Pizza stories and Jesse is Zanida stories. Casey did not fall far from the tree!

If called before GJ Cindy would probably have the nerve to tell them "if Caylee is found dead it will all YOUR fault for wasting time listening to all this bullshi! instead of getting off your butts & looking for her" :bang::behindbar
Anyone know where JB is today?

Security better keep their eyes peeled for a man in a zorro mask, a cape and a big fake mustache lurking around the conference room. JB may try to get his hands on his "discovery" a little early...
Wish the webcam was outside the A's house... I would bet we could see CA and KC throwing all of GA's personal belongings on the lawn!!

Remember though folks, this is Nejame saying this for George. We don't know how George is going to do in the GJ hearing. Nejame is good at public relations and sympathy. He could be biting your hand and telling you he is kissing your feet. Nejame is no Baez.

I want George to go back to when he believed in doing the right thing, when he believed and stood up for truth and justice. When he wore the uniform to protect and serve. He needs to protect and serve, show his former colleagues he is a man of justice and do the right thing by his Granddaughter. The only hope for Casey is for Casey to serve time and be rehabilitated in the penal institutions so that society can be protected and life can make an effort to return to normalcy in his community.
In the interview with ca yesterday did anyone else notice her head jerking back a twitch or something? I saw it several times around the middle of the interview......looked like she couldn't control it
Can GA take the 5th or does he have to answer all the questions?

Does Baez get to be in there the whole time?
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