Today Show 9/30/08 - "Why Casey Is The Focus."

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I loved that they showed Cindy's interview where she admitted that if it wasn't her lovely Casey she'd think the worst.

JB makes me sick. I honestly can't wait for their compelling reason come court time. Blech.

Didn't JB say that the world will be "amazed" at the compelling story KC has to tell? Or, something like that? I'm pretty amazed, already.
Detectives aren't holding back any more on who their one and only one suspect is.

They say they're confounded and don't have the evidence needed to bring charges.

Uniquely difficult because no physical evidence Caylee is dead.

Every lead goes back to Casey.

And, we are also hearing "mountain of evidence." But, that's OK. Soon, she'll be at the Crossbar for a few years. They can take their time.
it's all smoke from JB. All he can do at this point is insist that his client is innocent. Everything that has been released and/ or leaked from LE, is not all the evidence. LE doesn't have to release everything until she has been charged. So if what we have seen is this bad, what are they holding back?
Didn't JB say that the world will be "amazed" at the compelling story KC has to tell? Or, something like that? I'm pretty amazed, already.

Me too. What other lies, Oh, uh...I mean compelling story, is that girl going to come up with. :rolleyes:
No physical evidence Caylee is dead? What does this mean in regards to the hair?

They know there are the death rings on it. They have DNA. They have Casey's hair. All they need are the hair profiles that distinguish Casey's hair from Caylee's hair. Time consuming/tedious but not difficult according to what I've read. Especially in this case with the distinct difference in color between Casey and Caylee and also difference in texture between baby and adult hair. Casey's hair doesn't look to be fine/soft as baby's hair.

This piece was lightweight.

Baby hair has two layers, adult has three-- so my hairdresser says.
I've been so afraid all along that LE has been lying about the results of the above tests in hopes of making KC cave in and confess. I haven't even wanted to post it for fear that expressing it would somehow make it true. And now I'm 90% sure it is true, and the thought of that evil creature successfully thumbing her nose at the legal system and all of America is just unbearable.

I don't think any of it has been misrepresented. I believe they have the proof and are just playing a waiting game right now. The odds and time are for LE. They have NO REASON to charge her right now. Let the game play out. Perps who think they are so smart, always make bad mistakes.

That house is explosive at best, they are running background checks and scrutinizing the attorney and others. They are looking at other charges for some involved. There is also the statutes on their " trust fund" to find Caylee. I noticed some of her " club haunts" have been raided and/or shut down by the DEA.

Don't get too confident yet............It is coming.........and when it comes, it will be with a big bang! I am betting there will be others charged for crimes surrounding this, but not involving Caylee when it all comes down.

There is a LOT going on...........we are just not privy to it.
That must be BS from the defense..........because it is NOT true. You can't train a cadaver dog with ANYTHING but something from a dead human body. That is pure nonsense.

Please post a link where you read that please.

LOL, on the Fishy story. :saythat:
I loved that they showed Cindy's interview where she admitted that if it wasn't her lovely Casey she'd think the worst.

JB makes me sick. I honestly can't wait for their compelling reason come court time. Blech.

CE has the same effect on me as JB.

I could not BELIEVE some of the stuff that she has decided to swallow.

Eight car pile up. Z the N is in the hospital. Triage somehow managed to overlook a severe laceration behind the ear (hard to do, because head wounds bleed a lot). Then, later, Z the N had to stay the night, because Triage also overlooked a broken rib. That's AWFULLY hard to do.

Guess Tampa General's triage nurse is blind, deaf, and has no sense of touch! Amazing that an RN would buy that crap.

Maybe they think swallowing obvious lies is easier than arguing with KC.
Just as Kasey has said outwit, outplay, outsmart to win the reality show survivor. (This was on Her favorite show. It is easy if you had 31 days to wash away any clues or evidence and not cooperate with LE.

Like shooting a target with an empty gun. In order to outwit and outsmart, you have to have some wits and some smarts to begin with.
Thanks for the update, BeanE.

I've not heard about death rings other than speculation. People keep saying they have death rings, but I would think Casey would be charged if that were the case...that would be solid physical evidence of death, would it not?
Now, say they have the decomp gases identified in the car and hair belonging to Caylee, but no rings indentified... In light of the fact that she remains missing and her mother has lied across the board, such circumstancial evidence strongly suggests she is dead. But perhaps not enough to bring charges...they need more.

I know they are working diligently and I still have faith they will get her...

The FBI confirmed the death rings on an A female's hair. Caylee is the only A female not accounted for. The FBI tripple checked the results.
I agree with you. If I was on a jury and they told me that the evidence was 'in the air', I could not convict based on that. We have to also remember that LE really wants to pin this on someone as soon as possible. Its thier reputations on the line in the long run as well.
I think all of the new tapes released, are going to keep the public busy with more reasons to hate Casey, but nothing released proves she killed that kid.

I have a toddler and I am a young mom and there are many days where going to work is a lot easier than chasing my kid around the house all day. And in all honestly, I call my child names sometimes as well, especially when I am talking to friends and co-workers. So I don’t understand how Casey saying it is exhausting to take care of a toddler and calling her a snot-head make her any worse than me or my friends that have kids.

The other month, I was at the pediatrics office and I overheard the doctor telling the nurse this place is full of sick little snot heads today. It just so happened that the place was full of sick kids full of snot. Does that make him an evil person? I thought it was pretty damn funny actually. I know people don’t like to hear the other side of things with this case, but I do because I don’t believe opinions or assumptions just what can be proven.

I understand what you are saying about kids exhausting their parents. I have 3 of them. I also understand certain nicknames for your children that may not be the most flattering. These things in and of itself are nothing. However when you look at these things in light of everything else and the fact that it seems she used nicknames(not the cute kind) or "the kid" to refer to Caylee when speaking to her friends more than she used her name, Caylee, the name Casey gave to her, it says something about her state of mind when it comes to her child. When she says Caylee exhausts her more than she says Caylee brings a smile to her face it says something about Casey's perception of Caylee and the impact Caylee has on Casey's life.
CE has the same effect on me as JB.

I could not BELIEVE some of the stuff that she has decided to swallow.

Eight car pile up. Z the N is in the hospital. Triage somehow managed to overlook a severe laceration behind the ear (hard to do, because head wounds bleed a lot). Then, later, Z the N had to stay the night, because Triage also overlooked a broken rib. That's AWFULLY hard to do.

Guess Tampa General's triage nurse is blind, deaf, and has no sense of touch! Amazing that an RN would buy that crap.

Maybe they think swallowing obvious lies is easier than arguing with KC.

Amazing how mommie CA can recite that story like she rehearsed it for a play. She is KC's voice box that's for sure, so sad.
So...... are they saying that the hair, the body fluid from the trunk, the hits from the cadaver dogs, the air tests from the body farm along with the huge amount of circumstantial evidence are not enough? Makes me wonder if the test results were inconclusive and that is why they are repeating the tests for the third time on the body fluid and hair.

But, if they have the BODY, they might be able to tell cause of death. Could be the dif between murder one and a lesser degree of homicide.
Has LE conclusively said that the hair had 'death rings' and that Caylee's DNA was in the car or has it been 'leaked'? Because I would think they would be able to charge her then...seems odd...

Yeah, they said they have Caylee's DNA. But, they don't have causue of death. Might be a big dif on the charges.
LOL, on the Fishy story. :saythat:

here you go....

This is the company they buy the scents from.

This is a quote:

Cadaver dogs learn to spot the "smell of death" and find its source during the training process, which involves exposing them to either actual human remains—blood, teeth, bones—or pseudoscent, an artificial substance that re-creates the death odor. (One chemical company markets several pseudoscent formulas for training cadaver dogs—recently dead, post-decomposition, and drowning victim.)

from this site. the first paragraph...they use the chemical to train dogs.

Cadaverine is also knows as Pentamethylenediamine

PubChem Notes:

Cadaverine A foul-smelling diamine formed by bacterial decarboxylation of lysine.
MediLexicon cadaverine - Medical Dictionary Definition for Term 'cadaverine'

[1. a foul-smelling diamine formed by bacterial decarboxylation of lysine; poisonous and irritating to the skin; found in decaying meat and fish.

Found at this site:

Sorry. But maybe what they hit on was a bag of left over raw fish...aka sushi.

Could be????
CE has the same effect on me as JB.

I could not BELIEVE some of the stuff that she has decided to swallow.

Eight car pile up. Z the N is in the hospital. Triage somehow managed to overlook a severe laceration behind the ear (hard to do, because head wounds bleed a lot). Then, later, Z the N had to stay the night, because Triage also overlooked a broken rib. That's AWFULLY hard to do.

Guess Tampa General's triage nurse is blind, deaf, and has no sense of touch! Amazing that an RN would buy that crap.

Maybe they think swallowing obvious lies is easier than arguing with KC.

I have not connected the dots yet, but that story has some important relevance to this case. At first I thought it was another instance of disproving Zanny, but I believe there is more to it than that now. I am wondering if Casey had hurt Caylee in the past and this was Casey's excuse when the parents saw the bruises or cuts. If I read it right she told Caylee was in the accident too.

What I thought was strange was CA's apparent reaction. If my grandchild was in an accident I would immediately be in my car to make that 45 minute drive to Tampa as I believe most others would.

Something about this............just can't put my finger on it yet.
Baby hair has two layers, adult has three-- so my hairdresser says.

I also think they would be able to tell if the hair has been chemically processed. Caylee's would be natural and Casey's definitely had chemicals on her hair.

HAH as if Casey would know what it was like working a 12 hour event! She probably doesn't even know what it's like to work 12 hours a month... except to post crap online. :rolleyes:

I've worked plenty of 15 hour music events.. they ARE exhausting! I also have a child who has ADHD and talks nonstop... the long shows are way more exhausting IMO. But then again, I am a parent who actually gives a crap about my child..

KC's never worked a 12-hour event. Been a long time since she's worked a 12-hour WEEK!
So...... are they saying that the hair, the body fluid from the trunk, the hits from the cadaver dogs, the air tests from the body farm along with the huge amount of circumstantial evidence are not enough? Makes me wonder if the test results were inconclusive and that is why they are repeating the tests for the third time on the body fluid and hair.[/QUOTE]

<I bolded>

Could be. I am also wondering about the reports of a body "outline" in the trunk- which suggests the position of a tiny body as it lay in that trunk. Perhaps they are working on solidifying this evidence as well.

No, they said they have it, conclusively.

But, the body is still the best evidence. They'd rather have that.

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