Today Show 9/30/08 - "Why Casey Is The Focus."

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DNA Solves
I've thought they were bluffing from the beginning. You were probably right to stay silent as being vocal didn't help me any.
I haven't heard everything but what I have heard didn't really amount to LE fibbing or lying. They stated things in a way that could be either or and chose their words very carefully. I'll explain, I think they're bluffiing so there are things I can find in their statements to support that. If you think they have the evidence, you can find something in their statements to support that also.
Skilled manipulation.

Thank you! You found the right words to describe what I believe LE has done to date in this case by suggesting they have certain evidence:

seriously? she has not given them clues to find her daughter? would an innocent person ever, ever, ever do that?

I would sure like to know the statistics (or even read about one case) regarding a parent of a missing child NOT assisting FBI, and later being found to be 100% uninvolved with the disappearance or death of that child.

It was Casey who said she wanted to talk to the
FBI in the 1st place but to be expected she clambed up. How true about the lying.
Originally Posted by CHICANA
I've thought they were bluffing from the beginning. You were probably right to stay silent as being vocal didn't help me any.
I haven't heard everything but what I have heard didn't really amount to LE fibbing or lying. They stated things in a way that could be either or and chose their words very carefully. I'll explain, I think they're bluffiing so there are things I can find in their statements to support that. If you think they have the evidence, you can find something in their statements to support that also.
Skilled manipulation.

Bluffing can only be carried so far. LE is long past the bluffing stage.
Bullet - Turbo asked for the link :)

Sorry. But maybe what they hit on was a bag of left over raw fish...aka sushi.

Could be????

:laugh:Sushi? Surprised you didn't say surf and turf. Were they flipping fish around the yard????????????????

Hey, don't laugh. We flipped quite a few fish around the yard during our mullet fish fries when I lived in Florida. Hated mullet! But I am sure there are the reminants of a few guts or heads decomposed in that yard. Ah, the days!
I have not connected the dots yet, but that story has some important relevance to this case. At first I thought it was another instance of disproving Zanny, but I believe there is more to it than that now. I am wondering if Casey had hurt Caylee in the past and this was Casey's excuse when the parents saw the bruises or cuts. If I read it right she told Caylee was in the accident too.

What I thought was strange was CA's apparent reaction. If my grandchild was in an accident I would immediately be in my car to make that 45 minute drive to Tampa as I believe most others would.

Something about this............just can't put my finger on it yet.

You just did- put your finger on it that is ---
What I find really strange is that Cin can tell that story to LE as though it was first person account. Now if I was repeating a story that someone had told me it wouldn't be anywhere near that definite a statement. I would also be on my way to the hospital to check on everyone and to pick up the grandchild, so that 'mommy' could stay with the friends to drive them home later. Everything in their story stinks and it ain't sushi.
Has LE conclusively said that the hair had 'death rings' and that Caylee's DNA was in the car or has it been 'leaked'? Because I would think they would be able to charge her then...seems odd...

I think they can charge her but they'd rather wait until they have more evidence to ensure conviction. She's not going anywhere at the moment and is likely to be in jail again soon, serving a sentence, not eligible for bond. As has been pointed out, there is no limitation on a murder charge. They can wait until 10 minutes before she's released on the other charges before charging her in Caylee's disappearance/death. I don't think they'll wait that long, but so long as she is not a danger to others, and going to be serving time soon, it seems pretty smart to wait, imo. I realize the below doesn't address your specific question but I hope it helps.

Detectives confident in case against anthony - video:

Text articles:,2933,423119,00.html

Police now say they believe Caylee, whose third birthday was Aug. 9, is dead based on forensic evidence of a decomposing body and DNA matching that of the toddler found in Anthony's car.


Detectives have said lab tests show Caylee's decomposing body was in her mother's car, and Anthony is their only "person of interest" in the girl's disappearance.


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Orange County detectives were expected to meet with the State Attorney's office to discuss new evidence in the Caylee Anthony case. A source close to the investigation confirmed for Eyewitness News, that FBI test results show hair and a stain in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car belong to her daughter, 3-year-old Caylee Anthony. Eyewitness News was also told the evidence found proves that she is dead.


The Investigation

Sheriff Beary says they are waiting for a few pieces of evidence to come back from the FBI. He says that just doesn't happen over night. He also said they are being so careful right now because they are afraid to make a mistake since detectives may someday have to work a homicide case without a body.



"It's a very sensitive case and it always is tough and if you end up going down that path of working a homicide case without a body, it’s even tougher," Beary said.

Beary said this is one of the most difficult cases he's faced in his 16 years as sheriff. He said his team wants to get it right the first time.

Has LE conclusively said that the hair had 'death rings' and that Caylee's DNA was in the car or has it been 'leaked'? Because I would think they would be able to charge her then...seems odd...

Do you guys remember the Peterson trial and how the mad the public got when the investigators said the exact same thing....Peterson was only a person of interest, there is only circumstancial evidence, yadda yadda yadda - they let Peterson hang himself basically - the Anthony's will do the same thing

the police will say what it takes to get the Anthony's comfortable and lax - the Anthony's monitor the news and websites - so the police say this stuff, the anthony's will get comfortable, it gets quiet and then something they do or the investigators re-evaluate and find somethng

Charges are made

People have so little faith sometimes - Casey will NOT get away with this
I was so sure I've seen LE on video saying we have hair with death rings.

My understanding is that they don't need the father, just the mother. Mother and child show up the same in DNA tests on the hair (except for the extremely rare case in which the mother is a chimera).

The hair from mother and child is then subjected to hair profile tests. This includes color, texture, etc. After these tests, they are then able to say, for example, we can all see that Casey is alive, therefore this hair, proven to be from a dead body, is Caylee.

1. Thanks PattyG! You're always so quick with the video and it's much appreciated.

2. Caylee's specific DNA is available to LE through JG's paternity test. He agreed to make it available to them. But yes, you're correct on the mitochondrial, as I understand it. And I totally agree: It appears Cindy is alive and Casey is alive. Caylee is the only one on that tree that is known to be missing, from what I know.
So...... are they saying that the hair, the body fluid from the trunk, the hits from the cadaver dogs, the air tests from the body farm along with the huge amount of circumstantial evidence are not enough? Makes me wonder if the test results were inconclusive and that is why they are repeating the tests for the third time on the body fluid and hair.

It does not matter how much circumstancial evidence or if the results are conclusive. They have no prove that Casey was involved, they have no witness nothing that says she put Casey in the car.
Nothing mentioned by LE concerning "death ring" as far as I remember.

They have stated that they have found Caylees hair in the trunk of the car. (which they better have found her hair in there or they didn't look good enough) This hair was once referred to in a news article as (decaying) no death ring....and decaying could mean it was in the trunk for 2 weeks, 2 years.....

Cadaver dogs hit on the car to implicate that some sort of decomposition relating to human composition was in the rear quarter panel of the car. They also hit behind the casey home.

It's also been stated that rotting fish will produce the exact same odor that is used to actually train cadaver dogs to hit on a decomposing body.

Now. the reports can say they think...trying to "link" the two... whatever way you want to look and however the media NG or whomever wants to put it.

Fact (at this point at least) they do NOT have evidence of murder....or kc would be in jail long ago.

Do you recall where you heard about the fish smell being used to train cadaver dogs to find decomposing human bodies? It doesn't make sense to me. From everything I've read and heard, they're able to distinguish gasses coming from a body of water as containing human remains. If the fish thing was accurately relayed to you, it would seem impossible for a cadaver dog to have a reliable hit any where near a body of water containing fish.

Not doubting you saw/heard/read this, just questioning the source. TIA
I agree with you. If I was on a jury and they told me that the evidence was 'in the air', I could not convict based on that. We have to also remember that LE really wants to pin this on someone as soon as possible. Its thier reputations on the line in the long run as well.
I think all of the new tapes released, are going to keep the public busy with more reasons to hate Casey, but nothing released proves she killed that kid.

I have a toddler and I am a young mom and there are many days where going to work is a lot easier than chasing my kid around the house all day. And in all honestly, I call my child names sometimes as well, especially when I am talking to friends and co-workers. So I don’t understand how Casey saying it is exhausting to take care of a toddler and calling her a snot-head make her any worse than me or my friends that have kids.

The other month, I was at the pediatrics office and I overheard the doctor telling the nurse this place is full of sick little snot heads today. It just so happened that the place was full of sick kids full of snot. Does that make him an evil person? I thought it was pretty damn funny actually. I know people don’t like to hear the other side of things with this case, but I do because I don’t believe opinions or assumptions just what can be proven.

And that is exactly what LE and The prosecutors want, they just want to be able to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Oppinions and assumptions are just not going to cut it, you certainly cannot convict her for calling her daughter names or for being a lousy mother, they need way more than that.
It does not matter how much circumstancial evidence or if the results are conclusive. They have no prove that Casey was involved, they have no witness nothing that says she put Casey in the car.

therein lies the problem. At this point I am convinced they can prove that Caylee is dead beyond a reasonable doubt. I don't think they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey killed her, placed her in the car, and moved her to an unknown location. Is it logical yes, of course. Do you have any doubts? The only reason I don't doubt someone else did this is because I don't believe Casey would take the rap solo if someone else was involved. Could a jury of 12 be persuaded the same thing? Better to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey caused Caylee's death, put her in the trunk and moved her.
It does not matter how much circumstancial evidence or if the results are conclusive. They have no prove that Casey was involved, they have no witness nothing that says she put Casey in the car.

I would think whoever has control of the vehicle also has control and custody of the contents of a locked trunk, including but not limited to dead people. No disrespect to Caylee meant.
It does not matter how much circumstancial evidence or if the results are conclusive. They have no prove that Casey was involved, they have no witness nothing that says she put Casey in the car.

They may have no evidence that Casey put the body in the car, however I think a jury could reasonably conclude that Casey, as the only driver of the car, is the culprit. Not only did someone put the body in the car, but it was left there long enough to create a horrible odor and then removed, all while the car was in Casey's possession. There are also the conflicting stories Casey created about the squirrels - her dad hit one and it stuck to the frame, two squirrels crawled up in the engine and died. That shows that not only was she aware of the foul odor but that she was making up excuses for it. The defense will need to show that someone else had access to the car on numerous occasions between the dates of 6/16 and 6/17, and that Casey at no time looked in the trunk. Good luck with that, Mr. Baez.
I would think whoever has control of the vehicle also has control and custody of the contents of a locked trunk, including but not limited to dead people. No disrespect to Caylee meant.

Were the doors to the car locked when she abandoned it? If not we don't know who had control of the contents of the trunk from 6/27-6/30. It all seems logical, but there is room for a seed of doubt to be planted and they need a slam dunk.
I am just broken in my spirit to the point of tears that the focus in this case appears to be putting out fires of gossip. The A's, IMHO, spend all there time fighting with or having there attorney fight with people who say things about Casey.
Remember the statement from Cindy that she would walk to every house, knock on every door to help find her granddaughter? Well she hasn't done that. She appears, from what we read, to spend each day inside reading blogs. I would like to know how that helps here?
I don't care what Casey or the A's did or didn't do. I just want the focus back on Caylee, the victim, where it belongs.
The only things I've heard about the death rings on the hair are that it is a probability that it came from Caylee... not definitely.
I am not positive on this, but would they have to have DNA from the father of Caylee in order to have positive proof that it was her hair? Maybe that is why they are trying to ID who her father was.... just guessing. I'll got back and do some researching on this.
Anyway... I am sure they want to have positive evidence that concludes that Caylee is dead, and that Casey is responsible. We sure don't want them to mess this up and charge her now, only to have the jury acquit her. Baez will throw 'reasonable doubt' on it every chance he gets.

<I bolded to reply>

My understanding is they have Caylee's DNA via the paternity test results from JG.
Were the doors to the car locked when she abandoned it? If not we don't know who had control of the contents of the trunk from 6/27-6/30. It all seems logical, but there is room for a seed of doubt to be planted and they need a slam dunk.

A jury decides a case based on what is reasonable. It's not reasonable to believe that while the car was parked at Amscot someone came along out of the blue and put a dead body in the trunk, and then came along later and removed it. Add in the fact that Casey, the driver of the car, has a missing daughter and evidence shows that the daughter was in the trunk - that's a slam dunk to me.

I think the problem is that they don't know what to charge Casey with. They need to know how Caylee died.
The FBI confirmed the death rings on an A female's hair. Caylee is the only A female not accounted for. The FBI tripple checked the results.

Wow, first I've heard the FBI or anyone **confirmed death rings. Makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong that I don't hear this information. :waitasec: Link?
Wow, first I've heard the FBI or anyone **confirmed death rings. Makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong that I don't hear this information. :waitasec: Link?

I keep asking the same thing because I've never heard it either. So far no one has provided a link and I can't find one.

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