Today Show 9/30/08 - "Why Casey Is The Focus."

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
There are pseudo scents made, but to quote one trainer/handler: "This practice teaches the dog to find scent, not scent sources. There is a difference. It can be used for imprinting, but should be dropped fairly quickly in training."

Personally, I know very little about the scents (still learning about the training in general), other than they contain cadaverine and putrecine...but those are not specific to humans and there's more to human decomposition. Also, it's said the scents are only viable for a matter of minutes. Those I know who have cadaver dogs train them on actual human decomposition...using anything from placentas to coronor towels to actual remains. Variety (of types and amounts) is key...

I know zip about tracking dogs of any kind.

But, if the scent was only viable for minutes, how would they seem to manage to track hours or days later?

Also, medical people will tell you that the scent of human decomp sticks around for awhile. Had the experience. Didn't like it.
Question please - how does one get answers on this board? I've commented and asked many and nothing.....I understand I think that no one wants to comment or answer someone new but if thats the case how does one, that has only posted a few times, get involved on the board? Because quite honestly, people want to get involved and people don't just let us - any help would be appreciated - maybe I'm commenting or asking questions incorrectly - thanks
and obviously the deathbands either were or werent there .first they said oh its proof now its not conclusive . i too believe if they have absolute proof shed have been sent back to jail by now ..held to be charged id think anyway ..if they are just letting her sit there and know for a FACT she killed caylee id be pretty damn shocked ..

I think they know, an can prove that Caylee died at KCs hands or in her care.

But, how? Accidently? Homicide? With or without premeditation?

I don't think they will proceed until they have cause of death. Ujnless they ultimately can' get that. Assuming they don't already HAVE that, that is.

If they arrested her now, and got a conviction for, say, man 2, THEN they found the remains and it turned out to be murder 1, but they could not retry....

They have all the time in the world to build a case. I doubt that they would jump to arrest. They do not have to rush. Pretty soon, she will be in the slam and accessable until they have built their case to their satisfaction.
That's just it, the death band thing is an impression, a hasn't been stated conclusively. In fact, quite the contrary. LE says they don't yet have conclusive proof the child is dead and they are awaiting more tests...and ideally the discovery of the body.

And no, I don't believe they are bluffing. I believe they are doing what they have to do in order for the state to build a case.

Yes, it was stated conclusively.
Yes I'm keeping current. I have checked the links, many links. Over a period of weeks, I've googled my brains

I know they have Caylee's DNA in the trunk, decomp and gases evidence, and her hair... but nothing that says the FBI confirmed the conclusive death rings on the hair.

Except the FBI's statement, plus photo of what it looks like (but, not the specific photo of THAT test-- info photo, I think).
Is JB implying he would allow KC to TESTIFY? OMG, please let it be so! Can you just imagine the prosecutor's cross-examination? :clap::clap:

BTW how long can someone be jailed for purjury? LOL

Cannot REMOTELY imagine an attornet allowing KC to testify! YIKES! He'd have to be crazy!
Question please - how does one get answers on this board? I've commented and asked many and nothing.....I understand I think that no one wants to comment or answer someone new but if thats the case how does one, that has only posted a few times, get involved on the board? Because quite honestly, people want to get involved and people don't just let us - any help would be appreciated - maybe I'm commenting or asking questions incorrectly - thanks

Well gosh, I guess new people just are not welcome, thanks guys for zero help
Well gosh, I guess new people just are not welcome, thanks guys for zero help

What's your question ?, You have not ask one yet.

Just reply to the tread by using the quote button in the pervious post or press the post reply button on the upper left.

You have to remember that people are bouncing from thread to thread, so check back in a little while and see if your question got answered, if not ask again.
Beats me! On the same day that the test results were announced, including the death band info, the FBI sent a photo, for broadcast, of what said death band lookeds like. Pluse one of a normal hair, and on other-- I forgot of what.

That was the day that LE announced that they are no longer looking for a living Caylee, and cited the forensics.

Now that you mention it...I do remember seeing hair comparison photos once on one of the shows, perhaps it was NG. IIRC, believe Dr. Baden was commenting on it. And as I recall, the photos were used for speculative discussion purposes, based on the new decomp, DNA and hair evidence.

As for the FBI sending a photo, not sure why FBI would bother to send such photos to the media for speculation. Producers within the media are pretty darn resourceful and can dig up their own photos. More likely they (producers) researched and obtained the comparison photos from an FBI source...such as a website, microfiche, etc.
Now that you mention it...I do remember seeing hair comparison photos once on one of the shows, perhaps it was NG. IIRC, believe Dr. Baden was commenting on it. And as I recall, the photos were used for speculative discussion purposes, based on the new decomp, DNA and hair evidence.

As for the FBI sending a photo, not sure why FBI would bother to send such photos to the media for speculation. Producers within the media are pretty darn resourceful and can dig up their own photos. More likely they (producers) researched and obtained the comparison photos from an FBI source...such as a website, microfiche, etc.

The photo of the hair with the dark band was from a published FBI report on "Decomposing" and not related to the case.

i think it may have become personal, for LE.
I think it became "personal" when LE asked Tim Miller not to leave and gave money for the search to Equusearch and offered equipment...Just my opinion:)
Well gosh, I guess new people just are not welcome, thanks guys for zero help

New people are always welcome......sometimes posts get overlooked, or it takes awhile for someone to see it......cripes, I cant remember how many posts I have posted with questions, and then by the time I get back to the thread I can no longer find the answer (or my own post for that matter!) things go FAST on here, and sometimes things get overlooked. Sorry if you feel that way.....I am kinda new too, been here since about the beginning of August.
Yes, decomp gases, especially when backed up with the lab tests for decomp fluids, are considered rock-hard evidence. LE said the placed Caylee's deceased DNA in the truck, had evidence of her body position, and, yes, the death band is considered "very strong evidence." Other supportive evidence includes the hots by two dogs from two counties, in the same place.

And, that's just what we KNOW of.

Slam dunk!

The big problem is, how did she die? Accident? Homicide? They need a body, for that.

Now, how many people does one see, on the average day, carrying a body oozing cadaverine, with a trunk holding death-banded hair, and with their child's DNA as part of the fluids? I can think of ONE other...

If it was such a slam dunk..Casey would be in jail charged with murder..The statement LE made today kind of confirms they do not have the evidence they need as much as we want to sit around and say they have things they are not telling us. What they HAVE told us is that there are no charges pending..:waitasec:
Now that you mention it...I do remember seeing hair comparison photos once on one of the shows, perhaps it was NG. IIRC, believe Dr. Baden was commenting on it. And as I recall, the photos were used for speculative discussion purposes, based on the new decomp, DNA and hair evidence.

As for the FBI sending a photo, not sure why FBI would bother to send such photos to the media for speculation. Producers within the media are pretty darn resourceful and can dig up their own photos. More likely they (producers) researched and obtained the comparison photos from an FBI source...such as a website, microfiche, etc.

That could be. The statement was made that the photo was receive from the FBI. Who knows by what means?

No, the info was not announced speculatively, though. The statement was made the same day as LE announced that Caylee's DNA was found in the trunk, the hair came from a deceased female A, and they were no longer searching for a living child.
Brini, you keep referring to "death band" in your posts but it simply isn't true or it least it hasn't been confirmed!
In fact, it was just reported on GMA this morning, out of the mouth of Capt. Beary himself that despite the circumstancial evidence they do NOT have CONCLUSIVE evidence that the child is dead. Now, knowing that death bands on hair are conclusive evidence that such a hair is from a dead person, and if they had such evidence on Caylee's hair, that would be CONCLUSIVE evidence that CAylee is indeed dead, would it not? So, IF they have death bands WHY are they are claiming they don't have conclusive evidence??

Understand, I am not arguing this for the sake of argument. *I* believe Caylee is deceased. But *LE are the ones who have to present the evidence to proceed with a case...they have to show CONCLUSIVE proof that she is dead.

Yes. And, they have clearly shown that they have it. But, deceased by what means? There is the question.

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