Today Show 9/30/08 - "Why Casey Is The Focus."

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Who knows by what means? :confused: YOU said in a previous post the FBI sent the photo to the media.

That's what I understood the presenter to say. But, how do I know they didn't request it?
:banghead: It's not clear at all regarding the FBI stating death bands were identified on Caylee's hair, which is my only point in this argument.

WKMG reported "signs of decay?" What's that mean? Why wouldn't they just say death bands if indeed that is the FBI's findings?

Why did the cops say Caylee's decomposed DNA was found in the car, then?

Or, whose was the body in the car?

And, if the mitochondrial DNA indicated that the sample is from CA's mom, CA, KC, or Caylee, and decomposed, which of them is deceased?

Why did KC come up with so many stories re: how the car got stinky?

Why did she apparently drive around with a body in the trunk, for days?
While we were all shocked at the news about the Chloroform, I'm not sure at this point that it's going to be an issue. If LE can't show that Casey used it to kill Caylee they'll only confuse the jury by bringing it up.

I agree.
:banghead: It's not clear at all regarding the FBI stating death bands were identified on Caylee's hair, which is my only point in this argument.

WKMG reported "signs of decay?" What's that mean? Why wouldn't they just say death bands if indeed that is the FBI's findings?

Well, if you don't like my links, you might want to check out lin's on post 112.

How much clearer could the statement "Caylee's decomposed DNA was found in the trunk" be? What else might that statement mean?
They may have no evidence that Casey put the body in the car, however I think a jury could reasonably conclude that Casey, as the only driver of the car, is the culprit. Not only did someone put the body in the car, but it was left there long enough to create a horrible odor and then removed, all while the car was in Casey's possession. There are also the conflicting stories Casey created about the squirrels - her dad hit one and it stuck to the frame, two squirrels crawled up in the engine and died. That shows that not only was she aware of the foul odor but that she was making up excuses for it. The defense will need to show that someone else had access to the car on numerous occasions between the dates of 6/16 and 6/17, and that Casey at no time looked in the trunk. Good luck with that, Mr. Baez.

Thanks for this excellent analysis, CW! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
I agree with you. If I was on a jury and they told me that the evidence was 'in the air', I could not convict based on that. We have to also remember that LE really wants to pin this on someone as soon as possible. Its thier reputations on the line in the long run as well.
I think all of the new tapes released, are going to keep the public busy with more reasons to hate Casey, but nothing released proves she killed that kid.

I have a toddler and I am a young mom and there are many days where going to work is a lot easier than chasing my kid around the house all day. And in all honestly, I call my child names sometimes as well, especially when I am talking to friends and co-workers. So I don’t understand how Casey saying it is exhausting to take care of a toddler and calling her a snot-head make her any worse than me or my friends that have kids.

The other month, I was at the pediatrics office and I overheard the doctor telling the nurse this place is full of sick little snot heads today. It just so happened that the place was full of sick kids full of snot. Does that make him an evil person? I thought it was pretty damn funny actually. I know people don’t like to hear the other side of things with this case, but I do because I don’t believe opinions or assumptions just what can be proven.

The reason it was "funny" when the doctor said that was because it was true,
the way we try to defuse any unpleasant situation by joking about it (when in fact there is nothing funny about an office full of sick kids).

The difference when KC said it was Caylee didn't have a cold, she wasn't literally a snot head, therefore it becomes a slur.

I'm sure, when my kids were small I had days that my job away from home was easier than my job at home. Point being I actually had both jobs! KC never 'worked' a 12 hr event! How does she know which job is easier? I recent
her saying that because of all the single moms out there who do both 'jobs'! Including, the times that I did both!
That's where Zany, the Space Alien, takes Caylee to the Mother Ship.

That must be why they can't find any phone or computer records. They haven't been looking for intergalactic correspondence! :eek:
therein lies the problem. At this point I am convinced they can prove that Caylee is dead beyond a reasonable doubt. I don't think they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey killed her, placed her in the car, and moved her to an unknown location. Is it logical yes, of course. Do you have any doubts? The only reason I don't doubt someone else did this is because I don't believe Casey would take the rap solo if someone else was involved. Could a jury of 12 be persuaded the same thing? Better to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey caused Caylee's death, put her in the trunk and moved her.

OK, so they prove that no one else that had access to Caylee and the car did it. How difficult would this be? How many people had access to both Caylee and the car, right at the specific time that Caylee disappeared? Kind of CA's ABC* theory in reverse.:waitasec:

* Anyone But Casey :angel2: :rolling:
That's what I understood the presenter to say. But, how do I know they didn't request it?

Another poster in this thread said the photo came from a FBI report unrelated to the case.

Which makes sense to need to request and send photos from a
a published report, anyone can obtain that info themselves

Sounds like a producer did his/her homework and had photos ready for expert Dr. Baden's speculative discussion for that night's broadcast.
Well, if you don't like my links, you might want to check out lin's on post 112.

How much clearer could the statement "Caylee's decomposed DNA was found in the trunk" be? What else might that statement mean?

Brini, you are preaching to the choir. :blowkiss: I DO believe Caylee was in the trunk and that she is deceased.
That doesn't change the fact that LE has not confirmed death bands. Not once is death bands mentioned in any of those links, or any thing I've ever read or heard from LE.

Words like "decay" and statements like "decomposed DNA" could apply to different things. It does not MEAN they have found death bands on the hair.

You are repeatedly presenting something that is factual when it is not. This case is confusing enough as it is. That's all I am saying.

DNA Tests Confirm Caylee Anthony is Dead

Several weeks ago, authorities discovered Caylee Anthony’s DNA, yet where it was found was not released. This all changed on Thursday, as WKMG in Orlando is now reporting that the hair strands found in Casey’s trunk are that of Caylee and the strands showed signs of decay. This new evidence indicates that Caylee is most likely deceased.

DNA Tests Results Of Hair, Stain Found In Car Indicate Caylee Anthony Is Dead

Police: Caylee's Body Was in Mom's Trunk — A 3-year-old girl that authorities have been searching for since July is likely dead, the Orange County, Fla., sheriff's department told a Florida TV station over the weekend. "We clearly have evidence that indicates there was a dead body in the trunk of Casey [Anthony's] car, and that body was Caylee [Anthony]," said a Sheriff.

How much clearer can this be?

Your first link didn't work, I could see the header but no text. However, the second link did. I am as confused as everyone else regarding the first news that the evidence was fairly conclusive, and now they say they need to retest it. But I have never seen any sources say that the death band was on the hair of Caylee's... just the speculations about it.
Like everyone else, I believe that Caylee is dead and was in the trunk of the car. But I think the reason they are holding off charges is so that there will be no room for reasonable doubt.
They don't have to have a body to try a homicide case... they don't even have to have a time of death or cause of death. But they DO have to be able to prove that it was Casey who did the deed. And I am pretty sure they don't have that conclusive evidence right now, to tie her into it. 99% of the people in the country believe she did it... it's common sense. But unfortunately, juries should not convict on common sense, but on evidence.
As for calling kids names like that, many people in my circle of friends/family call their kids funny names... doesn't mean anything. I would draw the line at snothead, but that's just me. Mine have at various times, been rug rats, ankle biters, droopy drawers, and other less glamorous names, but it is said in loving ways, and that's the difference.
OK, so they prove that no one else that had access to Caylee and the car did it. How difficult would this be? How many people had access to both Caylee and the car, right at the specific time that Caylee disappeared? Kind of CA's ABC* theory in reverse.:waitasec:

* Anyone But Casey :angel2: :rolling:

Awesome :clap:
As for calling kids names like that, many people in my circle of friends/family call their kids funny names... doesn't mean anything. I would draw the line at snothead, but that's just me. Mine have at various times, been rug rats, ankle biters, droopy drawers, and other less glamorous names, but it is said in loving ways, and that's the difference.

When I worked in a child care there was a mom who always called her toddler stinky b*tt. She didn't mean it in a mean way and I could tell she loved her son very much.
Your first link didn't work, I could see the header but no text. However, the second link did. I am as confused as everyone else regarding the first news that the evidence was fairly conclusive, and now they say they need to retest it. But I have never seen any sources say that the death band was on the hair of Caylee's... just the speculations about it.
Like everyone else, I believe that Caylee is dead and was in the trunk of the car. But I think the reason they are holding off charges is so that there will be no room for reasonable doubt.
They don't have to have a body to try a homicide case... they don't even have to have a time of death or cause of death. But they DO have to be able to prove that it was Casey who did the deed. And I am pretty sure they don't have that conclusive evidence right now, to tie her into it. 99% of the people in the country believe she did it... it's common sense. But unfortunately, juries should not convict on common sense, but on evidence.

There was an announcement on NG that LE decided to "triple-test" the result at three separate labs.
That must be why they can't find any phone or computer records. They haven't been looking for intergalactic correspondence! :eek:

Yeah. I think they FBI and NASA should get together, at this point. ;-)
Why is Casey the focus? Because she holds all the answers to what happened to Caylee. They stretched that out for an entire segment?! LOL Glad I missed it.
It was reported by LE (further explained by Kobilinski on NG BEFORE he joined defense team) that analysis done on hair recovered from trunk in fact showed dark band signifying postmortum; and further mytochondrial analysis (sp) on those hairs revealed it had to belong to either Casey, or Caylee. Therefore since from all indications Casey's still with us it can be deduced, by elimination, that Caylee's deceased.
That must be why they can't find any phone or computer records. They haven't been looking for intergalactic correspondence! :eek:

Nor, apparently, have they explored the cosmos for interdimentional communication. What's wrong with LE!:rolleyes: Why aren't they pursuing ALL the possibilities?!

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