Todd Black - Defense Team Says: "Loss Of The Life Of A Little Girl"

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Thank you for that reminder of the "splendor."....which we witessed.

Local news this morning is reporting that Baez and his team is exhibiting erratic behavior. "Erratic behavior" is a quote. It is not on the website yet.:blowkiss:

This case is CRAZY. All the players are insane. I now have to get up and read just to see what nutty thing comes out next. Daily I wonder can this all be really happening?
Do you salt the rim of the glass with a Palmetto Margarita?

I think poor old TB already had half the blender when he wrote this one...

I saw the interview live along with countless others and its probably been replayed over and over on You Tube til its worn out...too late, he said it and it wasn't edited, it was live.

TB would have more credibility if he had issued the one statement and let it lay...

Silly me. I thought PR firms were to put a POSITIVE spin on things. This guy is more like a five year old "I know you are, but what am I?" kind of mentality. I know now why he is just a voice - he had "idiot" tatooed on his face. moo
Not for all the publicity or money in the world would I want to be attempting to be a lawyer for Ca, having to listen to her go nuts about being in jail, managing Ci's demands, having to scoop up after my spokesperson.
This case is CRAZY. All the players are insane. I now have to get up and read just to see what nutty thing comes out next. Daily I wonder can this all be really happening?

Just a teaser to get you to watch the REAL thing!!! LOL :furious:
Silly me. I thought PR firms were to put a POSITIVE spin on things. This guy is more like a five year old "I know you are, but what am I?" kind of mentality. I know now why he is just a voice - he had "idiot" tatooed on his face. moo

:clap: :clap: :clap:
I would like to know if Casey has heard about what her attorney's "spokesperson" said.
Todd Black has gotten on my last nerve. How DARE that guy speak of being professional???

Then the Thank You Fax??? Palmetto Bug Juice??? How lame and childish is that?

He is out doing damage control and trying to inject the public with doubt about Casey. That's all the defense teams has.

I have to give a standing ovation to LE and the SA for keeping themselves tight lipped. I have seen TB and Noway Ho-say spit nothing but venom toward them, saying they have no proof Caylee is dead. The prosecution must have nads of steel to keep their composure.

Is Todd B really Joe the Plumber in disguise???
Baez has GOT to be PO'd that Orlando stations continue to mention this episode in their newscasts, despite his "press conference" in the grass.

He is out doing damage control and trying to inject the public with doubt about Casey. That's all the defense teams has.

Orlando local news recognizes that the public is *not* stupid, like TB and JB would have everyone believe. That's a mistake.

I know what I heard, when I heard it, and how I heard it. Ain't no amount of blabbering otherwise is going to change my mind.
Re Todd Black, how unprofessional can one get!!! Does he really expect ANYone to take him seriously?

Ya know, in looking at the Keystone Kops group in the KC Camp:

Kobi, forensics expert (who is changing his view of forensics, per NG--
and I agree--to suit the defense now that he's a paid member)

CA and GA who continue to get on the airwaves and make ridiculous

Jose B, a lawyer I would not trust to handle my parking ticket

And Todd Black, who seems to have learned grammar, composition, and
PR at a 4th grade level.....

If OJ had the "dream team" for his defense, KC has the "nightmare team." But then again, that is poetic justice and precisely what she deserves.

Baez: "To take something that was taken out of context, I think is doing a DISJUSTICE to the Anthony Family and a dis-service to this child. And I would ask that you please report that accurately."

>>>> going off to look up DISJUSTICE in the dictionary<<<<
Resolved QuestionShow me another »
Is disjustice a word, as not in my dictionary?
1 year ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

It's a word, but not a grammatical one nor one that is used in the English language. Try injustice.

Well, I hope the media DOES report this accurately! :)

I'm sorry, I have had to laugh at some of these posts today...DISJUSTICE...

Sorry, if I didn't laugh about this I'd be crying..
I'm sorry, I have had to laugh at some of these posts today...DISJUSTICE...

Sorry, if I didn't laugh about this I'd be crying..

AND apparently he ended this press conference with "I have no more questions." LOL!
Originally Posted by Janis396
AND apparently he ended this pres conference with "I have no more questions." LOL!
Which is so perfect since his client is telling him, "Ask me no more questions...and I will tell you no more lies."

Eyewitness News has been doing some digging to try to find out exactly who Todd Black is, but he doesn't have a professional track record or paper trail. He works for Press Corps Media. The company claims to have more than 200 employees and an $11 million profit margin, but Press Corps Media doesn't even have a website.


I think he is Baez in disguise.
Does anyone think TB just might have been a blogger or poster on some forum in his previous life? Using all caps, underlining, etc. etc. This is the most unprofessional PR person I have ever come across. I was going to say I have ever seen, but no one has ever seen him! His releases look and sound like they were written by a 12 year old - he sounds like someone in his 50's or 60's on the phone. I think Todd Black is a made up name, and it will be very interesting to see exactly who he is. I hope someone manages to unearth the real story behind him and a picture of him.
Its obvious that Caylee is dead, without Todd Black (or anyone on Caseys side) saying anything,
I could tell early on by all the "thou that doth protest too much" (denying over and over and over by her family and attorney!).
And I can tell because Casey is hushed up by her defense not to speak.
These are all signs of guilt.
A non guilty person would have co-operated from day one, begged for her daughter to kidnappers, CRIED, etc and would be hysterical if their child was REALLY missing.
All the stuff Casey and everyone is doing (along with evidence) proves guilt, we dont need a Todd Black messing up on the news, to prove it.
So why dont they just stop trying to convince us?
Does anyone think TB just might have been a blogger or poster on some forum in his previous life? Using all caps, underlining, etc. etc. This is the most unprofessional PR person I have ever come across. I was going to say I have ever seen, but no one has ever seen him! His releases look and sound like they were written by a 12 year old - he sounds like someone in his 50's or 60's on the phone. I think Todd Black is a made up name, and it will be very interesting to see exactly who he is. I hope someone manages to unearth the real story behind him and a picture of him.
Yes, if you can get him to crawl (or slither) out from underneath his rock.

I tend to think he is some Joe Blow who JB knew as a kid or from school...he needed some extra cash. He certainly is not a professional and he offers no real PR stance for the firm. In reading his past releases, besides the fact they are horribly written...there is also no substance to them.

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