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I do wonder. Plaintiff came into her current property mid-October. It was listed by a different realtor, buy maybe TK was hers?

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Could he have listed and sold whatever property she moved out of when she moved to her current property? IDK where she lived prior to that address.
Kadoober- I deleted my comment b/c I was on my phone and hadn't read through all the links. Rereading it again it is a confusing doc and not like my state's. It looks like someone marked the x where Todd was supposed to sign which he did...perhaps the notary or Todd's attorney. I would also think that is where he was supposed to sign. TK was experienced in SC real estate legal docs and had POA for clients in real estate transactions. It seems odd he wouldn't know where to sign. I'm sure the attorneys know more about it than myself, but I can certainly see how he signed it the way he did. I wonder whether if it is signed improperly there it is invalidated b/c it was recorded. In my state I've seen POAs and deeds have an issue like that come up, and attorneys just collect correct signatures- even if a property has already been sold.

Thank you Tara!
Do you know, is questioning the validity of the POA standard when asking for a temporary injunction? All three mentioned it, with very similar wording.

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Thanks again, Tara! :)

On the new case I see them both listed as defendants, I don't know if one is a second party. Hopefully the filing will be uploaded soon.

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Wouldn't his company be named as the defendant then? Or both his company and himself as an individual? I read it closed for business but imagine there is still bookkeeping to settle, plus E/O insurance may be able to cover if related to work.

Interesting! I don't recognize the other names but the co-defendant is a CPA. Maybe the Plaintiff is a former real estate client or employee of TK? Could they be alleging there was some discrepancies in his bookkeeping?
Wouldn't his company be named as the defendant then? Or both his company and himself as an individual? I read it closed for business but imagine there is still bookkeeping to settle, plus E/O insurance may be able to cover if related to work.

Good point! I have no idea. Will be interesting to see what this is about if it is not a real estate dispute.
The property address that is listed on the civil case as being Plaintiff's is not hers. Same last name though. Just checked assessment record. If the plaintiff is in financial services (I'm not sure b/c of the lack of middle initial) I would expect the business to be sued. I'm leaning toward it not being work related...hmm.....
I do wonder. Plaintiff came into her current property mid-October. It was listed by a different realtor, buy maybe TK was hers?

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I toss this idea around from time to time, and I have to say, if true, NN would be the only other candidate I can think of. And so if, she is certifiable. It seems WAY TO OBVIOUS to me.
Plus, I can't get past the coincidence of the Hotel California reference, and references to digging holes in the yard.

If it turns out all of that was her, she needs some serious help.

I think both NN and TK were posting. I think NN saw the posts and thought it was CDC, and I imagine TK realized pretty quickly that NN would be the usual suspect if he posted stuff. I think NN had CDC's password already, and TK used CDC's phone. (Maybe he took it somewhere off location and used it to try to throw off the scent from his property?) Just my thoughts, of course. That would explain Hotel California (he's such a narcissist, he couldn't resist), and might explain why NN would post at all, and why she would try to get phone records. She might have really thought that Charlie was posting. Somebody who tries to impersonate a police officer is clearly not thinking straight. I'm tired. Hope that makes sense.
I think the 12/9 civil case may be a former renter trying to get escrow deposit back. I found a link to an address she was at was owned by the defendant (or someone with same name). No attorney was used to file.

Just a guess. I couldn't find any other link.
Sheriff Chuck Wright said Kohlhepp admitted to shooting and killing Beverly Guy, Christ Sherbert, Brian Lucas, and Scott Ponder on Nov. 6, 2003 inside Superbike Motorsports on Parris Bridge Road in Chesnee.

Kohlhepp was also charged with three additional counts of murder for the deaths of Charlie Carver, Johnny Coxie, and Meagan Coxie. All three victims were found buried on Kohlhepp’s Woodruff property where investigators found Kala Brown, Carver’s girlfriend, chained in the storage container. Wright said Brown had been held
His next court date will be on March 6th for the General Sessions charges.

Kohlhepp is currently being represented by the South Carolina Capital Indigent Defense lawyer Shane Goranson. The court has not decided whether to set aside assets to pay for his defense.

The solicitor’s office is still deciding whether or not to seek the death penalty against Kohlhepp.
Attorneys for the Estate of Charlie Carver have filed a request for default judgement in the civil suit against TK, as they have not received a response from TK's lawyer in 30 days.

Updated timelime:


Notice and Request for Entry of Default and Motion for Default Judgement, Case # 2016CP4204345:

Affadavit of Default, Case #2016CP4204345:
I cannot even explain how much I am looking forward to this. Admittedly, I am a huge Dr. Phil fan for reasons I can't even explain(although the BR interview made me have to rethink that, but the Michelle Knight interviews make up for it...I think).
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