Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Are Divorcing

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[ame=""]03 Marc Headley interview: Tom Cruise (part1) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]04 Marc Headley interview: Tom Cruise (part2) - YouTube[/ame]
I totaly agree with you.

An Adult should review, research before they get their family wrapped up in a deep mess.
But most cults do not appear to be a cult - especially in the early stage. So sadly many do get trapped.

The irony of that is that a lot or people who get involved in cults are actually very intelligent people, I will admit I am one who could easily fall prey to some highly eccentric religious nut who has all the answers because I am a very intellectually curious person, the problem of course is that you go in intelligent and then they strip you down of all your dignity and rebuild you in the image they want you to be, it is much like any other brainwashing process even military bootcamp is the same, when I went through Marine bootcamp I went in a very confident and stable young man and they broke me down to the point I no longer believed in myself or my abilities THEN they rebuilt me in to a Marine, to think like a Marine, act like a Marine etc, not a bad thing to be honest and it did make me a better person in the end but the point is a person can be broken down and rebuilt in to another person entirely by people who understand and have perfected these techniques, some that were very good at that were Jim Jones and Charlie Manson, most of the folks who joined Jim Jones People's Temple were very smart college educated individuals who wanted to make the world a better place, they had good heads on their shoulders and good intentions in their hearts but they were then broken down and remade in to the image Jim Jones wanted them to be. He was very good at what he did and sometimes I wonder where these cult leaders learn this stuff, for example we do know Jim Jones had very close ties to the CIA and so did Hubbard and Manson, they were all involved in what was called MKULTRA back in the 50s and 60s and it is almost as if...well thats conspiracy theory stuff I better not get in to here. :D
I dont want to defend TC in any way shape or form but I also cant let misinformation spread and go uncorrected call me anal if youd like LOL.

I have heard many people mention that his daughter Bella lives on Skid Row in LA, that part of LA while it was once indeed a real skid row with druggies and homeless everywhere is no longer like that, while it is still referred to as skid row all the warehouses and older buildings have been renovated and are now art studios and trendy lofts, its a place where a young lady like Bella or even myself at her age would want to live in and hang, its sort of an artsy and trendy community and NOT a cheap place to live its rather quite pricey these days so TC is not cutting her off or making her live in poverty, quite the opposite she is something of an artist and clothing designer I hear and that would be the place for her to be living and hanging out to meet other like minded people.

All that said TC is still a d***head and likely a crappy controlling and tyrant of a father but I dont know him so that is only a guess lol.
Another example of the violent aggression of scientologists (careful, cussing!): [ame=""]Batshit Insane Moonbat Crazy Guy Speaks About Jibberish - YouTube[/ame]

Here's a different take on the video. Anonymous interprets and explains more about the guy and the "tech" he is using. He is an OT8, scientology's highest level, supposed to be totally rational. Wow: [ame=""]Scientology OT8 sea org member - YouTube[/ame]
It must be really hard on a man's ego when his wife is taller than him, no offense to those who are short but that has to really eat at Tom when the wife towers over him by about 6 or 7 inches LOL

Depends on the man. I know several couples where the woman is quite taller than the man, they are very happy and married for over 30 years.
Another example of the violent aggression of scientologists (careful, cussing!): Batshit Insane Moonbat Crazy Guy Speaks About Jibberish - YouTube

Those kinds usually work for the OSA which is like he CIA of the COS, they are mean spirited *******s who will go to any length to destroy anyone they think is a threat to them. I heard one guy tell the story that after he left the OSA goons went around the entire town here he lived, schools, malls, churches, neighbors etc and told them all he was a dangerous pedophile and to keep their eye on him. That is the sort of **** they will do to you if you leave without ROUTING OUT (signing an NDA and GAG ORDER) properly, like I said before you CAN LEAVE without all this harassment but they insist you be debriefed and sign NDAs and gag orders before you go, if you dont and you just BLOW BASE which is what they call those who just walk out, they will cause you A LOT of very real problems in your life and there really isnt a whole lot you can do about it, I personally know attorneys who wont even TOUCH A CASE that involves the COS if someone comes to them and says they need help and protection from these guys because said attorney knows his own family and career would likely be destroyed also. There are lawyers in LA who have signs posted on their walls that they will not take any case that involves anything to do with the COS. Thats some pretty ****ed up crap that these people have that sort of influence on others.
Depends on the man. I know several couples where the woman is quite taller than the man, they are very happy and married for over 30 years.
Oh yea I am sure it is not a big deal for most people I was meaning mostly for Tom, I have read countless stories where he is anal about any director who films him and shows him being shorter than any actress in the movie, he doesnt like it at all and demands that they show him as being taller than most of his co stars in most of the films he is in. It eats away at his ego that he is so short. But for most people like you say, its probably no big deal at all.
Those kinds usually work for the OSA which is like he CIA of the COS, they are mean spirited *******s who will go to any length to destroy anyone they think is a threat to them. I heard one guy tell the story that after he left the OSA goons went around the entire town here he lived, schools, malls, churches, neighbors etc and told them all he was a dangerous pedophile and to keep their eye on him. That is the sort of **** they will do to you if you leave without ROUTING OUT (signing an NDA and GAG ORDER) properly, like I said before you CAN LEAVE without all this harassment but they insist you be debriefed and sign NDAs and gag orders before you go, if you dont and you just BLOW BASE which is what they call those who just walk out, they will cause you A LOT of very real problems in your life and there really isnt a whole lot you can do about it, I personally know attorneys who wont even TOUCH A CASE that involves the COS if someone comes to them and says they need help and protection from these guys because said attorney knows his own family and career would likely be destroyed also. There are lawyers in LA who have signs posted on their walls that they will not take any case that involves anything to do with the COS. Thats some pretty ****ed up crap that these people have that sort of influence on others.

Apparently, this is guy is an OT8, member of SeaOrg.
In this interview, it is said TC once said you can be a Catholic and a Scientologist at the same time. As the Doc says, you cannot.

[ame=""]Dr. Touretzky's interview on Scientology - YouTube[/ame]
I wish I would stop being shocked, this may have already been posted.

[ame=""]Scientology's Prison Camps (RPF) / Missing in Happy Valley? (full) - YouTube[/ame]
Apparently, this is guy is an OT8, member of SeaOrg.

Yea that is the result of misuse or misunderstanding the teachings, at some of those higher levels if things are taken literally one can be led to believe he has become a god and has superhuman like powers and that he is literally better than everyone else, of course as I have stated before that isnt what these teachings are really meant to convey and if one studies them properly and learns to read between the lines and see the more esoteric view of what is being said you get an entirely different meaning and result from them, unfortunately very few people seem to have that ability and the tools are misused and like any tool even a hammer if you dont use it for what its intended purpose is you will very likely cause yourself and others around you a lot of misery.

This guy is a nut and I would suggest he would probably still be a nut whether he was studying Scientology or or Christianity or Islam or Buddhism or whatever, he is just one of those people who would take whatever it is he is studying to the extreme and become fanatical about it and there is nothing healthy spiritually or otherwise about being an extremist and being fanatical about things.

You can even say the same about animal rights activists for example, who doesnt like an animal rights activist? They are doing great things, the animals need advocates but some of them take things to the extreme and become so fanatical that they actually do more harm than good for animals. These people are just unstable no matter what it is they are involved in they will remain unstable and take things further than they are meant to be taken.

I have studied esoteric secret societies for years and I used to think they were up to no good because they keep all their teachings secret but there is a reason for this, they start people out with the very basic stuff to sort of test them and weed out the ones that clearly are not going to be able to understand and properly put in to context the teachings that come later for the higher ups, those people are weeded out and sent in to another direction entirely and serve as window dressing while those who prove themselves capable of putting things in to proper perspective are allowed to move up to the higher levels and learn the real secret teachings that are meant to help people become better humans. Unfortunately the COS does not do this and they will let anyone have access to the higher teachings as long as they have the ability to sign a check.

Buddhism is very good about this, a lot of its teachings, if you started out at the very highest ones, would make no sense and if taken literally could actually be dangerous, but they weed those people out and only allow those who have stood the test and show an ability to have proper perspective and put things in proper context to have access to some of those teachings.
Every time I see the shots of everyone together for a big "party" with DM at the podium I am reminded of the time I watched "Triumph of the Will." :(

It is online, but you will be very sad if you watch the whole thing b/c you know, they don't.
I never really paid much attention to Katie but I have heard those who know her said after she married TC she started to dress down, was very unhappy, wouldnt smile for the cameras, went out dressed like someone out of a thrift shop instead of TC's wife and that she did all of this on purpose as her way of rebelling against him and the church and that before the marriage she was nothing like that at all she was very happy giggly and loved to dress up and look girly and pretty, so it will be interesting to see if we see a new Katie now that she is free of him and it, I look forward to watching this tranisformation if this all turns out to be true.
I never really paid much attention to Katie but I have heard those who know her said after she married TC she started to dress down, was very unhappy, wouldnt smile for the cameras, went out dressed like someone out of a thrift shop instead of TC's wife and that she did all of this on purpose as her way of rebelling against him and the church and that before the marriage she was nothing like that at all she was very happy giggly and loved to dress up and look girly and pretty, so it will be interesting to see if we see a new Katie now that she is free of him and it, I look forward to watching this tranisformation if this all turns out to be true.

her style did change. could be TC or it could be age or being a mom....
as far as her smiling...ive seen lots of pics of her smiling...again, the papz are not out to publish the most flattering side of celebs...and if you had cameras all up your *advertiser censored* and in your face 24/7 would you always be smiling? lol even celebs are allowed to have bad days.....

w/ that said....if i recall correctly, i thought nicole kidman was never allowed to wear heals because of how short TC is.....

and well TC is a narcistic prick - which probably didnt surface until the "honeymoon" phase wore im sure any woman married to him eventually grows tired of it and who the hell would be happy w/ a man like him? certainly not be misserable and planning my way out too...

so there very well could be some truth in some of the rumours....
Based on IMDb the marriages are as follows:

Mimi Rogers May 9,1987 - Feb 4, 1990

Nicole Kidman Dec 24, 1990 - August 8, 2001

(Lived with) Penelope Cruz 2001 - 2004

Katie Holmes November 18, 2006 - present

IMO there had to have been another woman after Penelope and before Katie as it appears that Tom is never without a woman for very long.
Based on IMDb the marriages are as follows:

Mimi Rogers May 9,1987 - Feb 4, 1990

Nicole Kidman Dec 24, 1990 - August 8, 2001

(Lived with) Penelope Cruz 2001 - 2004

Katie Holmes November 18, 2006 - present

IMO there had to have been another woman after Penelope and before Katie as it appears that Tom is never without a woman for very long.

I found this,

June 23, 2005

Cruise and cruz split

The glamorous pair's relationship did not have the easiest of starts - they first met on the set of Vanilla Sky in 2001, at a time when Cruise was petitioning former wife Nicole Kidman for divorce.
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