Tony Padilla Q&A

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I'm not that trusting..

So you haven't heard any noise that the SA, etc.. would be required to do anything about this?

How much in trouble could JB be over this? And does it also impact AL?

No idea what might happen. I want to see the originals of what we all signed.
The problem with this is "WHO WOULD TELL THE TRUTH?" But if the person I was asking had to tell the truth or I knewe I was getting the truth it would be to ask Casey what happened?

Thanks again for answering the questions. You are a wonderful resouce and seem like a great guy in all of this madness.
I thought that you would be in a position to file a complaint with the Florida Bar about this, because it was your signature that was falsified and attached to a document that you did not sign. I would think you have a right to know if Baez ever produces an Original of this document, and take it from there. Thanks for the reply

That is my siganture. I am about 99.9% sure that I signed a different document then the one he provided the court. I asked and demanded my own contract separate from Leonard Rob and Tracy.
The page you signed, did it include LP signature spot?
Okay I must go now. I will try to come back again when time allows. Thank you to everybody for your kindness and your support!!!!
Besides getting a copy of the document that you signed, what else would you differently if you could redo?
No idea what might happen. I want to see the originals of what we all signed.

Are your statements on the disc that Burdick gave the Judge, about not signing the document Baez submitted with his Motion?
The page turned in with your signature on it, also has LP's.

We were wondering if it was that way on what you signed. Or if it just had yours, alone.

Where you all together when you did the signing?
Just listened to Lenny on the Levi show and he states that at the outset you signed a document for Baez agreeing to (a) not make money from the case and (b) not write a book. This is obviously the document that is suspect at the moment but what is the truth of that ?
That is my siganture. I am about 99.9% sure that I signed a different document then the one he provided the court. I asked and demanded my own contract separate from Leonard Rob and Tracy.

Did Baez initially show you the "group" agreement, and then you told him you would not sign that one, and did you ask him to write up a new, separate one, which you did sign?
These threads and TP's presence have been very informative. It is shocking to find out that there is even more going on behind the scenes than has been speculated upon.
Who is paying TP's 10 percent fee for posting the bond - that is what I'm trying to get an answer to.

Leonard would have paid it--assuming Tony charged his uncle the full 10% fee that Tony also charges strangers. However, unless Tony has millions of dollars of his own money to use when he posts bail for people, he would need to borrow it from a bank or some institution, in which case part of that 10% he charges would be used to pay the interest fees to whoever loaned him the money.

I'm speculating here about something I know next to nothing about; I wish Tony were here to tell us the facts. I also wish I knew how to fix that sentence. LOL
Just listened to Lenny on the Levi show and he states that at the outset you signed a document for Baez agreeing to (a) not make money from the case and (b) not write a book. This is obviously the document that is suspect at the moment but what is the truth of that ?

The only thing I see contained in the document in question regarding book rights is #6 which limits the "parties" from "discussing any possibility of financial gain regarding the rights of the story be it movie, book or television"..this says "discussing" it, not them physically doing it themselves. That is how I take it anyway. Is LP saying there is another document that bars them from writing a book or making money? I'm confused:crazy:

ETA..I'm amazed at how loosely this "agreement" was written in the first place. His language is terrible and is open to interpretation on many levels. Did his paralegal not tear this apart? I would have:bang:

You might be thinking of when you put up your own bond. Say the bond was $1,000. Instead of going to a bondsman and paying him 10% ($100), you pay the whole $1,000 and get out of jail until the trial.

When you show up and during the trial, etc.. It is decided you will pay $250. The Clerk of Courts will take it out of that bond you paid. And will send you a check for the difference. Which would be $750.

Is that what your thinking of?

If it is what I'm thinking, it's from watching too much TV. I'm just trying to understand the rules. My experience with jail issues is from playing Monopoly - if I landed in jail I think I had to pay $200.00 to get out. I think I paid it to the Banker, not the jail. :crazy:

I think I have to get out of the house and make some friends. :blowkiss:
LP decided to go find the baby, and got it OKed by the As. TP would be there when the perp was arrested. (LP thought it was a kidnapping, not a murder, at that point).

Thus, the whole team was ready, and in place.

Just like Dog went off to find Andrew Luster (and succeeded).

Of COURSE it was business, for both. They're BHs.

LP also felt that he COULD find Caylee. Just as Dog felt that he could (and did) find ALuster.

What's unclear, honey?

Why JB thinks he owns them/has a say over what they say. That's the unclear part for me. Also why TP is upset/afraid/whatever he is right now that caused him to come back and talk on WS the day before he went on the Today show.
Maybe he was just advertising. He's getting the word out that he is not tied to his Uncle and the other two. Why?
I wish you would have/could have listed the posts that these answers appear in. I remember some of the points differently. I can't go over it now because peeps are hungry and I'm fried. If you know off hand where you got these answers, it would be much easier. Thanks. :bang:,

I really don't remember where the various posts that I read over the weekend were so I won't attempt to list all of them but because you asked, I will search a few and list them here for everyone. However, I don't know how to move a post over from another thread and not sure that one can move the post of another anyway. So here's what I'll try to do. I'll paste the link from my browser for some of the ones I can find which will take you to the page but not TP's specific post so I will copy & paste portions of his post with the link so you'll know what I was looking at. These will be in no particular order - just as I come across them again and you will need to follow the links to find out the date and time of the post if the context does not reveal it. I hope it helps... (I'll put TP's post fragments in italics - please remember they will usually only be a fragment and not the whole post. If I have a comment about the post I'll put it in bold at the end of that post fragment.)

[ame=""]Welcome Tony Padilla - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
We (really I should say my Uncle) were sought out to get involved in this.
Remember I will not discuss who contacted Leonard. I was not contacted but Leonard was the one sought out and it was some time last week.

[ame=""]Please go to the "support l&p" thread to ask questions. Tony on that thread now. - Page 3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Remember that Leonard was sought out and it was private until Friday. It was leaked and then Leonard sent out the email. We really wanted this private.
We finally got the bond posted today. A major headache because some bondspeople here started a big fuss stating that we were breaking Florida laws by being here and getting the bond posted. They complained that we violated numerous statutes and were threatening us with law enforcement arrestin us.

[ame=""]Please go to the "support l&p" thread to ask questions. Tony on that thread now. - Page 14 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Things changed dramatically from the time we arrived until the actually time Casey was home and there was a meeting that I was not at. We were not thrilled but we have to work hard for the most important interest here and that is Caylee.

[ame=""]Please go to the "support l&p" thread to ask questions. Tony on that thread now. - Page 15 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Wrong!!! I am a bail bondsman. Not the attorney. (note this post was in response to someone asking if he was part of the defense team in Aug 2008)

[ame=""]Please go to the "support l&p" thread to ask questions. Tony on that thread now. - Page 27 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Leonard was contacted about getting involvd in this case. I was the only licensed bondsman able to facilitate the bond posting. It helps that Leonard is my uncle and that he feels much more comfortable with me than anybody else.

[ame=""]Please go to the "support l&p" thread to ask questions. Tony on that thread now. - Page 30 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
After the 30 days of her being there that was when Leonard was contacted probably for 2 reasons. This person knew that we could bail her out and that Leonard would have a better than average shot at finding Caylee.

[ame=""]Please go to the "support l&p" thread to ask questions. Tony on that thread now. - Page 29 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Nope!!! That is what everybody else guessed. Leonard and him have a very good relationship that was started many years ago but it was not him (this was answer to was it Geraldo?)

[ame=""]Please go to the "support l&p" thread to ask questions. Tony on that thread now. - Page 28 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
That person wants to remain anonymous. I can tell you this person is very well thought of in the media and is a househld name.

[ame=""]Please go to the "support l&p" thread to ask questions. Tony on that thread now. - Page 34 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
His $50,000 is gone no matter what happens.$50,000#post2575649
Quick bail class: The total bail is $500,000. Leonard paid the premium whiich is 10% or $50,000. That 50,000 is dividen up into bond costs, agent fees, buf account, and other assorted fees like travel costs and so on. No money changes hands between me and the county. I put up a bond (bail bond) for the 500,000. If Casey were to flee then I would have 90 days to find her. I fafter 90 days I was unable to locate her then I would have to pay the court $500,000. Leonard never does get his 50,000 back.

That should be enough to give everyone some good places to start. But WS has some great search features. If you're looking for something that TP posted about anything in particular, you can search what he (or any user) said about specific things like $50,000 - you can even narrow it down by date. I was not familiar with WS when TP was posting last Aug and wasn't aware when he was online after I did join WS so I just took the time to read all of his posts over the weekend and I'm glad I did but for those who don't have time to do that but wonder what he might have said previously about something in particular the search feature will help you find it. Happy hunting to all.
Leonard paid when the charges were child endangerment and lying to the fuzz. She was arrested the second time for check charges, and that's when Lenny withdrew his support.

Because of the murder charges, Casey cannot be bonded out, period. Why should the jail keep the bond?

Tony is now upset because Jose is in the process of ruining his reputation. If his reputation is shot, nobody will use him as a bondsman = end of livelihood.



We must be around the same age. Do people still say that - fuzz? :Banane09::no:
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