Tony's Statement Tied to 6/15

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On 6/15 that was when the supposed fight happened, I think that Casey took off with Caylee and went to Tony's, gave Caylee something to sleep and locked her in the trunk.
Got up the next day, didn't bother to check on her untill it was to late and
A) Caylee, subcame to heat exhaustion.
Or B) Never woke up from whatever KC gave her.

Casey then maybe drove around with her in the trunk trying to figure out what to do.
Made the flurry of phone calls, Maybe in a moment of panic.
A)couldn't get a hold of anyone so gave up
Or B) Lost her nerve and decided to deal with it herself.
Went back to Tone's. With Caylee still in her trunk.
On the 18th when she knew no on would be home , came home and borrowed the shovel, burried Caylee.
Then Came back on the 24th , meaning to unburry Caylee and move her to the spot she is resting in today. :( ,but George was home so she pretended that she was just there to get something.
I cannot for the life of me figure out what date that she may have moved Caylee if she moved her herself.
If (and just spectulating here ) she had help, I believe they moved her on the 15th before the police were called.

If Caylee had been staying at TonE's before with Casey and had even slept with them in the same bed. Why wouldn't she just take her into TonE's with her, why lock her in the trunk? This what doesn't make since to me and this is why I think she killed her child on purpose, no accident.
I have always wondered HOW and WHERE did Cindy get Caylee to take her to see the Grandfather on June 15th??? Did Casey leave her at the Grandparents home or did Cindy pick her up from somewhere??? Anyone have any ideas???

I think this is the photo from Father's Day that was posted on one of the Anthony myspaces, photobucket or whatnot. It is poignant when you consider it is the last photo ever of this little girl.

My questions:

How many days according to the timeline was Casey really away from the house?

As controlling as CA is did she REALLY let 30 days go by without going to look for Casey and Caylee?

At what point did Casey tell Amy that her car was being fixed?

I never understood how Casey could run out of gas and back car in next to dumpster. I know she said she got help,,,,why haven't those people come forward if that was the truth?

I know I have asked this question before on another post and never really got an answer,,,,,,,,,but it eats and eats at me. That question is.....

How in the heck did she get Zenaida Gonzalas's name???? I understand what people are saying about zanny the nanny,,,,,,,that just doesn't sit well with me because it would be toooooooooooo cooincidental too have Casey take police to the sawgrass apts, where a Zenaida G just happen to put in info for an apt...............there is something more to this,,,,,,WHAT IS IT?????? Casey must have known someone in the apts office,,,,,,,,something....

And another thing,,,,,,the use of the term "nanny",,,,,is that common place in Orlando for people to say "nanny"??? Up here in the great white north, we use the term "day care provider" Nanny is someone who comes into your home and takes care of your child. Why that term???
I am wondering, if Tony picked Casey up from Amscot, wouldn't her clothing have smelled of decomp if she had been in the car?
I am wondering, if Tony picked Casey up from Amscot, wouldn't her clothing have smelled of decomp if she had been in the car?

I wonder about that as well. I also wonder why the discrepancy between Tony's statement that he last saw Caylee on the 2nd of June, and Clint saying he last saw Caylee the 13th of June.
Inside the immediate family...the account was Cindy & Caylee went for a swim @ home 6/15 evening, and Cindy indicated she 'heard' Caylee & Cindy behind the closed bedroom door the morning of 6/16.

Huh? Sorry but I'm confused by your post - Did Cindy hear her grandaughter, Caylee and herself behind the closed door (as you posted) or did Cindy hear Caylee and her mom (Cindy's daughter) Casey behind the closed door? Or, was it Casey who indicated she heard Caylee and Cindy behind the closed bedroom door the morning of 6/16?
Thanks for clearing this up for me Bond.

i was confused by that too.

the account i had read was that casey and cindy were in the pool on that night, but caylee was too cold and got out; also that cindy heard casey and caylee in the bedroom.

that was pretty convoluted, hope i helped.
I am wondering, if Tony picked Casey up from Amscot, wouldn't her clothing have smelled of decomp if she had been in the car?

people are saying she wasn't in the car, that she somehow managed to get groceries otherwise and then have tony pick her up by her car.
I have posted this before but why can't this guy string together a complete thought. He is going to school. I could see him being nevorus at the beginning of the interview but I would have thought he would have loosened up a bit. The officer was not asking him anything hard and it did not seem if the questions were in any way accusirtory. Just makes me wonder if TonE was picking and choosing his answers. Staying vague on purpose. JMO

Back when I was about 30, I had a recorded deposition for my divorce due to a custody fight. And although I was a 100% involved parent with plenty of whistle-blowing to do about my ex's lack of parenting skills and involvement, I couldn't complete a logical sentence. And, it was dotted with lots of um's, ah's, you knows, etc. I believe I do the same thing in an interview situation, and I am mortified if I have to do any public speaking. Some people just don't do well in those types of situations, so his lack of answering may be nothing. Or it could be something. This case and the players are just so confusing!
I am wondering, if Tony picked Casey up from Amscot, wouldn't her clothing have smelled of decomp if she had been in the car?

people are saying she wasn't in the car, that she somehow managed to get groceries otherwise and then have tony pick her up by her car.

I knew she had groceries, but also thought the car ended up there late on the 26th or early 27th. Oh, I see, it may have been later in the day when Tony picked her up. Maybe she jogged over for the groceries. Gives a whole new meaning to doing the daily errands.:waitasec:
So now I am confused, how did Cindy hear Casey and Caylee behind the door on the eve of the 15th yet Tone says Casey stayed there? Did Casey leave Caylee at home? Where was Caylee on that night? Then George says he saw them on the 16th am. I guess my question should also include, did Casey stay at home or at Tone's on the 15th?
I knew she had groceries, but also thought the car ended up there late on the 26th or early 27th. Oh, I see, it may have been later in the day when Tony picked her up. Maybe she jogged over for the groceries. Gives a whole new meaning to doing the daily errands.:waitasec:

I am not clear in my mind as to the timeline of those events. It has all been very confusing.

But I do know that it was first said that Casey left her car in the Amscot parking lot late in the evening of the 26th, which was why it was first noticed at 7 am on the 27th.

Then someone said that Casey called Tony around 11 am on the 26th to come and pick her up. I wish someone would find a link to that statement, I think it was one of the NG shows either late last week or early this week. I do know that someone else on the show said to ask Tony about that 11 am timeframe.

If 11 am was the time it was left, then why wasn't it noticed late that afternoon when the employees were leaving work?
Inside the immediate family...the account was Cindy & Caylee went for a swim @ home 6/15 evening, and Cindy indicated she 'heard' Caylee & Cindy [should have read Caylee & Casey] behind the closed bedroom door the morning of 6/16.

Huh? Sorry but I'm confused by your post - Did Cindy hear her grandaughter, Caylee and herself behind the closed door (as you posted) or did Cindy hear Caylee and her mom (Cindy's daughter) Casey behind the closed door? Or, was it Casey who indicated she heard Caylee and Cindy behind the closed bedroom door the morning of 6/16?
Thanks for clearing this up for me Bond.

My apologies, everyone. I typed "Cindy" when I meant to type "Casey". I've tried hard not to make that mistake. Lemme look @ the User Control Panel and see if I can ban myself from posting for a week. :rolleyes:

...ok...that being said, since Cindy's account is that the bedroom door was never opened the morning of 6/16, and she only "heard" them in there...well...that leaves AT LEAST a few different scenarios on the table. And, not wishing to start down the path of what they are, personally, I am not staking much value on G&C's account of 6/15 or 6/16. Neither George or Cindy were forthcoming on the argument of 6/15, and at the time they were giving accounts of what happened on 6/16 (Greta interview) they knew full-well that placing Caylee leaving their home 6/16 was best for George, Cindy and Casey. It drew attention away from talking about 6/15 and anything that might've occured as a result of a passionate fight, AND, it physically placed Caylee outside the home where the ZFG abduction/kidnapping account that had been given by Casey would be plausible.

There is at least one, very credible IMHO, account by Clint indicating that Casey was @ Tony's 6/15PM - although he did not see Casey the morning of 6/16 as he typically did on weekday mornings since they would typically leave the apartment at about the same time. Of course, both Clint & Cindy's accounts could be true if Casey was coming & going between the two locations out of their sight (insert your own imagination here :)).

Without phone records, or more information about the events of 6/15 & 6/16 I just can't get a better resolution on what really happened. I've tossed a few theories out there based on different assumptions of true vs. false statements and, at this point, I just have to wait for more info to become available in order to advance the ball down the field.:banghead:
...ok...that being said, since Cindy's account is that the bedroom door was never opened the morning of 6/16, and she only "heard" them in there...well...that leaves AT LEAST a few different scenarios on the table. And, not wishing to start down the path of what they are, personally, I am not staking much value on G&C's account of 6/15 or 6/16. Neither George or Cindy were forthcoming on the argument of 6/15, and at the time they were giving accounts of what happened on 6/16 (Greta interview) they knew full-well that placing Caylee leaving their home 6/16 was best for George, Cindy and Casey. It drew attention away from talking about 6/15 and anything that might've occured as a result of a passionate fight, AND, it physically placed Caylee outside the home where the ZFG abduction/kidnapping account that had been given by Casey would be plausible.

Respectfully snipped....

I think you're dead on. So now, not only is CaA with holding, so is CiA. If the meat of what happened post-blow up (I mean immediately) comes to light, we'd have more to chew on. Even the time of said blow up would help. I don't recall seeing that anywhere (I could be wrong).

Also - maybe CaA did come back that morning to gather a few more personal goods and that's what CiA heard in the room. Still does not account for the little one. Where did that little girl sleep that night...?
I am not clear in my mind as to the timeline of those events. It has all been very confusing.

But I do know that it was first said that Casey left her car in the Amscot parking lot late in the evening of the 26th, which was why it was first noticed at 7 am on the 27th.

Then someone said that Casey called Tony around 11 am on the 26th to come and pick her up. I wish someone would find a link to that statement, I think it was one of the NG shows either late last week or early this week. I do know that someone else on the show said to ask Tony about that 11 am timeframe.

If 11 am was the time it was left, then why wasn't it noticed late that afternoon when the employees were leaving work?

NATE: I`m not exactly sure. I don`t know what her story was to him about the car. I just know that Tony had left that morning at approximately -- between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., and I don`t know exactly when, and he went and picked her up want but I never asked what exactly was wrong with the car.

She never asked us to go down there and look at it or anything like that.

I had been confused too and Sundance helped me out :)
your right on track with my theories. Only thing stalling me on a burial in the yard is the family dog.

I don't think she actually buried Caylee in the back yard. I think she thought about it, borrowed the shovel, maybe even moved her there for a few. Then, she started trying to dig a hole. Geez, that's hard work. It's hard to dig a hole and plant some azaleas, can you imagine how much hard sweaty work it is to dig a hole big and deep enough to bury your kid so that no one ever finds her? And doing that whilst watching your back? She gave up ship rather quickly determing that she was not one to get her nails dirty and found another method of disposal that didn't involve any manual labor. Perhaps a little dragging and some stinky mess to wash off at JG's but certainly no digging.
I guess to bring this thread back around, my original post was intended to show how Tony's account (albeit hard to read Tony-ese) ties very cleanly with Casey having full intent to create a NEW, THIRD person/location to explain Caylee's whereabouts tied specifically to the fight of 6/15. He is adamant about the story being given exactly corresponding w/ Casey's move-in w/ her stuff 6/15 (although she'd been sleeping there since 6/9) , and Casey's insistence that she even tell him unprovoked, where Caylee was staying. I'm amazed that he gives the account of subsequent weekends, quite frankly. I also noted that "the beach" weekend agrees w/ the story Casey gave to Jesse G for Caylee's whereabouts on that same 6/28 weekend.

The NEW, THIRD person/location begat "nanny", nanny begat "zanny", and zanny begat ZFG.

Per another thread I have going on Casey's care arrangements for Caylee 6/10-6/14, Casey had some method & location for "caring" for Caylee during the night time on those dates, which Caylee survived through until at least her sighting on 6/15. Link for post#1 on that thread: ( P.S. WS'rs could all help Caylee by reading & researching as suggested on that thread IMHO)

If Caylee was still alive on 6/16, why did Casey create the story of the new, third-party person/location w/ Tony on 6/15-16? If Casey's Caylee-Care was working 6/10-6/14, why change?


Casey could've played it cool and just continued telling Tony that Caylee was w/ G&C. She could've played that out longer. She slipped. She slipped big time.
Wonder what time she went to TonE's the night of the 15th.... did she call ahead? Hummmmm......
I guess to bring this thread back around, my original post was intended to show how Tony's account (albeit hard to read Tony-ese) ties very cleanly with Casey having full intent to create a NEW, THIRD person/location to explain Caylee's whereabouts tied specifically to the fight of 6/15. He is adamant about the story being given exactly corresponding w/ Casey's move-in w/ her stuff 6/15 (although she'd been sleeping there since 6/9) , and Casey's insistence that she even tell him unprovoked, where Caylee was staying. I'm amazed that he gives the account of subsequent weekends, quite frankly. I also noted that "the beach" weekend agrees w/ the story Casey gave to Jesse G for Caylee's whereabouts on that same 6/28 weekend.

The NEW, THIRD person/location begat "nanny", nanny begat "zanny", and zanny begat ZFG.

Per another thread I have going on Casey's care arrangements for Caylee 6/10-6/14, Casey had some method & location for "caring" for Caylee during the night time on those dates, which Caylee survived through until at least her sighting on 6/15. Link for post#1 on that thread: ( P.S. WS'rs could all help Caylee by reading & researching as suggested on that thread IMHO)

If Caylee was still alive on 6/16, why did Casey create the story of the new, third-party person/location w/ Tony on 6/15-16? If Casey's Caylee-Care was working 6/10-6/14, why change?


Casey could've played it cool and just continued telling Tony that Caylee was w/ G&C. She could've played that out longer. She slipped. She slipped big time.

...or...ZFG did it in the park with the chloroform and Casey decided to follow the PI stylings of OJ - who is to this day looking for Nicole's killer on golf courses around the world. Take your pick.
...or...ZFG did it in the park with the chloroform and Casey decided to follow the PI stylings of OJ - who is to this day looking for Nicole's killer on golf courses around the world. Take your pick.


The most obvious that no one has put together here yet... until now!

There is a black hole in the stairwell of Sawgrass Apartment #210!

*snipped from the move-in-with-Amy thread*

IMHO, the date & time of the first telling of the (1) move-in-with-Amy, and (2) the new-nanny-to-Tony, storylines provide substantially more weight to the date & time of Caylee’s demise than the ‘flurry’ of cell calls on Monday, 6/19, alone IF it was a crime of passion or an accidental death.

Unless Casey told Tony the new nanny story 6/15PM or before 9AM on Monday, 6/16, Caylee was likely still alive 6/16. Tony’s class schedule was established to be typically in classes @ Full Sail 9AM-1PM, on Monday 6/19. Casey’s cell call to Tony @ 4:19PM went unanswered. There is a break in Casey’s “flurry” of calls Monday afternoon between 4:24PM and 6:32PM giving Casey ample time to collect her clothes and drive to Tony’s apartment where he would first see her. At 6:32PM Casey places a call to the G&C home phone from her cell, indicating that Casey is no longer @ the G&C home, and supporting that she hasn’t spoken to Tony until sometime after 4:24PM. So, IMHO, Caylee was no longer alive as of 4:24PM 6/16.

Cindy & Clint’s accounts conflict on whether Casey stayed the night 6/15 @ C&G’s or @ Tony’s. IF Caylee was still alive on the morning of 6/16 - and I believe G&C accounts of 6/16 Caylee sightings should be treated as suspect – then G&C were both working on 6/16 and would have required Casey return there, if not already there, before George left for work ~2:30PM 6/16 in order to provide care for Caylee. Additional evidence, in the form of phone records and additional testimony is needed to establish Casey & Caylee’s movements 6/15PM to 6/16 to narrow the earliest possible date & time Caylee could have died, whether it was an accident or intentional or pre-meditated.

IF the crime was premeditated, the date & time of Caylee’s death could have been later than shown here as Casey could have kept Caylee alive in a third location (e.g. car, etc.) while she issued her (1) move-in-with-Amy and (2) new-nanny-to-Tony storylines setting the groundwork to buy more time after the crime.

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