Tool expert, weapons expert and veterinarian -- your thoughts?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
They are bringing in a fish and wildlife expert..perhaps they are going to talk about the snake?,0,394601.story?track=rss

I'm not sure how to say this in a delicate way, but here goes.
Lets say certain small mammals fed on the remains and then the snake ate said mammals. If there were any toxins present in the remains, they would be passed on to the mammals and then on to the snake. That is if the snake had a chance to digest the mammal(s) (before it died) since they eat their meals whole. Does that make sense?
Caylee's remains were too deteriorated to do any organ or blood samples from but maybe the snake holds some clues?
On the 4/23 NG show they brought to light these three new experts that the SA's office has brought on. What do you think they are looking for? (Mods, feel free to merge if a thread is already been created for this - this is my first new thread!)

Some people have been quoting the ME as having said there was no trauma to the bones, but as I remember it, there was no ANTEmortem trauma to the bones; she never addressed any POSTmortem trauma. Could the vet be looking at teeth marks on the bones? Yorkie hair on the blanket or the duct tape?
The real puzzler is the weapons expert.

Some additional possibilities:

Tool and Weapons experts: could be to testify about the skill and level of training, or lack of skill or training, necessary to perform certain maneuvers and/or to use certain weapons/tools effectively and/or about the proper manner to use certain tools/weapons.

Veterinarian: could be to testify as to animal behaviors/patterns and could be relevant to either the cadaver dogs and/or the varmints in the area off Suburban where Caylee was found (although I believe that as a general rule, a fisheries and wildlife expert would be more specific to the varmints' habits/behaviors, since I know at least two vets who have extensive backgrounds working as volunteer rehabilitation specialists, too, as one city in Louisiana boasts the state's veterinary program + a highly specialized wildlife rehab. program/division, I wouldn't rule this out. Their CV's would be helpful in knowing the areas of their expertise...)
SNIPPED: "... A vet would not likely be the expert called in to testify about a snake. There are many highly qualified herpetologists more suited. (However the SA could be using the term vet to cover a professional qualified as both)

Comparision of DNA from the dogs would be done in the forensic lab and not by a vet. I wonder if the SA is using the term vet loosely in this witness list. Many who were 'general' vets go on to become highly specialized in various subjects connected to their field. ..."
Great post. I'd add to this that sometimes an attorney uses a generalized description of the professional, such as veterinarian, instead of a more specialized description, as a litigation technique: defense better take this expert's deposition else they could be blindsided. It truly reflects skill beyond the average newbie attorney. See my above post - my home state's veterinarian program boasts a very specialized, large wildlife rehabilitation program, and students seeking a degree in veterinary medicine enrolled get schooled in same as a part of the curriculum.
when i first heard about this tool/weapons expert
first thing that came to mind was the shovel....
was it used to dig a hole? i dont know...
just the shovel came to mind....
I just had a thought.. I wonder if she used the shovel to put her in either the black plastic bag or the laundry bag and damaged one of the bones in the process.

On the other hand, no... anything involving the bones would have had to have been done when that HAD the bones.

I think its to determine with what the duct tape was cut.

As for the yorkie hair on the duct tape, I think they defense could argue that as transfer evidence. Caylee was likely to have dog hair on her since the dogs lived in the same house and slept on her bed.
Just a hunch, but I think we are going to be surprised when the evidence concerning the cause and manner of death is released. We have all been commenting on smothering, drugs, heat prostration and we may just be right. But, despite the ME stating the cause of death was unknown at that time, based on her 'autopsy' and examination, I think there will be coresponding evidence of manner and cause from other things than the actual body. I think we have a few more shocks coming.
Maybe the syringe they found contained some sort of animal tranquilizer that a vet would be familiar with? Just a thought.
What-ever the manner of death was to Caylee I think she (Casey) had planned the killing well in advanced. She had to in order to have all the chlorform, and her manner of disposing of the body so it could not be found.
Maybe it was not Caylee she had planed to kill but maybe her parents, especially Cindy.
Because she (Casey) and Cindy had been fighting all their lives.
*Remember she had told a friend that her parents were giving her the house and she could move in with her when she got the house.*

Something about this case is really not right. I know casey killed caylee but the way the entire family is acting is really strange. They have some skeltons in their closets for sure that they do not want to come out.
Maybe the syringe they found contained some sort of animal tranquilizer that a vet would be familiar with? Just a thought.

:eek: My first thought when I heard about the Vet on the state's witness list was TOXICOLOGY REPORT. Just speculating here, but KC and her "new friends" may have been experimenting/abusing Ketamine (aka "Special K"). I need to track down the link, but I read an article not long ago about the abuse of veterinary drugs in some populations (club kids, "E" users). IIRC,
powerful anaesthetics like Ketamine can produce (in humans) a dissociative state (!) in which abusers may have a sense of "detachment" from their physical body and the outside world. :eek:

Anyone else wonder about the possible abuse of vet meds?

This is snipped. Part of a description of a persons capabilities and areas of focus. Bolded by me

"Expert's knowledge in these areas is exemplified by the use of his expertise for the purpose of national and international instruction and course development for multiple Federal Agencies and Departments (Federal Emergency Management Agency, Expert's Firm, Department of Justice, Department of State and others). Included is his course development and instruction of an FBI course in WEAPONs of mass destruction (WMD), improvised WEAPONs and agents and evidence identification, documentation, collection and handling in contaminated crime scenes and environments.

improvised weapons.

"how to make weapons out of household items" (one of KC's internet searches)
Just a hunch, but I think we are going to be surprised when the evidence concerning the cause and manner of death is released. We have all been commenting on smothering, drugs, heat prostration and we may just be right. But, despite the ME stating the cause of death was unknown at that time, based on her 'autopsy' and examination, I think there will be coresponding evidence of manner and cause from other things than the actual body. I think we have a few more shocks coming.

Now I'm really scratching my head :waitasec: ........I wish you could elaborate a bit more.
from personal experience I have tried Special K and it is more of a hallucinigen(spelling) this was back a few years ago in club days I don't use it and I have only tried it once because I worked for a VET and had access to the ketamine so yes it is possible that was what was in that syringe without a needle that could be why the vet is being called in

The other thing is fish and wildlife- maybe to determine what the other animals bones were to give proof to Kiomaries testimony that they used to bury hamsters there, so that would make her story credible since she sold it to NE

I also believe the tool mark expert is there to discuss the knives the one found in her car and the one at the crime scene maybe it soes have something to do with the duct tape how it was cut, then again if she did stab her a toolmark expert would be able to show evidence if she hit a bone
I also believe the tool mark expert is there to discuss the knives the one found in her car and the one at the crime scene maybe it soes have something to do with the duct tape how it was cut, then again if she did stab her a toolmark expert would be able to show evidence if she hit a bone


this case is making my mind mush... was there a knife found at the crime scene?
Good thread. The Ketamine made my jaw drop. Would it be in a vial though? Is it a liquid?

I'll admit when I heard Gatorade bottle my first thought was GHB. I remember the kids at University Club mixing it with Gatorade and passing out on the dance floor....

Sure there would be dog hair on Caylee- but should there be dog hair on the duct tape if "Zanny" strapped her up with it?
It was stated that this area was also used as a pet cemetery. Maybe the Vet is seeing if bones from a buried pet match a breed of a childhood pet of Caseys. And are trying to say who else would place the child right next to Caseys beloved pet. No stranger would know right where the pet was buried, so Casey had to place the body there.
I still wonder why KC googled shovel, everyone knows what a shovel is so why google it and what the importance of that will be at trial.

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