Tool expert, weapons expert and veterinarian -- your thoughts?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
it was weird that LE went and got the snake....and then took photos of it.....

could the snake hold some key to perhaps, shedding its skin inside the bag....or having a nest there.....and then later on the same snake was found by kronk and co-worker.....maybe vet looking at snake for timeline and how long the body had been there....based on somethings about the snake.....inside the bag would be a warm area for a snake to make it home....or any other little guy for that matter.....just a thought
or could the snake have injested part of caylees clothes or other items that was at the crime scene.....and thus still in the stomach of the snake.....they did put the snake into the freezer.....

anything found that tied that snake to caylee...... would prove that caylee was there at the time kronk was there....

maybe the vet is the one that opened up the snake and found what was inside of it....
This is snipped. Part of a description of a persons capabilities and areas of focus. Bolded by me

"Expert's knowledge in these areas is exemplified by the use of his expertise for the purpose of national and international instruction and course development for multiple Federal Agencies and Departments (Federal Emergency Management Agency, Expert's Firm, Department of Justice, Department of State and others). Included is his course development and instruction of an FBI course in WEAPONs of mass destruction (WMD), improvised WEAPONs and agents and evidence identification, documentation, collection and handling in contaminated crime scenes and environments.

As to the red highlighted above. The fact that JB is now saying (maybe always has) that Dr. Lee found 17 hairs in the car, and maybe he is saying the crime scene is contaminated, therefore the the expert to say how it was or is handeled.
Sure there would be dog hair on Caylee- but should there be dog hair on the duct tape if "Zanny" strapped her up with it?

Well, there could be. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and I have hair everywhere. Its even in my hubby's police car and the animals never go in there. So, its entirely possible a hair could get stuck to duct tape if it was anywhere around. But was it white hair from the imaginanny's imagidog?:rolleyes:
I think not. :crazy:
I am very familiar with ketamine, our vet used to use it on our goats to knock them out. It has a terrrible side effect. The other post is right about being not associated with life and this crazy screaming and stiffening up. It would take a while for it to be out of their system. I told my vet not to use this any more, so he would give them rompum. this med is used in small animal clinics for cats. Where would she get this from?
LE at some point asked to examine RK's meter tool. Maybe the state is looking to link some sort of mark/damage to the remains or other evidence to that tool, to exclude the possibility said marks/damage were directly involved in Caylee's death.
On the 4/23 NG show they brought to light these three new experts that the SA's office has brought on. What do you think they are looking for? (Mods, feel free to merge if a thread is already been created for this - this is my first new thread!)

Some people have been quoting the ME as having said there was no trauma to the bones, but as I remember it, there was no ANTEmortem trauma to the bones; she never addressed any POSTmortem trauma. Could the vet be looking at teeth marks on the bones? Yorkie hair on the blanket or the duct tape?
The real puzzler is the weapons expert.

They are bringing in this team to attempt to counter baez's explosive relevations that the crime was actually perpetrated by a highly skilled team of heavily armed rabid ninja attack squirrels.

Expect an astronomer and an exotic biologist to counter his next claims of alien abduction.
Ok. Here's my take on it. The vet from the US Fish and Wildlife Service may be there to testify about the local wildlife and their habitat and habits (ie: which animals eat carrion, which animals are present in the local habitat, which animals burrow to make homes, etc).

The tool mark expert may be there to explain tool marks found on Caylee's bones from the shovel, Kronk's meter reading tool, DC's metal probe, the knife and the duct tape, shovel marks on pavers, teeth marks on bones, etc. I'm leaning toward microscopic analysis of marks found on something that ties KC to the body.

JMHO as always.
They are bringing in this team to attempt to counter baez's explosive relevations that the crime was actually perpetrated by a highly skilled team of heavily armed rabid ninja attack squirrels.

Expect an astronomer and an exotic biologist to counter his next claims of alien abduction.

Thanks for the humor today: every once in a while, it is so nice to lighten up! :crazy:
I think the experts will be there to narrow down the method of homicide, eliminating gunshot and stabbing and ever-so-carefully triangulating on drugging. IMHO, the purpose of each expert is as follows:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service expert

  • Describe feeding habits of the animals that lived in that area
  • Establish why the remains were scattered in the way that they were
  • Explain why not all of the bones were recovered and why some were incomplete
  • Show that all the marks found on the bones were consistent with those that would be left behind by the local animals feeding on the remains
Weapons and tool markings

  • Show that the metal object that looked like a projectile was not a bullet
  • Show that the markings on the bones are inconsistent with those normally associated with weapons and tools
FBI's chemistry, control and trace-evidence units (lots of reasons to have this expert)

  • Show that the Henkel duct tape from the gas can is chemically and structurally consistent with the tape pieces located with the skull but not consistent with the pieces located farther away near the fence
  • Show that the adhesive residue found in the perfect shape of a heart on the duct tape found around the skull is consistent with the residue found on one of the sticker packages recovered from the grandparent's home, but inconsistent with other stickers found there
  • Show that fibers found on the duct tape are consistent with fibers found in the Anthony home or fibers from the clothing removed from the car and washed by CA
  • Describe the chemical analysis of the contents of the Gatorade bottle that appeared to have a syringe inside
  • Show that the pieces of garbage bag recovered with the remains are chemically consistent with those taken from the Anthony home.
  • Show that dirt found in the Pontiac trunk is consistent with dirt from the Anthony back yard, but inconsistent with dirt at the remains location
  • Show that dirt at the remains location is consistent with dirt found on one pair of boots recovered from the Pontiac as well as dirt recovered from underneath the Pontiac.
Probably a lot more I am missing.
On the 4/23 NG show they brought to light these three new experts that the SA's office has brought on. What do you think they are looking for? (Mods, feel free to merge if a thread is already been created for this - this is my first new thread!)

Some people have been quoting the ME as having said there was no trauma to the bones, but as I remember it, there was no ANTEmortem trauma to the bones; she never addressed any POSTmortem trauma. Could the vet be looking at teeth marks on the bones? Yorkie hair on the blanket or the duct tape?
The real puzzler is the weapons expert.

If LE things that KC cut the duct tape with a knife, I can understand the weapons expert, whomever this person is will be able to determine the angle of the cuts and from that determine what was used to cut the duct tape.

The Vet could be brought in for a lot of things, perhaps they found some animal waste at the scene and it contains Caylees DNA, a vet could be brought in to just say what type of animals feed on flesh, could also weigh in on how old a waste sample is, what animal the waste sample came from... lots of things...

There is a lot that the state of Florida hasn't/isn't going to release...
But these new experts shed some clues
When I initially heard about the testimony of these experts, I thought: vet-for dog hairs associated with the remains connecting back to the A's dogs and ONLY the A's dogs. No invisi-nanny-doghair. Weapons expert-to determine that the knife found in the car was indeed used to cut the duct tape. However, several posters have mentioned the snake that was recovered at the scene and frozen for preservation, so now I am really wondering about that snake. Could it possibly contain some evidence that will lock in the timeframe of the remains being placed there? I certainly hope so. It has always seemed odd that they kept the snakes body just to prove it was there when RK's original calls were made. I would think a date-stamped picture would have sufficed. But, now......I wonder.
I remember watching another case on t.v. about the forensics on a garbage bag used to dump a body. It was fairly easy for them to prove that the bag came from the box inside of the house based on the pattern consistency as it is unique to each "run" of bags. They also said that the perforation at the end of each bag would be unique to that run as well. I think the bag will be very damaging to the defense if they are able to determine that it was from the same box in the A household. Kc should never have given Zanny that darn key to the house..
What hibernates in FL? Do our bears?

I truly LOVE this site! I'm learning so much because it makes me look up things. I live in Orlando and had no idea whether or not bears (or other animals) hibernate here. They actually do. According to this article... ... hibernating is "hard wired" into most species of animals. That's interesting and all but I'm not so sure that is why the SA has a vet on the witness list though. I tend to think it's more to do with the cadaver dogs. Maybe to testify that they can, in fact, distinguish human decomp from other decomp.
As discussed on another thread, the snake may have eaten some of the small animals that may have eaten some of the remains...

Would a vet use chloroform?

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