Trail to the Water & Cadaver dog hits

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~Respectfully Snipped~

"Dogs went to the pond first, then the outbuilding, then followed a route north of the home (assuming the long driveway), left onto Monroe left onto and around Buchanan Circle, right onto Monroe, pass-thru redacted, right onto Buffalo Bluff and ending at railroad."

Trailing dogs tracked blue route along Tyler St [but red=alternate route (btw Green La to Buffalo Bluffs) provided since this portion of dog route redacted so unconfirmed]. Yellow=RR track. Map courtesy JWG. (Area of dumpster cadaver dogs hit is pink rectangle outlined by deb.)

I still wonder if it is significant that the dogs traveled directly to the pond first. Keeping in mind the stretch of Tyler St. in blue is the same route which Haleigh traveled to and from bus, this would leave loop back to pond (and outbuilding), as well as Buchanan St. loop, for which to account.

I encourage anyone interested in this topic to read (or revisit) early Theories thread #1 (and #2) as there is very indepth discussion of this w some valuable contributions by JWG, txsleuth, pennsolveania and many others.


A little more clarification for the track route is noted in the original narrative before the portion was redacted:

Police initiateda track beginning at the back door and down a wooded path, as we travelled down the wooded path, we located what appeared to be asmall child's footprint in the dirt. It should be noted that Ronald said Haleigh's shoes were still located inside the residence. The track lead up to a small pond and then back to the railroad crossing. At the last residence on the right side of the Green Drive was a small building with a door which had been left open. I entered the building but found no one insire

The track then continued past the north residence, where police made a left turn on Monroe Avenue. We made another left onto Buchan Circle, which we followed in a loop back to Monroe Avenue. We then made a left onto Tyler Street, and travelled past 116 Tyler, which is a location where Misty stated she had walked with Haleigh in the past. We then made a right turn on BUffalo Bluff Road to the railroad crossing, where we found were forced to end the track, because the canonwas unable to follow it any further.
Very early in this case, I think I remember reading about Mistys' response
to the tracking dogs' trail. When questioned about the trail the dogs took concerning Haleigh, did she not say something to the effect of they had all gone for a walk sometime that afternoon? And that was also one of the explanations she used for the childs' footprint in the dirt found on the wooded trail? I'll have to go back and search for this info now. Does anyone recall this "walk" talk from Misty? Please help... my brain is going in circles!

Rick Ryan of PCSO discussed the trail being a path Misty and the kids had taken a walk on. He was kinda vague but maybe the reporters' questions will help. It was in a presser the day before TES search, I think. [Sorry I can't link - my computer is just barely hanging on right now.]

I saw it in the videos on if that helps at all.
The tracking dogs' route started at the back door, down the ramp and so on....but they (Ron & Misty) never used the back door? In earlier interviews Ron stated that door was bolted shut and never used, well, actually they changed it to rarely used, but either way....why were the dogs tracking Haleighs' scent out the back door if that door was never or rarely used?
Wouldn't the dogs have picked up the most recent scent? I am inclined to believe the dogs were tracking Haleigh. I don't think a perp would be thinking that far ahead and staging a fake trail for LE. Seems like they would be more concerned about being seen or focusing on the mission at hand. The only other option is like so many have suggested is; that was not Haleighs' blanket to begin with and the dogs were tracking someone elses' scent. At that, I ask: Why were they using the back door that is never used and why would they head immediately down to the pond?
wanted to post a little more info about the dogs and what kind of dogs were involved in the searches for Haleigh.,2933,501724,00.html

snip~We are learning that just a short time ago a cadaver dog hit on a dumpster near the home where Haleigh was last seen.

Haleigh, allegedly last seen Monday, February 9 at about 10:00 p.m. by Misty Croslin, the 17-year-old girlfriend of Haleigh's father. Joining us is WAWS reporter Leslie Coursey.

Leslie, first of all, where are you standing, because I know you are in close proximity to where all of the activity is?~

more~COURSEY: I do. About 3:00 today, three different cadaver dogs hit on the same exact dumpster. They do not know why the dogs hit on the dumpster. This area has been searched before, but this was the first time the dumpster was empty.

The emptied everything out. It took about two hours. And just a few minutes ago police came outside and said they found nothing. They found no evidence, no dead animals. They have no idea why these dogs hit on the dumpster. VAN SUSTEREN: Have there ever been cadaver dogs at that dumpster after February 9 other than today?

COURSEY: They have had canines out here and bloodhounds, but this is the first time they have had cadaver dogs out. There was seven dogs out today. There will be 12 dogs out tomorrow.

VAN SUSTEREN: I take it the dumpster has been dumped since February 9. Is that right?

COURSEY: No. This was the first time the dumpster was emptied. The area, this lot behind me, has been searched three or four times, police say. But they had bloodhounds out.
But they never got a hit on the dumpster. They said before tonight's there was really no reason to empty it. Tonight was the first time it was emptied.
Inside all they found was construction debris and leaves and branches, things like that.~ end

So that happened on February 27th, and we know from the interview that it was the first time cadaver dogs had been brought in. Bloodhounds were used to track Haleigh's scent and I think the dogs could have gotten a more accurate lead if LE would have left the blankets where they were instead of dragging them out the back door when they had no proof that Haleigh was even taken out the back door. jmo. Just because the door was propped open doesn't mean that was the way Haleigh was taken out of the trailer.
United States v. Sandra Marie Anderson and Cadaver Dogs on Trial.

While looking through my saved docs & screenshots, I came across this article that I had saved a while back. I wanted to post a link to it at the time of the decussion and controversary surrounding search volunteers w/dogs and so-called claims of search results/findings. For those who recall this story, like myself, it explains my skepticism at that time when it comes to such claims. The article is lengthy but it's an interesting read. It speaks of the 2003 Equusearch incident whereby one of their volunteer searchers by the name of Jim Carroll had been arrested in the past on child *advertiser censored* charges (See pg.23, c. background checks). In addition, it gives a lot of great information about how cadeaver dogs and their trainers work.

After they dumped all the trash and debris from the dumpster, did they have the cadaver dogs with them? That would make sense. After they laid out all the trash on the ground, then have the dogs go to work. I don't recall seeing any dogs there at all. I recall one officer saying the dog hit on one corner of the bin. Well after they emptied it, I would have like to see the dogs go back and sniff.

They had just makes sense. Maybe they didn't show that on TV.
After they dumped all the trash and debris from the dumpster, did they have the cadaver dogs with them? That would make sense. After they laid out all the trash on the ground, then have the dogs go to work. I don't recall seeing any dogs there at all. I recall one officer saying the dog hit on one corner of the bin. Well after they emptied it, I would have like to see the dogs go back and sniff.

They had just makes sense. Maybe they didn't show that on TV.

I've been watching a lot of "disappeared" cases on tv lately. They say they brought cadaver dogs to the scene, two weeks later, and they coudn't pick up the scent. What's wrong with this picture. Cadaver dogs pick up the scent of cadavers (dead bodies), they do NOT TRACK. I wish LE everywhere would get their terminology and their dogs straight - maybe things would go a wee bit better that way.

What "I" see in this case is one mistake (bedding thrown on ramp) after the other - letting Ron and Misty get away with shifting, changing stories. I also see TN and Grandma S claiming things that cannot be proven. I see lots of alibis that cannot be proven. I see NO information from LE and I see revolving doors for all sorts of perps, especially drug related.

I can only conclude there is something WRONG here, very WRONG here. I cannot presume to say there is corruption, nor can I presume to say there is favoritism/breaks given to snitches. I do, however, WONDER about this, and WONDER very hard. Is there an agency that oversees police/sheriff departments all over the country? If not, why not? I believe this may be a necessity and I would gladly pay my tax dollars to be sure law enforcement is made to toe the line.

'Course this is my opinion only and I have the utmost respet for LE in Phoenix. Some LE do, and some do not, sadly.
I really think that this is like a key piece in the investigation. IDK why but I just do. If she went missing because of a drug deal gone wrong or something drug related then who is to say that Misty didn't take her out the back door when Junior was sleeping and up to those railroad tracks to a waiting car. Does anyone have any pictures of these rail road tracks? Can you get to the high way from them? I mean could a car be parked there? Remember Ronald said that Haleigh would never go with a stranger and that she was scared of the dark? Her scent was traced to the rail road tracks and stopped at the end of them. I really don't think that Misty is smart enough to hide a body and cover anything up and plus she didn't even have a vehicle so in my opinion if Haleigh were dead then I would think her body would be pretty close by. I think she had help or this has to do with drugs and dealing them. I mean who is to say she didn't have a drug deal or pawned Haleigh off and took her out that back door and that the dealing took place at the rail road tracks?

As for Ron's involvement in this whole thing. I don't think he did anything to Haleigh but if her disappearance has anything to do with drugs then I can't help but wonder if he knows what happened but is covering his own *advertiser censored*. I mean he is DEALING drugs WITH Misty and that is not good. If they were doing it together and then Haleigh went missing because of a drug deal gone wrong it would make sense if Ron wanted to cover his own butt too.

Here is some info about the scent leading to the rail road tracks. I would like to know everyone's thoughts on this. I just have had this feeling that this is a key to the case:


A canine officer followed a track that lead directly out the back door of the home and down a wooded path.

Deputies found what appeared to be a small footprint in the dirt, but noted Haleigh's shoes were still inside her home.

The tracking dog led deputies to a pond and back to Green Drive, Haleigh's street. Deputies looked inside a small building with a door that had been left open. Nothing was inside.

The track continued north past Haleigh's home down Monroe Avenue and onto Buchan Circle, which looped back to Monroe Avenue. The canine officer continued to track down Buffalo Bluff Road but lost the track at the railroad crossing.
The Railroad Crossing is where Haleigh would be to catch the bus, and then be dropped off.
The Railroad Crossing is where Haleigh would be to catch the bus, and then be dropped off.

Oh well then I could be wrong then. I thought it was like led like a down a trail and out behind her house or something. Well then that would explain why her scent was there.
Here is a map of one track the dogs took. i know LE used several dogs....bloodhounds, article, different times early on in the search.

There is a map here: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #12

showing where the original bloodhounds tracked out the back door. remember that the blankets where the "scent" article and they were dragged out onto the ramp.
Not brilliant in my opinion.....just because the door was propped open doesn't mean that was where Haleigh was taken out....unless they thought she walked on her own.:waitasec:

I never understood why they started at the back did they know for certain who went out that door? Also, there was initially a track down to the eye witness recalled the beeline they made for the water. I will see if I can find that for you.
this is from the link you posted elle about 1/2 the way down:

Early Tuesday morning, searchers worked the St. Johns River and the wooded area around neighborhoods off Buffalo Bluff Road.

Authorities said they searched roughly 100 houses of those who would allow them entry.

Seriously....why wouldn't you allow entry, this is a very important case, here is a quick example of what i'm saying, my son's friend broke into a house, a detective came to my home and spoke to my son, now he is 15 and he had a joint in his room on his coffee table, (I didn't find out until after ) and he was really scared about the joint the detective told him, don't worry, its not smart but that is not why I am here, I don't care about that. Most LE would do this, no?

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