Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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Last of chronology:

5/22 JA writes in her journal (almost certainly after the murder) that she’s happy because she just got her new phone. (not positive this is correct date. Does anyone know when she reported Helio “stolen

5/18/08 - Helio stolen according to Jodi's journal entry.

5/22/08 - Jodi receives her new phone according to her journal entry.
I know this is the Travis's journal thread - but is there a way to compare Jodi's journal entries to Travis's?
Do they match up with what each other were saying/doing.
I'm most interested in the ring issue - in one of the closed threads, someone posted Jodi writing "I got my ring" and the date when it was written.
I can't find it now, and I'm wondering if it's the same time when Travis says his ring and journals were stolen.

btw - :tyou: for taking the time to gather all this info - appreciate your time and efforts!

p.s. I'll keep looking for that post I'm thinking of - had good info.

It might be important to revisit Jodi's early conversation with Det. Flores. (A 2008 calendar is linked below for reference to the actual day/dates she would be referring to). Then we should try to match that up to what the diary entries for both Jodi and Travis are saying to see what, if anything, was significant or stands out.

During Detective Flores 7-15-08 interview with Jodi after her arrest:

DF: What was the purpose of the visit, the same as before?
JA: I’m just starting to remember. I’m just trying to remember that week, that whole week, and the week prior had a lot to do with it… the weekend or Friday night prior, I think.

From Jodi's statement, and going backwards from the date of the murder:

Wednesday, 6-4-08 - Travis murdered

The weekend before the murder:
Sunday, 6-1-08
Saturday, 5-31-08
Friday, 5-30-08 - "The Friday before..."

Thursday, 5-29-08
Wednesday, 5-28-08 - This date - through 6-4-08 (murder) starts Jodi's: "The week prior had a lot to do with it..."

2008 May/June Calendar Link:

AND what she told Paul S. (borrowed money) about why she was going to Arizona.

PINSKY: I see. And you actually loaned her the money that ended up on the trip where she actually killed Travis?
STERN: Well, the day before she left, she was pretty frantic that she had to go back and see Travis, and she talked about how he was seeing other people and she asked to borrow money and I gave her money.
5/18/08 - Helio stolen according to Jodi's journal entry.

5/22/08 - Jodi receives her new phone according to her journal entry.

First, THANK YOU Hope for compiling this.

A couple of things of note: JA 'loses' her phone on 5-18. Here's what TA is noting in his journal at this same time:

TA Journal: "The weekend (ADD: May 17/18) was one of the worst ever. My own fault, same as the week. (ADD: Week of May 10-May 17)"

On 5-19 he texts Tyler saying he wants Lisa back

On 5-21, he writes: TA Journal: "Well I’m freaking out right now, I’m calling Lisa in about 10 minutes to try and clear the air so of speak."

IMO, JA had let him know that their "scandalous" phone sex had been recorded and now "someone" had the recording and 'Oh my I hope that someone doesn't send it to any of the contacts on my phone'

Also: May 26 in 2008 was Memorial Day. TA makes no mention in his journal about the infamous exchange with JA. On May 27, he wrote: "Memorial Day (ADD: May 26th) I was bored. I didn’t do much. I just stayed up all night and wrote. But it feels good. I’m getting stuff done. I will continue to. I’m out."
First, THANK YOU Hope for compiling this.

A couple of things of note: JA 'loses' her phone on 5-18. Here's what TA is noting in his journal at this same time:

TA Journal: "The weekend (ADD: May 17/18) was one of the worst ever. My own fault, same as the week is there a word/words missing here... "same as the week before ?...". (ADD: Week of May 10-May 17)"

My question above in red bold font. Thanks!
My question above in red bold font. Thanks!

I compiled a very similar timeline using a variety of sources. TA's journal material (in my list) comes from the Audacity site. And there is no "before." Just 'weekend bad; same as the week.'

This whole time period is intense for TA.

On May 15, an unidentified caller left a VM for TA (source is, I think, Paul Sanders FB site):

VM to TA from un-ID caller) Hey dude, I just got your message. I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine how upset you probably are right now . I’m so sorry. But … I have to go to work right now, but I’m driving to work, so if you can call me back real quick we can talk for a little bit until I, I get to work … I’m sorry but I don’t have a lot of time but, dude, I’m so sorry. And it’s gonna be okay though, all right? It’s gonna be okay and you’ll get through this and it’s gonna be fine. So just give me a call if your and I’ll talk to you later. Bye.

5-16 JA writes her "recognize me" message; that same day TA's journal says 'Mimi just wants to be friends.'

5-18 JA loses phone; same day TA writes 'worst weekend ever, same as the week.'
Sorry- I'd rather be here but have been dealing with a half foot of snow, and ice on the way. BBL
Last of chronology:


5/10 Date with Mimi. Phone sex tape allegedly recorded, Travis very sleepy during call (at night…when did his date with Mimi end? )


Could someone please check Travis' journal entry to clarify/confirm the actual day/date he went on his date with Mimi? (whoever can visually check out Travis' diary entry for that day/date)

Did he write this on 5/7 or was it noted in his diary on 5/9?

Whichever date it was, Travis notes that he has a date with Mimi "tomorrow".

If Travis noted this on 5/7, then his date with Mimi would have been the next day, 5/8/08 on a Thursday night.

If Travis noted this on 5/9, then his date with Mimi would be as noted above, the next day, Saturday, 5/10 - the same date as the alleged date of the sex tape.

(FWIW - I had in my notes that his date with Mimi was on 5/8 - which is why I am asking. 5/10 makes more sense since it is a date on a Saturday night.)


Could someone please check Travis' journal entry to clarify/confirm the actual day/date he went on his date with Mimi? (whoever can visually check out Travis' diary entry for that day/date)

Did he write this on 5/7 or was it noted in his diary on 5/9?

Whichever date it was, Travis notes that he has a date with Mimi "tomorrow".

If Travis noted this on 5/7, then his date with Mimi would have been the next day, 5/8/08 on a Thursday night.

If Travis noted this on 5/9, then his date with Mimi would be as noted above, the next day, Saturday, 5/10 - the same date as the alleged date of the sex tape.

(FWIW - I had in my notes that his date with Mimi was on 5/8 - which is why I am asking. 5/10 makes more sense since it is a date on a Saturday night.)


The version of TA's journal that I found indicates he referenced 'tomorrow's' date with Mimi on 5-9; the version I'm using, however, is transcribed from the originals. I noticed, for instance, that Hope's list shows TA's entry about MH being "just a friend" happened 5-15. The versions I used show he noted that on 5-16. If anyone has access to BK's site, a double check against the originals might be more accurate than my source.

Could someone please check Travis' journal entry to clarify/confirm the actual day/date he went on his date with Mimi? (whoever can visually check out Travis' diary entry for that day/date)

Did he write this on 5/7 or was it noted in his diary on 5/9?

Whichever date it was, Travis notes that he has a date with Mimi "tomorrow".

If Travis noted this on 5/7, then his date with Mimi would have been the next day, 5/8/08 on a Thursday night.

If Travis noted this on 5/9, then his date with Mimi would be as noted above, the next day, Saturday, 5/10 - the same date as the alleged date of the sex tape.

(FWIW - I had in my notes that his date with Mimi was on 5/8 - which is why I am asking. 5/10 makes more sense since it is a date on a Saturday night.)


The version of TA's journal that I found indicates he referenced 'tomorrow's' date with Mimi on 5-9; the version I'm using, however, is transcribed from the originals. I noticed, for instance, that Hope's list shows TA's entry about MH being "just a friend" happened 5-15. The versions I used show he noted that on 5-16. If anyone has access to BK's site, a double check against the originals might be more accurate than my source.

Exactly! I had previously print screened that entry of Travis but my source is missing. Since I'm not sure where it originated from (BK's site? or others who have posted snippets of Travis' journal), I am reluctant to repost out of respect for those who pay, etc.

Besides, I can't tell whether it is a "7" or a "9" the way Travis wrote it (5/7 vs 5/9).

I was hoping someone who had access to the original diary entry or a better quality copy could help nail the exact date time.

Thanks for all your help!
I can't tell whether it is a "7" or a "9" the way Travis wrote it (5/7 vs 5/9).

There is a small loop in the number, so going off of Travis's usual handwriting style, I believe it's supposed to be a 9.

This information is very interesting - thanks for posting!

Even though it is a bit jumbled up, these texts/chats/etc paint a very clear picture of Jodi's pathology. Travis was on to her and by May 2008, she realized she had finally crossed the line one too many times with him. She knew that if he told everyone all these details, she would be completely exposed for the sociopath she is AND she would lose this target-rich environment to find new men. She would be banished back to Yreka to live with her grandparents, alone.

I think the root of her rage toward him was the threat of being exposed. I think being rejected by him was secondary. Because if he simply rejected her, she could potentially still have the Mormon social network to find a new man. But if he exposed her, she would lose that network, and that Mormon social network was her lifeline to escaping her life of financial struggle, lack of status, etc.

In 2000, 46.5% of Yreka' s population were 47 years or older.
For every 100 females 18 years or older, there were 84.5 men,_California

Her prospects for a partner were probably pretty low in Yreka.
I compiled a very similar timeline using a variety of sources. TA's journal material (in my list) comes from the Audacity site. And there is no "before." Just 'weekend bad; same as the week.'

This whole time period is intense for TA.

On May 15, an unidentified caller left a VM for TA (source is, I think, Paul Sanders FB site):

VM to TA from un-ID caller) Hey dude, I just got your message. I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine how upset you probably are right now . I’m so sorry. But … I have to go to work right now, but I’m driving to work, so if you can call me back real quick we can talk for a little bit until I, I get to work … I’m sorry but I don’t have a lot of time but, dude, I’m so sorry. And it’s gonna be okay though, all right? It’s gonna be okay and you’ll get through this and it’s gonna be fine. So just give me a call if your and I’ll talk to you later. Bye.

5-16 JA writes her "recognize me" message; that same day TA's journal says 'Mimi just wants to be friends.'

5-18 JA loses phone; same day TA writes 'worst weekend ever, same as the week.'
What is the 'recognize me' message?
Thanks all contributing here. Awesome job!!!!
I think that is where JA wanted Travis to acknowledge her editing contribution for his book.
I know it had something to do with that, but I was hoping someone could post it in its entirety. I should've been more specific but I am severely sleep deprived :bored:
If that's the day she picked up the UHaul, April 18th, might he be referring to lending her the BMW, travel money and time loading her 'stuff'?

As an aside, this heavy sarcasm shows me she was never afraid of him, physically or emotionally:

4/8 Text, TA to JA:

TA: 6:27 Thanks a lot for having me sign that drawing in ink and then deciding you were going to leave it. If its not one thing, its another. Always drama.
JA: 6:43 Hmm. Doesn’t sound like it’s me being dramatic dear. Call me ASAP.

Thanks so much for compiling all this, Hope. I so appreciate it.

I thought she left Mesa the first week in April?
In 2000, 46.5% of Yreka' s population were 47 years or older.
For every 100 females 18 years or older, there were 84.5 men,_California

Her prospects for a partner were probably pretty low in Yreka.

She didn't need to be in Yreka, though. She could have gone to live in SLC? Boise? Anywhere with a whole bunch of Mormons if she wanted to marry a Mormon. All she had to do was to quit spending her money on frivolities until she could scrape up enough to get out of town. Heck , it was summer. She could have lived in her car for a while.
Here's my quick theory. I've been reading BK's site, etc.

-Darryl Brewer breaks up with Jodi (Dr D testimony )
- Darryl Brewer moves with his son and rejects Jodi's advances, calling her whiny, says she's acting like a little girl (Dr D testimony )
-House is foreclosed
-All the drama with the Hughes happens, Jodi kicks the spying into high gear
- Jodi goes to Niagra Falls, "huge Mormon proposal site" with Travis, doesn't get a marriage proposal. (Jodi's journal )
-Jodi learns Travis is "cheating " on her, laments in journal that all her boyfriends but Darryl cheat (journal)
- Jodi ends up in Mesa. Taylor S says Travis complained about it. Roommate says Travis and she argued. (Dr D testimony )
- They allegedly had sex and stuff. Tootsie pops, he bought her food. She cleaned his house (journal, etc )
-They begin arguing over money in Feb - March 2007 (texts)
-Jodi has borrowed a lot of money from Travis. He's paying her to basically clean his house and sleep with him. He is feeding her. (Journal )
- Travis begins dating other girls. Tires get slashed, emails are dropped. Lisa dumps him. Jodi writes that Travis is calling her "Deanna". (Journal, testimony )
-Things go missing from Travis's house. (Journal)
-Travis tells Jodi to pay him back. Threatens to tell the truth about her to people (texts)
- Jodi breaks the car and moves to CA

And this is where I'm fuzzy.
I think that is where JA wanted Travis to acknowledge her editing contribution for his book.

JA's entire email of May 16 is on Court Chatter:

Here is a boiled-down, edited (by me) version:

E-mail from Jodi &#8216;CRYING&#8221; for recognition in his book; ragging on this relationship with Deanna; begging for recognition as his girlfriend: &#8220;But my cry for a little recognition comes from a place within me that feels it was never adequately gratified in that it thirsted to be validated not just as some girl friend that you associated with, but as your girlfriend.&#8221;

Don&#8217;t want to mention my name &#8220;because of the unwelcome crap and comments you receive by your friends, Chris and Sky Hughes.&#8221;

&#8220;When you are scrutinized, criticized and questioned about being my friend that&#8217;s one thing. It hurts us both, yes, but it is easily rectified by standing strong and firm in defense of our friendship. You've done that plenty of times. Even perhaps when I was undeserving of such defense. But when you have to censor our friendship for fear of the criticism you will receive as a result of it, then it becomes awkwardly and embarrassingly apparent that something is not right, especially when all it is, is a friendship. A friendship. We&#8217;re not secret lovers. It&#8217;s a friendship.&#8221;

Using the &#8220;proverbial scissors, cutting the proverbial strings of our friend ship. We remain friends only now because of our free will to do so, not because we feel as though we still tied to each other and have to because of some imagined obligation or nicety.&#8221;

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