Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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I compiled a very similar timeline using a variety of sources. TA's journal material (in my list) comes from the Audacity site. And there is no "before." Just 'weekend bad; same as the week.'

This whole time period is intense for TA.

On May 15, an unidentified caller left a VM for TA (source is, I think, Paul Sanders FB site):

VM to TA from un-ID caller) Hey dude, I just got your message. I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine how upset you probably are right now . I’m so sorry. But … I have to go to work right now, but I’m driving to work, so if you can call me back real quick we can talk for a little bit until I, I get to work … I’m sorry but I don’t have a lot of time but, dude, I’m so sorry. And it’s gonna be okay though, all right? It’s gonna be okay and you’ll get through this and it’s gonna be fine. So just give me a call if your and I’ll talk to you later. Bye.

5-16 JA writes her "recognize me" message; that same day TA's journal says 'Mimi just wants to be friends.'

5-18 JA loses phone; same day TA writes 'worst weekend ever, same as the week.'

After the first time I read the transcript of this voicemail from the unidentified male, I wondered who that could have been. It had to be someone he knew more than casually or TA wouldn't have told him how freaked out/upset he was. This has only ever been released as a transcript (I think) so unless this person is following the case in extreme detail like some of us, he may not even be aware that the VM was still on the phone. If only it could be played, that person may recognize his own voice. Then, he could say for sure what TA had confided in him about. It makes sense it was just that Mimi only wanted to be friends, but even so it would be great to confirm that.
She didn't need to be in Yreka, though. She could have gone to live in SLC? Boise? Anywhere with a whole bunch of Mormons if she wanted to marry a Mormon. All she had to do was to quit spending her money on frivolities until she could scrape up enough to get out of town. Heck , it was summer. She could have lived in her car for a while.

She lined up Ryan Burns before she left Mesa; went to a PPL convention in March, made sure she selected from the high earner ring category, and immediately began working Ryan.

She had no intention of remaining in Yreka, waiting tables and mooching off grandma and grandpop.
After the first time I read the transcript of this voicemail from the unidentified male, I wondered who that could have been. It had to be someone he knew more than casually or TA wouldn't have told him how freaked out/upset he was. This has only ever been released as a transcript (I think) so unless this person is following the case in extreme detail like some of us, he may not even be aware that the VM was still on the phone. If only it could be played, that person may recognize his own voice. Then, he could say for sure what TA had confided in him about. It makes sense it was just that Mimi only wanted to be friends, but even so it would be great to confirm that.

I'm almost certain the call was about Mimi. TA's journal understates how upset he was; friends say he was devastated. Guessing it was less about Mimi per se than the fact his ward "deadline" was now a few months away and he was having to start from scratch looking for a wife.

The most likely caller was either Taylor Searle (my guess) or Zach Billings.
My guess? Around the beginning of April, when she and Travis really begin arguing. They're arguing about her hacking, her owing him money. But we don't see everything from her. There are emails etc that are missing. She could have sent them from the phone. Do helios have their own email address, like a blackberry or iphone? If so then that explains why we are missing pieces.

TA and JA phone/text/chat correspondence totals over 80,000. Far less than 1% of that has ever been entered into evidence. We're not working with very much to put the pieces together with, which is why I think Travis' journal is so important.
I wonder when Gus had told her he happened to have an extra phone, or if it was even "extra". (I have always thought the guy went out and got it in order to try to impress JA about how much $ he had) I am sure he knew her previous relationship had been with an older guy (DB) so for him to think he could get this hot girl wasn't totally out of the realm of possibility. We all know that JA was so obsessed with TA she wouldn't have "lost" her phone without knowing for positive she would be able to replace it.

I don't believe for a second that she accidentally dropped her phone into a cup of cocoa in the UHaul. What a typical BS JA embellished lie story. She still had her old phone, she just wanted the Helio and wheedled one out of Gus.
According to the Audacity site from which I'm sourcing (transcribed) TA journal entries, TA says, “Mimi called me and gave me the let’s be friends talk. Darn it, darn it.”

IMO, JA had no idea this TA/MH "just friends" talk had happened.

I think JA knew. TA was confiding in Taylor Searle and Regan Housley regularly, online and by phone, and JA was hacking in.
ITA. JA sends another "break up" email to TA May 22, at least according to her journal: Claims she had “the talk” with TA; talks, in her journal, about the stolen phone, hoping no one finds the “scandalous” text (my ADD: that SHE wrote) + phone sex recording.

And you're bang on ... In spite of saying, "I'm gone now," she continued to find reasons to keep calling and manipulating

IMO, she wrote or rewrote her journals after the murder- at least from April 2008 and on. The May 22 entry is absolutely fake.
I wonder sometimes if she had cloned his phone? She always just seemed to know so much about his life.

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I know this has been asked and answered elsewhere here on WS ... but what day did JA FINALLY get her sorry a$$ out of Mesa? (BBM) I'm assuming from the communications/journals it was April 7th?

If that's the correct date, what's interesting is that JA left TA with some kind of "bomb" as hauled her carcass into the sunset. Possibly the reason for TA's (reported) double-fingered salute as she drove away?

April 7th, Text message from TA to JA
He calls her out on imaginary friends knowing details about his life. Threatens to tell everybody about “all the crazy things you have done.”

By 7:52 pm that same day, they text back and forth pleasantly, JA is at her sister’s on her way Yreka, according to

4-07-2008 TEXT SESSION 7:52 pm
TA is texting Where are you? She says staying with her sister… It was a pleasant conversation back and forth. Ended with “enjoy yourself; will do.”

Hope reports JA left Mesa on April 8th (post #5 in this forum):
4/7 Text, TA to JA:
Don’t call. Don’t text me anything. The next text I want is this Michelle K that is friends with Elena that nobody knows but who knows details about my life. Not one other thing ever. (You have 15 minutes to reply) but you won’t Why. Because it’s a F’ing lie. So either tell me the truth or give me your imaginary friend with the worst BS story you have ever told or leave me alone. It’s a lie like no other.

5:27 You have screwed up your story so bad you can’t mend it. You have til tomorrow (to tell me) this person’s information before I tell the Hughes, Leslie Udy, the Freemans, your parents, and anyone that matters about all the crazy things you’ve done.

4/8 JA leaves Mesa. Says she accidentally destroyed her Motorola Razr phone in the UHaul, by dropping it in hot cocoa. Picks up the Helio phone from Gus on way back to Yreka.

April 8 (source is Audacity transcription)
TA Journal: “I want a girlfriend that has the potential to marry. Now that Jodi is gone and Deanna is moving, space is created, less drama can ensue. I miss Lisa."

I didn't ask this very clearly ... It seems JA left Mesa either April 7 or April 8. Does anyone know which date is correct? BBM (Not that it matters that much, but ... I'm a little OCD).

April 8. I don't believe the "pleasant conversation" texts are genuine. In her guilt phase testimony JA was anxious to explain away and disguise how bad the April 7th fight was. It was bad.

Travis did not text her to say pleasant things shortly afterward, IMO. Just don't see it. Look at both April 7 and April 8th texts and see what sense pleasant in between makes...
The other piece I find weird about all this early April stuff.... Didn't JA claim she was staying at Travis' that whole first week? She is clearly not, since you can tell from these texts that they are not getting together.

Doesn't Jodi's sister live in Northern California? Maybe Redding? There's not a snowball's chance in hell Jodi's getting there by 8 pm.

Especially since she went to SoCA first, to Gus, to get the Helio. And wherever else she went along the way....(Matt?)
Im sorry, I am not really watching this because I just can't stand what is going on.
But were these messages admitted in this round? Please tell me yes. It so shows who she really is and that HE knew that she was dangerous and crazy.

A great deal more of the May 26 text was admitted this time. Most everything else posted here was not. Perhaps the May recognize me email from JA? But not even sure about that.

If Paul Sanders is correct though, it sounds like the jury might have access to all of her guilt phase testimony, which included most of what's here.
A few questions..

After Travis was murdered, who had his journals? In the house and taken by PD, the felonn, or Hughes? I Thought I read Hughes had them but how did they get them if this was a crime scene?

Who has the journals now?

have all the journals been released?

Were all the journals found?

Times don't line up on the text messages and phone calls. Are you trying to line them up with journal entries?

Is there any other place to read the journal entries besides BK site?


I remember as you do- that the Hughes ended up with T's journals. I have no idea how that happened if so. I think JA stole just that one of T's journals.

T said it covered his time with Lisa, so it could have been everything he wrote from July 2007- March 2008. Not coincidentally, the exact timespan minus a few weeks that JA spent in Mesa. No coincidence there.
I wonder sometimes if she had cloned his phone? She always just seemed to know so much about his life.

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On my computer (a 2007 model), all I have to do is to got to system preferences and click click click, the computer can be logged into and controlled from a remote location. No special software needed, no IT guru waiting in the wings. She coulda cloned TA's entire hard drive!
On my computer (a 2007 model), all I have to do is to got to system preferences and click click click, the computer can be logged into and controlled from a remote location. No special software needed, no IT guru waiting in the wings. She coulda cloned TA's entire hard drive!

Wow. It would be that easy? What a horrible thought, that she might have had access to everything.

Travis did have at least 2 computers he used, right? I wonder if one was PPL dedicated? Not the Toshiba? Thinking about what access she might have had to his bank accounts and to his PPL accounting.
She was obsessed with him and quite deluded. This email is a very desperate attempt to latch on when the relationship (such that it was or wasn't) was clearly over. If I remember correctly, Travis hated this email, could make no sense of it, and told her so.

No wonder he hated it. It was so , so twisted. Intended to make him feel guilty for a long list of JA- perceived offenses, all the while using sugary praise of him to mask that intent.
Hope - thanks so much for taking the time, your effort, your energy, and your passion to share this information with all of us! This was a major time commitment and you are truly appreciated!

Wenwe- You posted great summaries in the timeline of JA's testimony related to these dates/events. May I cut and paste to here whatever is relevant?
I'm in the midst of reading the journals. They aren't loading properly (sent a ticket, just saying btw the techs on the BK site are very nice and prompt. Can they work everywhere?!) I am basing my theory on testimony, journal, and text, but mainly Dr. Demarte's testimony and the journals.

Are the Jodi journals faked? I've always thought some were..... rewritten. The parts that jump out to me include a time in 2007-2008 where she's in Mesa and it goes from randomly she did this and that to "Travis made me tear a page out of this journal where I wrote the terrible things he said to me." There's the whole "I think Mimi is the one for him." entry. But one that's missed is an entry where she says she's praying for Deanna Reid. Now did she fake this before or after the murder? She starts by saying she woke up and decided to pray for Deanna. Travis has been calling her Deanna, but Jodi shall take the high road and consider that a compliment. And pray for Deanna Reid. If it were real, wouldn't that be a "bombshell" (quote Nancy Grace) moment? They had Deanna Reid on the stand twice, yet the defense didn't use that entry? Because imo Nurmi might be Nurmi, but he's not a total idiot. He knows it's fake imo.
It seems crystal clear to me that Travis hated Jodi but simply couldn't get rid of her. Some of that was his own fault because he did like the sex with her. That's obvious and the poor guy just couldn't completely cut the cord. He seems so happy that she moved away.

It breaks my heart seeing him wondering where the ring was, where his journals were, the tire slashing. This was all the result of evil Jodi and Travis knew it. It's also so sad seeing him pine for Lisa. He truly cared for her and had real feelings. Jodi was the reason why he messed things up with Lisa and it's so sad to think that if Jodi wouldn't have existed, Travis and Lisa might even be married right now. It's sad. Jodi Arias is one evil witch.
Jodi makes clear Travis never thought of or called her his girlfriend. Wow!

She also says they're not secret lovers. Well, there goes Fonseca's slime highway "dirty little secret".

Then there is way too much "both" and the overemphasis on the ties which bind them together, which also obviously don't exist chez Travis, since she can't seem to "knock" them into him.

I find most of this email unreadable. There is something terribly wrong with Jodi's head. I know she thinks it all says something, but it doesn't. It all winds around and around and around. She's evidently trying to persuade Travis about a variety of things, but how could anyone possibly be persuaded by this gobbledygook? Maybe she's on something?

Part of the problem, I think, is that Jodi is trying to argue abstracts and messes with semantics when, really, she isn't up to it. Maybe she has a slightly above average vocabulary (I'm not convinced it isn't just a "cut and paste" vocabulary and not real fluency), but her thinking skills aren't up to it. There are words, but zero sense!

At the same time, this verbosity is evidence of her sense of superiority: if Travis says he doesn't understand any of this, she will almost certainly cast him as stupid. Manipulation, manipulation..... Toss that in with her jabs at Deanna, which are almost certain to have risen Travis' hackles...

I'm not sure whether this kind of navel-gazing Jodi does has a psychological diagnosis attached to it, but it wouldn't surprise me. Narcissism in the extreme, but there must some other psychopathology going on here?

Excellent post! You described perfectly the thoughts I had from this letter & several things thru these years along with her tweets & blog postings to her supporters. But recently the chambers meeting trying to convince the judge why she doesn't want the public to have access to her testimony! It's the same exact manipulation that you're describing in this letter. When I read that chambers meeting, I was thinking, this was so important to her & she was saying nothing. Insert Judge S. name for Travis here - " She's evidently trying to persuade Travis (Judge Stevens) about a variety of things, but how could anyone possibly be persuaded by this gobbledygook?"
See what I mean? That email was from 2008 and now 2014 with the judge, it's the same thing. She can't be changed.
If she went back and forth erasing emails, text messages, journal entries and such, and then doctoring the last month of her own journals, we really don't know how long she was in the planning stages of murdering Travis. I fear it was long before April of 2008. Maybe she decided early on (2007?)
yes, she did have that terrible journal entry back then about "cutting it off at the source", make it dead. Remember? Then the whole period about 'her dark thoughts'.

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