Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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I have to wonder how big of a part Cancun played. Would she have still killed him had he invited her instead of Mimi? Or would she have killed him knowing Mimi didn't have romantic feelings for Travis?
I have to wonder how big of a part Cancun played. Would she have still killed him had he invited her instead of Mimi? Or would she have killed him knowing Mimi didn't have romantic feelings for Travis?
If she had her passport with her when she left for her roadtrip that would certainly give us some indication of her plans. I dont think that topic was ever brought up in court. I know traveling to Mexico by Air requires a passport.
Last of chronology:

5/10 GChat fight about Steve Carroll. JA “accidentally” sends Travis a copy of an email to Steve Carroll (not sure if he was even a real person). In it JA tells Steve her ex-boyfriend has her passwords. Travis once again calls her out, tells her she’s paranoid about privacv because she’s the one who is constantly invading his. Tells her- why don’t you have him tie you up to a tree and bleep you.

5/10 Date with Mimi. Phone sex tape allegedly recorded, Travis very sleepy during call (at night…when did his date with Mimi end? )

5/13 TA journal: Mimi was cordial, Lisa ignored me (at FHE). Met (a woman online). I am very intrigued.” Really, how can I not be? It’s better to trust too much than not enough. So the plot thickens as I run the blind race to the altar.”

5/15 Mimi tells Travis she just wants to be friends. Mentions to him when asked that she didn’t receive an email he sent her.

5/15 TA journal: writes of Mimi telling him let’s be friends.” Darn it. Darn it. What can a brother do?” I did the best I could….but nerves were my enemy. “Anyhow I am bummed but at least I can move on. “Unproductive week. Too much website obsession.”

5/16 JA sends TA the twisted “I just wanted to be recognized as your girlfriend” email

5/17 TA posts on his blog “Why I want to Marry a Golddigger.”

5/20 Travis journal entry: Thinking of Lisa. I miss her. I still love her. Mimi (took my mind off things) but it didn’t change my feelings about Lisa. “I thought by now I’d be over them, but I’m not.”

5/21 Travis journal entry: Freaking out right now. I’m calling Lisa in about 10 minutes. I doubt she’ll answer but that’s ok, I just hope we get to talk.

5/22 Travis journal entry:” Lisa has not called back. I am broken up. I made some big mistakes and I am paying for them now. I guess we are all our own worst enemies. It’s rough.”

5/22 JA writes in her journal (almost certainly after the murder) that she’s happy because she just got her new phone. (not positive this is correct date. Does anyone know when she reported Helio “stolen?”

5/23 Travis journal entry: No Lisa. I will call her. It’s gonna happen. Besides that yesterday was kinda lame. I’ve made a mistake as I often do and no doubt I’ll do it again. I can’t come to terms for the decisions I’ve made (that led to) the loss of my closest friend.

Long poem in entry ends with…”so let me tell you my friend this life has an end, and tomorrow is a day closer to that time.”

5/24 (From 5/29 TA Journal entry): Travis meets “cutie-pie” Brooke Rogers at UTC.

5/25 (From 5/29 TA journal entry): Travis sees Brooke at church, Brooke friends him on FB , they start sending each other FB “email flirts”

5/26 Extended text fight

5/27 Pop-up on Travis’ HD warning of attack attempt, Internet Explorer stops working, Travis installs Spybot

BBM Who is the "closest friend" whom TA is referring to here?
April 8. I don't believe the "pleasant conversation" texts are genuine. In her guilt phase testimony JA was anxious to explain away and disguise how bad the April 7th fight was. It was bad.

Travis did not text her to say pleasant things shortly afterward, IMO. Just don't see it. Look at both April 7 and April 8th texts and see what sense pleasant in between makes...

Thanks for clearing up her exit date. And, you're right. That pleasant text is phoney baloney.
The other piece I find weird about all this early April stuff.... Didn't JA claim she was staying at Travis' that whole first week? She is clearly not, since you can tell from these texts that they are not getting together.

Doesn't Jodi's sister live in Northern California? Maybe Redding? There's not a snowball's chance in hell Jodi's getting there by 8 pm.

This was originally posted by shadowboy. It takes awhile to read the whole thing, but it is really good.

By 7:52 pm that same day, they text back and forth pleasantly, JA is at her sister’s on her way Yreka, according to http://jodiariastrialtruth.blogspot....-messages.html
I don't think Cancun played that big of a role with Jodi. She clearly was spying on /stalking Travis, so she knew that Mimi and he were just friends. She knew that Lisa wasn't into him, and she probably knew about every other girl he had anything with. Or didnt. I think Jodi was planning this from the stages of Matt McCartney /Darryl Brewer. When Travis- and sadly it could have been any guy- did not instacommit and propose so that she could throw it in everyone's faces, that sealed his fate imo. Jodi never loved Matt, Darryl, Travis, Bobby, Ryan, nor Sam. She didn't even love the idea of being in love. She just loved the "power " you get when someone is in love with you. Except that's not power. She loved the chase, the drama, being the victim- but needed The Savior. So she changed and changed to pick up each guy. What did Travis do to anger her? He didn't fall for her tricks. He said no... just like the others. But Jodi couldn't take another rejection.
I don't think I'd ever put together how bad that whole month of May was for both of them. I think the fight on the 26th was really just an extension of the first one on the 7th. IMO, she knew after the 7th that she had lost him forever. She was gone, and she had no chance at getting him back. With him not having sex with her, she became more and more convinced that he would eventually tell all her secrets to everyone. So she begin planting proof of his/their secrets. I am convinced now that she was planning to murder him beginning around the early part of May.
I'm a member on BK's site but all I have found are a link for Travis' "writings" . I don't find anything indicating journal entries except for CMJA's. I guess I'm blind or have tunnel vision or something. :dunno: Anyone ? TIA
I remember as you do- that the Hughes ended up with T's journals. I have no idea how that happened if so. I think JA stole just that one of T's journals.

T said it covered his time with Lisa, so it could have been everything he wrote from July 2007- March 2008. Not coincidentally, the exact timespan minus a few weeks that JA spent in Mesa. No coincidence there.

Maybe there was an entry saying "If anything happens to me, Jodi did it." That would be a good reason to steal rather than just sneakily read the journal.

I'm a member on BK's site but all I have found are a link for Travis' "writings" . I don't find anything indicating journal entries except for CMJA's. I guess I'm blind or have tunnel vision or something. :dunno: Anyone ? TIA

I haven't been on there lately but IIRC one of the journals listed as "Jodi's" is really Travis's.
BBM Who is the "closest friend" whom TA is referring to here?

The only close friend that I have heard had a falling out with TA was Chris Hughes. I watched a show in ID the other day about TA & JA. Chris Hughes was on there saying that he and Travis had a falling out and didn't speak to each other for awhile because of Jodi. I don't remember hearing him say a specific timeline (I assumed it was earlier on) but he's the only one I could remember. I know Travis was scheduled to be a speaker on a conference call for Chris right about the time of the murder - could they have been only speaking on professional terms at that time?

Deanna didn't stop talking to him at any time did she?
After the first time I read the transcript of this voicemail from the unidentified male, I wondered who that could have been. It had to be someone he knew more than casually or TA wouldn't have told him how freaked out/upset he was. This has only ever been released as a transcript (I think) so unless this person is following the case in extreme detail like some of us, he may not even be aware that the VM was still on the phone. If only it could be played, that person may recognize his own voice. Then, he could say for sure what TA had confided in him about. It makes sense it was just that Mimi only wanted to be friends, but even so it would be great to confirm that.

If they have the VM, wouldn't they have been able to retrieve the phone number it came from? Surely, LE must have tracked this person down. We just may not be privy to that info.
Wow. It would be that easy? What a horrible thought, that she might have had access to everything.

Travis did have at least 2 computers he used, right? I wonder if one was PPL dedicated? Not the Toshiba? Thinking about what access she might have had to his bank accounts and to his PPL accounting.

...and I sure do hope LE checked these "preferences"...though I imagine that JA would be smart enough to change that prior to slaughtering Travis. Would "preferences" be a part of the computer's history?
JA's entire email of May 16 is on Court Chatter:

Here is a boiled-down, edited (by me) version:

E-mail from Jodi ‘CRYING” for recognition in his book; ragging on this relationship with Deanna; begging for recognition as his girlfriend: “But my cry for a little recognition comes from a place within me that feels it was never adequately gratified in that it thirsted to be validated not just as some girl friend that you associated with, but as your girlfriend.”

Don’t want to mention my name “because of the unwelcome crap and comments you receive by your friends, Chris and Sky Hughes.”

“When you are scrutinized, criticized and questioned about being my friend that’s one thing. It hurts us both, yes, but it is easily rectified by standing strong and firm in defense of our friendship. You've done that plenty of times. Even perhaps when I was undeserving of such defense. But when you have to censor our friendship for fear of the criticism you will receive as a result of it, then it becomes awkwardly and embarrassingly apparent that something is not right, especially when all it is, is a friendship. A friendship. We’re not secret lovers. It’s a friendship.”

Using the “proverbial scissors, cutting the proverbial strings of our friend ship. We remain friends only now because of our free will to do so, not because we feel as though we still tied to each other and have to because of some imagined obligation or nicety.”

Did she send a copy of the email to herself (see header)?
I compiled a very similar timeline using a variety of sources. TA's journal material (in my list) comes from the Audacity site. And there is no "before." Just 'weekend bad; same as the week.'

This whole time period is intense for TA.

On May 15, an unidentified caller left a VM for TA (source is, I think, Paul Sanders FB site):

VM to TA from un-ID caller) Hey dude, I just got your message. I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine how upset you probably are right now . I’m so sorry. But … I have to go to work right now, but I’m driving to work, so if you can call me back real quick we can talk for a little bit until I, I get to work … I’m sorry but I don’t have a lot of time but, dude, I’m so sorry. And it’s gonna be okay though, all right? It’s gonna be okay and you’ll get through this and it’s gonna be fine. So just give me a call if your and I’ll talk to you later. Bye.

5-16 JA writes her "recognize me" message; that same day TA's journal says 'Mimi just wants to be friends.'

5-18 JA loses phone; same day TA writes 'worst weekend ever, same as the week.'

After the first time I read the transcript of this voicemail from the unidentified male, I wondered who that could have been. It had to be someone he knew more than casually or TA wouldn't have told him how freaked out/upset he was. This has only ever been released as a transcript (I think) so unless this person is following the case in extreme detail like some of us, he may not even be aware that the VM was still on the phone. If only it could be played, that person may recognize his own voice. Then, he could say for sure what TA had confided in him about. It makes sense it was just that Mimi only wanted to be friends, but even so it would be great to confirm that.


How do we know the caller is male?

Could this be from Jodi? Was this about the same time that TA found the missing ring & journal?
I think she wasn't necessarily searching for a Mormon husband. She was desperate for a high income man who was equally desperate to marry. Could have been an atheist as far as she was concerned. IMO

True, but the Mormons were her new target group because she saw that many of them have high-income lifestyles, huge houses, nice cars, travel. Things she never really had before in her life.

How do we know the caller is male?

Could this be from Jodi? Was this about the same time that TA found the missing ring & journal?

the original source stated it was an unidentified male. Sorry, cant remember though.
I have to wonder how big of a part Cancun played. Would she have still killed him had he invited her instead of Mimi? Or would she have killed him knowing Mimi didn't have romantic feelings for Travis?

I used to think Jodi's goal was Cancun, but now I've come to think that anything short of him marrying her, she still would have killed him. And Travis had finally seen the real Jodi and the depth of her manipulations and had had enough. He threatened to expose her to everyone, and her whole Mormon target pool would have been destroyed. All the grooming she'd invested since Darryl...
I don't think Cancun played that big of a role with Jodi. She clearly was spying on /stalking Travis, so she knew that Mimi and he were just friends. She knew that Lisa wasn't into him, and she probably knew about every other girl he had anything with. Or didnt. I think Jodi was planning this from the stages of Matt McCartney /Darryl Brewer. When Travis- and sadly it could have been any guy- did not instacommit and propose so that she could throw it in everyone's faces, that sealed his fate imo. Jodi never loved Matt, Darryl, Travis, Bobby, Ryan, nor Sam. She didn't even love the idea of being in love. She just loved the "power " you get when someone is in love with you. Except that's not power. She loved the chase, the drama, being the victim- but needed The Savior. So she changed and changed to pick up each guy. What did Travis do to anger her? He didn't fall for her tricks. He said no... just like the others. But Jodi couldn't take another rejection.

Well, it probably was the first trip he said no to her on.
I don't think Cancun played that big of a role with Jodi. She clearly was spying on /stalking Travis, so she knew that Mimi and he were just friends. She knew that Lisa wasn't into him, and she probably knew about every other girl he had anything with. Or didnt. I think Jodi was planning this from the stages of Matt McCartney /Darryl Brewer. When Travis- and sadly it could have been any guy- did not instacommit and propose so that she could throw it in everyone's faces, that sealed his fate imo. Jodi never loved Matt, Darryl, Travis, Bobby, Ryan, nor Sam. She didn't even love the idea of being in love. She just loved the "power " you get when someone is in love with you. Except that's not power. She loved the chase, the drama, being the victim- but needed The Savior. So she changed and changed to pick up each guy. What did Travis do to anger her? He didn't fall for her tricks. He said no... just like the others. But Jodi couldn't take another rejection.

Who is Sam?? The guy who sat in the car with her and was instantly willing to leave his wife and kids for her? I'm thinking some oral sex went on there.

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