Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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I still laugh when I remember JA's account of "backspacing" into emails, myspace/facebook accounts. I can't backspace into my own account, so how is Sith Lord Arias going to backspace into everyone else's accounts? I also don't believe she and Travis had a cohesive sex tape. She made that as backwardsly as she crafted the tale of backspacing into Travis's accounts. I do think it's possible that she recorded his voice on the Helio during various conversations over a period of time (and perhaps used a voice recorder.) She then could have used a splicing program on her computer to splice them together into an mp3, and send that to her phone. Boom sex tape. It was 2008, hence why the tape sounds off. Listen closely. There are beats that are off. Plus, her computer was magically destroyed before it could be searched.

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she was another sloppy killer born in the '80s; basic and clueless.
I didn't get anything (new) out of reading the transcript, the conversation takes so many U turns it was hard not to get dizzy. But it does seem she kept trying to keep the conversation on either sex or travel, or naming people (they mentioned a couple and she had to identify the girl by first and last name, totally unnecessary in the context), most of it seems to be for blackmail/smearing.

Yeah, she dyed her hair around the end of March, near the time Zach's camera was found in T's BMW.

I don't know anything about recording to a cell, could she keep the May 10th date on it and still splice and save?

On day 13 of the 1st trial, Bryan Neumeister testified the Helio had 7 recordings on it and he used 5 of the 7 recordings to create the sex tape DVD. 2 recordings had nothing to do with this case and were not included in the DVD.

The sex tape can also be divided into 5 parts and they don't flow naturally into the next part:
-Travel talk, Abe...
-Sex talk (milder sex of the two. about 3 minutes long)
-Travel talk, Danny Jones...
-Sex (about 25 minutes)
-KY, Ehrenberg, movies, singing...

Since JM, throughout the trial, doesn't really dispute May 10th as the birthdate of the sex tape as JA claims to be, I think JA used a digital recorder (while on a speaker mode on Helio) on 5 different occasions, then transferred all of them, after carefully editing, uploading separately in 5 distinctive recordings, to her Helio on May 10.

Therefore the obvious splices we notice/changing subjects/silence or noise between those 5 parts are from transferring 5 separate recordings to her phone, not 1 long recording, found on the Helio.

She was very busy that day.

Then, in her journal on May 18, she makes it known the Helio was stolen, not lost. Maybe she was about to publish the content and didn't want to get blamed. I didn't do it, the thief did it. It's never her fault, is it!

Happy New Year, everyone!:newyear::toastred:
Maybe she just wanted to own two Helios? Didn't Helio have a policy where if you lost one, or any other reason, you'd get a new one? So, she "lost" it.
Yeah, she wanted two helios. But why? And what of the second helio? Is there any evidence that came off of it? Was it confiscated?
Maybe she just wanted to own two Helios? Didn't Helio have a policy where if you lost one, or any other reason, you'd get a new one? So, she "lost" it.

She reported the Helio was stolen on May 18. From Noon, May 17 to May 21, there actually is no text messages between JA and Travis. So she played that part well.

Then soon after, she is in a legal trouble (need to call Parker Stan). Maybe the Helio company found out she was still using the stolen phone in a devious way(ie, Maria M)?
She reported the Helio was stolen on May 18. From Noon, May 17 to May 21, there actually is no text messages between JA and Travis. So she played that part well.

Then soon after, she is in a legal trouble (need to call Parker Stan). Maybe the Helio company found out she was still using the stolen phone in a devious way(ie, Maria M)?

Good point about the texts (or lack thereof) between those dates (although MariaM did still text then, I noticed). I'm not sure what she was up to, but something sure seems hinky there!

I do know that Helio was it's own service provider at that time (like verizon, or at&t) - so if she got the Helio, did she terminate her other phone#, did she transfer it, or did she use 2 different #'s? Did the police recover the 2nd Helio? Or was it another phone? Or both?

I wonder if that was Gus's info he said he had? He would know what the story with the Helio was, IMO, JMO
Good point about the texts (or lack thereof) between those dates (although MariaM did still text then, I noticed). I'm not sure what she was up to, but something sure seems hinky there!

I do know that Helio was it's own service provider at that time (like verizon, or at&t) - so if she got the Helio, did she terminate her other phone#, did she transfer it, or did she use 2 different #'s? Did the police recover the 2nd Helio? Or was it another phone? Or both?

I wonder if that was Gus's info he said he had? He would know what the story with the Helio was, IMO, JMO

In sentencing thread, Colie said the LE had the 1st Helio with sex tape, but didn't examine the 2nd Helio since only the DT had access to the 2nd Helio.

JA must have been hell-bent on desire to ruin Travis at any cost to create all these nonsense. What a waste of life.

When I look at the May timeline though, I think she may have decided to make the sex tape after she found out Chaitanya and Travis spent a night together. I bet that really hurt her feeling.
Posting a heads up!! in each JA thread.

June texts are scheduled to be posted on Beth K's site tomorrow..
In sentencing thread, Colie said the LE had the 1st Helio with sex tape, but didn't examine the 2nd Helio since only the DT had access to the 2nd Helio.

JA must have been hell-bent on desire to ruin Travis at any cost to create all these nonsense. What a waste of life.

When I look at the May timeline though, I think she may have decided to make the sex tape after she found out Chaitanya and Travis spent a night together. I bet that really hurt her feeling.

this isn't accurate though. JM had Melendez testify to the fact that he never got a helio phone for analyzation, and the phone call and the texts were on the same Helio presented by the defense. I would need to see a police report, insurance claims etc at this point for Jodi to prove there was a second phone, but I can't imagine that she'd get arrested and they'd buy that she lost her phone.

I mean, what in the world phone was she talking to Flores on that she could claim her phone was lost all the way back in May--but she was able to use it in June and july? So I guess she had to have two phones.

I wish the police could have gotten a search warrant for that whole house, including all the vehicles at that house at the time of her arrest.
On Beth Karas' site, I notice that Travis sent his last text on 6/4 at 12:13 p.m. There are texts to him on the 4th, 5th and 6th (the last is from Jodi asking if he's deposited "that check.") Then there is nothing until 6/10.

Do we know why this is? Is it possible that the police turned on his phone and it automatically downloaded texts for that day? I'm not tech savvy enough to figure out why this would be. But by 6/6 people are starting to text wondering where he is. There must have been more texts on the 7th, 8th and 9th. Just wondering what would have happened to them.
this isn't accurate though. JM had Melendez testify to the fact that he never got a helio phone for analyzation, and the phone call and the texts were on the same Helio presented by the defense. I would need to see a police report, insurance claims etc at this point for Jodi to prove there was a second phone, but I can't imagine that she'd get arrested and they'd buy that she lost her phone.

I mean, what in the world phone was she talking to Flores on that she could claim her phone was lost all the way back in May--but she was able to use it in June and july? So I guess she had to have two phones.

I wish the police could have gotten a search warrant for that whole house, including all the vehicles at that house at the time of her arrest.

1. The killer did report to police on May 18 that her Helio was stolen.

"There were no follow up calls by her to police after that, notifying them that the phone had been recovered." ( JM wrote this in his book).

2. The text records link her to only one known phone number for the time period Dec. 07-June 08.

3. The Helio with sex tape on it wasn't miraculously found by Auntie Sue until 2010.

4. The police report listing what was seized during their post-arrest search includes a Motorola RAZR phone, but no Helio (iirc, anyway. Will double check).

5. I don't think the contents of her purse were ever put on record, but I can't imagine she'd have her cell phone in her purse when she was arrested. When the police came for her in the morning, she was inside in her grand parents' house, not exiting towards her get away car.

6. JM doesn't mention a second Helio phone in his book.

7. I've transferred my cell phone number from one provider to another. Records by both providers are kept of those transfers, at least for a time. If it mattered to his case, JM must have tried to obtain those records. He did for sure have access to her phone records from at least one provider, because he referred to those records at trial.

(ETA. A representative from Sprint testified at trial (for State) verifying her cell records. Sprint was the network provider for Helio phones, so that lines up, and since JM entered her phone recirds from Jan 2008 into evidence, pre-Helio, she must have had Sprint throughout).

One explanation for why she decided to report the phone stolen on the 18th, wrote in her journal her YAY! new phone arrived on the 22, and didn't text TA in between May 17 and the 21st is that she knew she'd been thoroughly busted, TA was done with her.

Perhaps she needed to cover up the fact he hadn't contacted her for those many days and she hadn't figured out her plan well enough yet to call him.
In a nut shell: the lead-up to May 25-26....

1. May 21, PM into May 22 , early AM. With Michelle's real-time support, TA confronts JA with her MariaM lies, and cuts her off altogether unless she's willing to come clean.

2. JA responds immediately, by text, even though she supposedly doesn't have her replacement Helio yet.

3. TA tells her again to put whatever she has to say in writing.

4. AFTER she has been so thoroughly busted, JA the sociopath texts again as MariaM. TA refers to this slap in his face during the Gchat.

5. JA CALLS TA AND THEY TALK ABOUT HER BIG MESS, NEED A LAWYER DRAMA. ....this is in the wee hours of May 22, the day she'll later say is when their relationship ended and passwords were revoked.

More importantly, whatever came up on May 25/26 was DIFFERENT.

6. May 22, later. TA texts with Regan and tells her the psycho was as psycho as ever, but that she had "eventually confessed."

7. TA had no contact with the at all after that, until the evening of May 25.

8. On the evening of May 25 the tried to get TA on the phone, most likely by leaving a VM to call her.

9. At 8:16PM, May 25, TA texts her....put it in writing.

10. Between 8:21 and 9:08 PM on the 25th....she refuses to put anything in writing or in a VM, he refuses to deal with her unless/until she does.


What happened on May 13/14 led to TA forcing her hand on May 21, a hand she reshuffled to play out May 25/26.
Thank you so much Hope, you've made the whole confusing sequence come into sharp focus. :)
Thank you so much Hope, you've made the whole confusing sequence come into sharp focus. :)

Geevee...YES!!! But haven't posted it yet, just the lead into the 25th.

The answer is....WOOT, YES! know the sequence of the chat itself, AND the sequence of calls, texts and IM's over May 25-26. :)
1. The killer did report to police on May 18 that her Helio was stolen.

"There were no follow up calls by her to police after that, notifying them that the phone had been recovered." ( JM wrote this in his book).

2. The text records link her to only one known phone number for the time period Dec. 07-June 08.

3. The Helio with sex tape on it wasn't miraculously found by Auntie Sue until 2010.

4. The police report listing what was seized during their post-arrest search includes a Motorola RAZR phone, but no Helio (iirc, anyway. Will double check).

5. I don't think the contents of her purse were ever put on record, but I can't imagine she'd have her cell phone in her purse when she was arrested. When the police came for her in the morning, she was inside in her grand parents' house, not exiting towards her get away car.

6. JM doesn't mention a second Helio phone in his book.

7. I've transferred my cell phone number from one provider to another. Records by both providers are kept of those transfers, at least for a time. If it mattered to his case, JM must have tried to obtain those records. He did for sure have access to her phone records from at least one provider, because he referred to those records at trial.

(ETA. A representative from Sprint testified at trial (for State) verifying her cell records. Sprint was the network provider for Helio phones, so that lines up, and since JM entered her phone recirds from Jan 2008 into evidence, pre-Helio, she must have had Sprint throughout).

One explanation for why she decided to report the phone stolen on the 18th, wrote in her journal her YAY! new phone arrived on the 22, and didn't text TA in between May 17 and the 21st is that she knew she'd been thoroughly busted, TA was done with her.

Perhaps she needed to cover up the fact he hadn't contacted her for those many days and she hadn't figured out her plan well enough yet to call him.

Someone else said Helio was its own phone company and phone service. I guess they could have transferred her number to a razor. I have to go back to the journal and see what phone she "said" arrived, helio or Razor. Sprint, if I recall correctly, was TA's phone company. Joe Citizen was testifying to Travis' phone records. Of course, the day Joe testified, the live stream didn't capture the whole testimony, so if you saw something the live stream missed, then, I don't know about it.
Someone else said Helio was its own phone company and phone service. I guess they could have transferred her number to a razor. I have to go back to the journal and see what phone she "said" arrived, helio or Razor. Sprint, if I recall correctly, was TA's phone company. Joe Citizen was testifying to Travis' phone records. Of course, the day Joe testified, the live stream didn't capture the whole testimony, so if you saw something the live stream missed, then, I don't know about it.

Travis used Verizon. Mr. Citizen testified for Verizon (day 7). A rep ("custodian") from Sprint testified on day 9, briefly, to authenticate the 's phone record.

Helio users accessed the Sprint network; the Helio company did not own a network.

The didn't specify what kind of phone arrived on May 22, a rather implausible date in any case for a replacement phone to have arrived, given she reported the Helio stolen on May 18, and "insurance " of some sort supposedly covered the replacement.

My guess is she stopped using the Helio and resumed using the RAZR that wasn't destroyed in hot chocolate.
Yeah. something's not right about that whole phone thing. Why would she tell this chocolate story and have it lead to getting a phone from Gus, I wonder. Is it a lie she told Gus, so he'd get a phone, maybe? I also wonder if she "adjusted" Gus so he'd give her a phone. Why the need for the Helio at that precise time, I wonder, too. Maybe it was for the express purpose of recording Travis.

I want to see the phone police report.
Is there a place I can get all of the text ta sent? Im reading the Nurmi book trapt with arias and he is talking about text travis sent to other girls
Is there a place I can get all of the text ta sent? Im reading the Nurmi book trapt with arias and he is talking about text travis sent to other girls

Beth Karas' site has them but it's a subscription site.
there are no other places? also is it worth it, are they in good order and easy to read/get through? I have just started to get into this case and have read the 4-5 books that have been written about it. I am still very much interested in consuming any and all info i can get on it, so would it be worth it to subscribe? does the site contain a lot of info that can not be obtained elsewhere? and thank you for responding.

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