Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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Based on what she wrote in her journal, what happened on May 13, and when she reported the Helio stolen , I think she began splicing on by May 14 and was finished by May 18.

She didn't have the Helio until after she left Mesa, but she could have recorded him anytime.

BTW, she did dye her hair brown (ish) while in Mesa, so pics of her (theoretically ) could have been taken while there....

I didn't get anything (new) out of reading the transcript, the conversation takes so many U turns it was hard not to get dizzy. But it does seem she kept trying to keep the conversation on either sex or travel, or naming people (they mentioned a couple and she had to identify the girl by first and last name, totally unnecessary in the context), most of it seems to be for blackmail/smearing.

Yeah, she dyed her hair around the end of March, near the time Zach's camera was found in T's BMW.

I don't know anything about recording to a cell, could she keep the May 10th date on it and still splice and save?
I didn't get anything (new) out of reading the transcript, the conversation takes so many U turns it was hard not to get dizzy. But it does seem she kept trying to keep the conversation on either sex or travel, or naming people (they mentioned a couple and she had to identify the girl by first and last name, totally unnecessary in the context), most of it seems to be for blackmail/smearing.

Yeah, she dyed her hair around the end of March, near the time Zach's camera was found in T's BMW.

I don't know anything about recording to a cell, could she keep the May 10th date on it and still splice and save?

Based on the very detailed analysis of others, it was impossible for her to record the whole call on a Helio. If she used a recorder and then transferred it to her Helio, wouldn't all she have to do is set the date to May 10 on the Helio then transfer?
I didn't get anything (new) out of reading the transcript, the conversation takes so many U turns it was hard not to get dizzy. But it does seem she kept trying to keep the conversation on either sex or travel, or naming people (they mentioned a couple and she had to identify the girl by first and last name, totally unnecessary in the context), most of it seems to be for blackmail/smearing.

Yeah, she dyed her hair around the end of March, near the time Zach's camera was found in T's BMW.

I don't know anything about recording to a cell, could she keep the May 10th date on it and still splice and save?

I listened (on Youtube) and took notes, paused and rewound. Like I said a few days ago, she did a really lousy job of splicing the tape.

One part of the conversation seemed to take place when he may have felt ok about her...(that visiting her was top on his list). Can't think of many times after late March that he felt that way. Maybe just as likely he was just placating her.
Hope to be able to pop in and out over next week. My darling & wonderful stepdaughter is making her way from CA and will be landing in a few hours, here til Jan 6. :)
Hope to be able to pop in and out over next week. My darling & wonderful stepdaughter is making her way from CA and will be landing in a few hours, here til Jan 6. :)

Have a terrific visit with her! :)

And you're right. Jodi claimed to be going through repentance in her journal after the murder. do not know if the police checked if it was true. I was "*advertiser censored*-u-me-ing" that it was true because she knew they might check it.

She also tells Detective Flores (who somehow manages to keep a straight face) that she's going through some sort of repentance process that she worked out with her bishop, "... he’s given me, you know, certain scriptures to read and ponder and pray about..."

(starts at about 12:20):

ETA--It's also apparent that after may 26th, she was still trying to schedule him to visit or her to visit him. May 30th, she texted something about looking at the "wrong calendar." I can't stand when she says that phrase. She said it in the VM after the murder, too. As if she's so busy that she needs more than one calendar. Whatever, Jodi.

The "wrong calendar" comes up again in the June 4th voicemail she left Travis after she killed him.

(starts at about 1:30):
Based on what she wrote in her journal, what happened on May 13, and when she reported the Helio stolen , I think she began splicing on by May 14 and was finished by May 18.

She didn't have the Helio until after she left Mesa, but she could have recorded him anytime.

BTW, she did dye her hair brown (ish) while in Mesa, so pics of her (theoretically ) could have been taken while there....

Is it possible she an actual voice recorder. I read somewhere, that Melendez found a voice recorder in her trash after she was taken into custody. I think it was from a blog. Is this possible she voice recorded him and spliced it on her phone?
Maybe her "wrong calender " is actually the calendar on the multiple "lost/destroyed /broken " phones?

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Is it possible she an actual voice recorder. I read somewhere, that Melendez found a voice recorder in her trash after she was taken into custody. I think it was from a blog. Is this possible she voice recorded him and spliced it on her phone?

I used to have a voice recorder that I wired into a phone. I recorded with the other persons' permission. She could easily have done this, and it would have given her basically unlimited hours of recorded conversations. It might also explain the poor quality of some of the sex tape. Her voice recorder may not even have been digital, though a digital recording would have been easier to splice on a computer.

Alternately, she could have just recorded the stuff right onto her computer.

I think some of that sex tape could have been recorded in live in person sessions, maybe even months before, and not on the phone.
Based on the very detailed analysis of others, it was impossible for her to record the whole call on a Helio. If she used a recorder and then transferred it to her Helio, wouldn't all she have to do is set the date to May 10 on the Helio then transfer?

Depends on the phone. I don't know if phones back then relied on GPS or the internet for the time, as they do today. Today, my tablet and phone will tell me if somehow my time is wrong, and my tablet will NOT let me use google apps or get app updates (like alert me to a new email or instagram like) until I correct the time.

I had a crazy thought about that Helio that I can't get out of my head. I feel like it's a conspiracy theory, but I'm going to give it to you guys anyways.

  1. Ryan burns texts on the Helio are dated 4/30. Additionally, the times don't make sense, such as him saying good night at 8am, but no one in court corrected the time of these as they constantly did for the ones from Travis' phone. A juror even asked him about it, and neither Nurmi nor Juan tried to set the time straight with Greenwich afterward.
  2. Ryan said Jodi finally agreed to see him a week before she actually came. So then, why in the world is he talking to her on the 4/30 texts about her promising not to play hard to get when she got there? I started to think the time on those texts was really 5/30, not 4/30.
  3. If I'm right, it would make the sexting dated 5/2 actually take place on 6/2.

Problem with my theory--the pictures Jodi took of herself on 6/3 would then have to be dated 7/3--impossible. UNLESS, somehow the time on the phone was tampered with but then fixed by the time she took her 6/3 pictures. So the 6/2 texts could have been from anyone--Ryan, who she was on the way to see and make out with, Darryl, who she was on the way to see and asking gascan favors of, so yeah, she'd probably try to get her way with some sexting.

I know it's a conspiracy theory, but I can't help but wonder...........

I have to listen to him again to see if the time frames he gives for meeting, talking again, etc even make sense based upon the copies of the texts. I believe he said it took a month to even call her after meeting her, which means he started talking to her mid-April. What's weird is on the Sex tape, she tells Travis she is going to Utah at the end of June, but according to Ryan, she hadn't agreed to see him until a week prior to the visit. But according to the 4/30 text, she had agreed. It's hinky, man.

Or wait a minute. Which phone do those texts come from? The Helio or the phone after? They have to be from the Helio, right? What, if anything did we ever get or see of the replacement phone?
BBM ~ According to the May texts, he was to attend a graduation ceremony for Taylor. I think JA is seething at this this point, because she is begging him to come see and I get the feeling he had no desire to see her at all.

He told Jodi that he had to do this as the reason he couldn't drop everything and come see her the weekend of 5/10. But on 5/6, he is in California because of his grandmother and he tells Maria he'll be there through Saturday, the 10th. Saturday morning, he texts someone that he's just about to leave CA.

Based on the very detailed analysis of others, it was impossible for her to record the whole call on a Helio. If she used a recorder and then transferred it to her Helio, wouldn't all she have to do is set the date to May 10 on the Helio then transfer?

I noticed a very LONG pause during that call. She was waiting for him to return from the bathroom, I think. When he returned, she said that he even had a sexy yawn. The pause would be a weird thing to leave in a spliced tape. I do believe it was spliced. Just commenting on the pause.

I went back and listened to her mess of a direct examination. SMH. Anyways, she "backspaced" on Travis' computer into his myspace or facebook account back in February of 2007. Claimed to find stuff from the married woman back then, dated November. she said she told Skye about it. Can't remember if that was in the Hughes' book, but I can't believe Skye wouldn't have told Travis that.

sky and chris claim not to know what the final fight was about. they said it wasn't outright in the emails. I find this so hard to believe. Not that they're lying, but I have a hard time accepting the subject wasn't named somewhere. There's just too much written information for it not to be.
He told Jodi that he had to do this as the reason he couldn't drop everything and come see her the weekend of 5/10. But on 5/6, he is in California because of his grandmother and he tells Maria he'll be there through Saturday, the 10th. Saturday morning, he texts someone that he's just about to leave CA.

I noticed a very LONG pause during that call. She was waiting for him to return from the bathroom, I think. When he returned, she said that he even had a sexy yawn. The pause would be a weird thing to leave in a spliced tape. I do believe it was spliced. Just commenting on the pause.

I went back and listened to her mess of a direct examination. SMH. Anyways, she "backspaced" on Travis' computer into his myspace or facebook account back in February of 2007. Claimed to find stuff from the married woman back then, dated November. she said she told Skye about it. Can't remember if that was in the Hughes' book, but I can't believe Skye wouldn't have told Travis that.

sky and chris claim not to know what the final fight was about. they said it wasn't outright in the emails. I find this so hard to believe. Not that they're lying, but I have a hard time accepting the subject wasn't named somewhere. There's just too much written information for it not to be.

Sky and Chris thought it most likely that the killer told TA about the sex tape on May 26th, based on their belief that there had to be a big dark "it" that made TA so angry.

The apparent fact that the "it" can't be found in writing doesn't prove or disprove anything, IMO. She said quite plainly that she refused to incriminate herself in writing or in a recorded VM. If there was an "it" that day she would have told him by phone.

Also, Travis didn't confide in the Hughes about the killer as he did with Michelle and Taylor. I think it is entirely possible the Hughes didn't understand the extent of the psychological torment the killer had inflicted upon TA for so long, and so didn't entertain seriously enough the possibility that she may have simply pushed Travis too far that day, one more time too many, and he went off on her as he did because absolutely nothing else he had tried had worked to make her leave him in peace.
I still laugh when I remember JA's account of "backspacing" into emails, myspace/facebook accounts. I can't backspace into my own account, so how is Sith Lord Arias going to backspace into everyone else's accounts? I also don't believe she and Travis had a cohesive sex tape. She made that as backwardsly as she crafted the tale of backspacing into Travis's accounts. I do think it's possible that she recorded his voice on the Helio during various conversations over a period of time (and perhaps used a voice recorder.) She then could have used a splicing program on her computer to splice them together into an mp3, and send that to her phone. Boom sex tape. It was 2008, hence why the tape sounds off. Listen closely. There are beats that are off. Plus, her computer was magically destroyed before it could be searched.

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I still laugh when I remember JA's account of "backspacing" into emails, myspace/facebook accounts. I can't backspace into my own account, so how is Sith Lord Arias going to backspace into everyone else's accounts? I also don't believe she and Travis had a cohesive sex tape. She made that as backwardsly as she crafted the tale of backspacing into Travis's accounts. I do think it's possible that she recorded his voice on the Helio during various conversations over a period of time (and perhaps used a voice recorder.) She then could have used a splicing program on her computer to splice them together into an mp3, and send that to her phone. Boom sex tape. It was 2008, hence why the tape sounds off. Listen closely. There are beats that are off. Plus, her computer was magically destroyed before it could be searched.

Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk

You can actually "backspace into" an account, e.g. at the library if the previous patron hasn't thought to log out of their email and close the browser. When she first started getting into TA's accounts, he likely would have had no need to protect his stuff from someone who was getting access in his house on his computer. Who expects that? He was probably permanently logged in to his SM accounts.

You could also get into someone's accounts through "History" if you were using their computer.

TA might have had his Facebook and email accounts linked so he didn't have to type in a PW separately for each one. He likely had autofill passwords.

Jodi was seen using his computer when he was not home.

Can you cut and paste a PW? So, you see the line of asterisks in the PW box, select, hit copy, and then paste them into an email to yourself?
I'd like to think that Travis, after he began to suspect/fear JA (think 2008), changed his PWs so I'd say no. But no you can't cut/paste a PW anyway. Even if you link your social media accounts, it doesn't tell you what you are linked in/messaged/tagged in- just that you've been messaged, etc. And it doesn't automatically link you to the account unless you are already signed in.

Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
I'd like to think that Travis, after he began to suspect/fear JA (think 2008), changed his PWs so I'd say no. But no you can't cut/paste a PW anyway. Even if you link your social media accounts, it doesn't tell you what you are linked in/messaged/tagged in- just that you've been messaged, etc. And it doesn't automatically link you to the account unless you are already signed in.

Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk

She was sneaking into his house/sleeping on the couch, perhaps somebody told her how to get a keylogger or some sort onto his comp and she now had undetectable spyware access from her remote location...?

Passwords always showed up as asterisks, but back then, there may have been less security at protecting them. And I don't think she would have used something like GoToMyPC, too risky to use (as roommates were also using his pc - or should I be careful to not put anything past her?). You would see other individual's activity/mouse movements/desktop actions.
Martinez really wanted the financial stuff to come in, but got shot down. I'll bet she stole thousands from him. Hopefully, it will be in his new book.
You can actually "backspace into" an account, e.g. at the library if the previous patron hasn't thought to log out of their email and close the browser. When she first started getting into TA's accounts, he likely would have had no need to protect his stuff from someone who was getting access in his house on his computer. Who expects that? He was probably permanently logged in to his SM accounts.

You could also get into someone's accounts through "History" if you were using their computer.

TA might have had his Facebook and email accounts linked so he didn't have to type in a PW separately for each one. He likely had autofill passwords.

Jodi was seen using his computer when he was not home.

Can you cut and paste a PW? So, you see the line of asterisks in the PW box, select, hit copy, and then paste them into an email to yourself?

Remember Jodi saying that she picked up BJ/MM at the library. took him somewhere then she went back and backspaced and found where he was internet with another woman. Seems eh backspaced a lot.
Sky and Chris thought it most likely that the killer told TA about the sex tape on May 26th, based on their belief that there had to be a big dark "it" that made TA so angry.

The apparent fact that the "it" can't be found in writing doesn't prove or disprove anything, IMO. She said quite plainly that she refused to incriminate herself in writing or in a recorded VM. If there was an "it" that day she would have told him by phone.

Also, Travis didn't confide in the Hughes about the killer as he did with Michelle and Taylor. I think it is entirely possible the Hughes didn't understand the extent of the psychological torment the killer had inflicted upon TA for so long, and so didn't entertain seriously enough the possibility that she may have simply pushed Travis too far that day, one more time too many, and he went off on her as he did because absolutely nothing else he had tried had worked to make her leave him in peace.

Yes, I am aware of what they said. I guess I was trying to put it nicely that I don't believe the topic wasn't in the emails, regardless of what they said.
Something just clicked for me that should have clicked years ago.

On day 19, Nurmi asks JA what she had with her when she set off on the trip.

"and this helio phone was with you?" He asked.

"yes," she responded.

For some reason, it's the first time it clicked to me that she had two phones in the car. The Helio couldn't have been on, could it? Under a different phone number? When we get the June 2008 texts, will we see a N/A 63, which could be the helio? Was she using it to call Zack or text Zack? Find out where he was, maybe?

Why was it important to "lose" this phone when she did? So she could become Maria M?

5/5/08--Travis posts a public thanks to Katie Barnes (While Jodi's "slaving away" on his chapters.)
5/14/18--Travis asks if she's stalking his LDSlinkup page.
5/15/08--Travis makes a sarcastic remark in a text about her getting the chapters to him.
5/16/08 --not sure of the order, but about 3am, Travis texts Jodi that he wants to have a rational conversation, so answer (the phone, I assume). Sometime on the same day, Jodi sends that "you aren't giving credit" and "Let's just not be friends" email. Maybe it was between midnight and 3am or maybe it was after.
5/16/15--Jodi writes in her journal that it's 5am and she can't sleep. (from this point on, Travis is only texting when I list it below. He's trying to make a real break from her, starting on this day.)
5/17/08--in the afternoon, Travis texts, asking if she is exchanging texts with Gus. Travis and Gus are in the same meeting at the time.

5/18--Her journal, the helio is "stolen." Jodi makes a 180 on wanting Travis to visit. Suddenly, he's the bug-a-boo, not her. She lists people that she informs about the phone. Travis is not one of them. Odd....(especially since he calls and texts at the perfect time that the new phone "arrives.")
1155pm--Travis tells Michelle L. he's going to need her for a while.

5/21 into the AM of 5/22--Travis busts Maria M. (by the way, in testimony, Jodi told Nurmi that the spy Travis accused her of having was named Maria (or Marie), not michelle.)
1207am travis stops replying to Maria M, though she keeps texting.
(I suspect Travis calls Jodi--new phone must have arrived at midnight on 5/22 since she wrote on that same date that her phone arrived "today.")
102am--Travis texts Jodi that he isn't mad, but he knows what she did. They won't talk until she admits it.
112am--Jod's all sorry. Screwed the pooch. needs to call PPL Stan parker. Travis wants her to call him. She's stalling.
Travis texts with Chris about the blog until 3am.
656pm--Regan asked how it went with psycho girl. Travis said psycho as ever. He added that Psycho denied "it" but then admitted it. Said he told her never to call him again but he'd see if it'd be so easy.

5/22/08 Jodi's journal--miracle. She got her new phone today! Journal talks about Mimi as if she's still a candidate but Travis gave up on Mimi back on 5/15. She makes sure it's known that she has scandalous text messages and 1 OR 2 phone recordings on the lost phone.

5/25--Jodi claims she cracked, called, and left Travis a voicemail. She claims he called her back. The texts say different. Per the texts, it seems like she left a voicemail, but he texted her to just put it in an email because he didn't want to talk to her. and you know the rest on text and gchat. "Dire conversation" might have been a phone call.

5/30--first text in 4 days. Jodi initiating, trying to get him to call. He does but she missed call.
5/31--sends him pics "on accident."

6/1 into 6/2 she's texting him to try to get him to call her to talk about "things."

I want to know what Reagan knows. I want to know why it's so important that her phone be lost. She knew where it was all along, so why did it have to be lost for years? What of the new phone that arrived on the 22nd supposedly? Where is it? If she never got a new phone, wouldn't the police know it? My head hurts over this phone. :thinking:

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