Trial break: The State vs Jodi Arias; trial resumes 4 February 2013

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Good evening all... Im behind.. but before I get caught up, I wanted to toss this out there....
Something to think about.. I know the buzz is about those pictures today... here's what hit me. Jodi is a self professed photographer. She goes nowhere without her camera. She loves taking pictures. Ok... stay with me... at the time of TA's murder... he had *JUST* got a camera. Jodi stated in her interview that Travis became angry the afternoon of the 4th when he couldnt get the pictures that SHE brought to load on the laptop (which might have been a blessing in disguise... it wouldnt surprise me if she had planned to load his laptop up with kiddie *advertiser censored*!!) . How many times did Jodi bring TA pictures? How many times did SHE take pictures? How many of those pictures ended up on TA's computer? SHE would know that there are pictures on those hard drives because SHE put them there! SHE was the person taking pictures of her ex and TA naked in the shower and SHE took the pictures of his murder.
I really hope that JM brings this up to the jury. I didnt think about it at first.
It is also surprising that she didn't send her own or Travis' email photos of abuse (busted lips, black eyes, bruises... that were screenshot from the Internet) and say they were her injuries. Maybe that is next.
I totally agree. In the transcript, she giggles as she claims to have forgotten the evidence numbers and she knows he will have to pick them up and turn them over to read the numbers. Knowing the pictures will be flashed to the jury. Its terrible and I think the judge should have caught on to this. Especially since these may not even be admitted since they are under objection now.

There is NO proof it was HIS hard drive... there is NO proof it was TA's private parts! I just don't see how those pictures could be entered into evidence.
Ditto, ditto, ditto.

I am sickened by the way this good young man is being picked apart and dissected and laid bare. Wishing the Alexander family and friends peace and hope during this grueling and cruel process. May justice be done.

I know that every criminal is entitled to their day in court and all that, but I feel such disdain for any attorney who can tear apart the legacy of a murder victim for the sake of their clearly guilty murderous client. I do not know how their consciences allow them to do this. (Speaking specifically about Wilmott and her shenanigans today, as well as her opening remarks).

I'm so glad to hear you say this!!! See, there ARE good, ethical attorneys out there.
I don't follow the last part. The exhibit numbers have been on the back of every piece of evidence they've shown so far. He lifted the pictures to read the numbers.

You responded before I edited
There is NO proof it was HIS hard drive... there is NO proof it was TA's private parts! I just don't see how those pictures could be entered into evidence.

Who's hard drive is it? Is there another theory about where it came from? The only thing I've heard was that it was a mirror image of a hard drive from (internal) or used with (external) Travis's laptop. Otherwise, why would Deanna's name be associated with the files the pics were retrieved from? I don't doubt that those are the "private parts" of other men. I think that's where the defense is going with this. jmo
Dont you know their heart broke for Travis that he was being exposed to the entire world. How much more will this poor family have to endure. It had to embarrassing and humiliating for his sister seeing her own brother's penis in a large photo when he is the victim in this trial.:(

Not only was the way she murdered Travis extremely cruel but what is being done to him in the courtroom is cruel also.

I pray for them everyday.


I hope it helps some, but I REALLY do not think that was Travis' penis. I am almost positive it is the penis/scrotum of a darker skinned man. Probably african american.

Now the OTHER nekkid pics.....ITA it must have been awful for them to see, and don't even get me started on the grisly photos.

I truly think those other pics were necessary, though to establish for the jury how unsuspecting Travis was in the hours seconds before Jodi began her attack. :(

And as awful as the post mortem pics are, it is super important for the jury to see the depravity and viciousness with which JA took Travis' life. That HAS to stick with them more than anything the defense tries to fling out there.

It sucks that TA's family also had to see them, and maybe the PT could have given them time to excuse themselves but IDK how the courts work regarding sensitive stuff like that.

In any case, I really think the peen pics are NOT Travis, and are prob just a still from some random *advertiser censored* or even a pic from the "personals" online. And I also betting that despite that tacky display today, they will not be allowed into evidence unless there is some unfathomable connection to TA's MURDER, not personal life. :(
I am a few pages behind so I don't know if this has already been said - I apologize if it has. A lot of people are faulting the judge for letting the jury go for a three-day weekend before addressing what happened with the flashing photos. In my opinion, I don't think she was aware of it. Just my opinion.
WHY in the hell-o would he send HER up to the witness stand with pictures of a penis? Sleeze isn't the word I would use for ol Nermi this evening. Guess that was his payback to JM... I hope it backfires in his and her AND JA's face!!!

It's so very Jose of them. Ugh. Shenanigans. :(
Who's hard drive is it? Is there another theory about where it came from? The only thing I've heard was that it was a mirror image of a hard drive from (internal) or used with (external) Travis's laptop. Otherwise, why would Deanna's name be associated with the files the pics were retrieved from? I don't doubt that those are the "private parts" of other men. I think that's where the defense is going with this. jmo

It was not said that it was a mirror image of anything used with Travis' hard drive. Deanna's name was not associated with anything on this hard drive. Here's the transcript of the testimony:

[ame=""]The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #19 *ADULT CONTENT* - Page 100 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Ok gonna post my impressions from today. This was a very somber day in so many ways for me and for all of us.

I got to court early and got right in. The Deputy recognizes me now and I just said I was there at the invitation of the Victim Advocate and showed her card and got right in. I first sat on the aisle behind Travis family then thought better of that position and moved to the end of that row. The Victim Advocate Nicole came and sat with me.

I also had a long talk before court started with the brother of a murder victim named Jake Orbin. His brother was Jay Orbin and married this platinum blond showgirl named Marjorie who ultimately murdered him and chopped up his body and...more horror. I have seen shows on this horrible crime on 48 Hrs. etc. He is there watching the trial and in support of the family just like me. We had a natural comraderie. He's a very nice fellow and we will likely become friends. He has some of the same drive I do to make some kind of difference out of a tragedy. He's raising his brother's son.

I talked also for a long time with Nicole the Victim Advocate. We know many people in common (not the least of which my former Victims Rights Atty who now works in her office!). She asked me if I had an interest in becoming a Victim Advocate and we talked about that. I've had an interest in helping victims write their Impact Statements as I do think I have a gift for writing and doing so in a way that can be more than venting but truly make an IMPACT. She said Travis' family are working on their statements right now and so I offered my assistance/support should they be interested. It would be my blessing to assist them or any victim in this way.

You all saw what I saw in court so that's nothing new. What I can say is what was palpable to me is the change in energy in the courtoom when Martinez is questioning vs. Nurmi. I said before it's like someone changes the channel from ESPN to PBS. And one of those really sedate PBS shows (not my beloved Downton Abbey). It's like you're almost sitting there waiting with anticipation for Martinez to get up and speak because the second Nurmi takes the podium it's like "come ON, spit it OUT". He entire demeanor is boring. I almost feel sorry for him. (but I don't).

Someone who will not be named told me Victoria Washington withdrew from this case for reasons that are sealed but said "I really like Victoria but I'll say she has higher ethical standards than Kirk Nurmi". Big surprise.

Nicole and I also discussed the whole chameleon like nature of a sociopath. She clearly thinks Jodi is one (as do I). How she looks so completely different now than in her previous photos. I hate to say it but in her blonde photos we've all seen I do think she looks stunningly gorgeous. And now, she's so mousy you wouldn't pick her out of a crowd. she looks frail and mousy sitting over there.

Every person "in the know" I've asked their opinions (granted not a huge sample) thinks Jodi will testify. One said they think next week. Early next week. I think their case is going so badly and they know they are losing, they will throw this Hail Mary.

I did see Nurmi walk in today with a big brown paper bundle that looked like evidence to me. I've seen plenty of evidence packages and this is what it looked like. It looked the size you'd wrap a christmas package of a big fluffy bathrobe. That size. Not sharp edged like a box but kind of soft. Hmmmm...

Jury does seem attentive. I almost ended up on the elevator with them. But did end up on one with Det. Flores and his wife and some others and we all had to get off because the doors weren't closing (imagine ME getting stuck on an elevator with

Saw Beth briefly. She's always so friendly. Saw my friend Mike Kiefer. he's also quite chatty so passing me little tidbits.

I did post that I saw Martinez approach Travis sister (the younger one who first ran out of court yesterday) and had a very close conversation,she speaking directly in to his ear. Both were smiling as they parted.

I'll review my notes and see if I forgot anything.

I will be going ALL day Monday and afternoons Wed and Thurs next week. Ahhhh the pleasures of being self employed...don't hafta ask the boss.

Feel free to ask any questions or put me on assignment for anything you'd like me to check out or ask next week. I'd be happy to help in any way I can. :seeya:

PS. Edited to add--I gave Nicole the card to give the family and she said she was going to do it at lunch. She also asked if I'd put my contact info on there and that she was going to read and show them my Victims Impact Statement (as it is online).
What expert witness doesn't know that you don't flash pictures for everyone to see unless and until they are admitted into evidence???
He sure did know to face the jurors when he testified.
It was pretty obvious miss 'giggle, i forgot the exhibit number' planned this.


Super Juan shows an unexpected photo
Willmott giggles and says she forgot the exhibit number and has witness flash the photo

In that other trial, I noticed JB did the same thing copying Jeff A and Linda DB

The judge could have put a quick stop to this. The judge is a failure in this regard. It wasnt even evidence yet, and the judge allowed flashes of these pictures to get to the jury.

Judge is failing her duties.
I hate trial breaks. Does this mean I have to clean my house?

do what I do - schedule all appointments on Friday :) I have a doc appt. tomorrow and still need to go to fed-x. And there's still laundry sitting in my dryer.

I am grossly offended my Ms. Wilmott's giggly-girl attitude. She simpers and laughs and stumbles around her questions so sloppily. JM has laser beam focus---he never says "ummm", or "ahhhh". He is focused, direct, & cohesive. That defense team is offensive. Ja does not deserve better though--i would hate to see Travis thrown under the bus by a REALLY skillful defense team.

I wouldn't let Ms. Wilmot handle a parking ticket of mine.

OMG, they almost make Baez look like a genius. They are totally lame, appear to be only minimally engaged in this trial, and are now resorting to a kamikaze defense strategy. If I was JA I would be VERY worried right about now. This jury is engaged. They will not come back with a Pinellas County verdict. I have faith in them :prayer:
Frankly I think he did it on purpose although the female attorney kept walking back and forth with them making sure everyone could see them before she handed them to him. There have been many exhibits and not one witness has had to pick up the photos that high in order to get the number.

Hes a just like she was acting, imo.:furious:

These photos were not entered into the trial when the day ended.

GOOD!!! I swear after all is said and done I'm going to need anger management!! I just hate that the dirty little psycho on trial is being represented by more filth! People are EVIL!!! (Lisa's testimony yesterday was a bit of saving grace for me bc it restored my faith that there are still a FEW good souls left out there!!)
I think trials have become a reflection of our society and they reinforce a dangerous mentality. It's becoming easier and easier to blame other people, issues, and entities both in and out of court - no personal accountability, no thought of consequence, and a greedy reliance on a legal system that has no obligation to act with standards or integrity.

Start 'em young pointing the finger elsewhere, create the mindset that we are never at fault for our own actions and by the time we commit a crime there's a lawyer waiting for us with a prepared story about how the victim was begging to be victimized.

It really makes me sick and sad.

I think it should be illegal to present false info like George Anthony faced, when he is not on trial. Total BS...
There is NO proof it was HIS hard drive... there is NO proof it was TA's private parts! I just don't see how those pictures could be entered into evidence.

Thats the point. It isnt even evidence that is allowed yet since it is under objection. The damage has been done. Jury has seen them and more importantly got an assumption from the defense that these came from his computer and were "bad pics". Judge should have stopped this in its tracks IMO.
Aw now my DVR had to go and shift to Palladia playing Daryl's House with Daryl Hall and Smokey Robinson playing such a soulful rendition of Sara Smile and I'm bawling. God, I needed that release after these court days. :( It's all so sad people. So much sadness this is.
Fabulous report Katie. Thank you so much~for everything that you do.
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