Trial break: The State vs Jodi Arias; trial resumes 4 February 2013

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YOu know on TV I always thought she just looked extremely pissed. In person she looks like every single second she's witholding dissolving in tears. She looks terribly sad. Her husband is amazing though. He is constantly checking in with her, touching her, caressing her but in a very appropriate supportive way.

I can see and feel Tanisha's sadness. She does look very very thin. I remember after my son died, I couldn't eat for almost 3 months; I survived on sugar water and crackers only when absolutely necessary. I became so thin that my pubic bone was prominent and my clothes literally fell off of me. I feel as though this is what is happening to Tanisha because she is having to relive this horrible horrible tragedy. I hope she can hang on and take care of herself. Katie, if you get a chance to talk to her, please tell her the members of this group want her to take care of herself and to do it for Travis. I'm sure she knows he would never want this life for her. Bless you.
Do we know if any forensics were done on Jodi's computer. She had one stashed in the laundry basket in her bedroom at the grandparents home.
No clue. They didn't even discuss that. It was a hard drive from a lap top, but not from Travis' lap top, so who knows?

Hopefully I can shed some light on this.......

From your earlier post

witness: I received a 2.5 inch internal hard drive, that's the size of a hard drive you would find in a laptop, and a bag of parts from an external enclosure that would be appropriate for use with that hard drive. So it appeared that that hard drive may have been in that enclosure at some point, but its enclosure was provided to me as a bag of parts.

The bag of parts..... I have one of these things, kinda surprised Travis would, they are normally for computer geeks.

Here is the bag of parts
End cap, screw, enclosure and cable....basically you insert drive inside lining up the pins and then add end cap on and screw together enclosure

Not to be confused with an external drive which is hard to take apart BTW These enclosures are simple and designed to facilitate checking various drives for different testing by swapping them in and out.

Maybe I will take pics and show them, I have three different external and one of the testing enclosures

basic web pic of enclosure type referred to in court today
Katie my dear, you do indeed have a way with words!! I began crying as I read the first part of this post, but you turned that around by letting us know that our guy is taking good care of the fam and that made me smile!!

(I am out of the loop as to what your situation was with your family, but just knowing something happened to you and you are willing to fight and do good for others really touches my heart!)

I had posted earlier today that I was glad that jerkwad cut in line the other day bc everything seems to be falling into place! Thank you for keeping us in the loop and for passing along our support to his family. I'm really happy I joined this site last week - you are slowly restoring my faith in the human race!!

Thank you Sleuth.

In a small nutshell, my sister Cindy was murdered in 1988 by a German man and his brother in a "let's marry American women and take out big insurance policies on them then kill them and get rich" scheme. She was their first (and last) victim. They were both sentenced to Death in 1990.

She was killed on Dec. 23 and her body was found in the desert on Christmas Eve by a young boy out 4 wheeling with his Dad who came to court and testified "I thought it was a deer". :(

It was a very sophisticated premeditated plan and cover up--they nearly got away with it but their 3rd accomplice turned on them. Yet just a couple years ago after a 7 year appeal which cost tax payers over 10 million dollars one of them was released from Death Row to L with parole on a MENTAL RETARDATION claim. he will be up for parole in 5 years now but luckily has a second sentence to fulfill for the conspiracy charge..another 25 years. They will both die in prison. But he almost could have gotten out (another story).

Cindy was killed much like Travis. Over 30 stab wounds and nearly decapitated. No gun shot though. Like Travis' family I avoided crime scene/autopsy photos 100% (I wouldn't even be in the courtroom ) but horrifically ran in to one online a few years ago and thought I was going to lose my mind...seriously. So I know alot of what they are dealing with. Cindy was my only sister. Just 14 months older than me. She was my lifeline.

That's it, in a nutshell. Thanks for the love, you and everyone. :)
I'll give this a go, too. Sorry to have misspelled your name earlier, Karmady.

What we seem to be running into here is a matter of semantics regarding the "other" hard drive. I'll get to that.

First, the expert says he inspected the search history of TA's laptop. He could only have done that with an intact, functioning (not broken) hard drive.

The "other" hard drive was damaged in some way. They were still able to get some data off of it, which we are led to believe included the images we saw at the end of the day.

When he got the hard drive, it came with some "other parts", consistent with the enclosure that would have held this hard drive. What that means is that the hard drive he examined would have been of the same size that goes in a laptop, but in this case was used in an enclosure external to the laptop.

When a hard drive is damaged and can't spin, it is difficult to get data off of it and a snapshot or "image", sometimes called a mirror image is taken so they can get "some" data from it.

So, my take is that it was never "inside" of TA's laptop, but may well have been a backup. It also could have been brought there by someone else. We don't know its relationship, if any, to TA.

Thank you. That's exactly my understanding of it. May have been external back-up, but no way to say, definitively, that it was not associated (or was) with Travis's laptop activity. And that's where I think the defense is going with it. An external flash drive of activity on Travis's laptop showing pics of penises.
I can see and feel Tanisha's sadness. She does look very very thin. I remember after my son died, I couldn't eat for almost 3 months; I survived on sugar water and crackers only when absolutely necessary. I became so thin that my pubic bone was prominent and my clothes literally fell off of me. I feel as though this is what is happening to Tanisha because she is having to relive this horrible horrible tragedy. I hope she can hang on and take care of herself. Katie, if you get a chance to talk to her, please tell her the members of this group want her to take care of herself and to do it for Travis. I'm sure she knows he would never want this life for her. Bless you.

I know others have expressed this concern of her being too thin but honestly in person she looks much healthier. On TV we are only seeing her from the face up basically but she's got a nice figure and isn't skinny looking in person. She's just absolutely grief stricken in court. I have also seen her smiling too and her face totally changes...she's a very pretty gal.

I'm also very very sorry to read about your son. :(
Thank you Sleuth.

In a small nutshell, my sister Cindy was murdered in 1988 by a German man and his brother in a "let's marry American women and take out big insurance policies on them then kill them and get rich" scheme. She was their first (and last) victim. They were both sentenced to Death in 1990.

She was killed on Dec. 23 and her body was found in the desert on Christmas Eve by a young boy out 4 wheeling with his Dad who came to court and testified "I thought it was a deer". :(

It was a very sophisticated premeditated plan and cover up--they nearly got away with it but their 3rd accomplice turned on them. Yet just a couple years ago after a 7 year appeal which cost tax payers over 10 million dollars one of them was released from Death Row to L with parole. he will be up for parole in 5 years now but luckily has a second sentence to fulfill for the conspiracy charge..another 25 years. They will both die in prison. But he almost could have gotten out (another story).

Cindy was killed much like Travis. Over 30 stab wounds and nearly decapitated. No gun shot though. Like Travis' family I avoided crime scene/autopsy photos 100% (I wouldn't even be in the courtroom ) but horrifically ran in to one online a few years ago and thought I was going to lose my mind...seriously. So I know alot of what they are dealing with.

That's it, in a nutshell. Thanks for the love, you and everyone. :)

OMG! So very sorry.
Who's hard drive is it? Is there another theory about where it came from? The only thing I've heard was that it was a mirror image of a hard drive from (internal) or used with (external) Travis's laptop. Otherwise, why would Deanna's name be associated with the files the pics were retrieved from? I don't doubt that those are the "private parts" of other men. I think that's where the defense is going with this. jmo

Deanna's name was on the *laptop* NOT the external where the pictures were found. Deanna was TA's friend who I believe has Nepoleon (TA's dog) If Travis was not 'computer literate' when he got his laptop Deanna might have set it up for him OR he could have purchased it from her. Regardless.. the pictures in question today did not come from the laptop with Deanna's user name.

The pictures came from an external/internal? hardrive that had been previously damaged. We KNOW that Jodi has told bits and pieces of truth. We now know that the video she described Travis watching at 4 in the morning when she arrived was truth. She said she brought pictures for him to look at but when he tried looking at them on the laptop he became frustrated and threw (cd?) and broke (whatever the pictures were on) Im wondering if it was the external hard drive? They come in different sizes. THe one below is a smaller one. I have two like these but I also have a larger. I had one fail so I took it apart and it looked just like the hard drive inside a pc.

And Katie, I'm sorry to be stepping on your posts and the nice replies to them. Thank you for what you've been doing!
Ok gonna post my impressions from today. This was a very somber day in so many ways for me and for all of us.

I got to court early and got right in. The Deputy recognizes me now and I just said I was there at the invitation of the Victim Advocate and showed her card and got right in. I first sat on the aisle behind Travis family then thought better of that position and moved to the end of that row. The Victim Advocate Nicole came and sat with me.

I also had a long talk before court started with the brother of a murder victim named Jake Orbin. His brother was Jay Orbin and married this platinum blond showgirl named Marjorie who ultimately murdered him and chopped up his body and...more horror. I have seen shows on this horrible crime on 48 Hrs. etc. He is there watching the trial and in support of the family just like me. We had a natural comraderie. He's a very nice fellow and we will likely become friends. He has some of the same drive I do to make some kind of difference out of a tragedy. He's raising his brother's son.

I talked also for a long time with Nicole the Victim Advocate. We know many people in common (not the least of which my former Victims Rights Atty who now works in her office!). She asked me if I had an interest in becoming a Victim Advocate and we talked about that. I've had an interest in helping victims write their Impact Statements as I do think I have a gift for writing and doing so in a way that can be more than venting but truly make an IMPACT. She said Travis' family are working on their statements right now and so I offered my assistance/support should they be interested. It would be my blessing to assist them or any victim in this way.

You all saw what I saw in court so that's nothing new. What I can say is what was palpable to me is the change in energy in the courtoom when Martinez is questioning vs. Nurmi. I said before it's like someone changes the channel from ESPN to PBS. And one of those really sedate PBS shows (not my beloved Downton Abbey). It's like you're almost sitting there waiting with anticipation for Martinez to get up and speak because the second Nurmi takes the podium it's like "come ON, spit it OUT". He entire demeanor is boring. I almost feel sorry for him. (but I don't).

Someone who will not be named told me Victoria Washington withdrew from this case for reasons that are sealed but said "I really like Victoria but I'll say she has higher ethical standards than Kirk Nurmi". Big surprise.

Nicole and I also discussed the whole chameleon like nature of a sociopath. She clearly thinks Jodi is one (as do I). How she looks so completely different now than in her previous photos. I hate to say it but in her blonde photos we've all seen I do think she looks stunningly gorgeous. And now, she's so mousy you wouldn't pick her out of a crowd. she looks frail and mousy sitting over there.

Every person "in the know" I've asked their opinions (granted not a huge sample) thinks Jodi will testify. One said they think next week. Early next week. I think their case is going so badly and they know they are losing, they will throw this Hail Mary.

I did see Nurmi walk in today with a big brown paper bundle that looked like evidence to me. I've seen plenty of evidence packages and this is what it looked like. It looked the size you'd wrap a christmas package of a big fluffy bathrobe. That size. Not sharp edged like a box but kind of soft. Hmmmm...

Jury does seem attentive. I almost ended up on the elevator with them. But did end up on one with Det. Flores and his wife and some others and we all had to get off because the doors weren't closing (imagine ME getting stuck on an elevator with

Saw Beth briefly. She's always so friendly. Saw my friend Mike Kiefer. he's also quite chatty so passing me little tidbits.

I did post that I saw Martinez approach Travis sister (the younger one who first ran out of court yesterday) and had a very close conversation,she speaking directly in to his ear. Both were smiling as they parted.

I'll review my notes and see if I forgot anything.

I will be going ALL day Monday and afternoons Wed and Thurs next week. Ahhhh the pleasures of being self employed...don't hafta ask the boss.

Feel free to ask any questions or put me on assignment for anything you'd like me to check out or ask next week. I'd be happy to help in any way I can. :seeya:

PS. Edited to add--I gave Nicole the card to give the family and she said she was going to do it at lunch. She also asked if I'd put my contact info on there and that she was going to read and show them my Victims Impact Statement (as it is online).

Thanks so much - question - there was another D attorney before V Washington, right? She also asked to be relieved. Do we know why? Well, beyond the obvious, I mean.
Do cases as this taint the DT, or can they survive as long as they don't play dirty? Wilmont's examination skills are sorely lacking, which surprises me with her experience. She seems to have trouble forming her questions in the proper manner, and that part, I don't believe to be deliberate.
The scuttlebutt early on was that this recess was because of the taped phone conversation. I thought this would have been resolved eons ago, since it was more or less "promised" in W's opening statement????
I got the impression Juan lost the battle over the computer nonsense during the break, but right away, we have an objection and side bar.
I don't understand why these things can't be decided once and for all. For instance - NO e-mails. Yes to all comp evidence, ect. Does every single thing need to be decided upon at the time of testimony??
Were you there for the jury questions of the first witness (continuation from yesterday)?? I didn't see you doing any cheerleading stunts? lol
Last question. In this group of "insiders", are sides chosen? Or are most of them all acquainted with one another, and look at it as simply a job their colleague is tasked with?
Your information and knowledge is invaluable. Thanks for sharing with us.

Reading back, I think nurse is going to send me to the attorney thread, but I'd like your opinion as well. TIA
I really am crying Katie, as you here, are telling, the real story. I forget her husband's name for the moment, but bless him, his support is invaluable.

I think the one thing we can also share with this family are our tears.

I never knew his name. Anybody know it? He's a very good man.

On a side note , Mormon women are BEAUTIFUL. I've noticed this before in my area but dang I don't know if it's that wholesome living or what. LDS women have a high ratio of natural beauty I've noticed.
And Katie, I'm sorry to be stepping on your posts and the nice replies to them. Thank you for what you've been doing!

Step away Tx. This forum is always an ever unfolding kaleidoscope. No worries. :)
I'll give this a go, too. Sorry to have misspelled your name earlier, Karmady.

What we seem to be running into here is a matter of semantics regarding the "other" hard drive. I'll get to that.

First, the expert says he inspected the search history of TA's laptop. He could only have done that with an intact, functioning (not broken) hard drive.

The "other" hard drive was damaged in some way. They were still able to get some data off of it, which we are led to believe included the images we saw at the end of the day.

When he got the hard drive, it came with some "other parts", consistent with the enclosure that would have held this hard drive. What that means is that the hard drive he examined would have been of the same size that goes in a laptop, but in this case was used in an enclosure external to the laptop.

When a hard drive is damaged and can't spin, it is difficult to get data off of it and a snapshot or "image", sometimes called a mirror image is taken so they can get "some" data from it.

So, my take is that it was never "inside" of TA's laptop, but may well have been a backup. It also could have been brought there by someone else. We don't know its relationship, if any, to TA.

Excellent job and that is my take on it too. The guy also said something like that he is not used to receiving data like that which is a huge red flag to me.

The bottom line to me is that since it was a separate drive that was not proven to be physically in his laptop, there is no evidence it ever was in his laptop. It could have been a drive of Jodis even that she threw away at the house there and tried to destroy it before she left.

It is real hokey. The drive itself is not proven to be part of his laptop and the pics themselves can never be proven to be anyone imparticular. Could be from the net of random person.

Its a whole lot of nothing, nada, zero, zilch, garbage. Which is more of the same we saw all week long.
I saw her in person and I don't think she looks healthy at all. In fact, if I saw her in an unrelated setting I'd wonder what her issues were. She is obviously very, very angry. And while that is understandable under the circumstances, I think the victims' rights advocate should help her deal with her anger if they are not. Travis isn't coming back and her anger about that is not positive for her as a person in her own right, imo.

I would never in a million years pass judgment on what is or what isn't a healthy grieving process for a person. Especially when they are coping with the most heinous process most people, thankfully, can't imagine (but I can). She can be as angry as she wants. I don't think there is room for shoulds or judgments about this family and frankly that sentiment offends me.
Aw now my DVR had to go and shift to Palladia playing Daryl's House with Daryl Hall and Smokey Robinson playing such a soulful rendition of Sara Smile and I'm bawling. God, I needed that release after these court days. :( It's all so sad people. So much sadness this is.

when you go back to court can you just tell TA's family - i'm sorry, sorry for their loss, sorry they have to go thru this nightmare of a trial, and that no one thinks anything less of the wonderful brother, no matter what trash jodi's atty's try to throw out to the public - we know he was just a great guy who loved his family, friends and napoleon :heartbeat:
I'll give this a go, too. Sorry to have misspelled your name earlier, Karmady.

What we seem to be running into here is a matter of semantics regarding the "other" hard drive. I'll get to that.

First, the expert says he inspected the search history of TA's laptop. He could only have done that with an intact, functioning (not broken) hard drive.

The "other" hard drive was damaged in some way. They were still able to get some data off of it, which we are led to believe included the images we saw at the end of the day.

When he got the hard drive, it came with some "other parts", consistent with the enclosure that would have held this hard drive. What that means is that the hard drive he examined would have been of the same size that goes in a laptop, but in this case was used in an enclosure external to the laptop.

When a hard drive is damaged and can't spin, it is difficult to get data off of it and a snapshot or "image", sometimes called a mirror image is taken so they can get "some" data from it.

So, my take is that it was never "inside" of TA's laptop, but may well have been a backup. It also could have been brought there by someone else. We don't know its relationship, if any, to TA.

My apologies... I didnt know (but should have known) this had been answered... Great description Tx!
Hey everyone! New here, but avid follower of this case.

I have not seen this mentioned here so I'll raise the point. Anyone take note of the fact that a freeweb proxy server was invoked just prior to Travis's gmail account being accessed. A proxy server hides the identity of a user to help make it more difficult to backtrack and see what sites they're hitting.

Now...why would Travis need to hide his own identity while checking his own email? The mystery user seems obvious to me.

And the proxy server and gmail were logged at 4am a few hours before they had sex. Isn't that the same time Jodi told police she arrived at Travis's house? She got in around 4am, they slept in and then had sex, and then she went Lizzie Borden on him.

Who's to say TA was even awake when she got there. She obviously had a key as Lisa Andrews testified Jodi would let herself in unannounced. Who's to say she didn't go Columbo on his computer while he was sleeping.

As someone mentioned earlier, I really hope State did forensics on her computer & her grandparents to see if she used that same web proxy often and if any records exist on her computer for the alias DeAnna Reed.
My observations of Tanisha TODAY.

She had her hair styled in a perfect, absolutely perfect fancy french braid. Her makeup, as usual was perfect. She was styled in a teal dress and accessorized to the T. For a person surviving in the situation she is, she wakes up every morning, has the wherewithall to fix her hair, do her makeup and wear a stylish outfit. All of the family, to me,looks as if they are dressed for church.

I imagine she thinks "I can do this for Travis" as she has to groom herself for court every day. When I imagine most days she would like to stay in bed and pull the covers up over her head.

I will add with the risk of sounding judgmental but to make a point. Tanisha has a pear shaped figure. She is thin on top and actually, she has some HIPS. She is by no means skinny if you see her entire body standing. She has a nice figure but she is a person who might in other situations judge her own "thighs". I'm telling you, she is not drastically thin. And really, who would give a crap if she was? She's going through a damn murder trial. Maybe she has a hard time eating. For God's sake. She's very supported...can we just leave it at that?
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